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Nature ; 566(7744): 368-372, 2019 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30692651


The mechanical and electronic properties of two-dimensional materials make them promising for use in flexible electronics1-3. Their atomic thickness and large-scale synthesis capability could enable the development of 'smart skin'1,3-5, which could transform ordinary objects into an intelligent distributed sensor network6. However, although many important components of such a distributed electronic system have already been demonstrated (for example, transistors, sensors and memory devices based on two-dimensional materials1,2,4,7), an efficient, flexible and always-on energy-harvesting solution, which is indispensable for self-powered systems, is still missing. Electromagnetic radiation from Wi-Fi systems operating at 2.4 and 5.9 gigahertz8 is becoming increasingly ubiquitous and would be ideal to harvest for powering future distributed electronics. However, the high frequencies used for Wi-Fi communications have remained elusive to radiofrequency harvesters (that is, rectennas) made of flexible semiconductors owing to their limited transport properties9-12. Here we demonstrate an atomically thin and flexible rectenna based on a MoS2 semiconducting-metallic-phase heterojunction with a cutoff frequency of 10 gigahertz, which represents an improvement in speed of roughly one order of magnitude compared with current state-of-the-art flexible rectifiers9-12. This flexible MoS2-based rectifier operates up to the X-band8 (8 to 12 gigahertz) and covers most of the unlicensed industrial, scientific and medical radio band, including the Wi-Fi channels. By integrating the ultrafast MoS2 rectifier with a flexible Wi-Fi-band antenna, we fabricate a fully flexible and integrated rectenna that achieves wireless energy harvesting of electromagnetic radiation in the Wi-Fi band with zero external bias (battery-free). Moreover, our MoS2 rectifier acts as a flexible mixer, realizing frequency conversion beyond 10 gigahertz. This work provides a universal energy-harvesting building block that can be integrated with various flexible electronic systems.

J Chem Phys ; 150(1): 014101, 2019 Jan 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30621412


Integration schemes are implemented with a plane-wave basis in the context of real-time time-dependent density functional theory. Crank-Nicolson methods and three classes of explicit integration schemes are explored and assessed in terms of their accuracy and stability properties. Within the framework of plane-wave density functional theory, a graphene monolayer system is used to investigate the error, stability, and serial computational cost of these methods. The results indicate that Adams-Bashforth and Adams-Bashforth-Moulton methods of orders 4 and 5 outperform commonly used methods, including Crank-Nicolson and Runge-Kutta methods, in simulations where a relatively low error is desired. Parallel runtime scaling of the most competitive serial methods is presented, further demonstrating that the Adams-Bashforth and Adams-Bashforth-Moulton methods are efficient methods for propagating the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations. Our integration schemes are implemented as an extension to the Quantum ESPRESSO code.

Nano Lett ; 18(4): 2351-2357, 2018 04 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29558623


Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are particularly sensitive to mechanical strain because they are capable of experiencing high atomic displacements without nucleating defects to release excess energy. Being promising for photonic applications, it has been shown that as certain phases of layered TMDs MX2 (M = Mo or W; X = S, Se, or Te) are scaled to a thickness of one monolayer, the photoluminescence response is dramatically enhanced due to the emergence of a direct electronic band gap compared with their multilayer or bulk counterparts, which typically exhibit indirect band gaps. Recently, mechanical strain has also been predicted to enable direct excitonic recombination in these materials, in which large changes in the photoluminescence response will occur during an indirect-to-direct band gap transition brought on by elastic tensile strain. Here, we demonstrate an enhancement of 2 orders of magnitude in the photoluminescence emission intensity in uniaxially strained single crystalline WSe2 bilayers. Through a theoretical model that includes experimentally relevant system conditions, we determine this amplification to arise from a significant increase in direct excitonic recombination. Adding confidence to the high levels of elastic strain achieved in this report, we observe strain-independent, mode-dependent Grüneisen parameters over the entire range of tensile strain (1-3.59%), which were obtained as 1.149 ± 0.027, 0.307 ± 0.061, and 0.357 ± 0.103 for the E2g, A1g, and A21g optical phonon modes, respectively. These results can inform the predictive strain-engineered design of other atomically thin indirect semiconductors, in which a decrease in out-of-plane bonding strength may lead to an increase in the strength of strain-coupled optoelectronic effects.

