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Nature ; 587(7833): 210-213, 2020 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33177669


Light elements were produced in the first few minutes of the Universe through a sequence of nuclear reactions known as Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN)1,2. Among the light elements produced during BBN1,2, deuterium is an excellent indicator of cosmological parameters because its abundance is highly sensitive to the primordial baryon density and also depends on the number of neutrino species permeating the early Universe. Although astronomical observations of primordial deuterium abundance have reached percent accuracy3, theoretical predictions4-6 based on BBN are hampered by large uncertainties on the cross-section of the deuterium burning D(p,γ)3He reaction. Here we show that our improved cross-sections of this reaction lead to BBN estimates of the baryon density at the 1.6 percent level, in excellent agreement with a recent analysis of the cosmic microwave background7. Improved cross-section data were obtained by exploiting the negligible cosmic-ray background deep underground at the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics (LUNA) of the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy)8,9. We bombarded a high-purity deuterium gas target10 with an intense proton beam from the LUNA 400-kilovolt accelerator11 and detected the γ-rays from the nuclear reaction under study with a high-purity germanium detector. Our experimental results settle the most uncertain nuclear physics input to BBN calculations and substantially improve the reliability of using primordial abundances to probe the physics of the early Universe.

Phys Rev Lett ; 133(7): 072501, 2024 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39213556


Isomer spectroscopy of heavy neutron-rich nuclei beyond the N=126 closed shell has been performed for the first time at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory of the RIKEN Nishina Center. New millisecond isomers have been identified at low excitation energies, 985.3(19) keV in ^{213}Tl and 874(5) keV in ^{215}Tl. The measured half-lives of 1.34(5) ms in ^{213}Tl and 3.0(3) ms in ^{215}Tl suggest spins and parities 11/2^{-} with the single proton-hole configuration πh_{11/2} as leading component. They are populated via E1 transitions by the decay of higher-lying isomeric states with proposed spin and parity 17/2^{+}, interpreted as arising from a single πs_{1/2} proton hole coupled to the 8^{+} seniority isomer in the ^{A+1}Pb cores. The lowering of the 11/2^{-} states is ascribed to an increase of the πh_{11/2} proton effective single-particle energy as the second νg_{9/2} orbital is filled by neutrons, owing to a significant reduction of the proton-neutron monopole interaction between the πh_{11/2} and νg_{9/2} orbitals. The new ms isomers provide the first experimental observation of shell evolution in the almost unexplored N>126 nuclear region below doubly magic ^{208}Pb.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(16): 162701, 2023 Oct 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37925687


The ^{12}C/^{13}C ratio is a significant indicator of nucleosynthesis and mixing processes during hydrogen burning in stars. Its value mainly depends on the relative rates of the ^{12}C(p,γ)^{13}N and ^{13}C(p,γ)^{14}N reactions. Both reactions have been studied at the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics (LUNA) in Italy down to the lowest energies to date (E_{c.m.}=60 keV) reaching for the first time the high energy tail of hydrogen burning in the shell of giant stars. Our cross sections, obtained with both prompt γ-ray detection and activation measurements, are the most precise to date with overall systematic uncertainties of 7%-8%. Compared with most of the literature, our results are systematically lower, by 25% for the ^{12}C(p,γ)^{13}N reaction and by 30% for ^{13}C(p,γ)^{14}N. We provide the most precise value up to now of 3.6±0.4 in the 20-140 MK range for the lowest possible ^{12}C/^{13}C ratio that can be produced during H burning in giant stars.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(4): 042701, 2022 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35148128


We present the first direct measurement of an astrophysical reaction using a radioactive beam of isomeric nuclei. In particular, we have measured the strength of the key 447-keV resonance in the ^{26m}Al(p,γ)^{27}Si reaction to be 432_{-226}^{+146} meV and find that this resonance dominates the thermally averaged reaction rate for temperatures between 0.3 and 2.5 GK. This work represents a critical development in resolving one of the longest standing issues in nuclear astrophysics research, relating to the measurement of proton capture reactions on excited quantum levels, and offers unique insight into the destruction of isomeric ^{26}Al in astrophysical plasmas.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(17): 172701, 2022 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36332266


