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Nano Lett ; 24(3): 859-865, 2024 Jan 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38051536


Broadband near-infrared light emitting tunnel junctions are demonstrated with efficient coupling to a silicon photonic waveguide. The metal oxide semiconductor devices show long hybrid photonic-plasmonic mode propagation lengths of approximately 10 µm and thus can be integrated into an overcoupled resonant cavity with quality factor Q ≈ 49, allowing for tens of picowatt near-infrared light emission coupled directly into a waveguide. The electron inelastic tunneling transition rate and the cavity mode density are modeled, and the transverse magnetic (TM) hybrid mode excitation rate is derived. The results coincide well with polarization resolved experiments. Additionally, current-stressed devices are shown to emit unpolarized light due to radiative recombination inside the silicon electrode.

Opt Express ; 32(3): 4511-4524, 2024 Jan 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38297651


This paper introduces a simple method for the measurement of the relative permittivity and the Pockels coefficient of electro-optic (EO) materials in a waveguide up to sub-THz frequencies. By miniaturizing the device and making use of plasmonics, the complexities of traditional methods are mitigated. This work elaborates the fabrication tolerance and simplicity of the method, and highlights its applicability to various materials, substrates and configurations. The method is showcased using drop-casted perovskite barium titanate (BaTiO3, BTO) nano-particle thin-films and it has previously been used to measure epitaxial thin film BTO. In this work we show the effective relative permittivity of drop casted BTO to be εeff ∼ 30 at 200 MHz, dropping to ∼ 18 at 67 GHz and similarly, the effective Pockels coefficient was found to be reff ∼ 16 at 350 MHz and ∼ 8 at 70 GHz. These values are a factor > 50 below the values found for thin film BTO. Yet, the fact that the method can be applied to such different samples and Pockels strengths gives testimony to its versatility and sensitivity.

Nature ; 556(7702): 483-486, 2018 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29695845


For nearly two decades, researchers in the field of plasmonics 1 -which studies the coupling of electromagnetic waves to the motion of free electrons near the surface of a metal 2 -have sought to realize subwavelength optical devices for information technology3-6, sensing7,8, nonlinear optics9,10, optical nanotweezers 11 and biomedical applications 12 . However, the electron motion generates heat through ohmic losses. Although this heat is desirable for some applications such as photo-thermal therapy, it is a disadvantage in plasmonic devices for sensing and information technology 13 and has led to a widespread view that plasmonics is too lossy to be practical. Here we demonstrate that the ohmic losses can be bypassed by using 'resonant switching'. In the proposed approach, light is coupled to the lossy surface plasmon polaritons only in the device's off state (in resonance) in which attenuation is desired, to ensure large extinction ratios between the on and off states and allow subpicosecond switching. In the on state (out of resonance), destructive interference prevents the light from coupling to the lossy plasmonic section of a device. To validate the approach, we fabricated a plasmonic electro-optic ring modulator. The experiments confirm that low on-chip optical losses, operation at over 100 gigahertz, good energy efficiency, low thermal drift and a compact footprint can be combined in a single device. Our result illustrates that plasmonics has the potential to enable fast, compact on-chip sensing and communications technologies.

Nano Lett ; 20(6): 4169-4176, 2020 Jun 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32343585


The miniaturization of mid-infrared optical gas sensors has great potential to make the "fingerprint region" between 2 and 10 µm accessible to a variety of cost-sensitive applications ranging from medical technology to atmospheric sensing. Here we demonstrate a gas sensor concept that achieves a 30-fold reduction in absorption volume compared to conventional gas sensors by using plasmonic metamaterials as on-chip optical filters. Integrating metamaterials into both the emitter and the detector cascades their individual filter functions, yielding a narrowband spectral response tailored to the absorption band of interest, here CO2. Simultaneously, the metamaterials' angle-independence is maintained, enabling an optically efficient, millimeter-scale cavity. With a CO2 sensitivity of 22.4 ± 0.5 ppm·Hz-0.5, the electrically driven prototype already performs at par with much larger commercial devices while consuming 80% less energy per measurement. The all-metamaterial sensing concept offers a path toward more compact and energy-efficient mid-infrared gas sensors without trade-offs in sensitivity or robustness.

Opt Express ; 28(24): 36009-36019, 2020 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33379705


We demonstrate an on-chip coherent mode scrambling demultiplexer for polarization multiplexed few mode signals. The device has been fabricated in the standard silicon-on-insulator platform. The mode demultiplexer consists of an array of 2D grating couplers for dual polarization few mode fiber-to-chip coupling and optical hybrids realized by 4×4 MMIs. The array of perfect vertical 2D grating couplers allows us an efficient fiber-to-chip coupling with experimental peak coupling efficiencies of -5.2 dB and -9.0 dB at 1570 nm for LP01 and LP11 modes, respectively, while simulated coupling efficiencies at 1550 nm are -3.6 dB and -3.3 dB for LP01 and LP11, respectively. We successfully performed a back-to-back three LP modes division multiplexing transmission experiment with single polarization 32 Gbaud QPSK signals using the fabricated mode demultiplexer relying on offline MIMO DSP techniques.

