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Plant Cell Environ ; 2024 Aug 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39101679


Future changes in climate, together with rising atmospheric CO 2 ${\text{CO}}_{2}$ , may reorganise the functional composition of ecosystems. Without long-term historical data, predicting how traits will respond to environmental conditions-in particular, water availability-remains a challenge. While eco-evolutionary optimality theory (EEO) can provide insight into how plants adapt to their environment, EEO approaches to date have been formulated on the assumption that plants maximise carbon gain, which omits the important role of tissue construction and size in determining growth rates and fitness. Here, we show how an expanded optimisation framework, focussed on individual growth rate, enables us to explain shifts in four key traits: leaf mass per area, sapwood area to leaf area ratio (Huber value), wood density and sapwood-specific conductivity in response to soil moisture, atmospheric aridity, CO 2 ${\text{CO}}_{2}$ and light availability. In particular, we predict that as conditions become increasingly dry, height-growth optimising traits shift from resource-acquisitive strategies to resource-conservative strategies, consistent with empirical responses across current environmental gradients of rainfall. These findings can explain both the shift in traits and turnover of species along existing environmental gradients and changing future conditions and highlight the importance of both carbon assimilation and tissue construction in shaping the functional composition of vegetation across climates.

Biotropica ; 56(1): 98-108, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38855501


Tree life history strategies are correlated with functional plant traits, such as wood density, moisture content, bark thickness, and nitrogen content; these traits affect the nutrients available to xylophagous insects. Cerambycid beetles feed on substrates that vary in these traits, but little is known about how they affect community composition. The goal of this project is to explore the community composition of two cerambycid subfamilies (Cerambycinae and Lamiinae) according to the wood traits in the wood they eat. In a salvage project conducted adjacent to the Panama Canal, trees were felled and exposed to Cerambycidae for oviposition. Disks from branches of differing thickness from the same plant individuals were used to calculate wood density, moisture content, and bark thickness in the field; nitrogen data were acquired offsite. Thick and thin branches tended to differ in wood trait values; therefore, data were analyzed separately in subsequent analyses. In thin branches, cerambycid abundance and species richness were higher in samples with less dense, moister wood, and thicker bark. Thick branches showed similar trends, but the wood traits accounted for little variability in beetle abundance or species richness. There were no significant regressions between beetle data and nitrogen. Cerambycines emerged more slowly, and from denser, drier wood, than lamiines. Cerambycines might be more drought-tolerant than lamiines, and therefore more resistant to the longer, more severe dry seasons that are predicted to occur due to climate change.

La historia de vida de los árboles se correlaciona con los rasgos funcionales de la planta, como la densidad de la madera, el contenido de humedad, el grosor de la corteza, y el contenido de nitrógeno; estos rasgos afectan los nutrientes disponibles para los insectos xilófagos. Los escarabajos cerambícidos se alimentan de sustratos que varían en estos rasgos, pero se sabe poco sobre cómo afectan la composición de la comunidad. El objetivo de este proyecto es explorarla composición comunitaria de dos subfamilias de cerambícidos (Cerambycinae y Lamiinae) según las características de la madera que consumen. En un proyecto de salvamento realizado junto al Canal de Panamá, se talaron árboles y se expusieron a Cerambycidae para la oviposición. Se usaron discos de ramas de diferente grosor de las mismas plantas para calcular la densidad de la madera, el contenido de humedad y el grosor de la corteza en el campo; los datos de nitrógeno fueron adquiridos fuera del sitio. Las ramas gruesas y delgadas tendieron a diferir en los valores de las características de la madera; por lo tanto, los datos se analizaron por separado en análisis posteriores. En ramas delgadas, la abundancia de cerambícidos y la riqueza de especies fueron mayores en muestras con madera menos densa, más húmeda y con corteza más gruesa. Las ramas gruesas mostraron tendencias similares, pero las características de la madera explicaron poca variabilidad en la abundancia de escarabajos o la riqueza de especies. No hubo regresión significativas entre los datos del escarabajo y el nitrógeno. Cerambycines surgieron más lentamente y de maderas más densas y secas que los lamiines. Cerambycines podrían ser más tolerantes a la sequía que lamiines y, por lo tanto, más resistentes a las estaciones secas más largas y severas que se prevé que ocurran debido al cambio climático.

