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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(28): e2303586120, 2023 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37399375


The unique optical cycling efficiency of alkaline earth metal-ligand molecules has enabled significant advances in polyatomic laser cooling and trapping. Rotational spectroscopy is an ideal tool for probing the molecular properties that underpin optical cycling, thereby elucidating the design principles for expanding the chemical diversity and scope of these platforms for quantum science. We present a comprehensive study of the structure and electronic properties in alkaline earth metal acetylides with high-resolution microwave spectra of 17 isotopologues of MgCCH, CaCCH, and SrCCH in their 2Σ+ ground electronic states. The precise semiexperimental equilibrium geometry of each species has been derived by correcting the measured rotational constants for electronic and zero-point vibrational contributions calculated with high-level quantum chemistry methods. The well-resolved hyperfine structure associated with the 1,2H, 13C, and metal nuclear spins provides further information on the distribution and hybridization of the metal-centered, optically active unpaired electron. Together, these measurements allow us to correlate trends in chemical bonding and structure with the electronic properties that promote efficient optical cycling essential to next-generation experiments in precision measurement and quantum control of complex polyatomic molecules.

J Am Chem Soc ; 146(1): 73-78, 2024 Jan 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38128914


The Hoveyda-Grubbs catalyst (HG2, M720 Umicore) is among the most widely used catalysts in olefin metathesis reactions. Given the usefulness of HG2 and the great interest in developing latent olefin metathesis catalysts for numerous applications, we developed a method to introduce phosphite molecules as ancillary ligands into the precatalyst framework. This modification alters the geometry of the complex from an active trans-dichloro form to a latent cis-dichloro species. Most unusually, the ligands coordinate to HG2 only in solidified solutions (most likely due to entropic factors), providing latent catalysts that can be activated on demand by heat or light by regenerating the original HG2 catalyst. Of particular interest is the use of these latent catalysts in ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) reactions and 3D printing methods. Indeed, the novel complexes displayed the required latency toward ROMP monomers, even the most reactive dicyclopentadiene. Irradiation with 405 nm light readily results in the expedited formation of the desired polymers. This novel approach provides a general and straightforward way to access efficient and well-defined latent olefin metathesis catalysts.

J Org Chem ; 89(3): 1769-1776, 2024 Feb 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38227766


Despite their prevalence in biomass and importance in biochemistry, there is still much to be learned about simple carbohydrates. Gas-phase calculations are reported here on two trioses and three tetroses. For aldotetroses, both the open-chain and furanose forms are considered. Enthalpies of reduction to polyols are calculated at the CBS-APNO level of theory, and comparisons to simple aldehydes and ketones are made. Heats of formation are calculated in two ways with overall good agreement. The heat of formation of glyceraldehyde obtained from modified HEAT calculations is also reported. Finally, calculated bond energies are presented, and the influence of the structure on the bond energies is discussed.

Small ; 19(31): e2206519, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36504311


Multispectral photodetectors (MSPs) and circularly polarized light (CPL) sensors are important in opto-electronics, photonics, and imaging. A capacitive photodetector consisting of an interdigitated electrode coated with carbon dot/anthraquinone-polydiacetylene is constructed. Photoexcitation of the carbon dots induces transient electron transfer to the anthraquinone moieties, and concomitant change in the film dielectric constant and recorded capacitance. This unique photodetection mechanism furnishes wavelength selectivity that is solely determined by the absorbance of the carbon dots incorporated in the anthraquinone-polydiacetylene matrix. Accordingly, employing an array of polymerized-anthraquinone photodetector films comprising carbon dots (C-dots) exhibiting different excitation wavelengths yielded optical "capacitive fingerprints" in a broad spectral range (350-650 nm). Furthermore, circular light polarization selectivity is achieved through chiral polymerization of the polydiacetylene framework. The carbon dot/anthraquinone-polydiacetylene capacitive photodetector features rapid photo-response, high fidelity, and recyclability as the redox reactions of anthraquinone are fully reversible. The carbon dot/anthraquinone-polydiacetylene platform is inexpensive, easy to fabricate, and consists of environmentally friendly materials.