Nano Lett ; 18(6): 3807-3813, 2018 06 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29768000


Two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are unique candidates for the development of next-generation electronic devices. However, the large contact resistance between metal and the monolayer TMDs have significantly limited the devices' performance. Also, the integration of ultrathin high- k dielectric layers with TMDs remains difficult due to the lack of dangling bonds on the surface of TMDs. We present monolayer molybdenum disulfide field-effect transistors with bottom local gates consisting of monolayer graphene. The atomic-level thickness and surface roughness of graphene facilitate the growth of high-quality ultrathin HfO2 and suppress gate leakage. Strong displacement fields above 8 V/nm can be applied using a single graphene gate to electrostatically dope the MoS2, which reduces the contact resistances between Ni and monolayer MoS2 to 2.3 kΩ·µm at low gate voltages. The devices exhibit excellent switching characteristics including a near-ideal subthreshold slope of 64 millivolts per decade, low threshold voltage (∼0.5 V), high channel conductance (>100 µS/µm), and low hysteresis. Scaled devices with 50 and 14 nm channels as well as ultrathin (5 nm) gate dielectrics show effective immunity to short-channel effects. The device fabricated on flexible polymeric substrate also exhibits high performance and has a fully transparent channel region that is desirable in optical-related studies and practical applications.

Small ; 14(20): e1703808, 2018 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29659147


The mechanisms of carrier transport in the cross-plane crystal orientation of transition metal dichalcogenides are examined. The study of in-plane electronic properties of these van der Waals compounds has been the main research focus in recent years. However, the distinctive physical anisotropies, short-channel physics, and tunability of cross layer interactions can make the study of their electronic properties along the out-of-plane crystal orientation valuable. Here, the out-of-plane carrier transport mechanisms in niobium diselenide and hafnium disulfide are explored as two broadly different representative materials. Temperature-dependent current-voltage measurements are preformed to examine the mechanisms involved. First principles simulations and a tunneling model are used to understand these results and quantify the barrier height and hopping distance properties. Using Raman spectroscopy, the thermal response of the chemical bonds is directly explored and the insight into the van der Waals gap properties is acquired. These results indicate that the distinct cross-plane carrier transport characteristics of the two materials are a result of material thermal properties and thermally mediated transport of carriers through the van der Waals gaps. Exploring the cross-plane electron transport, the exciting physics involved is unraveled and potential new avenues for the electronic applications of van der Waals layers are inspired.

Nano Lett ; 17(10): 5897-5907, 2017 10 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28820602


The strong in-plane anisotropy of rhenium disulfide (ReS2) offers an additional physical parameter that can be tuned for advanced applications such as logic circuits, thin-film polarizers, and polarization-sensitive photodetectors. ReS2 also presents advantages for optoelectronics, as it is both a direct-gap semiconductor for few-layer thicknesses (unlike MoS2 or WS2) and stable in air (unlike black phosphorus). Raman spectroscopy is one of the most powerful characterization techniques to nondestructively and sensitively probe the fundamental photophysics of a 2D material. Here, we perform a thorough study of the resonant Raman response of the 18 first-order phonons in ReS2 at various layer thicknesses and crystal orientations. Remarkably, we discover that, as opposed to a general increase in intensity of all of the Raman modes at excitonic transitions, each of the 18 modes behave differently relative to each other as a function of laser excitation, layer thickness, and orientation in a manner that highlights the importance of electron-phonon coupling in ReS2. In addition, we correct an unrecognized error in the calculation of the optical interference enhancement of the Raman signal of transition metal dichalcogenides on SiO2/Si substrates that has propagated through various reports. For ReS2, this correction is critical to properly assessing the resonant Raman behavior. We also implemented a perturbation approach to calculate frequency-dependent Raman intensities based on first-principles and demonstrate that, despite the neglect of excitonic effects, useful trends in the Raman intensities of monolayer and bulk ReS2 at different laser energies can be accurately captured. Finally, the phonon dispersion calculated from first-principles is used to address the possible origins of unexplained peaks observed in the Raman spectra, such as infrared-active modes, defects, and second-order processes.

