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PhytoKeys ; 237: 201-218, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38317828


Two new species of Haplopappus (Asteraceae) from central Chile are described in this article. Haplopappuscolliguayensissp. nov. is restricted to La Chapa hill, Colliguay, Valparaíso Region, and is most similar to H.undulatus but differs from the latter in its stem indumentum, leaf shape and margin, and synflorescence arrangement. Haplopappusteillierisp. nov. has been recorded from four high-Andean localities in the Choapa, Petorca, Rocín and Aconcagua river basins, and is most similar to H.punctatus but differs from the latter in its leaf length and margin, number of peduncles per twig, width of outer phyllaries, number of ray florets per capitulum, and achene dimensions. Additionally, we propose the reinstatement of H.kingii in agreement with an exhaustive revision of type material and protologues, as well as the study of herbarium specimens. Haplopappuskingii is restricted to mountainous areas in the southern portion of the Atacama Region, and resembles H.parvifolius and H.retinervius but differs from both by its leaf margin and apex, besides additional differences from each. We provide morphological descriptions, field images, distributional maps, conservation assessments, and taxonomic notes for the three species treated, as well as illustrations for the novel taxa.

PhytoKeys ; 237: 117-139, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38292077


Chile's distinctive flora, geographical isolation, and complex topography collectively contribute to a notable endemic species diversity, particularly within central regions identified as critical areas for biodiversity conservation. The cactus genus Eriosyce, as currently circumscribed, encompasses seven sections, with Eriosycesect.Horridocatus presenting a notably complex species group. This study investigates the E.curvispina complex, a member of the Notocacteae tribe common in central Chile, by incorporating new populations and examining phylogenetic relationships using four plastid and one nuclear molecular marker. The phylogenetic analysis of sampled individuals identified nine independent lineages, each warranting recognition at the species rank. Despite minimal morphological differences among taxa, morphological characters were utilized to support and stabilize the DNA-based phylogenetic hypothesis. The results highlight the high taxonomic diversity in these cactus lineages and have implications for the classification of the E.curvispina complex, including new combinations and proposals of conservation status.

ResumenLa flora distintiva de Chile, su aislamiento geográfico y topografía compleja contribuyen colectivamente a una notable diversidad de especies endémicas, particularmente dentro de las regiones centrales identificadas como áreas críticas para la conservación de la biodiversidad. El género de cactus Eriosyce, tal como está circunscrito actualmente, abarca siete secciones, presentando Eriosycesect.Horridocatus un grupo de especies notablemente complejo. Este estudio investiga el complejo E.curvispina, un miembro de la tribu Notocacteae común en Chile central, incorporando nuevas poblaciones y examinando las relaciones filogenéticas utilizando cuatro marcadores moleculares del cloroplasto y uno nuclear. El análisis filogenético de las poblaciones muestreadas identificó nueve linajes independientes, cada uno mereciendo reconocimiento a nivel de especie. A pesar de las mínimas diferencias morfológicas entre los taxones, se utilizaron caracteres morfológicos para apoyar y estabilizar la filogenia basada en ADN. Los resultados resaltan la alta diversidad taxonómica en estos linajes de cactus y tienen implicaciones para la clasificación del complejo E.curvispina, incluyendo nuevas combinaciones y propuestas de estado de conservación.

PhytoKeys ; 211: 107-124, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36760729


Two new species of the Chilean endemic genus Miersia (Gilliesieae, Allioideae, Amaryllidaceae) are described, M.stellata and M.raucoana, alongside morphological descriptions, a distribution map, illustrations, conservation status assessments, and an updated key to all species of Miersia. Additionally, phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences were performed to inquire into the evolutionary affinities of both new species and the recently described, M.putaendensis, within the tribe Gilliesieae.

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