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Hydrogeol J ; 29(1): 259-279, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33603565


Several different approaches have been developed to model the specific characteristics of karst aquifers, taking account of their inherent complex spatial and temporal heterogeneities. This paper sets out the development of a semidistributed modelling approach for applications in an Irish karst context using urban drainage software. The models have proven to be very useful for different studies, with examples given for the ecohydrology of ephemeral karst lakes, extreme groundwater-flood alleviation, karst network investigation, submarine groundwater discharge, and quantification of different recharge and flow components. The limitations of the approach are also highlighted, in particular not being able to simulate diffuse infiltration and flow paths explicitly across the groundwater catchment. Hence, a more distributed, finite-difference modelling approach using MODFLOW Unstructured Grid (USG) with the newly developed Connected Linear Network (CLN) process is then compared against the semidistributed approach on the same karst catchment. Whilst it has proven difficult to achieve the same levels of model performance in simulating the spring flows in the distributed model compared to the semidistributed model, the ability to interrogate the flow paths at any point on the three-dimensional aquifer is demonstrated, which can give new insights into flows (and potential contaminant transport) through such complex systems. The influence of the proximity of highly transmissive conduits on the flow dynamics through the much-lower transmissive matrix cells in which the network is embedded has been particularly investigated.

Plusieurs approches différentes ont été développées pour modéliser les caractéristiques spécifiques des aquifères karstiques, prenant en compte leurs hétérogénéités spatiales et temporelles associées à leur complexité intrinsèque. Cet article présente le développement d'une approche de modélisation semi-distribuée appliquée à un contexte karstique irlandais en utilisant un logiciel de drainage urbain. Ces modèles se sont avérés très utiles pour différentes études, avec des exemples appliqués à l'écohydrologie de lacs karstiques éphémères, l'atténuation de crues extrêmes liées aux eaux souterraines, à l'étude du réseau karstique, à la décharge des sources sous-marines et à la quantification des différentes composantes aussi bien de la recharge que du débit. Les limites de cette approche sont aussi mises en évidence, avec en particulier l'incapacité de simuler l'infiltration diffuse et les voies d'écoulement de manière explicite au sein du bassin d'alimentation d'eaux souterraines. Par conséquent, une approche de modélisation plus distribuée aux différences finies utilisant le logiciel MODFLOW avec une grille non structurée (USG) intégrant le processus récemment développé de réseau linéaire connecté (CLN) est ensuite comparée à l'approche semi-distribuée appliquée au même bassin karstique. Alors qu'il s'est avéré difficile d'atteindre les mêmes niveaux de performance du modèle concernant la simulation du débit à la source à l'aide du modèle distribué en comparaison au modèle semi-distribué, la possibilité d'examiner les voies d'écoulement en tout point de l'aquifère en 3D est démontrée, ce qui peut donner de nouvelles connaissances sur les écoulements (et le transport potentiel de contaminants) au sein de tels systèmes complexes. L'influence de la proximité de conduits hautement transmissifs sur les écoulements dynamiques au travers des cellules de transmissivité plus faible de la matrice au sein de laquelle le réseau est intégré, a été particulièrement étudiée.

