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Soft Matter ; 19(12): 2168-2175, 2023 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36852754


Boundary shape, particularly roughness, strongly controls the amount of wall slip in dense granular flows. In this paper, we aim to quantify and understand which aspects of a dense granular flow are controlled by the boundary conditions, and to incorporate these observations into a cooperative nonlocal model characterizing slow granular flows. To examine the influence of boundary properties, we perform experiments on a quasi-2D annular shear cell with a rotating inner wall and a fixed outer wall; the latter is selected among 6 walls with various roughnesses, local concavity, and compliance. We find that we can successfully capture the full flow profile using a single set of empirically determined model parameters, with only the wall slip velocity set by direct observation. Through the use of photoelastic particles, we observe how the internal stresses fluctuate more for rougher boundaries, corresponding to a lower wall slip, and connect this observation to the propagation of nonlocal effects originating from the wall. Our measurements indicate a universal relationship between dimensionless fluidity and velocity.

Soft Matter ; 18(7): 1435-1442, 2022 Feb 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35080563


Nonlocal rheologies allow for the modeling of granular flows from the creeping to intermediate flow regimes, using a small number of parameters. In this paper, we report on experiments testing how particle properties affect the model parameters used in the Kamrin & Koval cooperative nonlocal model, using particles of three different shapes (circles, ellipses, and pentagons) and three different materials, including one which allows for the measurement of stresses via photoelasticity. Our experiments are performed on a quasi-2D annular shear cell with a rotating inner wall and a fixed outer wall. Each type of particle is found to exhibit flows which are well-fit by nonlocal rheology, with each particle having a distinct triad of the local, nonlocal, and frictional parameters. While the local parameter b is always approximately unity, the nonlocal parameter A depends sensitively on both the particle shape and material. The critical stress ratio µs, above which Coulomb failure occurs, varies for particles with the same material but different shape, indicating that geometric friction can dominate over material friction.

Phys Rev E ; 108(1-1): 014901, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37583216


As a result of extreme weather conditions, such as heavy precipitation, natural hillslopes can fail dramatically; these slope failures can occur on a dry day, due to time lags between rainfall and pore-water pressure change at depth, or even after days to years of slow motion. While the prefailure deformation is sometimes apparent in retrospect, it remains challenging to predict the sudden transition from gradual deformation (creep) to runaway failure. We use a network science method-multilayer modularity optimization-to investigate the spatiotemporal patterns of deformation in a region near the 2017 Mud Creek, California landslide. We transform satellite radar data from the study site into a spatially embedded network in which the nodes are patches of ground and the edges connect the nearest neighbors, with a series of layers representing consecutive transits of the satellite. Each edge is weighted by the product of the local slope (susceptibility to failure) measured from a digital elevation model and ground surface deformation (current rheological state) from interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). We use multilayer modularity optimization to identify strongly connected clusters of nodes (communities) and are able to identify both the location of Mud Creek and nearby creeping landslides which have not yet failed. We develop a metric, i.e., community persistence, to quantify patterns of ground deformation leading up to failure, and find that this metric increased from a baseline value in the weeks leading up to Mud Creek's failure. These methods hold promise as a technique for highlighting regions at risk of catastrophic failure.

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