The ß-delayed one- and two-neutron emission probabilities (P_{1n} and P_{2n}) of 20 neutron-rich nuclei with N≥82 have been measured at the RIBF facility of the RIKEN Nishina Center. P_{1n} of ^{130,131}Ag, ^{133,134}Cd, ^{135,136}In, and ^{138,139}Sn were determined for the first time, and stringent upper limits were placed on P_{2n} for nearly all cases. ß-delayed two-neutron emission (ß2n) was unambiguously identified in ^{133}Cd and ^{135,136}In, and their P_{2n} were measured. Weak ß2n was also detected from ^{137,138}Sn. Our results highlight the effect of the N=82 and Z=50 shell closures on ß-delayed neutron emission probability and provide stringent benchmarks for newly developed macroscopic-microscopic and self-consistent global models with the inclusion of a statistical treatment of neutron and γ emission. The impact of our measurements on r-process nucleosynthesis was studied in a neutron star merger scenario. Our P_{1n} and P_{2n} have a direct impact on the odd-even staggering of the final abundance, improving the agreement between calculated and observed Solar System abundances. The odd isotope fraction of Ba in r-process-enhanced (r-II) stars is also better reproduced using our new data.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(15): 152701, 2021 Oct 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34677992


One of the main neutron sources for the astrophysical s process is the reaction ^{13}C(α,n)^{16}O, taking place in thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars at temperatures around 90 MK. To model the nucleosynthesis during this process the reaction cross section needs to be known in the 150-230 keV energy window (Gamow peak). At these sub-Coulomb energies, cross section direct measurements are severely affected by the low event rate, making us rely on input from indirect methods and extrapolations from higher-energy direct data. This leads to an uncertainty in the cross section at the relevant energies too high to reliably constrain the nuclear physics input to s-process calculations. We present the results from a new deep-underground measurement of ^{13}C(α,n)^{16}O, covering the energy range 230-300 keV, with drastically reduced uncertainties over previous measurements and for the first time providing data directly inside the s-process Gamow peak. Selected stellar models have been computed to estimate the impact of our revised reaction rate. For stars of nearly solar composition, we find sizeable variations of some isotopes, whose production is influenced by the activation of close-by branching points that are sensitive to the neutron density, in particular, the two radioactive nuclei ^{60}Fe and ^{205}Pb, as well as ^{152}Gd.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(9): 092701, 2019 Mar 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30932526


We report the first measurement of low-energy proton-capture cross sections of ^{124}Xe in a heavy-ion storage ring. ^{124}Xe^{54+} ions of five different beam energies between 5.5 and 8 AMeV were stored to collide with a windowless hydrogen target. The ^{125}Cs reaction products were directly detected. The interaction energies are located on the high energy tail of the Gamow window for hot, explosive scenarios such as supernovae and x-ray binaries. The results serve as an important test of predicted astrophysical reaction rates in this mass range. Good agreement in the prediction of the astrophysically important proton width at low energy is found, with only a 30% difference between measurement and theory. Larger deviations are found above the neutron emission threshold, where also neutron and γ widths significantly impact the cross sections. The newly established experimental method is a very powerful tool to investigate nuclear reactions on rare ion beams at low center-of-mass energies.

Nature ; 497(7448): 199-204, 2013 May 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23657348


There is strong circumstantial evidence that certain heavy, unstable atomic nuclei are 'octupole deformed', that is, distorted into a pear shape. This contrasts with the more prevalent rugby-ball shape of nuclei with reflection-symmetric, quadrupole deformations. The elusive octupole deformed nuclei are of importance for nuclear structure theory, and also in searches for physics beyond the standard model; any measurable electric-dipole moment (a signature of the latter) is expected to be amplified in such nuclei. Here we determine electric octupole transition strengths (a direct measure of octupole correlations) for short-lived isotopes of radon and radium. Coulomb excitation experiments were performed using accelerated beams of heavy, radioactive ions. Our data on (220)Rn and (224)Ra show clear evidence for stronger octupole deformation in the latter. The results enable discrimination between differing theoretical approaches to octupole correlations, and help to constrain suitable candidates for experimental studies of atomic electric-dipole moments that might reveal extensions to the standard model.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(17): 172701, 2018 Oct 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30411966


