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Opt Express ; 32(8): 14565-14581, 2024 Apr 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38859398


In recent years, the development of holographic near-eye displays (HNED) has surpassed the progress of digital hologram recording systems, especially in terms of wide-angle viewing capabilities. Thus, there is capture-display parameters incompatibility, which makes it impossible to reconstruct recorded objects in wide-angle display. This paper presents a complete imaging chain extending the available content for wide-angle HNED of pupil and non-pupil configuration with narrow-angle digital holograms of real objects. To this end, a new framework based on the phase-space approach is proposed that includes a set of affine transformations required to account for all differences in capture-display cases. The developed method allows free manipulation of the geometry of reconstructed objects, including axial and lateral positioning and size scaling. At the same time, it has a low computational effort. The presented work is supported with non-paraxial formulas developed using the phase-space approach, enabling accurate tracing of the holographic signal, its reconstruction, and measuring appearing deformations. The applicability of the proposed hologram manipulation method is proven with experimental results of digital hologram reconstruction in wide-angle HNED.

Opt Express ; 31(13): 20965-20979, 2023 Jun 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37381208


Small eyebox in wide-angle holographic near-eye display is a severe limitation for 3D visual immersion of the device. In this paper, an opto-numerical solution for extending the eyebox size in these types of devices is presented. The hardware part of our solution expands the eyebox by inserting a grating of frequency fg within a non-pupil forming display configuration. The grating multiplies eyebox, increasing the possible eye motion. The numerical part of our solution is an algorithm that enables proper coding of wide-angle holographic information for projecting correct object reconstruction at arbitrary eye position within the extended eyebox. The algorithm is developed through the employment of the phase-space representation, which facilitates the analysis of the holographic information and the impact of the diffraction grating in the wide-angle display system. It is shown that accurate encoding of the wavefront information components for the eyebox replicas is possible. In this way, the problem of missing or incorrect views in wide angle near-eye display with multiplied eyeboxes is efficiently solved. Moreover, this study investigates the space-frequency relation between the object and the eyebox and how the hologram information is shared between eyebox replicas. The functionality of our solution is tested experimentally in an augmented reality holographic near-eye display that has maximum field of view of 25.89°. Obtained optical reconstructions demonstrate that correct object view is obtained for arbitrary eye position within extended eyebox.

Opt Express ; 30(24): 43551-43565, 2022 Nov 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36523051


In this paper, two solutions are proposed to improve the quality of a large image that is reconstructed in front of the observer in a near-eye holographic display. One of the proposed techniques, to the best of our knowledge, is the first wide-angle solution that successfully uses a non-coherent LED source. It is shown that the resulting image when employing these types of sources has less speckle noise but a resolution comparable to that obtained with coherent light. These results are explained by the developed theory, which also shows that the coherence effect is angle varying. Furthermore, for the used pupil forming display architecture, it is necessary to compute a large virtual nonparaxial hologram. We demonstrate that for this hologram there exists a small support region that has a frequency range capable of encoding information generated by a single point of the object. This small support region is beneficial since it enables to propose a wide-angle rigorous CGH computational method, which allows processing very dense cloud of points that represents three-dimensional objects. This is our second proposed key development. To determine the corresponding support region, the concept of local wavefront spatial curvature is introduced, which is proportional to the tangent line to the local spatial frequency of the spherical wavefront. The proposed analytical solution shows that the size of this area strongly depends on the transverse and longitudinal coordinate of the corresponding object point.

Opt Express ; 29(12): 18173-18191, 2021 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34154080


Registration and reconstruction of high-quality digital holograms with a large view angle are intensive computer tasks since they require the space-bandwidth product (SBP) of the order of tens of gigapixels or more. This massive use of SBP severely affects the storing and manipulation of digital holograms. In order to reduce the computer burden, this work focuses on the generation and reconstruction of very large horizontal parallax only digital holograms (HPO-DHs). It is shown that these types of holograms can preserve high quality and large view angle in x direction while keeping a low use of SBP. This work first proposes a numerical technique that allows calculating very large HPO-DHs with large pixel size by merging the Fourier holography and phase added stereogram algorithm. The generated Fourier HPO-DHs enable accurate storing of holographic data from 3D objects. To decode the information contained in these Fourier HPO-DHs (FHPO-DHs), a novel angular spectrum (AS) technique that provides an efficient use of the SBP for reconstruction is proposed. Our reconstruction technique, which is called compact space bandwidth AS (CSW-AS), makes use of cylindrical parabolic waves that solve sampling issues of FHPO-DHs and AS. Moreover, the CSW-AS allows for implementing zero-padding for accurate wavefield reconstructions. Hence, suppression of aliased components and high spatial resolution is possible. Notably, the imaging chain of Fourier HPO-DH enables efficient calculation, reconstruction and storing of HPO holograms of large size. Finally, the accuracy and utility of the developed technique is proved by both numerical and optical reconstructions.

Opt Lett ; 46(9): 2188-2191, 2021 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33929451


Computer generated holography (CGH) algorithms come in many forms, with different trade-offs in terms of visual quality and calculation speed. However, no CGH algorithm to date can accurately account for all 3D visual cues simultaneously, such as occlusion, shadows, continuous parallax, and precise focal cues, without view discretization. The aim is to create photorealistic CGH content, not only for display purposes but also to create reference data for comparing and testing CGH and compression algorithms. We propose a novel algorithm combining the precision of point-based CGH with the accurate shading and flexibility of ray-tracing algorithms. We demonstrate this by creating a scene with global illumination, soft shadows, and precise occlusion cues, implemented with OptiX and CUDA.

