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Polymers (Basel) ; 15(5)2023 Feb 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36904340


Owing to the remarkable antimicrobial potential of these materials, research into the possible use of nanomaterials as alternatives to fungicides in sustainable agriculture is increasingly progressing. Here, we investigated the potential antifungal properties of chitosan-decorated copper oxide nanocomposite (CH@CuO NPs) to control gray mold diseases of tomato caused by Botrytis cinerea throughout in vitro and in vivo trials. The nanocomposite CH@CuO NPs were chemically prepared, and size and shape were determined using Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The chemical functional groups responsible for the interaction of the CH NPs with the CuO NPs were detected using the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometry. The TEM images confirmed that CH NPs have a thin and semitransparent network shape, while CuO NPs were spherically shaped. Furthermore, the nanocomposite CH@CuO NPs ex-habited an irregular shape. The size of CH NPs, CuO NPs and CH@CuO NPs as measured through TEM, were approximately 18.28 ± 2.4 nm, 19.34 ± 2.1 nm, and 32.74 ± 2.3 nm, respectively. The antifungal activity of CH@CuO NPs was tested at three concentrations of 50, 100 and 250 mg/L and the fungicide Teldor 50% SC was applied at recommended dose 1.5 mL/L. In vitro experiments revealed that CH@CuO NPs at different concentrations significantly inhibited the reproductive growth process of B. cinerea by suppressing the development of hyphae, spore germination and formation of sclerotia. Interestingly, a significant control efficacy of CH@CuO NPs against tomato gray mold was observed particularly at concentrations 100 and 250 mg/L on both detached leaves (100%) as well as the whole tomato plants (100%) when compared to the conventional chemical fungicide Teldor 50% SC (97%). In addition, the tested concentration 100 mg/L improved to be sufficient to guarantee a complete reduction in the disease's severity (100%) to tomato fruits from gray mold without any morphological toxicity. In comparison, tomato plants treated with the recommended dose 1.5 mL/L of Teldor 50% SC ensured disease reduction up to 80%. Conclusively, this research enhances the concept of agro-nanotechnology by presenting how a nano materials-based fungicide could be used to protect tomato plants from gray mold under greenhouse conditions and during the postharvest stage.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 9(3)2023 Feb 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36983471


The black scorch disease of date palm caused by Thielaviopsis punctulata is a serious threat to the cultivation and productivity of date palm in Arabian Peninsula. The virulence factors that contribute to pathogenicity of T. punctulata have not been identified yet. In the present study, using bioinformatics approach, secretory proteins of T. punctulata were identified and functionally characterized. A total of 197 putative secretory proteins were identified, of which 74 were identified as enzymes for carbohydrate degradation (CAZymes), 25 were proteases, and 47 were predicted as putative effectors. Within the CAZymes, 50 cell wall-degrading enzymes, potentially to degrade cell wall components such as cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and pectin, were identified. Of the 47 putative effectors, 34 possessed at least one functional domain. The secretome of T. punctulata was compared to the predicted secretome of five closely related species (T. musarum, T. ethacetica, T. euricoi, T. cerberus, and T. populi) and identified species specific CAZymes and putative effector genes in T. punctulata, providing a valuable resource for the research aimed at understanding the molecular mechanism underlying the pathogenicity of T. punctulata on Date palm.

Polymers (Basel) ; 15(5)2023 Feb 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36904433