Opt Express ; 28(6): 8601-8608, 2020 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32225481


100 Gb/s NRZ-OOK transmission over 14 km standard single mode fiber in the C-band is demonstrated with a simple intensity modulation and direct detection scheme. The transmission concept utilizes single sideband modulation and comprises a single differential digital-to-analog converter with adjustable phase offset, a new dual electrode plasmonic Mach-Zehnder modulator, a laser at 1537.5 nm, standard single mode fibers, a photodiode, an analog-to-digital converter, and linear offline digital signal processing. The presented SSB concept requires no DSP and complex signaling at the transmitter. The demonstrated SSB transmitter increased the possible transmission distance by a factor of 4.6 compared to a DSB transmitter. We also investigated the equalization requirements. A T/2-spaced feedforward equalizer requires 27 taps to achieve transmission over 10 km with a BER below the HD-FEC limit. In comparison to a DSB transmitter, the SSB transmitter reduced the receiver DSP complexity by a factor of 13.7.

Opt Express ; 27(8): 11862-11868, 2019 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31053025


We demonstrate a low-loss coupling scheme between a silicon photonic waveguide and a hybrid-plasmonic waveguide. Measured coupling efficiencies reach up to 94% or -0.27 dB. The metal-insulator-semiconductor structure is fabrication-tolerant and adaptable to a wide range of materials including those used in CMOS processes. The coupler is a promising building block for low-loss active plasmonic devices.

Opt Express ; 27(21): 29719-29729, 2019 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31684229


We demonstrate all-metallic grating couplers that enable vertical, compact and broadband fiber-coupling. The grating couplers are based on a metal layer and directly convert a vertical fiber mode into surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). In combination with a focusing arrangement, the grating couplers require only a small footprint of 13.5 × 12 µm2. We characterize the grating couplers with both periodic and apodized gratings and experimentally show a 1-dB bandwidth of 115 nm with a coupling efficiency of 2.9 dB.

Opt Express ; 27(12): 16823-16832, 2019 Jun 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31252902


A new plasmonic Mach-Zehnder modulator is demonstrated at a bit rate of 120 Gb/s NRZ-OOK with low peak-to-peak driving voltages of 178 mVpp below the HD-FEC limit. Such record low driving voltage requirements potentially translate into an electrical drive power consumption of 862 aJ/bit. The low drive voltages have been made possible by a new differential Mach-Zehnder modulator electrode design. The differential electrode design is optimized for the balanced driving circuitry and reduces the effectively required driving voltage by a factor of four (Vπ/4). The potential of the transmitter scheme is further demonstrated by a transmission experiment over 500 m of single mode fiber at the C-band with a BER performance below the KP4 FEC limit.

Opt Express ; 25(3): 2627-2653, 2017 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29519106


The performance of highly nonlinear organic electro-optic (EO) materials incorporated into nanoscale slots is examined. It is shown that EO coefficients as large as 190 pm/V can be obtained in 150 nm wide plasmonic slot waveguides but that the coefficients decrease for narrower slots. Possible mechanism that lead to such a decrease are discussed. Monte-Carlo computer simulations are performed, confirming that chromophore-surface interactions are one important factor influencing the EO coefficient in narrow plasmonic slots. These highly nonlinear materials are of particular interest for applications in optical modulators. However, in modulators the key parameters are the voltage-length product UπL and the insertion loss rather than the linear EO coefficients. We show record-low voltage-length products of 70 Vµm and 50 Vµm for slot widths in the order of 50 nm for the materials JRD1 and DLD164, respectively. This is because the nonlinear interaction is enhanced in narrow slot and thereby compensates for the reduced EO coefficient. Likewise, it is found that lowest insertion losses are observed for slot widths in the range 60 to 100 nm.

Nanotechnology ; 28(16): 165701, 2017 Apr 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28319037


We report on using 100 keV electrons to obtain amorphous carbon from aliphatic and fullerene molecules, and study this process by monitoring their Raman signal. In this regard, we use self-assembled monolayers of gold nanoparticles to provide high electromagnetic field enhancement, which allows the detection of the Raman signal from even nanometer-thick layers of analyte. Our results show different dynamics in the amorphization process of the two molecules, although both show suppression of their original vibrational resonances even at low exposure doses. We have also used atomic-force microscopy to evaluate the sensitivity of the C60 molecules to electron beams in forming networks of amorphized molecules that are less soluble in the development process. This method allows precise patterning possibilities as well as in situ functionalization of carbonaceous thin films in the perspective of using in electronic device applications.