Se han elaborado varios enfoques diferentes para modelar las características específicas de los acuíferos kársticos, teniendo en cuenta sus complejas y propias heterogeneidades espaciales y temporales. En el presente documento se expone la elaboración de un enfoque de modelización semidistribuido para aplicaciones en un contexto kárstico de Irlanda utilizando programas informáticos de drenaje urbano. Los modelos han demostrado ser muy útiles para diferentes estudios, y se dan ejemplos para la ecohidrología de los lagos kársticos efímeros, la mitigación de las inundaciones extremas de aguas subterráneas, la investigación de redes kársticas, la descarga submarina de aguas subterráneas y la cuantificación de diferentes componentes de la recarga y el flujo. También se ponen de relieve las limitaciones del enfoque, en particular el hecho de no poder simular explícitamente la infiltración difusa y las trayectorias de flujo a través de la cuenca de captación de aguas subterráneas. Por lo tanto, un enfoque de modelización de diferencias finitas distribuidas utilizando la red no estructurada (USG) de MODFLOW con el proceso de la Red Lineal Conectada (CLN) recientemente desarrollado se compara entonces con el enfoque semidistribuido en la misma cuenca kárstica. Si bien se ha demostrado que es difícil lograr los mismos niveles de rendimiento del modelo en la simulación de los flujos de manantiales en el modelo distribuido en comparación con el modelo semidistribuido, se demuestra la capacidad de interrogar las trayectorias de los flujos en cualquier punto del acuífero tridimensional, lo que puede dar nuevos conocimientos sobre los flujos (y el transporte de contaminantes potenciales) a través de sistemas tan complejos. Se ha investigado en particular la influencia de la proximidad de conductos altamente transmisivos en la dinámica de los flujos a través de las células de la matriz transmisiva, mucho más bajas, en las que está incorporada la red.

Diversas abordagens diferentes foram desenvolvidas para modelar as características específicas dos aquíferos cársticos, levando em consideração suas complexas heterogeneidades espaciais e temporais inerentes. Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma abordagem de modelagem semidistribuída para aplicações em um contexto cárstico irlandês usando software de drenagem urbana. Os modelos provaram ser muito úteis para diferentes estudos, com exemplos dados para a ecohidrologia de lagos cársticos efêmeros, alívio de inundações subterrâneas extremas, investigação de rede cárstica, descarga de água subterrânea submarina e quantificação de diferentes componentes de recarga e fluxo. As limitações da abordagem também são destacadas, em particular não ser capaz de simular infiltração difusa e caminhos de fluxo explicitamente através da captação de água subterrânea. Portanto, uma abordagem de modelagem de diferenças finitas, mais distribuída, usando MODFLOW Unstructured Grid (USG) com o processo de Rede Linear Conectada (RLC) recém-desenvolvido é então comparada com a abordagem semidistribuída na mesma bacia cárstica. Embora tenha se mostrado difícil alcançar os mesmos níveis de desempenho do modelo na simulação dos fluxos de nascente no modelo distribuído em comparação com o modelo semidistribuído, a capacidade de interrogar os caminhos de fluxo em qualquer ponto do aquífero tridimensional é demonstrada, o que pode dar novas percepções sobre os fluxos (e o transporte potencial de contaminantes) por meio de tais sistemas complexos. A influência da proximidade de condutos altamente transmissivos na dinâmica do fluxo através das células da matriz transmissiva muito inferior nas quais a rede está inserida foi investigada particularmente.

J Environ Manage ; 133: 153-61, 2014 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24374244


Short rotation coppiced willow trees can be used to treat on-site wastewater effluent with the advantage that, if planted in a sealed basin and sized correctly, they produce no effluent discharge. This paper has investigated the evapotranspiration rate of four different willow varieties while also monitoring the effects of three different effluent types on each variety. The willow varieties used are all cultivars of Salix viminalis. The effluents applied were primary (septic tank) effluent, secondary treated effluent and rain water (control). The results obtained showed that the addition of effluent had a positive effect on the evapotranspiration. The willows were also found to uptake a high proportion of the nitrogen and phosphorus from the primary and secondary treated effluents added during the first year. The effect of the different effluents on the evapotranspiration rate has been used to design ten full scale on-site treatment systems which are now being monitored.

Biodegradação Ambiental , Clima , Salix , Águas Residuárias , Biomassa , Irlanda , Especificidade da Espécie
Water Res ; 236: 119968, 2023 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37062234