Crit Rev Biotechnol ; 43(6): 884-903, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35968912


Dangers confronting forest ecosystems are many and the strength of these biological systems is deteriorating, thus substantially affecting tree physiology, phenology, and growth. The establishment of genetically engineered trees into degraded woodlands, which would be adaptive to changing climate, could help in subsiding ecological threats and bring new prospects. This should not be resisted due to the apprehension of transgene dispersal in forests. Consequently, it is important to have a deep insight into the genetic structure and phenotypic limits of the reproductive capability of tree stands/population(s) to endure tolerance and survival. Importantly, for a better understanding of genes and their functional mechanisms, gene editing (GeEd) technology is an excellent molecular tool to unravel adaptation progressions. Therefore, GeEd could be harnessed for resolving the allelic interactions for the creation of gene diversity, and transgene dispersal may be alleviated among the population or species in different bioclimatic zones around the globe. This review highlights the potential of the CRISPR/Cas tools in genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic-based assorted and programmable alterations of genes in trees that might be able to fix the trait-specific gene function. Also, we have discussed the application of diverse forms of GeEd to genetically improve several traits, such as wood density, phytochemical constituents, biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, and photosynthetic efficiency in trees. We believe that the technology encourages fundamental research in the forestry sector besides addressing key aspects, which might fasten tree breeding and germplasm improvement programs worldwide.

Ecosistema , Edición Génica , Madera , Sistemas CRISPR-Cas/genética , Bosques , Árboles/genética , Genoma de Planta/genética
Glob Chang Biol ; 28(12): 3871-3882, 2022 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35124877


Tree species display a wide variety of water-use strategies, growth rates and capacity to tolerate drought. However, if we want to forecast species capacity to cope with increasing aridity and drought, we need to identify which measurable traits confer resilience to drought across species. Here, we use a global tree ring network (65 species; 1931 site series of ring-width indices-RWI) to evaluate the relationship of long-term growth-drought sensitivity (RWI-SPEI drought index relationship) and short-term growth response to extreme drought episodes (resistance, recovery and resilience indices) with functional traits related to leaf, wood and hydraulic properties. Furthermore, we assess the influence of climate (temperature, precipitation and climatic water deficit) on these trait-growth relationships. We found a close correspondence between the long-term relationship between RWI and SPEI and resistance and recovery of tree growth to severe drought episodes. Species displaying a stronger RWI-SPEI relationship to drought and low resistance and high recovery to extreme drought episodes tended to have a higher wood density (WD) and more negative leaf minimum water potential (Ψmin). Such associations were largely maintained when accounting for direct climate effects. Our results indicate that, at a cross-species level and global scale, wood and hydraulic functional traits explain species' growth responses to drought at short- and long-term scales. These trait-growth response relationships can improve our understanding of the cross-species capacity to withstand climate change and inform models to better predict drought effects on forest ecosystem dynamics.

Sequías , Madera , Ecosistema , Árboles/fisiología , Agua/fisiología , Madera/fisiología
Ann Bot ; 130(3): 445-456, 2022 09 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35863898


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Xylem is a crucial tissue for plant survival, performing the functions of water transport, mechanical support and storage. Functional trade-offs are a result of the different assemblages of xylem cell types within a certain wood volume. We assessed how the volume allocated to different xylem cell types can be associated with wood functional trade-offs (hydraulics, mechanical and storage) in species from the Cerrado, the Brazilian savanna. We also assessed the xylem anatomical characters linked to wood density across species. METHODS: We analysed cross-sections of branches collected from 75 woody species belonging to 42 angiosperm families from the Cerrado. We estimated the wood volume fraction allocated to different cell types and performed measurements of vessel diameter and wood density. KEY RESULTS: The largest volume of wood is allocated to fibres (0.47), followed by parenchyma (0.33) and vessels (0.20). Wood density is positively correlated to cell wall (fibre and vessel wall), and negatively to the fractions of fibre lumen and gelatinous fibres. We observed a trade-off between hydraulics (vessel diameter) and mechanics (cell wall fraction), and between mechanics and storage (parenchyma fraction). The expected positive functional relationships between hydraulics (vessel diameter) and water and carbohydrate storage (parenchyma and fibre lumen fractions) were not detected, though larger vessels are linked to a larger wood volume allocated to gelatinous fibres. CONCLUSIONS: Woody species from the Cerrado show evidence of functional trade-offs between water transport, mechanical support and storage. Gelatinous fibres might be potentially linked to water storage and release by their positive relationship to increased vessel diameter, thus replacing the functional role of parenchyma and fibre lumen cells. Species can profit from the increased mechanical strength under tension provided by the presence of gelatinous fibres, avoiding expensive investments in high wood density.