J Chem Phys ; 158(11): 114305, 2023 Mar 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36948812


We report the resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization combined with various detection approaches and quantum chemical calculations of biologically relevant neurotransmitter prototypes, the most stable conformer of 2-phenylethylamine (PEA), and its monohydrate, PEA-H2O, to reveal the possible interactions between the phenyl ring and amino group in the neutral and ionic species. Extracting the ionization energies (IEs) and appearance energy was achieved by measuring the photoionization and photodissociation efficiency curves of the PEA parent and photofragment ions, together with velocity and kinetic energy-broadened spatial map images of photoelectrons. We obtained coinciding upper bounds for the IEs for PEA and PEA-H2O of 8.63 ± 0.03 and 8.62 ± 0.04 eV, within the range predicted by quantum calculations. The computed electrostatic potential maps show charge separation, corresponding to a negative charge on phenyl and a positive charge on the ethylamino side chain in the neutral PEA and its monohydrate; in the cations, the charge distributions naturally become positive. The significant changes in geometries upon ionization include switching of the amino group orientation from pyramidal to nearly planar in the monomer but not in the monohydrate, lengthening of the N-H⋯π hydrogen bond (HB) in both species, Cα-Cß bond in the side chain of the PEA+ monomer, and the intermolecular O-H⋯N HB in PEA-H2O cations, leading to distinct exit channels.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(1): 146-151, 2020 01 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31852828


The 193-nm photolysis of CH2CHCN illustrates the capability of chirped-pulse Fourier transform millimeter-wave spectroscopy to characterize transition states. We investigate the HCN, HNC photofragments in highly excited vibrational states using both frequency and intensity information. Measured relative intensities of J = 1-0 rotational transition lines yield vibrational-level population distributions (VPD). These VPDs encode the properties of the parent molecule transition state at which the fragment molecule was born. A Poisson distribution formalism, based on the generalized Franck-Condon principle, is proposed as a framework for extracting information about the transition-state structure from the observed VPD. We employ the isotopologue CH2CDCN to disentangle the unimolecular 3-center DCN elimination mechanism from other pathways to HCN. Our experimental results reveal a previously unknown transition state that we tentatively associate with the HCN eliminated via a secondary, bimolecular reaction.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 62(32): e202305881, 2023 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37252753


We report the first direct detection of ethyl radical in the pyrolysis of ethane. Observation of this vital intermediate was made possible in this extremely reactive environment by the use of a microreactor coupled with synchrotron radiation and photoelectron photoion coincidence (PEPICO) spectroscopy, despite its short lifetime and low concentration. Together with ab-initio master equation-calculated rates and fully coupled computational fluid dynamics simulations, our measurements show that even under the low pressures and short residence times in our experiment, ethyl formation can only be explained by bimolecular reactions; the most important is the catalytic attack of ethane by H atoms, which are then regenerated by decomposition of the nascent ethyl radicals. Our results complete the observation of all hypothesized intermediates in this industrially important process and highlight the need for further studies under additional conditions using similar methods to improve existing models and optimize process chemistries.

J Am Chem Soc ; 144(40): 18518-18525, 2022 Oct 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36174230


We provide compelling experimental and theoretical evidence for the transition state nature of the cyclopropyl cation. Synchrotron photoionization spectroscopy employing coincidence techniques together with a novel simulation based on high-accuracy ab initio calculations reveal that the cation is unstable via its allowed disrotatory ring-opening path. The ring strains of the cation and the radical are similar, but both ring opening paths for the radical are forbidden when the full electronic symmetries are considered. These findings are discussed in light of the early predictions by Longuet-Higgins alongside Woodward and Hoffman; we also propose a simple phase space explanation for the appearance of the cyclopropyl photoionization spectrum. The results of this work allow the refinement of the cyclopropane C-H bond dissociation energy, in addition to the cyclopropyl radical and cation cyclization energies, via the Active Thermochemical Tables approach.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(38): 6767-6779, 2022 Sep 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36106448


The highly successful velocity map imaging (VMI) technique plays a central role in revealing light-matter interactions. Here we demonstrate the related but distinct kinetic energy-broadened spatial map imaging (KESMI) option for recovering KE and angular recoil information on photophysical processes using a VMI system operating in different out-of-focus modes. The characteristic single or double stripes and related steps in the vertical intensity profiles of KESMIs of photoelectrons (PEs) from Ar ionization allow breakthrough developments of a potent global model that enables an understanding and analysis of these patterns. These signatures reflect the relationship between the observed features and predicted convolved discrete KEs and angular distributions. The derivation of the velocity distribution of the PEs ensuing from the ionization of a single H2O quantum state based on the measured and simulated KESMI provides another rigorous test demonstrating and realizing the feasibility of this new approach, which holds future promise on its own or combined with VMI.