Lignin, a naturally occurring biopolymer, is produced primarily as a waste product by the pulp and paper industries and burned to produce electricity. Lignin-based nano- and microcarriers found in plants are promising biodegradable drug delivery platforms. Here, we highlight a few characteristics of a potential antifungal nanocomposite consisting of carbon nanoparticles (C-NPs) with a defined size and shape containing lignin nanoparticles (L-NPs). Spectroscopic and microscopic studies verified that the lignin-loaded carbon nanoparticles (L-CNPs) were successfully prepared. Under in vitro and in vivo conditions, the antifungal activity of L-CNPs at various doses was effectively tested against a wild strain of F. verticillioides that causes maize stalk rot disease. In comparison to the commercial fungicide, Ridomil Gold SL (2%), L-CNPs introduced beneficial effects in the earliest stages of maize development (seed germination and radicle length). Additionally, L-CNP treatments promoted positive effects on maize seedlings, with a significant increment in the level of carotenoid, anthocyanin, and chlorophyll pigments for particular treatments. Finally, the soluble protein content displayed a favorable trend in response to particular dosages. Most importantly, treatments with L-CNPs at 100 and 500 mg/L significantly reduced stalk rot disease by 86% and 81%, respectively, compared to treatments with the chemical fungicide, which reduced the disease by 79%. These consequences are substantial considering the essential cellular function carried out by these special natural-based compounds. Finally, the intravenous L-CNPs treatments in both male and female mice that affected the clinical applications and toxicological assessments are explained. The results of this study suggest that L-CNPs are of high interest as biodegradable delivery vehicles and can be used to stimulate favorable biological responses in maize when administered in the recommended dosages, contributing to the idea of agro-nanotechnology by demonstrating their unique qualities as a cost-effective alternative compared to conventional commercial fungicides and environmentally benign nanopesticides for long-term plant protection.

Polymers (Basel) ; 15(13)2023 Jul 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37447606


Plant viruses are a global concern for sustainable crop production. Among the currently available antiviral approaches, nanotechnology has been overwhelmingly playing an effective role in circumventing plant viruses. Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) was isolated and identified from symptomatic pepper plants in Egypt using symptomatology, serological tests using the direct ELISA technique, differential hosts and electron microscopy. The virus was biologically purified from a single local lesion that developed on Chenopodium amaranticolor. The AMV infection was further confirmed using an AMV coat protein-specific primer RT-PCR. We further evaluated the antiviral potential of chitosan nanoparticles (CS-NPs) and chitosan silver nanocomposites (CS-Ag NC) in different concentrations against AMV infections in pepper plants. All tested concentrations of CS-NPs and CS-Ag NC induced the inhibition of AMV systemically infected pepper plants when applied 24 h after virus inoculation. The foliar application of 400 ppm CS-NPs or 200 ppm CS-Ag NC produced the highest AMV inhibitory effect (90 and 91%) when applied 24 h after virus inoculation. Treatment with CS-NPs and CS-Ag NC considerably increased the phenol, proline and capsaicin contents compared to the infected plants. Moreover, the agronomic metrics (plant height, fresh and dry pod weights and number of pods per plant) were also significantly improved. According to our results, the potential applications of CS-NPs and CS-Ag NC may provide an effective therapeutic measure for better AMV and other related plant virus management.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 9(3)2023 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36983450


The Alternaria species are considered to produce a plethora of several mycotoxins constituting a risk factor for both human and animal health. This work aimed mainly to explore the cytotoxicity of a combined mixture of altenuene (ALT), alternariol (AOH), tenuazonic acid (TeA), and altenuisol (AS) toxins produced by pathogenic A. alternata toward human oral epithelial cells (PCS-200-014), lung fibroblast cells (WI-38), and male albino rats. The sequencing of the multi-locus, RNA polymerase second largest subunit (rpb2), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh), and Alternaria major allergen gene (Alt a 1) was performed to infer relationships among isolated Alternaria species. The phylogenetic analysis of gapdh, rpb2, and Alt-a 1 sequence data indicated that all isolates resided in A. alternata. The pathogenic potentiality of A. alternata was investigated on tomato plants cv. super strain B under greenhouse conditions, and all isolates were pathogenic to tomato plants, with significant (p < 0.05) variations. The ability of A. alternata isolates to produce mycotoxins was also explored using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). All tested isolates were able to produce at least one of the assessed mycotoxins-ALT, AOH, TeA, and AS-and ALT was reported as the dominant mycotoxin, produced by 80% of A. alternata isolates. The cytotoxic properties of the combined mixture of ALT, AOH, TeA, and AS at concentrations of 31.25, 62.50, 125, 250, and 500 µg/mL were assessed via the MTT assay method after exposure for 24 h versus the control. The treatment of both cell lines with combined mixtures of ALT, AOH, TeA, and AS showed a dose-dependent decrease in cell viability. The highest concentrations tested at 62.50, 125, 250, and 500 µg/mL significantly decreased cell viability and caused cell damage compared to the lowest concentration of 31.25 µg/mL and the control. The cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of the combined mixtures of ALT, AOH, TeA, and AS on male albino rats were also investigated via the gene expression of (TNF-α) and using hematological (CBC), chemical (alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and urea and creatinine), and histopathological analyses. A marked increase was observed in the levels of ALT, AST, urea and creatinine, TNF-α gene expression, red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), hemoglobin (Hb), and packed cell volume % (PCV) after 28 days of exposure relative to the untreated control. Pathological alterations were also observed in the liver and kidney tissues of rats. Conclusively, this work provides a new understanding on the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of mycotoxins of pathogenic A. alternata from tomatoes.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 9(3)2023 Mar 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36983517


Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and tomato (S. lycopersicum L.) are the most economically important vegetable crops in Egypt and worldwide. The winter crop in Egypt is particularly prone to late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans. A total of 152 P. infestans isolates were isolated from the 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2018 winter crops with 82 isolates from potato, 69 from tomato and one isolate from eggplant (S. melongena L.). All isolates belonged to the A1 mating type with no evidence of A2 or self-fertile strains. The majority of isolates (53%) were sensitive to metalaxyl, 32% were intermediate and 15% were resistant. Variation in aggressiveness between three P. infestans isolates EG-005 (13_A2) and EG-276 (23_A1) from potato, and EG-237 (23_A1) from eggplant was determined on tuber slices and leaflets of 10 potato cultivars. The eggplant isolate EG-237 showed higher sporulation capacity compared with the other tested isolates and was able to infect potato (Lady Rosetta cv) and tomato (Super Strain B cv). The simple sequence repeat (SSR) genotyping data showed that in contrast to our previous work (3-year period 2010-12) in which the proportion of 13_A2 lineage was 35%, all isolates belonged to the 23_A1 lineage. There was no evidence for the existence of the A2 mating type or 13_A2 lineage even in the destroyed field crops of some cultivars (Cara, Bellini and Valor) that had been reported as resistant to 23_A1. The data have been submitted into the Euroblight database to allow temporal and spatial genetic diversity to be examined in comparison with other regional P. infestans populations. The AVR2 and AVR2-like RXLR effector genes were amplified and sequenced. In the avirulent AVR2 gene, only one heterozygous SNP was detected at position 31 in the N terminus in six isolates out of eleven, whereas two heterozygous SNPs were detected at position 29 in the N-terminus and ninety-two in the C- terminus of the AVR2-like gene. This suggests that changes in the previously reported virulence profile of 23_A1 are not related to commercial cultivars carrying the R2 gene. In addition, this is the first report of P. infestans on eggplant in Egypt.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(17)2022 Aug 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36079666


Pathogenesis-related protein-1 (PR-1) plays crucial roles in regulating plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. This study aimed to isolate and characterize the first PR-1 (AvPR-1) gene in oat (Avena sativa L.). AvPR-1 presented conserved signal peptide motifs and core amino acid composition in the functional protein domains as the protein sequence of AvPR-1 presented 98.28%, 97.7%, and 95.4% identity with known PR1 proteins isolated from Triticum aestivum PRB1-2-like, Triticum dicoccoides PRB1-2-like, and Aegilops tauschii subsp. tauschii, respectively. Bioinformatic analysis showed that the AvPR-1 protein belongs to the CAP superfamily (PF00188). Secondary and 3D structure analyses of the AvPR-1 protein were also conducted, confirming sequence conservation of PR-1 among studied species. The AvPR-1 protein harbors a calmodulin-binding domain located in its C-terminal part as previously shown for its wheat homolog TdPR1.2. Moreover, gene expression analysis showed that AvPR-1 was induced in response to many abiotic and hormonal stresses especially in leaves after treatment for 48 h. This is the first study exhibiting the expression profiles of the AvPR-1 gene under different stresses in oat.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 8(11)2022 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36422024