Pradera , Xilema , Brasil , Carbohidratos , Agua/metabolismo , Madera/fisiología , Xilema/fisiología
Ecol Appl ; 32(6): e2636, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35404495


Functional traits are proxies for a species' ecology and physiology and are often correlated with plant vital rates. As such they have the potential to guide species selection for restoration projects. However, predictive trait-based models often only explain a small proportion of plant performance, suggesting that commonly measured traits do not capture all important ecological differences between species. Some residual variation in vital rates may be evolutionarily conserved and captured using taxonomic groupings alongside common functional traits. We tested this hypothesis using growth rate data for 17,299 trees and shrubs from 80 species of Eucalyptus and 43 species of Acacia, two hyper-diverse and co-occurring genera, collected from 497 neighborhood plots in 137 Australian mixed-species revegetation plantings. We modeled relative growth rates of individual plants as a function of environmental conditions, species-mean functional traits, and neighbor density and diversity, across a moisture availability gradient. We then assessed whether the strength and direction of these relationships differed between the two genera. We found that the inclusion of genus-specific relationships offered a significant but modest improvement to model fit (1.6%-1.7% greater R2 than simpler models). More importantly, almost all correlates of growth rate differed between Eucalyptus and Acacia in strength, direction, or how they changed along the moisture gradient. These differences mapped onto physiological differences between the genera that were not captured solely by measured functional traits. Our findings suggest taxonomic groupings can capture or mediate variation in plant performance missed by common functional traits. The inclusion of taxonomy can provide a more nuanced understanding of how functional traits interact with abiotic and biotic conditions to drive plant performance, which may be important for constructing trait-based frameworks to improve restoration outcomes.

Acacia , Eucalyptus , Australia , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología , Plantas , Árboles/fisiología
Am J Bot ; 109(4): 535-549, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35266560


PREMISE: Nonstructural carbohydrates (NSCs) play a key role in tree performance and functioning and are stored in radial and axial parenchyma (RAP) cells. Whether this relationship is altered among species and climates or is linked to functional traits describing xylem structure (wood density) and tree stature is not known. METHODS: In a systematic review, we collated data for NSC content and the proportion of RAP in stems for 68 tree species. To examine the relationships of NSCs and RAP with climatic factors and other functional traits, we also collected climatic data at each tree's location, as well as wood density and maximum height. A phylogenetic tree was constructed to examine the influence of species' evolutionary relationships on the associations among NSCs, RAP, and functional traits. RESULTS: Across all 68 tree species, NSCs were positively correlated with RAP and mean annual temperature, but relationships were only weakly significant in temperate species and angiosperms. When separating RAP into radial parenchyma (RP) and axial parenchyma (AP), both NSCs and wood density were positively correlated with RP but not with AP. Wood in taller trees was less dense and had lower RAP than in shorter trees, but height was not related to NSCs. CONCLUSIONS: In trees, NSCs are stored mostly in the RP fraction, which has a larger surface area in warmer climates. Additionally, NSCs were only weakly linked to wood density and tree height. Our analysis of evolutionary relationships demonstrated that RAP fractions and NSC content were always closely related across all 68 tree species, suggesting that RAP can act as a reliable proxy for potential NSC storage capacity in tree stems.

Magnoliopsida , Xilema , Carbohidratos , Filogenia , Madera
Oecologia ; 200(1-2): 183-197, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36152059


Soil hydrology, nutrient availability, and forest disturbance determine the variation of tropical tree species composition locally. However, most habitat filtering is explained by tree species' hydraulic traits along the hydrological gradient. We asked whether these patterns apply to lianas. At the community level, we investigated whether hydrological gradient, soil fertility, and forest disturbance explain liana species composition and whether liana species-environment relationships are mediated by leaf and stem wood functional traits. We sampled liana species composition in 18 1-ha plots across a 64 km2 landscape in Central Amazonia and measured eleven leaf and stem wood traits across 115 liana species in 2000 individuals. We correlated liana species composition, summarized using PCoA with the functional composition summarized using principal coordinate analysis (PCA), employing species mean values of traits at the plot level. We tested the relationship between ordination axes and environmental gradients. Liana species composition was highly correlated with functional composition. Taxonomic (PCoA) and functional (PCA) compositions were strongly associated with the hydrological gradient, with a slight influence from forest disturbance on functional composition. Species in valley areas had larger stomata size and higher proportions of self-supporting xylem than in plateaus. Liana species on plateaus invest more in fast-growing leaves (higher SLA), although they show a higher wood density. Our study reveals that lianas use different functional solutions in dealing with each end of the hydrological gradient and that the relationships among habitat preferences and traits explain lianas species distributions less directly than previously found in trees.

