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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 48: e83, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39247393


Objectives: To describe the development, implementation, and results of a training course designed to equip health professionals from the Pan American Health Organization region with the knowledge and tools needed to adapt health systems to current climate realities. Methods: The Pan American climate resilient health systems course was a 9-week live-virtual course in March-April 2023, which was delivered through Zoom and offered in English, Spanish, and French. All lectures were delivered by local and regional climate and health experts. The curricular foundation of this initiative was the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education core competencies for health professionals. Participants completed pre- and post-course surveys. Results: A total of 1212 participants attended at least one of the nine sessions and 489 (from 66 countries) attended at least six sessions. Of these, 291 participants completed both the pre- and post-course surveys which were used in the analysis. Longitudinal survey results suggested an improvement in participants' climate and health communication, an increased frequency of incorporating climate knowledge in professional practice, and improved confidence in engaging in climate initiatives. At the same time, many participants expressed a need for additional training. Conclusions: The results indicate that live-virtual courses have the potential to empower health professionals to contribute to climate resilience efforts by: increasing their communication skills; changing their professional practice; increasing their ability to lead climate and health activities; and preparing them to assess vulnerability and adaptation in health systems, measure and monitor environmental sustainability, and apply a health equity lens.

Front Med (Lausanne) ; 11: 1438609, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39234047


To address the health effects of climate change, leaders in healthcare have called for action to integrate climate adaptation and mitigation into training programs for health professionals. However, current educators may not possess sufficient climate literacy and the expertise to effectively include such content in their respective healthcare curricula. We, an international and interprofessional partnership, collaborated with experts to develop and deploy curriculum to increase health educators' and graduate health profession students' knowledge and competencies on climate change. In a tri-step process, the first phase included recruiting interested faculty members from two institutions and varying health professions. In phase two, faculty members collaborated to develop a faculty symposium on climate change including educational competencies required of health professions, practice standards, guidelines, and profession-specific content. Symposium outcomes included broader faculty member interest and commitment to create an interprofessional climate change course for healthcare graduate students. In phase three, course development resulted from collaboration between faculty members at the two institutions and faculty members from the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (GCCHE), with course objectives informed by GCCHE competencies. Climate experts and faculty members delivered the course content over a 10-week period to 30 faculty members and students representing seven health professions, who were surveyed (n = 13) for feedback. This course can serve as an example for international collaborators interested in developing climate change courses for health profession students. Lessons learned in this process include: climate change novice faculty members can develop impactful climate change courses; students and faculty members can be co-learners; diverse representation in course attendees enriches the learning experience; and collaboration is key.

Front Public Health ; 11: 1077306, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36778561


Climate change is a reality in the Caribbean and its effects are already harming health, yet the health workforce capacity to implement climate mitigation and adaptation measures is lacking. From March-May of 2022, a free, live-virtual, evidence and competency based 10-week climate and health course targeted toward health risks in the Caribbean was deployed to: (1) increase communication about climate and health, (2) equip health professionals with knowledge and skills that could be readily incorporated into practice, and (3) engage health professionals with climate and health initiatives within their communities. Participants in this course came from 37 countries, 10 different health-related fields, and five different general places of work. Longitudinal surveys revealed significant changes in health professional communication, engagement and application of climate and health knowledge and skills. Live-virtual, evidence and competency-based courses, regional-specific courses have the potential to change health professional behaviors toward addressing climate impacts on health.

Fortalecimento Institucional , Pessoal de Saúde , Humanos , Comunicação , Região do Caribe , Mudança Climática
Artigo em Inglês | PAHOIRIS | ID: phr-61342


[ABSTRACT]. Objectives. To describe the development, implementation, and results of a training course designed to equip health professionals from the Pan American Health Organization region with the knowledge and tools needed to adapt health systems to current climate realities. Methods. The Pan American climate resilient health systems course was a 9-week live-virtual course in March– April 2023, which was delivered through Zoom and offered in English, Spanish, and French. All lectures were delivered by local and regional climate and health experts. The curricular foundation of this initiative was the Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education core competencies for health professionals. Participants completed pre- and post-course surveys. Results. A total of 1212 participants attended at least one of the nine sessions and 489 (from 66 countries) attended at least six sessions. Of these, 291 participants completed both the pre- and post-course surveys which were used in the analysis. Longitudinal survey results suggested an improvement in participants’ climate and health communication, an increased frequency of incorporating climate knowledge in professional practice, and improved confidence in engaging in climate initiatives. At the same time, many participants expressed a need for additional training. Conclusions. The results indicate that live-virtual courses have the potential to empower health professionals to contribute to climate resilience efforts by: increasing their communication skills; changing their professional practice; increasing their ability to lead climate and health activities; and preparing them to assess vulnerability and adaptation in health systems, measure and monitor environmental sustainability, and apply a health equity lens.