The suitability of a location for an on-site wastewater treatment process (for areas which lack access to centralised wastewater treatment systems) requires an assessment of the permeability of the soil into which the effluent will be discharged. In many jurisdictions this is determined using some type of in-situ percolation test. Falling head percolation tests, which give a value of percolation time (PT) that is empirically related to the notion of hydraulic conductivity, are widely used as they are relatively simple to carry out, but the test does not have a sound theoretical framework and test methods are not standardised internationally. In comparison, the saturated hydraulic conductivity of a soil obtained from a constant head well permeameter test is independent of test conditions, and so is a more suitable metric for design. A database of over 900 falling head tests carried out across a range of different subsoil types in Ireland has been collated, all with the inherent limitations of the existing regulative framework regarding the percolation test and soil texture assessment. These tests were then modelled using Hydrus 2-D numerical modelling simulations to determine equivalent field saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) values and thereby provide a correlation with PT values across the range of subsoil conditions. In addition, falling head tests have been carried out in parallel to constant head permeameter tests in the field and compared against the relationship derived from the broad dataset of simulated results. This revealed an optimal solution by which to determine Kfs from the field permeameter test (using parameters recommended for most structured soils from clays to loams). The trendline based on Irish data was also compared against more generic formulations of the relationship between PT, and Kfs and shown to match closely, particularly the Reynolds (2016) 'unified' methodology. Finally, the Irish threshold PT limits for on-site wastewater treatment have been converted to Kfs values and compared against other international standards.

Águas Residuárias , Argila , Solo , Movimentos da Água
Sci Total Environ ; 827: 154299, 2022 Jun 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35257774


The importance of selecting appropriate air pollution monitoring sites in a city is vital for accurately reporting air quality, enhancing the quality of high-resolution modelling and informing policy to implement measures to deliver cleaner air in the urban environment. COVID-19 restrictions impacted air quality in urban centres worldwide as reduced mobility led to changes in traffic-related air pollution (TRAP). As such, it offered a unique dataset to examine the spatial and temporal variations in air quality between monitoring stations in Dublin, Ireland. Firstly, an analysis of mobility data showed reductions across almost all sectors after COVID-19 restrictions came into place, which was expected to lower TRAP. In addition, similar changes in air quality were evident to other cities around the world: reductions in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations and an increase in ozone (O3) concentrations. Average daily and diurnal concentrations for these three pollutants presented more statistically significant spatial and temporal changes during COVID-19 restrictions at monitoring sites with urban or traffic classifications than suburban background sites. Furthermore, substantial reductions in the range of average hourly pollutant concentrations were observed, 79% for PM2.5 and 75% for NO2, with a modest 24% reduction for O3. Correlation analysis of air pollution between monitoring sites and years demonstrated an improvement in the R2 for NO2 concentrations only, suggesting that spatiotemporal homogeneity was most notable for this TRAP due to mobility restrictions during COVID-19. The spatiotemporal representativeness of monitoring stations across the city will change with greener transport, and air quality during COVID-19 can provide a benchmark to support the introduction of new policies for cleaner air.

Poluentes Atmosféricos , Poluição do Ar , COVID-19 , Poluentes Atmosféricos/análise , Poluição do Ar/análise , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Monitoramento Ambiental , Humanos , Irlanda/epidemiologia , Dióxido de Nitrogênio/análise , Material Particulado/análise
Water Sci Technol ; 64(3): 677-83, 2011.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22097047


The performance of six separate percolation areas was intensively monitored to ascertain the attenuation effects of unsaturated subsoils with respect to on-site wastewater effluent: three sites receiving septic tank effluent, the other three sites receiving secondary treated effluent. The development of a biomat across the percolation areas receiving secondary treated effluent was restricted on these sites compared to those sites receiving septic tank effluent. This created significant differences in terms of the hydraulic loading on the percolation areas with implications for the transport and attenuation of indicator microorganisms and nitrogen down through the subsoils and into the groundwater. The results of this work have formed a large input into the production of a new Code of Practice Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems Serving Single Houses. This has led to changes in the design of on-site hydraulic loading from 180 L per capita per day (L/c.d) down to 150 L/c.d. The range of acceptable subsoils receiving septic tank effluent has narrowed for more highly permeable subsoils following a series of tracer studies using bacteriophages. However, the range has been extended for lower permeability subsoils (range 0.08 down to 0.06 m/d) receiving secondary treated effluent in order to encourage the effluent to spread further along the trenches. The maximum individual length of percolation trenches receiving secondary effluent has also been reduced to 10 m to encourage dispersion on a wider area. This paper thus highlights how research can directly feed into a Code of Practice.