Hidrología , Árboles , Bosques , Humanos , Suelo , Clima Tropical , Xilema
Plant Cell Environ ; 44(1): 156-170, 2021 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33034374


Non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) are crucial for forest resilience, but little is known regarding the role of bark in NSC storage. However, bark's abundance in woody stems and its large living fraction make it potentially key for NSC storage. We quantified total NSC, soluble sugar (SS) and starch concentrations in the most living region of bark (inner bark, IB), and sapwood of twigs, trunks and roots of 45 woody species from three contrasting tropical climates spanning global extremes of bark diversity and wide phylogenetic diversity. NSC concentrations were similar (total NSC, starch) or higher (SS) in IB than wood, with concentrations co-varying strongly. NSC concentrations varied widely across organs and species within communities and were not significantly affected by climate, leaf habit or the presence of photosynthetic bark. Starch concentration tended to increase with density, but only in wood. IB contributed substantially to NSC storage, accounting for 17-36% of total NSC, 23-47% of SS and 15-33% of starch pools. Further examination of the drivers of variation in IB NSC concentration, and taking into account the substantial contribution of IB to NSC pools, will be crucial to understand the role of storage in plant environmental adaptation.

Metabolismo de los Hidratos de Carbono , Corteza de la Planta/metabolismo , Árboles/metabolismo , Bursera/metabolismo , Carbohidratos/análisis , Diospyros/metabolismo , Lamiaceae/metabolismo , Corteza de la Planta/anatomía & histología , Corteza de la Planta/química , Clima Tropical , Agua/metabolismo , Madera/metabolismo
J Exp Bot ; 72(7): 2419-2433, 2021 03 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33337485


Stem growth reflects genetic and phenotypic differences within a tree species. The plant hydraulic system regulates the carbon economy, and therefore variations in growth and wood density. A whole-organism perspective, by partitioning the hydraulic system, is crucial for understanding the physical and physiological processes that coordinately mediate plant growth. The aim of this study was to determine whether the relationships and trade-offs between (i) hydraulic traits and their relative contribution to the whole-plant hydraulic system, (ii) plant water transport, (iii) CO2 assimilation, (iv) plant growth, and (v) wood density are revealed at the interclonal level within a variable population of 10 Pinus radiata (D. Don) clones for these characters. We demonstrated a strong coordination between several plant organs regarding their hydraulic efficiency. Hydraulic efficiency, gas exchange, and plant growth were intimately linked. Small reductions in stem wood density were related to a large increase in sapwood hydraulic efficiency, and thus to plant growth. However, stem growth rate was negatively related to wood density. We discuss insights explaining the relationships and trade-offs of the plant traits examined in this study. These insights provide a better understanding of the existing coordination, likely to be dependent on genetics, between the biophysical structure of wood, plant growth, hydraulic partitioning, and physiological plant functions in P. radiata.

Pinus , Madera , Pinus/genética , Hojas de la Planta , Árboles , Agua
Ecol Appl ; 31(6): e02394, 2021 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34164882


Seedling planting plays a key role in active forest restoration and regeneration of managed stands. Plant attributes at outplanting can determine tree seedling survival and consequently early success of forest plantations. Although many studies show that large seedlings of the same age within a species have higher survival than small ones, others report the opposite. This may be due to differences in environmental conditions at the planting site and in the inherent functional characteristics of species. Here, we conducted a global-scale meta-analysis to evaluate the effect of seedling size on early outplanting survival. Our meta-analysis covered 86 tree species and 142 planting locations distributed worldwide. We also assessed whether planting site aridity and key plant functional traits related to abiotic and biotic stress resistance and growth capacity, namely specific leaf area and wood density, modulate this effect. Planting large seedlings within a species consistently increases survival in forest plantations worldwide. Species' functional traits modulate the magnitude of the positive seedling size-outplanting survival relationship, showing contrasting effects due to aridity and between angiosperms and gymnosperms. For angiosperms planted in arid/semiarid sites and gymnosperms in subhumid/humid sites the magnitude of the positive effect of seedling size on survival was maximized in species with low specific leaf area and high wood density, characteristics linked to high stress resistance and slow growth. By contrast, high specific leaf area and low wood density maximized the positive effect of seedling size on survival for angiosperms planted in subhumid/humid sites. Results have key implications for implementing forest plantations globally, especially for adjusting nursery cultivation to species' functional characteristics and planting site aridity. Nursery cultivation should promote large seedlings, especially for stress sensitive angiosperms planted in humid sites and for stress-resistant species planted in dry sites.