Nano Lett ; 16(10): 6364-6370, 2016 10 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27580070


We report electronic and phononic transport measurements of monocrystalline batch-fabricated silicon nanowire (SiNW) arrays functionalized with different surface chemistries. We find that hydrogen-terminated SiNWs prepared by vapor HF etching of native-oxide-covered devices show increased electrical conductivity but decreased thermal conductivity. We used the kinetic Monte Carlo method to solve the Boltzmann transport equation and also numerically examine the effect of phonon boundary scattering. Surface transfer doping of the SiNWs by cobaltocene or decamethylcobaltocene drastically improves the electrical conductivity by 2 to 4 orders of magnitude without affecting the thermal conductivity. The results showcase surface chemical control of nanomaterials as a potent pathway that can complement device miniaturization efforts in the quest for more efficient thermoelectric materials and devices.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(33): 22783-8, 2016 Aug 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27492444


Carbon-based electronic devices are promising candidates for complementing silicon-based electronics in memory device applications. For example, sputtered thin films of amorphous carbon exhibit memristive behavior. The reported devices, however, have a minimal active area of about 50 nm diameter, leading to large set currents in the µA range. Although power efficiency would benefit from reduced drive currents, resistive switching of amorphous carbon confined to a few cubic nanometers has remained largely unexplored. Here, we investigate resistive switching in 30 nm long and 25 nm wide monolayer arrays of 10 nm gold nanoparticles patterned by direct electron-beam exposure followed by a purpose-designed emulsion-based development process. Electron-beam irradiation transforms the alkanethiol ligands of the gold nanoparticles into a solvent-resistant amorphous carbonaceous matrix allowing pattern development and imparting electronic function. We measure changes in conductivity of up to five orders of magnitude for set currents in the nA range.

Nano Lett ; 15(12): 8342-6, 2015 Dec 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26570995


A scheme for the direct conversion of millimeter and THz waves to optical signals is introduced. The compact device consists of a plasmonic phase modulator that is seamlessly cointegrated with an antenna. Neither high-speed electronics nor electronic amplification is required to drive the modulator. A built-in enhancement of the electric field by a factor of 35,000 enables the direct conversion of millimeter-wave signals to the optical domain. This high enhancement is obtained via a resonant antenna that is directly coupled to an optical field by means of a plasmonic modulator. The suggested concept provides a simple and cost-efficient alternative solution to conventional schemes where millimeter-wave signals are first converted to the electrical domain before being up-converted to the optical domain.

Langmuir ; 31(26): 7220-7, 2015 Jul 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26072942


This Article shows that water in ethanol colloids of gold nanoparticles enhances the formation of linear clusters and, more important for applications in electronics, determines their assembly on surfaces. We show by dynamic light scattering that ethanol colloids contain mainly monomers and dimers and that wormlike superstructures are mostly absent, despite UV-vis evidence of aggregation. Water added to the colloid as a cosolvent was found to enhance the number of clusters as well as their average size, confirming its role in linear self-assembly, on the scale of a few particles. Water adsorbed from the atmosphere during coating was also found to be a powerful lever to tune self-assembly on surfaces. By varying the relative humidity, a sharp transition from branched to linear superstructures was observed, showing the importance of water as a cosolvent in the formation of cluster superstructures. We show that one-dimensional superstructures may form due to long-range mobility of precursor clusters on wet surfaces, allowing their rearrangement. The understanding of the phenomenon allows us to statistically align both clusters and resulting superstructures on patterned substrates, opening the way to rapid screening in molecular electronics.

ACS Nano ; 18(20): 12760-12770, 2024 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38728257


Phototransistors are light-sensitive devices featuring a high dynamic range, low-light detection, and mechanisms to adapt to different ambient light conditions. These features are of interest for bioinspired applications such as artificial and restored vision. In this work, we report on a graphene-based phototransistor exploiting the photogating effect that features picowatt- to microwatt-level photodetection, a dynamic range covering six orders of magnitude from 7 to 107 lux, and a responsivity of up to 4.7 × 103 A/W. The proposed device offers the highest dynamic range and lowest optical power detected compared to the state of the art in interfacial photogating and further operates air stably. These results have been achieved by a combination of multiple developments. For example, by optimizing the geometry of our devices with respect to the graphene channel aspect ratio and by introducing a semitransparent top-gate electrode, we report a factor 20-30 improvement in responsivity over unoptimized reference devices. Furthermore, we use a built-in dynamic range compression based on a partial logarithmic optical power dependence in combination with control of responsivity. These features enable adaptation to changing lighting conditions and support high dynamic range operation, similar to what is known in human visual perception. The enhanced performance of our devices therefore holds potential for bioinspired applications, such as retinal implants.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 7351, 2024 Aug 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39187480