Água Subterrânea/química , Poluentes da Água/isolamento & purificação , Irlanda
J Chromatogr A ; 1618: 460857, 2020 May 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31955842


A sensitive and selective method was developed and validated for the determination of 26 anticoccidial compounds (six ionophores and twenty chemical coccidiostats) in surface and groundwater samples at parts-per-quadrillion (pg L-1) to parts-per-trillion (ng L-1) levels by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry detection (UHPLC-MS/MS). A range of different analytical columns and mobile phase compositions were evaluated to enhance selectivity and retention of a number of highly polar and basic anticoccidials along with other non-polar coccidiostats. A combined separation, including these problematic polar compounds, was achieved on a phenyl-hexyl column, by binary gradient elution with water/acetonitrile using ammonium formate and formic acid as additives. The anticoccidial residues were extracted from raw, unfiltered, water samples (250 mL) using polymeric divinylbenzene solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges, with subsequent elution (methanol:acetonitrile:ethyl acetate, 40:40:20, v/v) and concentration prior to determination. The method recovery (at a concentration representative of realistic expected environmental water concentrations based on literature review) ranged from 81% to 105%. The method was successfully validated for 26 anticoccidials, at four concentration levels, in accordance to Commission Decision 2002/657/EC and SANTE/11813/2017 guidelines. Trueness and precision, under within-laboratory reproducibility conditions, ranged from 88% to 111% and 0.9% to 10.3% respectively.

Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão/métodos , Coccidiostáticos/análise , Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem/métodos , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Coccidiostáticos/isolamento & purificação , Formiatos/química , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Extração em Fase Sólida , Poluentes Químicos da Água/isolamento & purificação
Water Res ; 43(10): 2739-49, 2009 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19349058


The performance of six separate percolation areas was intensively monitored to ascertain the attenuation effects of unsaturated subsoils with respect to on-site wastewater effluent: three sites receiving septic tank effluent, the other three sites receiving secondary treated effluent. The development of a biomat across the percolation areas receiving secondary treated effluent was restricted on these sites compared to those sites receiving septic tank effluent and this created significant differences in terms of the potential nitrogen loading to groundwater. The average nitrogen loading per capita at 1.0m depth of unsaturated subsoil equated to 3.9 g total-N/d for the sites receiving secondary treated effluent, compared to 2.1 g total-N/d for the sites receiving septic tank effluent. Relatively high nitrogen loading was, however, found on the septic tank sites discharging effluent into highly permeable subsoil that counteracted any significant denitrification. Phosphorus removal was generally very good on all of the sites although a clear relationship to the soil mineralogy was determined.

Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/métodos , Movimentos da Água , Purificação da Água/métodos , Nitrogênio/química , Fósforo/química
Sci Total Environ ; 407(2): 760-9, 2009 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19026436


A previous investigation into methods of exposure reduction for the pedestrian in the urban commuter environment highlighted the impact of a low boundary wall on the dispersion of air pollutants from adjacent traffic sources. The impact of low boundary walls on the dispersion of air pollutants in street canyons has been brought forward in this investigation to examine them, in more generic terms, with a view to highlighting exposure reduction strategies for pedestrians. 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models were used to examine this effect for varying wind speeds and directions in different street canyon geometries. The results of this investigation show that a low boundary wall located at the central median of the street canyon creates a significant reduction in pedestrian exposure on the footpath. Reductions of up to 40% were found for perpendicular wind directions and up to 75% for parallel wind directions, relative to the same canyon with no wall. The magnitude of the exposure reduction was also found to vary according to street canyon geometry and wind speed.