J Chem Phys ; 157(12): 124102, 2022 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36182413


Molecular electronic spectra can be represented in the time domain as auto-correlation functions of the initial vibrational wavepacket. We present a derivation of the harmonic vibrational auto-correlation function that is valid for both real and imaginary harmonic frequencies. The derivation rests on Lie algebra techniques that map otherwise complicated exponential operator arithmetic to simpler matrix formulas. The expressions for the zero- and finite-temperature harmonic auto-correlation functions have been carefully structured both to be free of branch-cut discontinuities and to remain numerically stable with finite-precision arithmetic. Simple extensions correct the harmonic Franck-Condon approximation for the lowest-order anharmonic and Herzberg-Teller effects. Quantitative simulations are shown for several examples, including the electronic absorption spectra of F2, HOCl, CH2NH, and NO2.

J Chem Phys ; 154(13): 134201, 2021 Apr 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33832240


Dynamical or spatial properties of charged species can be obtained using electrostatic lenses by velocity map imaging (VMI) or spatial map imaging (SMI), respectively. Here, we report an approach for extracting dynamical and spatial information from patterns in SMI images that map the initial coordinates, velocity vectors, and angular distributions of charged particles onto the detector, using the same apparatus as in VMI. Deciphering these patterns required analysis and modeling, involving both their predictions from convolved spatial and velocity distributions and fitting observed images to kinetic energies (KEs) and anisotropy parameters (ßs). As the first demonstration of this capability of SMI, the ensuing photoelectrons resulting from (2 + 1) resonant ionization of water in a selected rotational state were chosen to provide a rigorous basis for comparison to VMI. Operation with low acceleration voltages led to a measured SMI pattern with a unique vertical intensity profile that could be least-squares fitted to yield KE and ß, in good agreement with VMI measurement. Due to the potential for improved resolution and the extended KE range achievable by this new technique, we expect that it might augment VMI in applications that require the analysis of charged particles and particularly in processes with high KE release.

Chemphyschem ; 21(19): 2217-2222, 2020 10 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32628323


Unveiling reaction mechanisms by isomer-selective detection of reactive intermediates requires advanced spectroscopic knowledge. We study the photoionization of fulvenone (c-C5 H4 =C=O), a reactive ketene species relevant in catalytic pyrolysis of lignin, which was generated by pyrolysis of 2-methoxy acetophenone. The high-resolution threshold photoelectron spectrum (TPES) with vacuum ultraviolet synchrotron radiation revealed well-resolved vibrational transitions, assigned to ring deformation modes of the cyclopentadiene moiety. The adiabatic ionization energy was determined to be 8.25±0.01 eV and is assigned to the X˜+2 A2 ← X˜1 A1 transition. A broad and featureless band arising at 9 eV is associated with the A˜+2 B1 ← X˜1 A1 excitation. A conical intersection is responsible for the ultrafast relaxation of the fulvenone cation from the A˜+ into the X˜+ state resulting in a featureless and lifetime broadened band. These insights will increase the detection capabilities for fulvenone and thereby help to elucidate reaction mechanisms in lignin catalytic pyrolysis.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(29): 16949-16955, 2020 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32672775


Hydroperoxides from the ozonolysis of alkenes, in addition to Criegee intermediates, have been proposed as an atmospheric source of OH radicals in the absence of sunlight, but have remained largely elusive due to their reactivity. A weak peroxide bond enables facile OH elimination, and subsequent ß-scission can lead to a variety of decomposition products depending on the nature of the peroxide. In this paper we explore this process theoretically for the simplest ketohydroperoxide, hydroperoxyacetaldehyde (HPA), which is believed to be formed in the ozonolysis of ethylene. Despite it being the most stable C2H4O3 species in this reaction scheme, lower in energy than the starting materials by around 100 kcal mol-1, HPA has only been directly observed once in the ozonolysis of ethylene by photoionization mass spectrometry appearance energy. Here we report predictions of the rotational spectrum of HPA conducted in support of microwave spectroscopy experiments. We suggest a new dissociation path from HPA to glyoxal [HOOCH2CHO → HCOCH2O + OH → CHOCHO + H], supported by thermochemical calculations. We encourage the search for glyoxal using complementary experimental methods, and suggest possible future experimental directions. Evidence of glyoxal formation from ethylene ozonolysis might provide evidence of this underappreciated path in an important and long studied reaction system.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(12): 2427-2435, 2020 Mar 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32118434