[RESUMEN]. Objetivos. Describir la elaboración, la puesta en práctica y los resultados de un curso de capacitación diseñado para dotar a los profesionales de salud de la Región de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud de los conocimientos y las herramientas necesarios para adaptar los sistemas de salud a las realidades climáticas actuales. Métodos. El Curso Panamericano de Resiliencia al Clima para Sistemas de Salud fue un curso virtual impartido a lo largo de nueve semanas, en marzo y abril del 2023. Se dictó en directo por medio de Zoom y se ofreció en español, francés e inglés. Todas las ponencias corrieron a cargo de expertos locales y regionales en clima y salud. El temario de esta iniciativa se basó en las competencias básicas para profesionales de la salud del Consorcio Global sobre Educación en Clima y Salud. Los participantes respondieron a cuestionarios antes y después del curso. Resultados. Hubo un total de 1212 participantes que asistieron al menos a una de las nueve sesiones y 489 (de 66 países) que asistieron a un mínimo de seis. De ellos, 291 respondieron a los cuestionarios previos y posteriores al curso que se usaron para el análisis. Los resultados longitudinales del cuestionario indicaron una mejora en la comunicación de los participantes sobre el clima y la salud, una mayor frecuencia de incorporación de los conocimientos sobre el clima en la práctica profesional y una mayor confianza a la hora de participar en iniciativas relacionadas con el clima. Asimismo, muchos participantes expresaron la necesidad de una mayor capacitación. Conclusiones. Los resultados indican que los cursos virtuales en directo brindan la posibilidad de facultar a los profesionales de la salud para que contribuyan a los esfuerzos de resiliencia frente al clima mediante: la mejora de sus competencias en materia de comunicación; la introducción de cambios en el ejercicio de su profesión; la mejora de su capacidad para dirigir actividades relacionadas con el clima y la salud; y la preparación para evaluar la vulnerabilidad y la adaptación de los sistemas de salud, medir y dar seguimiento a la sostenibilidad medioambiental y aplicar una perspectiva de equidad en la salud.

[RESUMO]. Objetivos. Descrever a elaboração, a implementação e os resultados de um curso de capacitação para fornecer aos profissionais de saúde na região da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde os conhecimentos e as ferramentas necessários para adaptar os sistemas de saúde às realidades atuais do clima. Métodos. O curso sobre sistemas de saúde pan-americanos resilientes ao clima, com nove semanas de duração, foi oferecido em formato on-line ao vivo (via Zoom). O curso foi realizado em inglês, espanhol e francês entre março e abril de 2023. As aulas foram ministradas por especialistas locais e regionais em clima e saúde. As competências básicas para profissionais de saúde do Consórcio Global de Educação em Clima e Saúde serviram de base curricular para esta iniciativa. Os participantes preencheram uma pré-avaliação e uma pós-avaliação do curso. Resultados. Das pessoas que participaram do curso, 1212 assistiram a pelo menos uma das nove aulas, e 489 (em 66 países) assistiram a pelo menos seis aulas. Dessas, 291 fizeram a pré-avaliação e a pós-avaliação do curso, e os dados coletados foram usados na análise. Os resultados da pesquisa longitudinal indicam uma melhoria por parte dos participantes na comunicação sobre clima e saúde, maior frequência de incorporação dos conhecimentos sobre o clima na prática profissional e maior segurança dos profissionais para participar em iniciativas sobre clima. Muitos participantes também informaram que precisavam de mais capacitação. Conclusões. Os resultados desta análise indicam que cursos on-line ao vivo podem ajudar a empoderar os profissionais de saúde para que possam contribuir para os esforços de resiliência ao clima de diversas formas: melhorando suas habilidades de comunicação; transformando sua prática profissional; melhorando sua habilidade de conduzir atividades relacionadas ao clima e à saúde; e preparando-os para avaliar a vulnerabilidade e a adaptação dos sistemas de saúde, aferir e monitorar a sustentabilidade ambiental e utilizar uma perspectiva de equidade em saúde.

Fortalecimento Institucional , Educação em Saúde Ambiental , Mudança Climática , Resiliência de Sistemas de Saúde , América , Fortalecimento Institucional , Educação em Saúde Ambiental , Mudança Climática , Resiliência de Sistemas de Saúde , América , Fortalecimento Institucional , Educação em Saúde Ambiental , Mudança Climática , Resiliência de Sistemas de Saúde , América
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