PURPOSE: Our purpose was to retrospectively evaluate the incidence and morphologic features of diabetic mastopathy in a group of patients with diabetes, searching for specific sonographic characteristics of diabetic mastopathy. METHODS: One hundred twenty diabetic patients underwent breast clinical examination, mammography, and sonography. All detected breast lesions were confirmed histopathologically. RESULTS: Breast lesions were found in 11 of the 120 patients (9%), including two cases of invasive ductal carcinomas and nine cases of diabetic mastopathy. In seven of those nine cases (77%), diabetic mastopathy appeared as a hypoechoic solid mass with irregular margins, inhomogeneous echotexture, and marked posterior shadowing. In the other two cases (23%), it appeared as a mildly inhomogeneous, hypoechoic solid mass. CONCLUSIONS: Diabetic mastopathy is a diagnostic challenge and needs to be suspected in all patients with diabetes mellitus. Imaging features are nonspecific and highly susggestive on breast sonography in most cases. Core-needle biopsy confirmation remains mandatory for a definitive diagnosis.