Poluentes Atmosféricos/análise , Cidades , Exposição Ambiental/estatística & dados numéricos , Meios de Transporte , Emissões de Veículos/análise , Caminhada , Poluentes Atmosféricos/toxicidade , Simulação por Computador , Humanos , Modelos Teóricos , Temperatura , Fatores de Tempo , Emissões de Veículos/toxicidade , Vento
Environ Int ; 34(1): 86-93, 2008 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17868869


This paper outlines an air pollution study carried out on Dublin city's recently completed boardwalk along the side of and overhanging the River Liffey. Air quality samples were taken along the length of the boardwalk to investigate whether pedestrians using the boardwalk would have a lower air pollution exposure than those using the adjoining footpath along the road. The results of the study show significant reductions in pedestrian exposure to both traffic derived particulates and hydrocarbons along the boardwalk as opposed to the footpath. Computational fluid dynamics was also used to model the outcome of these field measurements and shows the importance of the boundary wall between the footpath and boardwalk in reducing air pollution exposure for the pedestrian, the results of which are also presented herein.

Poluição do Ar/análise , Exposição Ambiental/análise , Simulação por Computador , Hidrocarbonetos/análise , Irlanda , Material Particulado/análise , Emissões de Veículos/análise , Vento
Water Sci Technol ; 58(2): 459-65, 2008.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18701801


A detailed analysis of different types of gravity distribution devices, designed to split on-site wastewater effluent equally between percolation trenches, has been carried out both in the laboratory and also in the field under realistic loading conditions. Five different types of distribution device have been compared: a V-notch distribution box, stilling chamber box, T-splitters with and without baffles and tipping bucket device. The trials carried out in the laboratory with clean water showed that flow distribution for all devices was sensitive to both the off-level installation angles and variable flow rates, with the most stable performance achieved using the T-splitters with baffles and tipping bucket devices. In parallel to this, the on-site flow regime experienced at two sites was continuously monitored using a tipping bucket and data-logger over eighteen month periods, finding that the most common flow rates at the distribution unit were in the range of 0.1-2.5 L/min. The on-site performance of these devices receiving both septic tank and secondary treated effluent showed that significant solid deposition and biofilm development had severely affected the equal distribution between the trenches, hence highlighting the need for regular maintenance to ensure efficient performance over time after installation.

Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/instrumentação , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/métodos , Purificação da Água/instrumentação , Purificação da Água/métodos , Arquitetura de Instituições de Saúde , Gravitação , Movimentos da Água
Water Sci Technol ; 57(12): 1921-6, 2008.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18587179


The performance of six separate percolation areas has been intensively monitored to ascertain the attenuation effects of the unsaturated subsoil with respect to on-site wastewater effluent. Septic tank effluent on three sites and secondary treated effluent on the other three sites was discharged into subsoils of varying percolation values. Samples of the percolating effluent were taken using suction lysimeters installed to nominal depths of 0.3, 0.6 and 1.0 m below the invert of the percolation trenches. The results clearly showed that the development of a biomat across the percolation areas receiving secondary treated effluent was muted on these sites compared to the sites receiving septic tank effluent. Significant differences were found between the sites receiving septic tank and secondary treated effluent in terms of the potential nitrogen loading to groundwater. The average nitrogen loading after 1.0 m depth of unsaturated subsoil per capita equated to 5.5, 3.3 and 3.2 gTotal-N/d for the sites receiving secondary treated effluent compared to 4.2, 1.7 and 0.3 gTotal-N/d for the sites receiving septic tank effluent. The noticeably higher nitrogen loading on one of the septic tank sites corresponded to the effluent percolating through highly permeable subsoil that counteracted any significant denitrification.