The high resolution far-infrared spectrum of trans-butadiene has been reinvestigated by Fourier-transform spectroscopy at two synchrotron radiation facilities, SOLEIL and the Canadian Light Source, at temperatures ranging from 50 to 340 K. Beyond the well-studied bands, two new fundamental bands lying below 1100 cm-1, ν10 and ν24, have been assigned using a combination of cross-correlation (ASAP software) and Loomis-Wood type (LWWa software) diagrams. While the ν24 analysis was rather straightforward, ν10 exhibits obvious signs of a strong perturbation, presumably owing to interaction with the dark ν9 + ν12 state. Effective rotational constants have been derived for both the v10 = 1 and v24 = 1 states. Since only one weak, infrared active fundamental band (ν23) of trans-butadiene remains to be observed at high resolution in the far-infrared, searches for the elusive gauche conformer can now be undertaken with considerably greater confidence in the dense ro-vibrational spectrum of the trans form.

Chemistry ; 25(30): 7243-7258, 2019 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30673130


Rotational spectroscopy is an invaluable tool to unambiguously determine the molecular structure of a species, and sometimes even to establish its very existence. This article illustrates how experimental and theoretical state-of-the-art tools can be used in tandem to investigate the rotational structure of molecules, with particular emphasis on those that have long remained elusive. The examples of three emblematic species-gauche-butadiene, disilicon carbide, and germanium dicarbide-highlight the close, mutually beneficial interaction between high-level theoretical calculations and sensitive microwave measurements. Prospects to detect other elusive molecules of chemical and astronomical interest are discussed.

J Chem Phys ; 150(22): 224102, 2019 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31202223


A number of economical modifications to the high-accuracy extrapolated ab initio thermochemistry (HEAT) model chemistry are evaluated. The two resulting schemes, designated as mHEAT and mHEAT+, are designed for efficient and pragmatic evaluation of molecular energies in systems somewhat larger than can be practically studied by the unapproximated HEAT scheme. It is found that mHEAT+ produces heats of formation with nearly subchemical (±1 kJ/mol) accuracy at a substantially reduced cost relative to the full scheme. Total atomization energies calculated using the new thermochemical recipes are compared to the results of the HEAT-345(Q) model chemistry, and enthalpies of formation for the three protocols are also compared to Active Thermochemical Tables. Finally, a small selection of transition states is studied using mHEAT and mHEAT+, which illuminates some interesting features of reaction barriers and serves as an initial benchmark of the performance of these model chemistries for chemical kinetics applications.

J Org Chem ; 83(15): 8473-8482, 2018 Aug 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29864288


Surprising features in a recently published high-level calculation of the rotational profile of butadiene led us to compare butadiene with a set of 17 heterodienes. The rotational profiles for this large group of compounds varied widely, thereby possessing a high information content. These data were subjected to a Fourier analysis yielding 1- through 6-fold terms: the one-fold terms represent the change in steric energy on going from 180° to 0°, while the changes in the 2-fold terms correspond to the expected change in π-delocalization energy with structure; the 3-fold terms were significant and found to be linearly correlated to the average of the atomic charges of the atoms at the central single bond of the cis-forms, but their origins are still not clear; we propose a novel 1,4 π-interactions that may account for this phenomenon. The 4-fold terms were at times comparable in magnitude to the 3-fold terms but overall appeared to mainly modify the 3-fold terms slightly without introducing any qualitatively new features. The 5- and 6-fold terms were negligible.