Lasiodiplodia (family Botryosphaeriaceae) is a widely distributed fungal genus that causes a variety of diseases in tropical and subtropical regions. During 2020−2021, a routine survey of fruit tree plants was conducted in five Egyptian Governorates, and fresh samples exhibiting dieback, decline, leaf spot and root rot symptoms were collected. Collection from eight different symptomatic leaves, twigs, branches and roots of fruit trees yielded 18 Lasiodiplodia-like isolates. The sequencing data from the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1-a) and ß-tubulin (tub2) were used to infer phylogenetic relationships with known Lasiodiplodia species. Two isolates obtained from black necrotic lesions on Phoenix dactylifera leaves were identified as a putative novel species, L. newvalleyensis sp. nov., and were thus subjected to further morphological characterization. The results of isolation and molecular characterization revealed that L. theobromae (n = 9) was the most common species on Mangifera indica, Citrus reticulata, C. sinensis, Ficus carica, Prunus persica, Prunus armeniaca and Pyrus communis trees. Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae (n = 5) was isolated from M. indica, Prunus persica and C. sinensis. Lasiodiplodia laeliocattleyae (n = 2) was isolated from C. reticulata. Pathogenicity test results suggested that all Lasiodiplodia species were pathogenic to their hosts. The present study is considered the first to characterize and decipher the diversity of Lasiodiplodia species associated with fruit trees in Egypt, using the multi-locus ITS, tef1-a and tub2 sequence data, along with morphological and pathogenic trials. To our knowledge, this is the first report of L. newvalleyensis on Phoenix dactylifera and L. laeliocattleya on C. reticulata in Egypt and worldwide.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(11)2022 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35684286


The importance of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) consumption has increased in recent years due to its significant amount of anticarcinogenic and antioxidant compounds, as well as its many vitamins. However, broccoli florets are a highly perishable product which rapidly senesce and turn yellow after harvest, resulting in losses in nutritional and bioactive compounds. Thus, in this study, we evaluated the effect of postharvest exogenous of salicylic acid (SA) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) and their combination on the quality of broccoli florets stored at 5 °C for 28 days to minimize the rapid senescence of broccoli florets. Samples treated with 2 mM SA alone or in combination with 2% CaCl2 showed lower weight loss and lower losses of chlorophyll content, vitamin C, phenolic compounds, carotenoids, flavonoids, and glucosinolates compared with the control samples. Additionally, antioxidant activity was maintained by either SA or SA + CaCl2 treatments while peroxidase activity was decreased. For higher quality and lower losses in antioxidant compounds of broccoli florets during refrigerated storage at 5 °C, SA + CaCl2 treatment could be helpful for up to 21 days.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(5)2022 Feb 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35270098


Rust, induced by the fungus Uromyces appendiculatus, is one of the most serious bean diseases. The involved mechanisms in rust resistance were evaluated in 10 common bean genotypes during the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 growing seasons. The disease parameters such as final rust severity (FRS%), area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and disease increase rate (r-value) were lower in the resistant genotypes than in highly susceptible genotypes. Biochemical compounds such as total phenols and the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as catalase, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase were increased in the resistant genotypes compared to susceptible genotypes. In the resistance genotypes, the levels of oxidative stress markers such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and superoxide (O2•-) increased dramatically after infection. The electrolyte leakage percentage (EL%), was found to be much greater in susceptible genotypes than resistant genotypes. The resistant gene SA14, which was found in genotypes Nebraska and Calypso at 800 bp, had an adequate level of resistance to bean rust with high grain yield potential. After infection, the transcriptions levels of 1,3-D-glucanases and phenylalanine ammonia lyase) were higher in the resistant genotypes than susceptible genotypes. In conclusion, the resistant genotypes successfully displayed desirable agronomic traits and promising expectations in breeding programs for improving management strategies of common bean rust disease. The resistance was mediated by antioxidant enzymes, phenolic compounds, and defense gene expressions, as well as the resistant gene SA14.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 8(5)2022 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35628724