Opt Lett ; 46(19): 4956-4959, 2021 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34598257


Holographic projection displays provide high diffraction efficiency. However, they have a limited projection angle. This work proposes a holographic projection display with a wide angle, which gives an image of size 306mm×161mm at 700 mm and reduced speckle noise. The solution uses single Fourier lens imaging with a frequency filter and hologram generation utilizing complex coding and nonparaxial diffraction. The experiment was performed with a 4K phase-only spatial light modulator (SLM) to prove the high efficiency of the developed numerical tools. Optical reconstruction shows high resolution and high image quality achieved from a single frame. Hence, displaying video at a full frame rate of the SLM is possible.

Opt Express ; 28(24): 37069-37091, 2020 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33379788


Measuring the impact of compression on the reconstruction quality of holograms remains a challenge. A public subjectively-annotated holographic data set that allows for testing the performance of compression techniques and quality metrics is presented, in addition to a subjective visual quality assessment methodology. Moreover, the performance of the quality assessment procedures is compared for holographic, regular 2D and light field displays. For these experiments, a double-stimulus, multi-perspective, multi-depth testing methodology was designed and implemented. Analysis of the quality scores indicated that in the absence of a suitable holographic display and under the presented test conditions, non-holographic displays can be deployed to display numerically reconstructed holograms for visual quality assessment tasks.

Opt Lett ; 44(17): 4255-4258, 2019 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31465376


Holographic displays employing digital micromirror devices (DMDs) reconstruct 3D images at high diffraction orders. For LED displays, this geometry introduces large dispersion at the DMD surface, reducing image resolution and depth. This work proposes a color DMD LED holographic display with dispersion compensation utilizing an additional diffraction grating in an illumination module. The solution allows to obtain image depth up to 100 mm, which is comparable to the one achieved by a liquid crystal spatial light modulator, where the limiting factor is spatial coherence of the source. Experimental comparison of the results obtained with the laser and LED source gives evidence of effective speckle noise reduction, even from a single frame.

Appl Opt ; 58(34): G96-G103, 2019 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31873495


Recently, the tabletop holographic display has been introduced to present a large 3D hologram floating over the table. When the observer looks down at the hologram, the display reconstructs upper perspectives of the object at a 45° angle. This paper presents the full imaging chain for the tabletop holographic display based on capture, processing, and reconstruction of a 360° observable hologram of the real object. Two different imaging methods, which involve lensless Fourier digital holographic recordings and the tabletop holographic display, are introduced. The first method utilizes the conventional capture approach with a side view perspective and numerical tilt correction for 45° angular mismatch between the acquisition and reconstruction systems. The second method presents a modified lensless digital Fourier holography for holographic recording of the upper perspective. Experimental results including numerical and optical reconstructions present various visual aspects of both capture approaches such as viewpoint correction, refocusing, 3D effects, and 3D deformations.

Opt Express ; 26(9): 12144-12158, 2018 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29716129


We present an end-to-end full color Fourier holographic imaging approach, which involves standard holographic recording with three wavelengths and an improved LED-driven display. It provides almost undistorted orthoscopic reconstruction of large objects in full color, which can be viewed with a naked eye. High quality reconstruction is preserved across large object depths, measured in meters, as shown theoretically and experimentally. Our imaging approach is based on capture, processing and display of the object wave fields without spherical phase factors. This efficient convention combined with a novel numerical propagator for confocal fields enables complete axial decoupling of both ends of the imaging chain, and consequently, free manipulation of axial position as well as size of the image without visible deformations and with minimal computation effort.

Opt Express ; 26(19): 25086-25097, 2018 Sep 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30469616


We present Fourier rainbow holographic imaging approach. It involves standard laser holographic recording and novel horizontal parallax only holographic display. In the display, the rainbow effect is introduced in an illumination module by high-frequency diffraction grating and white light LED source. The display is addressed by Fourier rainbow digital hologram (FRDH) encoding defocused object field with removed spatial frequency components in one direction by hologram slitting and without spherical phase factor. Theoretically and experimentally it is shown that the method extends the viewing zone of the classical viewing window display in vertical and longitudinal directions, thus the comfort of observation is improved. It is also numerically and experimentally validated that the numerical slitting applied within FRDH generation improves reconstruction depth of the display, here up to 400 mm.

Opt Express ; 24(3): 2189-99, 2016 Feb 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26906795


This work presents color holographic display, which is based on a single phase only spatial light modulator (SLM). In the display entire area of the SLM is illuminated by an on-axis white light beam generated by a single large LED. The holographic display fully utilizes SLM bandwidth and has capability of full-color, full frame rate imaging of outstanding quality. This is achieved through: (i) optimal use of the source coherence volume, (ii) application of the single white light LED source, (iii) a development of a novel concept of color multiplexing technique with color filter mask in Fourier plane of the SLM, (iv) and a complex coding with improved diffraction efficiency. Within experimental part of the paper we show single color, full-color holographic 2D and 3D images generated for reconstruction depth exceeding 10 cm.

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