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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992218


Depressive disorder ranks as a major bur-den of disease worldwide,yet the current antidepressant medications are limited by frequent non-responsiveness and significant side effects.The lateral septum(LS)is thought to control of depression,however,the cellular and circuit substrates are largely unknown.Here,we identified a subpopulation of LS GABAergic adenosine A2A receptors(A2AR)-positive neurons mediating depres-sive symptoms via direct projects to the lateral habenula(LHb)and the dorsomedial hypothalamus(DMH).Activa-tion of A2AR in the LS augmented the spiking frequency of A2AR-positive neurons leading to a decreased activation of surrounding neurons and the bi-directional manipula-tion of LS-A2AR activity demonstrated that LS-A2ARs are necessary and sufficient to trigger depressive pheno-types.Thus,the optogenetic modulation(stimulation or inhibition)of LS-A2AR-positive neuronal activity or LS-A2AR-positive neurons projection terminals to the LHb or DMH,phenocopied depressive behaviors.Moreover,A2AR are upregulated in the LS in two male mouse mod-els of repeated stress-induced depression.This identifica-tion that aberrantly increased A2AR signaling in the LS is a critical upstream regulator of repeated stress-induced depressive-like behaviors provides a neurophysiological and circuit-based justification of the antidepressant poten-tial of A2AR antagonists,prompting their clinical transla-tion.

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