Nitrogênio/análise , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos , Movimentos da Água , Irlanda , Poluentes do Solo/análise
Environ Int ; 33(1): 1-8, 2007 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16843528


In Ireland, several studies have monitored the air pollution due to traffic in both urban and rural environments. However, few studies have attempted to quantify the relative exposure to traffic derived HC pollutants between different modes of commuter transport. In this study, the difference in pollution exposure between bus and cycling commuters on a route in Dublin was compared by sampling for five vehicle related hydrocarbons: benzene, 1,3-butadiene, acetylene, ethane and ethylene. Samples were collected during both morning and afternoon rush hour periods using a fixed speed pump to gain representative concentrations across the whole journey. Journey times were also measured, as were typical breathing rates in order to calculate the overall dose of pollutant inhaled on the journey. Results clearly picked up significantly higher pollutant concentrations in the bus compared to cycling and also revealed elevated concentrations on the congested side of the road compared to the side moving against the traffic. However, when respiration rates and travel times were taken into account to reveal the mass of pollutants inhaled over the course of a journey, the pattern was reversed, showing slightly enhanced levels of hydrocarbons for the cyclist compared to the bus passenger. In addition, the concentrations of these compounds (excluding ethane), were ascertained at playing pitches in the vicinity of a heavily trafficked suburban motorway and in Dublin city centre. Although the concentrations were relatively low at all sites, when breathing rates were taken into consideration, the average inhaled weights of pollutants were, on occasion, higher than those average values observed for both bus and bicycle commuters.

Exercício Físico , Exposição por Inalação , Meios de Transporte , Emissões de Veículos , Ciclismo , Humanos , Hidrocarbonetos , Irlanda , Veículos Automotores , Fatores de Tempo , Tempo (Meteorologia)
J Environ Qual ; 36(6): 1843-55, 2007.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17965387


Current Irish guidelines require a comprehensive site assessment of a percolation area for wastewater disposal before planning permission is granted for dwellings in rural areas. For a site to be deemed suitable, the subsoil must have a percolation value equivalent to a field saturated hydraulic conductivity in the range 0.08 to 4.2 m d(-1) using a falling head percolation test. A minimum of 1.2 m of unsaturated subsoil must also exist below the invert of the percolation area receiving effluent from a septic tank (or 0.6 m for secondary treated effluent). During a 2-yr period, the three-dimensional performance of four percolation areas treating domestic wastewater was monitored. At each site samples were taken at 0, 10, and 20 m along each of the four percolation trenches at depths of 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0 m below each trench to ascertain the attenuation effects of the unsaturated subsoil. The two sites with septic tanks installed performed at least as well as the other two sites with secondary treatment systems installed and appeared to discharge a better quality effluent in terms of nutrient load. An average of 2.1 and 6.8 g total N d(-1) remained after passing through 1-m depth of subsoil beneath the trenches receiving septic tank effluent compared with 12.7 and 16.7 g total N d(-1) on the sites receiving secondary effluent. The research also indicates that the septic tank effluent was of an equivalent quality to the secondary treated effluent in terms of indicator bacteria (E. coli) after percolating through 0.6-m depth of unsaturated subsoil.

Solo , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/instrumentação , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/métodos , Brometos/química , Cloretos/química , Escherichia coli/fisiologia , Técnicas de Diluição do Indicador , Irlanda , Chuva , Microbiologia do Solo , Fatores de Tempo
Water Sci Technol ; 51(10): 39-46, 2005.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16104404


On-site treatment systems discharging to groundwater rely on the effective distribution of effluent across a percolation area to provide an appropriate loading rate for the subsoil. In Ireland, this is achieved in a distribution box which splits the effluent evenly between the requisite number of percolation pipes. The flow regime experienced at four different distribution boxes was monitored continuously over twelve month periods which established that the most common flow rates at the distribution unit were in the range 1-4 litres/minute for a four to five person dwelling. In addition, the average flow rate from the four sites was only 100 litres per person per day, compared to recommended design value of 180 litres per person per day. Two distribution boxes were also tested in the laboratory to assess their distribution efficiency over a range of loading rates. The most commonly installed unit was found to significantly favour two out of the four trenches and both units were shown to perform particularly poorly at a range of different off-level installation angles. Modifications to the boxes were also tested, involving plastic V-notch inserts which were shown to greatly improve the hydraulic distribution and make the unit much less sensitive to off-level installation or subsidence.