J Phys Chem A ; 122(28): 5911-5924, 2018 Jul 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29893563


The nascent steps in the pyrolysis of the lignin components salicylaldehyde ( o-HOC6H4CHO) and catechol ( o-HOC6H4OH) were studied in a set of heated microreactors. The microreactors are small (roughly 1 mm ID × 3 cm long); transit times through the reactors are about 100 µs. Temperatures in the microreactors can be as high as 1600 K, and pressures are typically a few hundred torr. The products of pyrolysis are identified by a combination of photoionization mass spectrometry, photoelectron photoion concidence mass spectroscopy, and matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy. The main pathway by which salicylaldehyde decomposes is a concerted fragmentation: o-HOC6H4CHO (+ M) → H2 + CO + C5H4═C═O (fulveneketene). At temperatures above 1300 K, fulveneketene loses CO to yield a mixture of HC≡C-C≡C-CH3, HC≡C-CH2-C≡CH, and HC≡C-CH═C═CH2. These alkynes decompose to a mixture of radicals (HC≡C-C≡C-CH2 and HC≡C-CH-C≡CH) and H atoms. H-atom chain reactions convert salicylaldehyde to phenol: o-HOC6H4CHO + H → C6H5OH + CO + H. Catechol has similar chemistry to salicylaldehyde. Electrocyclic fragmentation produces water and fulveneketene: o-HOC6H4OH (+ M) → H2O + C5H4═C═O. These findings have implications for the pyrolysis of lignin itself.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 57(7): 1821-1825, 2018 02 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29239124


The planarity of the second stable conformer of 1,3-butadiene, the archetypal diene for the Diels-Alder reaction in which a planar conjugated diene and a dienophile combine to form a ring, is not established. The most recent high level calculations predicted the species to adopt a twisted, gauche structure owing to steric interactions between the inner terminal hydrogens rather than a planar, cis structure favored by the conjugation of the double bonds. The structure cis-1,3-butadiene is unambiguously confirmed experimentally to indeed be gauche with a substantial dihedral angle of 34°, in excellent agreement with theory. Observation of two tunneling components indicates that the molecule undergoes facile interconversion between two equivalent enantiomeric forms. Comparison of experimentally determined structures for gauche- and trans-butadiene provides an opportunity to examine the effects of conjugation and steric interactions.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(24): 4658-4677, 2017 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28517940


Two methyl esters were examined as models for the pyrolysis of biofuels. Dilute samples (0.06-0.13%) of methyl acetate (CH3COOCH3) and methyl butanoate (CH3CH2CH2COOCH3) were entrained in (He, Ar) carrier gas and decomposed in a set of flash-pyrolysis microreactors. The pyrolysis products resulting from the methyl esters were detected and identified by vacuum ultraviolet photoionization mass spectrometry. Complementary product identification was provided by matrix infrared absorption spectroscopy. Pyrolysis pressures in the pulsed microreactor were about 20 Torr and residence times through the reactors were roughly 25-150 µs. Reactor temperatures of 300-1600 K were explored. Decomposition of CH3COOCH3 commences at 1000 K, and the initial products are (CH2═C═O and CH3OH). As the microreactor is heated to 1300 K, a mixture of CH2═C═O and CH3OH, CH3, CH2═O, H, CO, and CO2 appears. The thermal cracking of CH3CH2CH2COOCH3 begins at 800 K with the formation of CH3CH2CH═C═O and CH3OH. By 1300 K, the pyrolysis of methyl butanoate yields a complex mixture of CH3CH2CH═C═O, CH3OH, CH3, CH2═O, CO, CO2, CH3CH═CH2, CH2CHCH2, CH2═C═CH2, HCCCH2, CH2═C═C═O, CH2═CH2, HC≡CH, and CH2═C═O. On the basis of the results from the thermal cracking of methyl acetate and methyl butanoate, we predict several important decomposition channels for the pyrolysis of fatty acid methyl esters, R-CH2-COOCH3. The lowest-energy fragmentation will be a 4-center elimination of methanol to form the ketene RCH═C═O. At higher temperatures, concerted fragmentation to radicals will ensue to produce a mixture of species: (RCH2 + CO2 + CH3) and (RCH2 + CO + CH2═O + H). Thermal cracking of the ß C-C bond of the methyl ester will generate the radicals (R and H) as well as CH2═C═O + CH2═O. The thermochemistry of methyl acetate and its fragmentation products were obtained via the Active Thermochemical Tables (ATcT) approach, resulting in ΔfH298(CH3COOCH3) = -98.7 ± 0.2 kcal mol-1, ΔfH298(CH3CO2) = -45.7 ± 0.3 kcal mol-1, and ΔfH298(COOCH3) = -38.3 ± 0.4 kcal mol-1.

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