Photodetection in the near- and mid-infrared spectrum requires a suitable absorbing material able to meet the respective targets while ideally being cost-effective. Graphene, with its extraordinary optoelectronic properties, could provide a material basis simultaneously serving both regimes. The zero-band gap offers almost wavelength independent absorption which lead to photodetectors operating in the infrared spectrum. However, to keep noise low, a detection mechanism with fast and zero bias operation would be needed. Here, we show a self-powered graphene photodetector with a > 400 GHz frequency response. The device combines a metamaterial perfect absorber architecture with graphene, where asymmetric resonators induce photothermoelectric directional photocurrents within the graphene channel. A quasi-instantaneous response linked to the photothermoelectric effect is found. Typical drift/diffusion times optimization are not needed for a high-speed response. Our results demonstrate that these photothermoelectric directional photocurrents have the potential to outperform the bandwidth of many other graphene photodetectors and most conventional technologies.

ACS Photonics ; 10(9): 3366-3373, 2023 Sep 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37743947


Highly efficient coupling of light from an optical fiber to silicon nitride (SiN) photonic integrated circuits (PICs) is experimentally demonstrated with simple and fabrication-tolerant grating couplers (GC). Fully etched amorphous silicon gratings are formed on top of foundry-produced SiN PICs in a back-end-of-the-line (BEOL) process, which is compatible with 248 nm deep UV lithography. Metallic back reflectors are introduced to enhance the coupling efficiency (CE) from -1.11 to -0.44 dB in simulation and from -2.2 to -1.4 dB in experiments for the TE polarization in the C-band. Furthermore, these gratings can be optimized to couple both TE and TM polarizations with a CE below -3 dB and polarization-dependent losses under 1 dB over a wavelength range of 40 nm in the O-band. This elegant approach offers a simple solution for the realization of compact and, at the same time, highly efficient coupling schemes in SiN PICs.

ACS Nano ; 17(13): 12774-12787, 2023 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37354449


Nanoparticle superlattices produced with controllable interparticle gap distances down to the subnanometer range are of superior significance for applications in electronic and plasmonic devices as well as in optical metasurfaces. In this work, a method to fabricate large-area (∼1 cm2) gold nanoparticle (GNP) superlattices with a typical size of single domains at several micrometers and high-density nanogaps of tunable distances (from 2.3 to 0.1 nm) as well as variable constituents (from organothiols to inorganic S2-) is demonstrated. Our approach is based on the combination of interfacial nanoparticle self-assembly, subphase exchange, and free-floating ligand exchange. Electrical transport measurements on our GNP superlattices reveal variations in the nanogap conductance of more than 6 orders of magnitude. Meanwhile, nanoscopic modifications in the surface potential landscape of active GNP devices have been observed following engineered nanogaps. In situ optical reflectance measurements during free-floating ligand exchange show a gradual enhancement of plasmonic capacitive coupling with a diminishing average interparticle gap distance down to 0.1 nm, as continuously red-shifted localized surface plasmon resonances with increasing intensity have been observed. Optical metasurfaces consisting of such GNP superlattices exhibit tunable effective refractive index over a broad wavelength range. Maximal real part of the effective refractive index, nmax, reaching 5.4 is obtained as a result of the extreme field confinement in the high-density subnanometer plasmonic gaps.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 15(8): 10847-10857, 2023 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36795914


Efficient and simple-to-fabricate light detectors in the mid infrared (MIR) spectral range are of great importance for various applications in existing and emerging technologies. Here, we demonstrate compact and efficient photodetectors operating at room temperature in a wavelength range of 2710-4250 nm with responsivities as high as 375 and 4 A/W. Key to the high performance is the combination of a sintered colloidal quantum dot (CQD) lead selenide (PbSe) and lead sulfide (PbS) heterojunction photoconductor with a metallic metasurface perfect absorber. The combination of this photoconductor stack with the metallic metasurface perfect absorber provides an overall ∼20-fold increase of the responsivity compared against reference sintered PbSe photoconductors. More precisely, the introduction of a PbSe/PbS heterojunction increases the responsivity by a factor of ∼2 and the metallic metasurface enhances the responsivity by an order of magnitude. The metasurface not only enhances the light-matter interaction but also acts as an electrode to the detector. Furthermore, fabrication of our devices relies on simple and inexpensive methods. This is in contrast to most of the currently available (state-of-the-art) MIR photodetectors that rely on rather expensive as well as nontrivial fabrication technologies that often require cooling for efficient operation.

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