The ^{22}Ne(p,γ)^{23}Na reaction, part of the neon-sodium cycle of hydrogen burning, may explain the observed anticorrelation between sodium and oxygen abundances in globular cluster stars. Its rate is controlled by a number of low-energy resonances and a slowly varying nonresonant component. Three new resonances at E_{p}=156.2, 189.5, and 259.7 keV have recently been observed and confirmed. However, significant uncertainty on the reaction rate remains due to the nonresonant process and to two suggested resonances at E_{p}=71 and 105 keV. Here, new ^{22}Ne(p,γ)^{23}Na data with high statistics and low background are reported. Stringent upper limits of 6×10^{-11} and 7×10^{-11} eV (90% confidence level), respectively, are placed on the two suggested resonances. In addition, the off-resonant S factor has been measured at unprecedented low energy, constraining the contributions from a subthreshold resonance and the direct capture process. As a result, at a temperature of 0.1 GK the error bar of the ^{22}Ne(p,γ)^{23}Na rate is now reduced by 3 orders of magnitude.

Nature ; 486(7403): 341-5, 2012 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22722192


The shell structure of atomic nuclei is associated with 'magic numbers' and originates in the nearly independent motion of neutrons and protons in a mean potential generated by all nucleons. During ß(+)-decay, a proton transforms into a neutron in a previously not fully occupied orbital, emitting a positron-neutrino pair with either parallel or antiparallel spins, in a Gamow-Teller or Fermi transition, respectively. The transition probability, or strength, of a Gamow-Teller transition depends sensitively on the underlying shell structure and is usually distributed among many states in the neighbouring nucleus. Here we report measurements of the half-life and decay energy for the decay of (100)Sn, the heaviest doubly magic nucleus with equal numbers of protons and neutrons. In the ß-decay of (100)Sn, a large fraction of the strength is observable because of the large decay energy. We determine the largest Gamow-Teller strength so far measured in allowed nuclear ß-decay, establishing the 'superallowed' nature of this Gamow-Teller transition. The large strength and the low-energy states in the daughter nucleus, (100)In, are well reproduced by modern, large-scale shell model calculations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(1): 012701, 2017 Jan 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28106447


This Letter reports a study of the highly debated ^{10}Li structure through the d(^{9}Li,p)^{10}Li one-neutron transfer reaction at 100 MeV. The ^{10}Li energy spectrum is measured up to 4.6 MeV and angular distributions corresponding to different excitation energy regions are reported for the first time. The comparison between data and theoretical predictions, including pairing correlation effects, shows the existence of a p_{1/2} resonance at 0.45±0.03 MeV excitation energy, while no evidence for a significant s-wave contribution close to the threshold energy is observed. Moreover, two high-lying structures are populated at 1.5 and 2.9 MeV. The corresponding angular distributions suggest a significant s_{1/2} partial-wave contribution for the 1.5 MeV structure and a mixing of configurations at higher energy, with the d_{5/2} partial-wave contributing the most to the cross section.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(14): 142502, 2016 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27740778


The ^{17}O(p,α)^{14}N reaction plays a key role in various astrophysical scenarios, from asymptotic giant branch stars to classical novae. It affects the synthesis of rare isotopes such as ^{17}O and ^{18}F, which can provide constraints on astrophysical models. A new direct determination of the E_{R}=64.5 keV resonance strength performed at the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics (LUNA) accelerator has led to the most accurate value to date ωγ=10.0±1.4_{stat}±0.7_{syst} neV, thanks to a significant background reduction underground and generally improved experimental conditions. The (bare) proton partial width of the corresponding state at E_{x}=5672 keV in ^{18}F is Γ_{p}=35±5_{stat}±3_{syst} neV. This width is about a factor of 2 higher than previously estimated, thus leading to a factor of 2 increase in the ^{17}O(p, α)^{14}N reaction rate at astrophysical temperatures relevant to shell hydrogen burning in red giant and asymptotic giant branch stars. The new rate implies lower ^{17}O/^{16}O ratios, with important implications on the interpretation of astrophysical observables from these stars.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(1): 012501, 2016 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27419564


The ß-delayed neutron emission probabilities of neutron rich Hg and Tl nuclei have been measured together with ß-decay half-lives for 20 isotopes of Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, and Bi in the mass region N≳126. These are the heaviest species where neutron emission has been observed so far. These measurements provide key information to evaluate the performance of nuclear microscopic and phenomenological models in reproducing the high-energy part of the ß-decay strength distribution. This provides important constraints on global theoretical models currently used in r-process nucleosynthesis.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(6): 062701, 2015 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26296114