Plantones , Clima Tropical , Bosques , Hojas de la Planta , Árboles
Oecologia ; 197(3): 795-806, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34613464


Humans are transforming the ecology of the Earth through rapid changes in land use and climate. These changes can affect tropical forest structure, dynamics and diversity. While numerous studies have focused on diversity metrics, other aspects of forest function, such as long-term biomass dynamics, are often less considered. We evaluated plant community structure change (i.e., abundance, diversity, composition, and aboveground biomass) in a 2.25 ha forest dynamics plot located within a ~ 365 ha reserve in southern Costa Rica. We censused, mapped and identified to species all plants ≥ 5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) in three surveys spanning 2010-2020. While there were no changes in late-successional species diversity, there were marked changes in overall species composition and biomass. Abundance of large (≥ 40 cm DBH) old-growth dense-wooded trees (e.g., Lauraceae, Rosaceae) decreased dramatically (27%), leading to major biomass decline over time, possibly driven by recent and recurrent drought events. Gaps created by large trees were colonized by early-successional species, but these recruits did not make up for the biomass lost. Finally, stem abundance increased by 20%, driven by increasing dominance of Hampea appendiculata. While results suggest this reserve may effectively conserve overall plant diversity, this may mask other key shifts such as large aboveground biomass loss. If this pattern is pervasive across tropical forest reserves, it could hamper efforts to preserve forest structure and ecosystem services (e.g., carbon storage). Monitoring programs could better assess carbon trends in reserves over time simply by tracking large tree dynamics.

Ecosistema , Árboles , Biomasa , Bosques , Humanos , Clima Tropical
New Phytol ; 225(1): 222-233, 2020 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31247133


Strategies for deep soil water acquisition (WAdeep ) are critical to a species' adaptation to drought. However, it is unknown how WAdeep determines the abundance and resource economy strategies of understorey shrub species. With data from 13 understorey shrub species in subtropical coniferous plantations, we investigated associations between the magnitude of WAdeep , the seasonal plasticity of WAdeep , midday leaf water potential (Ψmd ), species abundance and resource economic traits across organs. Higher capacity for WAdeep was associated with higher intrinsic water use efficiency, but was not necessary for maintaining higher Ψmd in the dry season nor was it an ubiquitous trait possessed by the most common shrub species. Species with higher seasonal plasticity of WAdeep had lower wood density, indicating that fast species had higher plasticity in deep soil resource acquisition. However, the magnitude and plasticity of WAdeep were not related to shallow fine root economy traits, suggesting independent dimensions of soil resource acquisition between deep and shallow soil. Our results provide new insights into the mechanisms through which the magnitude and plasticity of WAdeep interact with shallow soil and aboveground resource acquisition traits to integrate the whole-plant economic spectrum and, thus, community assembly processes.

Pinus/fisiología , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología , Suelo/química , Agua/metabolismo , Sequías , Isótopos de Oxígeno/análisis , Fenotipo , Pinus/anatomía & histología , Hojas de la Planta/anatomía & histología , Raíces de Plantas/anatomía & histología , Raíces de Plantas/fisiología , Estaciones del Año , Madera
Plant Cell Environ ; 43(4): 965-980, 2020 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31760666


