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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27812274


There is a great deal of interest in using large scale brain imaging studies to understand how brain connectivity evolves over time for an individual and how it varies over different levels/quantiles of cognitive function. To do so, one typically performs so-called tractography procedures on diffusion MR brain images and derives measures of brain connectivity expressed as graphs. The nodes correspond to distinct brain regions and the edges encode the strength of the connection. The scientific interest is in characterizing the evolution of these graphs over time or from healthy individuals to diseased. We pose this important question in terms of the Laplacian of the connectivity graphs derived from various longitudinal or disease time points - quantifying its progression is then expressed in terms of coupling the harmonic bases of a full set of Laplacians. We derive a coupled system of generalized eigenvalue problems (and corresponding numerical optimization schemes) whose solution helps characterize the full life cycle of brain connectivity evolution in a given dataset. Finally, we show a set of results on a diffusion MR imaging dataset of middle aged people at risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD), who are cognitively healthy. In such asymptomatic adults, we find that a framework for characterizing brain connectivity evolution provides the ability to predict cognitive scores for individual subjects, and for estimating the progression of participant's brain connectivity into the future.

Proc IEEE Int Conf Comput Vis ; 2015: 1841-1849, 2015 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27081374


Eigenvalue problems are ubiquitous in computer vision, covering a very broad spectrum of applications ranging from estimation problems in multi-view geometry to image segmentation. Few other linear algebra problems have a more mature set of numerical routines available and many computer vision libraries leverage such tools extensively. However, the ability to call the underlying solver only as a "black box" can often become restrictive. Many 'human in the loop' settings in vision frequently exploit supervision from an expert, to the extent that the user can be considered a subroutine in the overall system. In other cases, there is additional domain knowledge, side or even partial information that one may want to incorporate within the formulation. In general, regularizing a (generalized) eigenvalue problem with such side information remains difficult. Motivated by these needs, this paper presents an optimization scheme to solve generalized eigenvalue problems (GEP) involving a (nonsmooth) regularizer. We start from an alternative formulation of GEP where the feasibility set of the model involves the Stiefel manifold. The core of this paper presents an end to end stochastic optimization scheme for the resultant problem. We show how this general algorithm enables improved statistical analysis of brain imaging data where the regularizer is derived from other 'views' of the disease pathology, involving clinical measurements and other image-derived representations.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25580070


Linear regression is a parametric model which is ubiquitous in scientific analysis. The classical setup where the observations and responses, i.e., (xi , yi ) pairs, are Euclidean is well studied. The setting where yi is manifold valued is a topic of much interest, motivated by applications in shape analysis, topic modeling, and medical imaging. Recent work gives strategies for max-margin classifiers, principal components analysis, and dictionary learning on certain types of manifolds. For parametric regression specifically, results within the last year provide mechanisms to regress one real-valued parameter, xi ∈ R, against a manifold-valued variable, yi ∈ . We seek to substantially extend the operating range of such methods by deriving schemes for multivariate multiple linear regression -a manifold-valued dependent variable against multiple independent variables, i.e., f : Rn → . Our variational algorithm efficiently solves for multiple geodesic bases on the manifold concurrently via gradient updates. This allows us to answer questions such as: what is the relationship of the measurement at voxel y to disease when conditioned on age and gender. We show applications to statistical analysis of diffusion weighted images, which give rise to regression tasks on the manifold GL(n)/O(n) for diffusion tensor images (DTI) and the Hilbert unit sphere for orientation distribution functions (ODF) from high angular resolution acquisition. The companion open-source code is available on

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33994765


We study the problem of interactive segmentation and contour completion for multiple objects. The form of constraints our model incorporates are those coming from user scribbles (interior or exterior constraints) as well as information regarding the topology of the 2-D space after partitioning (number of closed contours desired). We discuss how concepts from discrete calculus and a simple identity using the Euler characteristic of a planar graph can be utilized to derive a practical algorithm for this problem. We also present specialized branch and bound methods for the case of single contour completion under such constraints. On an extensive dataset of ~ 1000 images, our experiments suggest that a small amount of side knowledge can give strong improvements over fully unsupervised contour completion methods. We show that by interpreting user indications topologically, user effort is substantially reduced.

Comput Vis ECCV ; 7575: 128-142, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25267943


We develop new algorithms to analyze and exploit the joint subspace structure of a set of related images to facilitate the process of concurrent segmentation of a large set of images. Most existing approaches for this problem are either limited to extracting a single similar object across the given image set or do not scale well to a large number of images containing multiple objects varying at different scales. One of the goals of this paper is to show that various desirable properties of such an algorithm (ability to handle multiple images with multiple objects showing arbitary scale variations) can be cast elegantly using simple constructs from linear algebra: this significantly extends the operating range of such methods. While intuitive, this formulation leads to a hard optimization problem where one must perform the image segmentation task together with appropriate constraints which enforce desired algebraic regularity (e.g., common subspace structure). We propose efficient iterative algorithms (with small computational requirements) whose key steps reduce to objective functions solvable by max-flow and/or nearly closed form identities. We study the qualitative, theoretical, and empirical properties of the method, and present results on benchmark datasets.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25278742


We recast the Cosegmentation problem using Random Walker (RW) segmentation as the core segmentation algorithm, rather than the traditional MRF approach adopted in the literature so far. Our formulation is similar to previous approaches in the sense that it also permits Cosegmentation constraints (which impose consistency between the extracted objects from ≥ 2 images) using a nonparametric model. However, several previous nonparametric cosegmentation methods have the serious limitation that they require adding one auxiliary node (or variable) for every pair of pixels that are similar (which effectively limits such methods to describing only those objects that have high entropy appearance models). In contrast, our proposed model completely eliminates this restrictive dependence -the resulting improvements are quite significant. Our model further allows an optimization scheme exploiting quasiconvexity for model-based segmentation with no dependence on the scale of the segmented foreground. Finally, we show that the optimization can be expressed in terms of linear algebra operations on sparse matrices which are easily mapped to GPU architecture. We provide a highly specialized CUDA library for Cosegmentation exploiting this special structure, and report experimental results showing these advantages.

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