Nano Lett ; 15(12): 8377-84, 2015 Dec 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26599563


In ReS2, a layer-independent direct band gap of 1.5 eV implies a potential for its use in optoelectronic applications. ReS2 crystallizes in the 1T'-structure, which leads to anisotropic physical properties and whose concomitant electronic structure might host a nontrivial topology. Here, we report an overall evaluation of the anisotropic Raman response and the transport properties of few-layered ReS2 field-effect transistors. We find that ReS2 exfoliated on SiO2 behaves as an n-type semiconductor with an intrinsic carrier mobility surpassing µ(i) ∼ 30 cm(2)/(V s) at T = 300 K, which increases up to ∼350 cm(2)/(V s) at 2 K. Semiconducting behavior is observed at low electron densities n, but at high values of n the resistivity decreases by a factor of >7 upon cooling to 2 K and displays a metallic T(2)-dependence. This suggests that the band structure of 1T'-ReS2 is quite susceptible to an electric field applied perpendicularly to the layers. The electric-field induced metallic state observed in transition metal dichalcogenides was recently claimed to result from a percolation type of transition. Instead, through a scaling analysis of the conductivity as a function of T and n, we find that the metallic state of ReS2 results from a second-order metal-to-insulator transition driven by electronic correlations. This gate-induced metallic state offers an alternative to phase engineering for producing ohmic contacts and metallic interconnects in devices based on transition metal dichalcogenides.

Nano Lett ; 15(11): 7211-6, 2015 Nov 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26468687


In this work, we leverage graphene's unique tunable Seebeck coefficient for the demonstration of a graphene-based thermal imaging system. By integrating graphene based photothermo-electric detectors with micromachined silicon nitride membranes, we are able to achieve room temperature responsivities on the order of ~7-9 V/W (at λ = 10.6 µm), with a time constant of ~23 ms. The large responsivities, due to the combination of thermal isolation and broadband infrared absorption from the underlying SiN membrane, have enabled detection as well as stand-off imaging of an incoherent blackbody target (300-500 K). By comparing the fundamental achievable performance of these graphene-based thermopiles with standard thermocouple materials, we extrapolate that graphene's high carrier mobility can enable improved performances with respect to two main figures of merit for infrared detectors: detectivity (>8 × 10(8) cm Hz(1/2) W(-1)) and noise equivalent temperature difference (<100 mK). Furthermore, even average graphene carrier mobility (<1000 cm(2) V(-1) s(-1)) is still sufficient to detect the emitted thermal radiation from a human target.

Nano Lett ; 15(2): 1356-61, 2015 Feb 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25602462


When light is incident on 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), it engages in multiple reflections within underlying substrates, producing interferences that lead to enhancement or attenuation of the incoming and outgoing strength of light. Here, we report a simple method to engineer the light outcoupling in semiconducting TMDCs by modulating their dielectric surroundings. We show that by modulating the thicknesses of underlying substrates and capping layers, the interference caused by substrate can significantly enhance the light absorption and emission of WSe2, resulting in a ∼11 times increase in Raman signal and a ∼30 times increase in the photoluminescence (PL) intensity of WSe2. On the basis of the interference model, we also propose a strategy to control the photonic and optoelectronic properties of thin-layer WSe2. This work demonstrates the utilization of outcoupling engineering in 2D materials and offers a new route toward the realization of novel optoelectronic devices, such as 2D LEDs and solar cells.

Nanotechnology ; 26(11): 115202, 2015 Mar 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25709100


Two-dimensional materials, such as graphene and its analogues, have been investigated by numerous researchers for high performance flexible and conformal electronic systems, because they offer the ultimate level of thickness scaling, atomically smooth surfaces and high crystalline quality. Here, we use layer-by-layer transfer of large area molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) and graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) to demonstrate electronics on flexible polyimide (PI) substrates. On the same PI substrate, we are able to simultaneously fabricate MoS2 based logic, non-volatile memory cells with graphene floating gates, photo-detectors and MoS2 transistors with tunable source and drain contacts. We are also able to demonstrate that these flexible heterostructure devices have very high electronic performance, comparable to four point measurements taken on SiO2 substrates, with on/off ratios >10(7) and field effect mobilities as high as 16.4 cm(2) V(-1) s(-1). Additionally, the heterojunctions show high optoelectronic sensitivity and were operated as photodetectors with responsivities over 30 A W(-1). Through local gating of the individual graphene/MoS2 contacts, we are able to tune the contact resistance over the range of 322-1210 Ω mm for each contact, by modulating the graphene work function. This leads to devices with tunable and multifunctional performance that can be implemented in a conformable platform.