Late blight disease of potato and tomato, caused by Phytophthora infestans, results in serious losses to Egyptian and global potato and tomato production. To understand the structure and dynamics of the Egyptian population of P. infestans, 205 isolates were collected from potato and tomato plants during three growing seasons in 2010-2012. The characterization was achieved by mating-type assay, metalaxyl sensitivity assay, and virulence pattern. Additionally, genotyping of 85 Egyptian isolates and 15 reference UK isolates was performed using 12 highly informative microsatellite (SSR) markers David E. L. Cooke and five effector (RxLR) genes. Mating-type testing showed that 58% (118 of 205) of the isolates belonged to mating type A1, 35% (71 isolates) to mating type A2, and the rest 8% (16 isolates) were self-fertile. The phenotype of metalaxyl response was represented as 45% resistant, 43% sensitive, and 12% as intermediate. Structure analysis grouped the 85 identified genotypes into two main clonal lineages. The first clonal lineage comprised 21 isolates belonging to A2 mating type and 8 self-fertile isolates. This clonal lineage was identified as Blue_13 or EU_13_A2. The second main clonal lineage comprised 55 isolates and was identified as EU_23_A1. A single isolate with a novel SSR genotype that formed a distinct genetic grouping was also identified. The effector sequencing showed good correspondence with the virulence data and highlighted differences in the presence and absence of loci as well as nucleotide polymorphism that affect gene function. This study indicated a changing population of P. infestans in Egypt and discusses the findings in the context of late blight management.

Polymers (Basel) ; 14(15)2022 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35956614


Acremonium wilt disease affects grain quality and reduces sorghum yield around the globe. The present study aimed to assess the efficacy of humic acid (HA)-coated Fe3O4 (Fe3O4/HA) nanoparticles (NPs) in controlling acremonium wilt disease and improving sorghum growth and yields. During the season 2019, twenty-one sorghum genotypes were screened to assess their response to Acremonium striticum via artificial infection under field conditions and each genotype was assigned to one of six groups, ranging from highly susceptible to highly resistant. Subsequently, over the two successive seasons 2020 and 2021, three different concentrations of 10, 40 and 80 mg L-1 of Fe3O4/HA NPs were tested against A. striticum. The concentrations of 40 and 80 mg L-1 were found to be highly effective in controlling acremonium wilt disease on different sorghum genotypes: LG1 (highly susceptible), Giza-3 (susceptible), and Local 119 (resistant) genotypes. After harvest, the physiological (growth and yield) and biochemical (peroxidase, catalase, and gibberellic acid) attributes of sorghum plants were determined, and the results demonstrated that concentrations of 40 and 80 mg L-1 increased peroxidase and catalase activities in healthy (uninoculated) sorghum genotypes compared to inoculated sorghum genotypes. Additionally, the toxicity of Fe3O4/HA NPs on male albino rats was investigated via hematological (CBC), chemical (ALT and AST) and histopathological analyses. The concentration 80 mg L-1 of Fe3O4/HA NPs caused a marked increase in ALT and creatinine level after 51 days of feeding. Severe pathological alterations were also observed in liver and kidney tissues of rats administered with grain sorghums treated with 80 mg L-1. In comparison with the untreated control plants, a concentration of 40 mg L-1 significantly increased the growth, yield and gibberellic acid levels (p ≤ 0.05) and was found to be safe in male albino rats. Conclusively, a concentration of 40 mg L-1 of Fe3O4/HA NPs showed promising results in curtailing A. striticum infections in sorghum, indicating its great potential to substitute harmful fertilizers and fungicides as a smart agriculture strategy.

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