Functional relationships between wood density and measures of xylem hydraulic safety and efficiency are ambiguous, especially in wet tropical forests. In this meta-analysis, we move beyond wood density per se and identify relationships between xylem allocated to fibers, parenchyma, and vessels and measures of hydraulic safety and efficiency. We analyzed published data of xylem traits, hydraulic properties and measures of drought resistance from neotropical tree species retrieved from 346 sources. We found that xylem volume allocation to fiber walls increases embolism resistance, but at the expense of specific conductivity and sapwood capacitance. Xylem volume investment in fiber lumen increases capacitance, while investment in axial parenchyma is associated with higher specific conductivity. Dominant tree taxa from wet forests prioritize xylem allocation to axial parenchyma at the expense of fiber walls, resulting in a low embolism resistance for a given wood density and a high vulnerability to drought-induced mortality. We conclude that strong trade-offs between xylem allocation to fiber walls, fiber lumen, and axial parenchyma drive drought resistance in neotropical trees. Moreover, the benefits of xylem allocation to axial parenchyma in wet tropical trees might not outweigh the consequential low embolism resistance under more frequent and severe droughts in a changing climate.

Árboles/fisiología , Madera/fisiología , Pared Celular/fisiología , Cambio Climático , Deshidratación , Árboles/anatomía & histología , Agua/metabolismo , Madera/anatomía & histología , Xilema/anatomía & histología , Xilema/fisiología
Glob Chang Biol ; 26(4): 2519-2533, 2020 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31869491


Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 ) concentrations are expected to lead to increases in the rate of tree biomass accumulation, at least temporarily. On the one hand, trees may simply grow faster under higher CO2 concentrations, preserving the allometric relations that prevailed under lower CO2 concentrations. Alternatively, the allometric relations themselves may change. In this study, the effects of elevated CO2 (eCO2 ) on tree biomass and allometric relations were jointly assessed. Over 100 trees, grown at Duke Forest, NC, USA, were harvested from eight plots. Half of the plots had been subjected to CO2 enrichment from 1996 to 2010. Several subplots had also been subjected to nitrogen fertilization from 2005 to 2010. Allometric equations were developed to predict tree height, stem volume, and aboveground biomass components for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), the dominant tree species, and broad-leaved species. Using the same diameter-based allometric equations for biomass, it was estimated that plots with eCO2 contained 21% more aboveground biomass, consistent with previous studies. However, eCO2 significantly affected allometry, and these changes had an additional effect on biomass. In particular, P. taeda trees at a given diameter were observed to be taller under eCO2 than under ambient CO2 due to changes in both the allometric scaling exponent and intercept. Accounting for allometric change increased the treatment effect of eCO2 on aboveground biomass from a 21% to a 27% increase. No allometric changes for the nondominant broad-leaved species were identified, nor were allometric changes associated with nitrogen fertilization. For P. taeda, it is concluded that eCO2 affects allometries, and that knowledge of allometry changes is necessary to accurately compute biomass under eCO2 . Further observations are needed to determine whether this assessment holds for other taxa.

Glob Ecol Biogeogr ; 29(6): 1034-1051, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32612452


AIM: Predictions of plant traits over space and time are increasingly used to improve our understanding of plant community responses to global environmental change. A necessary step forward is to assess the reliability of global trait predictions. In this study, we predict community mean plant traits at the global scale and present a systematic evaluation of their reliability in terms of the accuracy of the models, ecological realism and various sources of uncertainty. LOCATION: Global. TIME PERIOD: Present. MAJOR TAXA STUDIED: Vascular plants. METHODS: We predicted global distributions of community mean specific leaf area, leaf nitrogen concentration, plant height and wood density with an ensemble modelling approach based on georeferenced, locally measured trait data representative of the plant community. We assessed the predictive performance of the models, the plausibility of predicted trait combinations, the influence of data quality, and the uncertainty across geographical space attributed to spatial extrapolation and diverging model predictions. RESULTS: Ensemble predictions of community mean plant height, specific leaf area and wood density resulted in ecologically plausible trait-environment relationships and trait-trait combinations. Leaf nitrogen concentration, however, could not be predicted reliably. The ensemble approach was better at predicting community trait means than any of the individual modelling techniques, which varied greatly in predictive performance and led to divergent predictions, mostly in African deserts and the Arctic, where predictions were also extrapolated. High data quality (i.e., including intraspecific variability and a representative species sample) increased model performance by 28%. MAIN CONCLUSIONS: Plant community traits can be predicted reliably at the global scale when using an ensemble approach and high-quality data for traits that mostly respond to large-scale environmental factors. We recommend applying ensemble forecasting to account for model uncertainty, using representative trait data, and more routinely assessing the reliability of trait predictions.

