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J Environ Sci Health B ; 55(3): 283-292, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31778093


Camanducaia River is part of the Piracicaba watershed responsible for pumping water into the Cantareira System, which is one of the main water sources for the metropolis of São Paulo and Campinas, Brazil. Intensive use of pesticides and hilly topography represents a situation of high risk for river water contamination. Therefore, water samples from 12 locations were collected along the Camanducaia River and its tributaries, over a period of 4 mo during the rainy season, and analyzed by GC-MS/MS or UPLC- MS/MS for the presence of 46 pesticides. Seven pesticides (fipronil, methyl parathion, metolachlor, atrazine, carbofuran, diuron, and simazine) were positively detected. Only atrazine (the most frequently detected) and diuron were present at concentrations above the limit of quantification of the analytical method (0.32 and 0.57 µg L-1 for atrazine and diuron, respectively). Pesticides detection frequency was higher than expected for a river system where only 11.8% of the land area is under agriculture. The vulnerability of the Camanducaia basin to pesticide contamination is attributed to the high annual precipitation (> 1.5 m y-1 in the headwaters), associated with topographical features (steep terrain) and soil types that favor surface runoff, which has been exacerbated by poor soil management practices.

Praguicidas/análise , Rios/química , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Agricultura , Atrazina/análise , Brasil , Cromatografia Gasosa/métodos , Diurona/análise , Monitoramento Ambiental , Água Doce/análise , Limite de Detecção , Estações do Ano , Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem
Ecology ; 91(7): 2121-31, 2010 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20715634


Nutrient enrichment is increasingly affecting many tropical ecosystems, but there is no information on how this affects tree biodiversity. To examine dynamics in vegetation structure and tree species biomass and diversity, we annually remeasured tree species before and for six years after repeated additions of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in permanent plots of abandoned pasture in Amazonia. Nitrogen and, to a lesser extent, phosphorus addition shifted growth among woody species. Nitrogen stimulated growth of two common pioneer tree species and one common tree species adaptable to both high- and low-light environments, while P stimulated growth only of the dominant pioneer tree Rollinia exsucca (Annonaceae). Overall, N or P addition reduced tree assemblage evenness and delayed tree species accrual over time, likely due to competitive monopolization of other resources by the few tree species responding to nutrient enrichment with enhanced establishment and/or growth rates. Absolute tree growth rates were elevated for two years after nutrient addition. However, nutrient-induced shifts in relative tree species growth and reduced assemblage evenness persisted for more than three years after nutrient addition, favoring two nutrient-responsive pioneers and one early-secondary tree species. Surprisingly, N + P effects on tree biomass and species diversity were consistently weaker than N-only and P-only effects, because grass biomass increased dramatically in response to N + P addition. The resulting intensified competition probably prevented an expected positive N + P synergy in the tree assemblage. Thus, N or P enrichment may favor unknown tree functional response types, reduce the diversity of coexisting species, and delay species accrual during structurally and functionally complex tropical rainforest secondary succession.

Biodiversidade , Monitoramento Ambiental , Nitrogênio/farmacologia , Fósforo/farmacologia , Árvores/efeitos dos fármacos , Biomassa , Ecossistema , Elementos Químicos , Fertilizantes , Incêndios , Árvores/classificação , Clima Tropical
PLoS One ; 13(2): e0192325, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29425214


The choice of areas for nature conservation involves the attempt to maximize the benefits, whether by carrying out an economic activity or by the provision of Ecosystem Services. Studies are needed to improve the understanding of the effect of the extent and position along the watershed of restored areas on soil and water conservation. This study aimed to understand how different restoration strategies might reflect in soil conservation and sediment retention. Using InVEST tool, sediment transport was simulated in a small 12 km2 watershed (Posses River, in Southeast Brazil), where one of first Brazilian Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) projects is being carried out, comparing different hypothetical restoration strategies. With 25% of restoration, sediment export decreased by 78% for riparian restoration, and 27% for the steepest slopes restoration. On the other hand, the decrease in soil loss was lower for riparian restoration, with a 16% decrease, while the steepest slopes restoration reduced it by 21%. This mismatch between the reduction of sediment export and soil loss was explained by the fact that forest not only reduces soil loss locally but also traps sediment arriving from the upper parts of the watershed. While the first mechanism is important to provide soil stability, decreasing the risk of landslip, and to maintain agricultural productivity, the second can improve water quality and decrease the risk of silting, with positive effects on the water reservoirs at the outlet of the watershed. This suggests that Riparian and the Steepest Slopes restoration strategies are complementary in the sense of preventing sediments from reaching the water bodies as well as protecting them at their origin (with the reduction of erosion), so it will be advisable to consider the two types of restoration.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Ecologia , Solo , Água , Calibragem , Sedimentos Geológicos
Saúde Soc ; 25(4): 1095-1107, out.-dez. 2016. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-962486