Solo , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/métodos , Purificação da Água/métodos , Arquitetura de Instituições de Saúde , Filtração , Habitação , Irlanda , Movimentos da Água
Water Res ; 86: 46-57, 2015 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26093797


Solar oxidation to remove arsenic from water has previously been investigated as a batch process. This research has investigated the kinetic parameters for the design of a continuous flow solar reactor to remove arsenic from contaminated groundwater supplies. Continuous flow recirculated batch experiments were carried out under artificial UV light to investigate the effect of different parameters on arsenic removal efficiency. Inlet water arsenic concentrations of up to 1000 µg/L were reduced to below 10 µg/L requiring 12 mg/L iron after receiving 12 kJUV/L radiation. Citrate however was somewhat surprisingly found to promote a detrimental effect on the removal process in the continuous flow reactor studies which is contrary to results found in batch scale tests. The impact of other typical water groundwater quality parameters (phosphate and silica) on the process due to their competition with arsenic for photooxidation products revealed a much higher sensitivity to phosphate ions compared to silicate. Other results showed no benefit from the addition of TiO2 photocatalyst but enhanced arsenic removal at higher temperatures up to 40 °C. Overall, these results have indicated the kinetic envelope from which a continuous flow SORAS single pass system could be more confidently designed for a full-scale community groundwater application at a village level.

Arsênio/química , Raios Ultravioleta , Poluentes Químicos da Água/química , Purificação da Água/métodos , Ácido Cítrico/química , Água Subterrânea/química , Ferro/química , Cinética , Oxirredução , Luz Solar , Temperatura , Titânio/química
J Contam Hydrol ; 182: 36-50, 2015 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26331764


The net impact on groundwater quality from high density clusters of unsewered housing across a range of hydro(geo)logical settings has been assessed. Four separate cluster development sites were selected, each representative of different aquifer vulnerability categories. Groundwater samples were collected on a monthly basis over a two year period for chemical and microbiological analysis from nested multi-horizon sampling boreholes upstream and downstream of the study sites. The field results showed no statistically significant difference between upstream and downstream water quality at any of the study areas, although there were higher breakthroughs in contaminants in the High and Extreme vulnerability sites linked to high intensity rainfall events; these however, could not be directly attributed to on-site effluent. Linked numerical models were then built for each site using HYDRUS 2D to simulate the attenuation of contaminants through the unsaturated zone from which the resulting hydraulic and contaminant fluxes at the water table were used as inputs into MODFLOW MT3D models to simulate the groundwater flows. The results of the simulations confirmed the field observations at each site, indicating that the existing clustered on-site wastewater discharges would only cause limited and very localised impacts on groundwater quality, with contaminant loads being quickly dispersed and diluted downstream due to the relatively high groundwater flow rates. Further simulations were then carried out using the calibrated models to assess the impact of increasing cluster densities revealing little impact at any of the study locations up to a density of 6 units/ha with the exception of the Extreme vulnerability site.

Água Subterrânea , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/métodos , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Qualidade da Água , Calibragem , Meio Ambiente , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Água Subterrânea/química , Água Subterrânea/microbiologia , Irlanda , Modelos Teóricos , Águas Residuárias
Sci Total Environ ; 458-460: 331-43, 2013 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23669579


This study investigates the potential real world application of passive control systems to reduce personal pollutant exposure in an urban street canyon in Dublin, Ireland. The implementation of parked cars and/or low boundary walls as a passive control system has been shown to minimise personal exposure to pollutants on footpaths in previous investigations. However, previous research has been limited to generic numerical modelling studies. This study combines real-time traffic data, meteorological conditions and pollution concentrations, in a real world urban street canyon before and after the implementation of a passive control system. Using a combination of field measurements and numerical modelling this study assessed the potential impact of passive controls on personal exposure to nitric oxide (NO) concentrations in the street canyon in winter conditions. A calibrated numerical model of the urban street canyon was developed, taking into account the variability in traffic and meteorological conditions. The modelling system combined the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations and a semi-empirical equation, and demonstrated a good agreement with measured field data collected in the street canyon. The results indicated that lane distribution, fleet composition and vehicular turbulence all affected pollutant dispersion, in addition to the canyon geometry and local meteorological conditions. The introduction of passive controls displayed mixed results for improvements in air quality on the footpaths for different wind and traffic conditions. Parked cars demonstrated the most comprehensive passive control system with average improvements in air quality of up to 15% on the footpaths. This study highlights the potential of passive controls in a real street canyon to increase dispersion and improve air quality at street level.