Am J Bot ; 107(10): 1410-1422, 2020 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33460035


PREMISE: Photosynthetic stems represent a source of extra carbon in plants from hot and dry environments, but little is known about how leaves and photosynthetic stems differ in terms of photosynthetic capacity, trait coordination, and responses to seasonal drought in subtropical systems. METHODS: We studied photosynthetic, hydraulic, morphometric (specific leaf area [SLA], wood density [WD]), and biochemical (C and N isotopes) traits in leaves and photosynthetic stems of 12 plant species from a sarcocaulescent scrub in the southern Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, in wet and dry seasons. RESULTS: Leaves and stems had similar mean photosynthetic capacity, as evaluated by chlorophyll fluorescence traits, indicating similar investment in leaf and stem photosynthesis. We did not find a relationship between stem hydraulic conductivity and leaf or stem photosynthetic traits. However, we found resource allocation trade-offs, between WD and both stem hydraulic conductivity and SLA. Leaf and stem photosynthetic traits did not change with season, but specific stem area was one of the few traits that changed the most between seasons-it increased during the dry season by as much as 154% indicating substantial water storage. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate the same proportional investment in photosynthetic capacity and dry matter in both leaves and photosynthetic stems across all 12 species. We identified multiple strategies at this seasonal site, with species ranging from high WD, low SLA, low hydraulic conductivity, and high specific bark area on one end of the spectrum and opposite traits on the other end.

Fotosíntesis , Hojas de la Planta , México , Tallos de la Planta , Árboles , Agua , Madera
Oecologia ; 194(1-2): 221-236, 2020 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32965523


Deciduous and evergreen trees are usually considered the main coexisting functional groups in seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF). We compared leaf and stem traits of 22 woody species in the Brazilian Caatinga to investigate whether deciduous (DC) and evergreen (EV) species have divergent water-use strategies. Our hypothesis was that DC trees compensate for their short leaf longevity by being less conservative in water use and showing higher variation in the seasonal water potential after leaf shedding. Evergreen species should exhibit a highly conservative water use strategy, which reduces variations in seasonal water potential and the negative effects of desiccation. Our leaf dynamics results indicate that the crown area of DC trees is more sensitive to air and soil drought, whereas EV trees are only sensitive to soil drought. Deciduous species exhibit differences in a set of leaf traits confirming their acquisitive strategy, which contrasts with evergreen species. However, when stomatal traits are considered, we found that DC and EV have similar stomatal regulation strategies (partially isohydric). We also found divergent physiological strategies within DC. For high wood density DC, the xylem water potential (Ψxylem) continued to drop during the dry season. We also found a negative linear relationship between leaf life span (LL) and the transpiration rate per unit of hydraulic conductivity (Λ), indicating that species with high LL are less vulnerable to hydraulic conductivity loss than early-deciduous species. Collectively, our results indicate divergence in the physiology of deciduous species, which suggests that categorizing species based solely on their leaf phenology may be an oversimplification.

Sequías , Clima Tropical , Brasil , Bosques , Hojas de la Planta , Árboles , Agua , Madera
New Phytol ; 224(4): 1544-1556, 2019 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31215647


Biomass and area ratios between leaves, stems and roots regulate many physiological and ecological processes. The Huber value Hv (sapwood area/leaf area ratio) is central to plant water balance and drought responses. However, its coordination with key plant functional traits is poorly understood, and prevents developing trait-based prediction models. Based on theoretical arguments, we hypothesise that global patterns in Hv of terminal woody branches can be predicted from variables related to plant trait spectra, that is plant hydraulics and size and leaf economics. Using a global compilation of 1135 species-averaged Hv , we show that Hv varies over three orders of magnitude. Higher Hv are seen in short small-leaved low-specific leaf area (SLA) shrubs with low Ks in arid relative to tall large-leaved high-SLA trees with high Ks in moist environments. All traits depend on climate but climatic correlations are stronger for explanatory traits than Hv . Negative isometry is found between Hv and Ks , suggesting a compensation to maintain hydraulic supply to leaves across species. This work identifies the major global drivers of branch sapwood/leaf area ratios. Our approach based on widely available traits facilitates the development of accurate models of above-ground biomass allocation and helps predict vegetation responses to drought.

Hojas de la Planta/fisiología , Madera/fisiología , Bases de Datos Factuales , Árboles/fisiología , Agua/metabolismo , Xilema/fisiología
New Phytol ; 241(6): 2313-2315, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38263681
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