In Wolf-Rayet and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, the (26g)Al(p,γ)(27)Si reaction is expected to govern the destruction of the cosmic γ-ray emitting nucleus (26)Al. The rate of this reaction, however, is highly uncertain due to the unknown properties of key resonances in the temperature regime of hydrogen burning. We present a high-resolution inverse kinematic study of the (26g)Al(d,p)(27)Al reaction as a method for constraining the strengths of key astrophysical resonances in the (26g)Al(p,γ)(27)Si reaction. In particular, the results indicate that the resonance at E(r)=127 keV in (27)Si determines the entire (26g)Al(p,γ)(27)Si reaction rate over almost the complete temperature range of Wolf-Rayet stars and AGB stars.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(5): 052702, 2015 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26274415


26Al is an important radioisotope in astrophysics that provides evidence of ongoing nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy. The 23Na(α, p)26Mg reaction has been identified by a sensitivity study as being one of the most important reactions for the production of 26Al in the convective C/Ne burning shell of massive stars. Owing to large uncertainties in previous experimental data, model calculations are used for the reaction rate of 23Na(α, p)26Mg in this sensitivity study. Current experimental data suggest a reaction rate a factor of ∼40 higher than model calculations. However, a new measurement of this reaction cross section has been made in inverse kinematics in the energy range E(c.m.)=1.28-3.15 MeV at TRIUMF, and found to be in reasonable agreement with the model calculation. A new reaction rate is calculated and tight constraints on the uncertainty in the production of 26Al, due to this reaction, are determined.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(17): 172501, 2015 Oct 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26551106


Excited states of the neutron-rich nuclei (97,99)Rb were populated for the first time using the multistep Coulomb excitation of radioactive beams. Comparisons of the results with particle-rotor model calculations provide clear identification for the ground-state rotational band of (97)Rb as being built on the πg(9/2) [431] 3/2(+) Nilsson-model configuration. The ground-state excitation spectra of the Rb isotopes show a marked distinction between single-particle-like structures below N=60 and rotational bands above. The present study defines the limits of the deformed region around A∼100 and indicates that the deformation of (97)Rb is essentially the same as that observed well inside the deformed region. It further highlights the power of the Coulomb-excitation technique for obtaining spectroscopic information far from stability. The (99)Rb case demonstrates the challenges of studies with very short-lived postaccelerated radioactive beams.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(25): 252501, 2015 Dec 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26722918


The ^{22}Ne(p,γ)^{23}Na reaction takes part in the neon-sodium cycle of hydrogen burning. This cycle affects the synthesis of the elements between ^{20}Ne and ^{27}Al in asymptotic giant branch stars and novae. The ^{22}Ne(p,γ)^{23}Na reaction rate is very uncertain because of a large number of unobserved resonances lying in the Gamow window. At proton energies below 400 keV, only upper limits exist in the literature for the resonance strengths. Previous reaction rate evaluations differ by large factors. In the present work, the first direct observations of the ^{22}Ne(p,γ)^{23}Na resonances at 156.2, 189.5, and 259.7 keV are reported. Their resonance strengths are derived with 2%-7% uncertainty. In addition, upper limits for three other resonances are greatly reduced. Data are taken using a windowless ^{22}Ne gas target and high-purity germanium detectors at the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics in the Gran Sasso laboratory of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy, taking advantage of the ultralow background observed deep underground. The new reaction rate is a factor of 20 higher than the recent evaluation at a temperature of 0.1 GK, relevant to nucleosynthesis in asymptotic giant branch stars.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(4): 042501, 2014 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25105610


Recent observations of (6)Li in metal poor stars suggest a large production of this isotope during big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). In standard BBN calculations, the (2)H(α,γ)(6)Li reaction dominates (6)Li production. This reaction has never been measured inside the BBN energy region because its cross section drops exponentially at low energy and because the electric dipole transition is strongly suppressed for the isoscalar particles (2)H and α at energies below the Coulomb barrier. Indirect measurements using the Coulomb dissociation of (6)Li only give upper limits owing to the dominance of nuclear breakup processes. Here, we report on the results of the first measurement of the (2)H(α,γ)(6)Li cross section at big bang energies. The experiment was performed deep underground at the LUNA 400 kV accelerator in Gran Sasso, Italy. The primordial (6)Li/(7)Li isotopic abundance ratio has been determined to be (1.5 ± 0.3) × 10(-5), from our experimental data and standard BBN theory. The much higher (6)Li/(7)Li values reported for halo stars will likely require a nonstandard physics explanation, as discussed in the literature.

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