Movimentos do Ar , Poluição do Ar/análise , Poluição do Ar/prevenção & controle , Exposição Ambiental/análise , Modelos Teóricos , Cidades , Hidrodinâmica , Irlanda , Veículos Automotores , Óxido Nítrico/análise
Environ Int ; 44: 68-74, 2012 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22361239


Tobacco control policy has been enacted in many jurisdictions worldwide banning smoking in the workplace. In the hospitality sector many businesses such as bars, hotels and restaurants have installed designated smoking areas on their premises and allowance for such smoking areas has been made in the tobacco control legislation of many countries. An investigation was carried out into the level of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) present in 8 pubs in Ireland which included designated smoking areas complying with two different definitions of a smoking area set out in Irish legislation. In addition, ETS exposure in a pub with a designated smoking area not in compliance with the legislation was also investigated. The results of this investigation showed that the two differing definitions of a smoking area present in pubs produced similar concentrations of benzene within smoking areas (5.1-5.4 µg/m(3)) but differing concentrations within the 'smoke-free' areas (1.42-3.01 µg/m(3)). Smoking areas in breach of legislative definitions were found to produce the highest levels of benzene in the smoking area (49.5 µg/m(3)) and 'smoke-free' area (7.68 µg/m(3)). 3D exposure modelling of hypothetical smoking areas showed that a wide range of ETS exposure concentrations were possible in smoking areas with the same floor area and same smoking rate but differing height to width and length to width ratios. The results of this investigation demonstrate that significant scope for improvement of ETS exposure concentrations in pubs and in smoking areas may exist by refining and improving the legislative definitions of smoking areas in law.

Poluentes Atmosféricos/análise , Exposição Ambiental/estatística & dados numéricos , Fumar/epidemiologia , Poluição por Fumaça de Tabaco/análise , Exposição Ambiental/análise , Humanos , Irlanda , Política Pública , Restaurantes/legislação & jurisprudência , Restaurantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Fumar/legislação & jurisprudência , Poluição por Fumaça de Tabaco/legislação & jurisprudência , Poluição por Fumaça de Tabaco/estatística & dados numéricos , Local de Trabalho/legislação & jurisprudência , Local de Trabalho/estatística & dados numéricos
J Contam Hydrol ; 142-143: 126-39, 2012 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22300802


An extensive field study on percolation areas receiving both septic tank and secondary treated on-site effluents from single houses in Ireland was carried out to investigate the attenuation capacity of highly permeable subsoils with respect to E. coli bacteria and spiked bacteriophages (MS2, ΦX174 and PR772). The development of biomats across the percolation areas receiving the secondary effluent was restricted compared to the percolation area receiving septic tank effluent, promoting a much higher areal hydraulic loading which created significant differences in the potential microbiological loading to groundwater. Greatest E. coli removal in the subsoil occurred within the first 0.35 m of unsaturated subsoil for all effluent types. Analysis showed, however, that more evidence of faecal contamination occurred at depth in the subsoils receiving secondary treated effluents than that receiving septic tank effluent, despite the lower bacterial influent load. All three bacteriophages were reduced to their minimum detection limit (<10 PFU/mL) at a depth of 0.95 m below the percolation trenches receiving septic tank effluent, although isolated incidences of ΦX174 and PR772 were measured below one trench. However again, slightly higher breakthroughs of MS2 and PR772 contamination were detected at the same depth under the trenches receiving secondary treated effluent.

Solo/química , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/métodos , Bacteriófagos , Escherichia coli , Água Subterrânea/microbiologia
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