Nano Lett ; 14(10): 5733-9, 2014 Oct 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25111042


In this article, we experimentally demonstrate that the transport gap of phosphorene can be tuned monotonically from ∼0.3 to ∼1.0 eV when the flake thickness is scaled down from bulk to a single layer. As a consequence, the ON current, the OFF current, and the current ON/OFF ratios of phosphorene field effect transistors (FETs) were found to be significantly impacted by the layer thickness. The transport gap was determined from the transfer characteristics of phosphorene FETs using a robust technique that has not been reported before. The detailed mathematical model is also provided. By scaling the thickness of the gate oxide, we were also able to demonstrate enhanced ambipolar conduction in monolayer and few layer phosphorene FETs. The asymmetry of the electron and the hole current was found to be dependent on the layer thickness that can be explained by dynamic changes of the metal Fermi level with the energy band of phosphorene depending on the layer number. We also extracted the Schottky barrier heights for both the electron and the hole injection as a function of the layer thickness. Finally, we discuss the dependence of field effect hole mobility of phosphorene on temperature and carrier concentration.

Fósforo/química , Transistores Eletrônicos , Elétrons , Desenho de Equipamento , Nanoestruturas/química
Nano Lett ; 14(6): 3055-63, 2014 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24810658


Two-dimensional (2D) materials have generated great interest in the past few years as a new toolbox for electronics. This family of materials includes, among others, metallic graphene, semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (such as MoS2), and insulating boron nitride. These materials and their heterostructures offer excellent mechanical flexibility, optical transparency, and favorable transport properties for realizing electronic, sensing, and optical systems on arbitrary surfaces. In this paper, we demonstrate a novel technology for constructing large-scale electronic systems based on graphene/molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) heterostructures grown by chemical vapor deposition. We have fabricated high-performance devices and circuits based on this heterostructure, where MoS2 is used as the transistor channel and graphene as contact electrodes and circuit interconnects. We provide a systematic comparison of the graphene/MoS2 heterojunction contact to more traditional MoS2-metal junctions, as well as a theoretical investigation, using density functional theory, of the origin of the Schottky barrier height. The tunability of the graphene work function with electrostatic doping significantly improves the ohmic contact to MoS2. These high-performance large-scale devices and circuits based on this 2D heterostructure pave the way for practical flexible transparent electronics.

Nano Lett ; 14(11): 6424-9, 2014 Nov 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25347787


Few-layer and thin film forms of layered black phosphorus (BP) have recently emerged as a promising material for applications in high performance nanoelectronics and infrared optoelectronics. Layered BP thin films offer a moderate bandgap of around 0.3 eV and high carrier mobility, which lead to transistors with decent on-off ratios and high on-state current densities. Here, we demonstrate the gigahertz frequency operation of BP field-effect transistors for the first time. The BP transistors demonstrated here show respectable current saturation with an on-off ratio that exceeds 2 × 10(3). We achieved a current density in excess of 270 mA/mm and DC transconductance above 180 mS/mm for hole conduction. Using standard high frequency characterization techniques, we measured a short-circuit current-gain cutoff frequency fT of 12 GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency fmax of 20 GHz in 300 nm channel length devices. BP devices may offer advantages over graphene transistors for high frequency electronics in terms of voltage and power gain due to the good current saturation properties arising from their finite bandgap, thus can be considered as a promising candidate for the future high performance thin film electronics technology for operation in the multi-GHz frequency range and beyond.

Nanotechnology ; 25(15): 155702, 2014 Apr 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24642948


We have studied temperature-dependent (77-300 K) electrical characteristics and low-frequency noise (LFN) in chemical vapor deposited (CVD) single-layer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) based back-gated field-effect transistors (FETs). Electrical characterization and LFN measurements were conducted on MoS2 FETs with Al2O3 top-surface passivation. We also studied the effect of top-surface passivation etching on the electrical characteristics of the device. Significant decrease in channel current and transconductance was observed in these devices after the Al2O3 passivation etching. For passivated devices, the two-terminal resistance variation with temperature showed a good fit to the activation energy model, whereas for the etched devices the trend indicated a hopping transport mechanism. A significant increase in the normalized drain current noise power spectral density (PSD) was observed after the etching of the top passivation layer. The observed channel current noise was explained using a standard unified model incorporating carrier number fluctuation and correlated surface mobility fluctuation mechanisms. Detailed analysis of the gate-referred noise voltage PSD indicated the presence of different trapping states in passivated devices when compared to the etched devices. Etched devices showed weak temperature dependence of the channel current noise, whereas passivated devices exhibited near-linear temperature dependence.