Resumo Este artigo visa analisar e compreender a relação entre água e saúde em comunidades rurais situadas na microbacia do igarapé Cumaru, município de Igarapé-Açu (PA), nordeste paraense. São avaliados a captação e o tratamento de água para o consumo humano, considerando as práticas de esgoto sanitário realizadas cotidianamente pela população rural dessa microbacia, visto que têm implicação direta na saúde da população local. Este trabalho baseia-se em pesquisa de campo com uma abordagem quali-quantitativa. Utilizou-se questionário fechado para o levantamento das fontes de captação, saneamento rural e usos de insumos agrícolas. Foram consideradas observações feitas por agricultores familiares da região ao focar o funcionamento do estabelecimento agrícola, a fim de observar de diversos ângulos a relação entre água e saúde no seu entendimento. Observou-se que a vulnerabilidade das fontes de água acessadas pela população é um fator que contribui para a contaminação das fontes, caracterizando consequentemente uma ameaça à saúde da população rural. Entretanto, nota-se a percepção da população quanto às fontes de água mais profundas, como poços tubulares, sendo estes prioritários para captação de água para ingestão.

Abstract This article aims to analyze and understand the relationship between water and health in rural communities located in the watershed of Cumaru stream, in the municipality Igarapé-Açu, Northeast of Pará state. The harvesting and treatment of the water conducted by the rural population for human consumption were assessed, considering their practices of sanitary sewer, since these aspects have direct impact on their health. This study is based on field research with a quantitative approach. Closed questionnaire was used to raise the sources of water harvesting, rural sanitation, and use of agricultural inputs. We used participant observation, when focusing on the functioning of the agricultural establishment, to observe from various angles the relationship between water and health. We noted that the vulnerability of the water resources accessed by the population is a factor that contributes to the contamination of the sources, therefore a threat to the health of the rural population. However, the perception of the population is notable regarding deeper water sources, such as tube wells, which are priorities for water harvesting.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , População Rural , Abastecimento de Água , Qualidade da Água , Consumo de Água (Saúde Ambiental) , Recursos Hídricos , Saneamento Básico
Acta amaz ; 37(2): 187-194, jun. 2007.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-462046


Na agricultura familiar na Amazônia oriental, em particular no nordeste do Pará, são comuns os cultivos semi-perenes com pesada aplicação de agrotóxicos. Em virtude da ampla utilização desses produtos, principalmente o dimetoato, na microbacia hidrográfica do igarapé Cumaru, município de Igarapé-Açu (PA), foi avaliada a retenção dessa substância em amostras da zona não-saturada em laboratório, verificando-se também a influência do pH e dos teores de argila e de matéria orgânica nesse processo. Entre os diversos agrotóxicos utilizados na área, o dimetoato foi selecionado por apresentar maior potencial de lixiviação, segundo o índice GUS (Groundwater Ubiquity Score). Para a quantificação da retenção do dimetoato nos sedimentos da zona não-saturada foi realizado um experimento de sorção. Este último mostrou que, em termos percentuais, a sorção do dimetoato variou de 2.5 por cento a 36.2 por cento (concentração inicial 20 mg.-1) e de 6.20 por cento a 31.0 por cento (concentração inicial 10 mg.-1). Esses dados comprovam o elevado potencial de contaminação da água subterrânea por essa substância, devido, principalmente, à sua mobilidade e baixa retenção. Devido ao caráter hidrofóbico do dimetoato, que aumenta a sua afinidade com a matéria orgânica, a quantidade sorvida dessa substância se mostrou diretamente proporcional à de matéria orgânica presente nos sedimentos. O pH exerce efeito contrário a este, ou seja, quanto mais elevado o seu valor, menor é a quantidade de dimetoato sorvida. Em relação à variação do teor e ao tipo de argila, foi observado que esses fatores não influenciam na retenção do dimetoato, sendo esse resultado atribuído ao comportamento não iônico desse agrotóxico.

On smallholder farms of eastern Amazonia, in particular the northeast of the Pará state, heavy by pesticide applications at industrial half-perennial crops are very common. Due to their large use, mainly the dimethoate, in the catchment of the Cumaru stream, Igarapé-Açu county, we evaluated the retention process of this compound in samples of the non saturated zone, as well as verified the effects of soil pH and clay and organic mater contents in this process. Among the main pesticides the farmers use in this region, dimethoate was selected for this study, due to its larger leaching potential according to the GUS (Groundwater Ubiquity Score) index. A sorption experiment was carried out to evaluate the retention of the dimethoate in sediments in the non saturated zone. The experiment showed that the sorption of the dimethoate varied from 2.5 percent to 36.2 percent (initial concentration of 20 mg.l-1) and from 6.2 percent to 31.0 percent (initial concentration of 10 mg.l-1). These data demonstrate a high contamination potential of the groundwater by this compound, mainly due to its high mobility and low retention capacity. The dimethoate sorption rates were positively related to organic matter content in the sediments. On the other hand, values have an inverse relationship with the sorption rates of dimethoate, while clay content did not produce any effect on its retention.

Água Subterrânea , Percolação , Agroquímicos
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