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Entropy (Basel) ; 25(12)2023 Nov 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38136483


Due to the asymmetry of quantum errors, phase-shift errors are more likely to occur than qubit-flip errors. Consequently, there is a need to develop asymmetric quantum error-correcting (QEC) codes that can safeguard quantum information transmitted through asymmetric channels. Currently, a significant body of literature has investigated the construction of asymmetric QEC codes. However, the asymmetry of most QEC codes identified in the literature is limited by the dual-containing condition within the Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) framework. This limitation restricts the exploration of their full potential in terms of asymmetry. In order to enhance the asymmetry of asymmetric QEC codes, we utilize entanglement-assisted technology and exploit the algebraic structure of cyclotomic cosets of constacyclic codes to achieve this goal. In this paper, we generalize the decomposition method of the defining set for constacyclic codes and apply it to count the number of pre-shared entangled states in order to construct four new classes of asymmetric entanglement-assisted quantum maximal-distance separable (EAQMDS) codes that satisfy the asymmetric entanglement-assisted quantum Singleton bound. Compared with the codes existing in the literature, the lengths of the constructed EAQMDS codes and the number of pre-shared entangled states are more general, and the codes constructed in this paper have greater asymmetry.

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