Nano Lett ; 13(4): 1541-8, 2013 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23470052


The growth of large-area bilayer graphene has been of technological importance for graphene electronics. The successful application of graphene bilayers critically relies on the precise control of the stacking orientation, which determines both electronic and vibrational properties of the bilayer system. Toward this goal, an effective characterization method is critically needed to allow researchers to easily distinguish the bilayer stacking orientation (i.e., AB stacked or turbostratic). In this work, we developed such a method to provide facile identification of the stacking orientation by isotope labeling. Raman spectroscopy of these isotopically labeled bilayer samples shows a clear signature associated with AB stacking between layers, enabling rapid differentiation between turbostratic and AB-stacked bilayer regions. Using this method, we were able to characterize the stacking orientation in bilayer graphene grown through Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD) with enclosed Cu foils, achieving almost 70% AB-stacked bilayer graphene. Furthermore, by combining surface sensitive fluorination with such hybrid (12)C/(13)C bilayer samples, we are able to identify that the second layer grows underneath the first-grown layer, which is similar to a recently reported observation.

Grafite/química , Nanoestruturas/química , Análise Espectral Raman , Gases/química , Marcação por Isótopo , Propriedades de Superfície
Nano Lett ; 12(9): 4674-80, 2012 Sep 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22862813


Two-dimensional (2D) materials, such as molybdenum disulfide (MoS(2)), have been shown to exhibit excellent electrical and optical properties. The semiconducting nature of MoS(2) allows it to overcome the shortcomings of zero-bandgap graphene, while still sharing many of graphene's advantages for electronic and optoelectronic applications. Discrete electronic and optoelectronic components, such as field-effect transistors, sensors, and photodetectors made from few-layer MoS(2) show promising performance as potential substitute of Si in conventional electronics and of organic and amorphous Si semiconductors in ubiquitous systems and display applications. An important next step is the fabrication of fully integrated multistage circuits and logic building blocks on MoS(2) to demonstrate its capability for complex digital logic and high-frequency ac applications. This paper demonstrates an inverter, a NAND gate, a static random access memory, and a five-stage ring oscillator based on a direct-coupled transistor logic technology. The circuits comprise between 2 to 12 transistors seamlessly integrated side-by-side on a single sheet of bilayer MoS(2). Both enhancement-mode and depletion-mode transistors were fabricated thanks to the use of gate metals with different work functions.

Dissulfetos/química , Molibdênio/química , Nanoestruturas/química , Nanoestruturas/ultraestrutura , Nanotecnologia/instrumentação , Transistores Eletrônicos , Desenho de Equipamento , Análise de Falha de Equipamento , Tamanho da Partícula
Analyst ; 137(21): 5041-5, 2012 Nov 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22970432


This paper reports for the first time the development of a large-scale SERS substrate from a popcorn-shaped gold nanoparticle-functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes hybrid thin film for the selective and highly sensitive detection of explosive TNT material at a 100 femtomolar (fM) level.

Small ; 7(12): 1697-700, 2011 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21538990


A modified version of the carburization process, a widely established technique used in the steel industry for case hardening of components, is used for the growth of graphene on stainless steel. Controlled growth of high-quality single- and few-layered graphene on stainless steel (SS) foils through a liquid-phase chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique is reported. Reversible Li intercalation in these graphene-on-SS structures is demonstrated, where graphene and SS act as electrode and current collector, respectively, providing very good electrical contact. Direct growth of an active electrode material, such as graphene, on current-collector substrates makes this a feasible and efficient process for developing thin-film battery devices.

Fontes de Energia Elétrica , Grafite/química , Nanotecnologia/métodos , Aço Inoxidável/química
J Nanosci Nanotechnol ; 11(2): 1111-6, 2011 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21456147


Aligned CNT mats were prepared by thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method by exposing a mixture of ferrocene and xylene vapor to the SiO2/Si substrates. Aligned CNT mats functionalized with reactive chemicals without disturbing CNT alignment were characterized by SEM, XRD, FT-IR, FT-Raman and XPS. The thermal stability of the CNT, CNT-OH and CNT-NaCIO4 are investigated using TG-DSC analysis. Oxidation and combustion temperatures of CNT mats were found to be decreased by functionalizing the CNT mats with NaClO4.

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