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Conserv Biol ; 35(2): 654-665, 2021 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32537779


Collisions with buildings cause up to 1 billion bird fatalities annually in the United States and Canada. However, efforts to reduce collisions would benefit from studies conducted at large spatial scales across multiple study sites with standardized methods and consideration of species- and life-history-related variation and correlates of collisions. We addressed these research needs through coordinated collection of data on bird collisions with buildings at sites in the United States (35), Canada (3), and Mexico (2). We collected all carcasses and identified species. After removing records for unidentified carcasses, species lacking distribution-wide population estimates, and species with distributions overlapping fewer than 10 sites, we retained 269 carcasses of 64 species for analysis. We estimated collision vulnerability for 40 bird species with ≥2 fatalities based on their North American population abundance, distribution overlap in study sites, and sampling effort. Of 10 species we identified as most vulnerable to collisions, some have been identified previously (e.g., Black-throated Blue Warbler [Setophaga caerulescens]), whereas others emerged for the first time (e.g., White-breasted Nuthatch [Sitta carolinensis]), possibly because we used a more standardized sampling approach than past studies. Building size and glass area were positively associated with number of collisions for 5 of 8 species with enough observations to analyze independently. Vegetation around buildings influenced collisions for only 1 of those 8 species (Swainson's Thrush [Catharus ustulatus]). Life history predicted collisions; numbers of collisions were greatest for migratory, insectivorous, and woodland-inhabiting species. Our results provide new insight into the species most vulnerable to building collisions, making them potentially in greatest need of conservation attention to reduce collisions and into species- and life-history-related variation and correlates of building collisions, information that can help refine collision management.

Correlaciones de las Colisiones de Aves contra Edificios en Tres Países de América del Norte Resumen Las colisiones contra los edificios causan hasta mil millones de fatalidades de aves al año en los Estados Unidos y en Canadá. Sin embargo, los esfuerzos por reducir estas colisiones se beneficiarían con estudios realizados a grandes escalas espaciales en varios sitios de estudio con métodos estandarizados y considerando las variaciones relacionadas a la historia de vida y a la especie y las correlaciones de las colisiones. Abordamos estas necesidades de investigación por medio de una recolección coordinada de datos sobre las colisiones de aves contra edificios en los Estados Unidos (35), Canadá (3) y México (2). Recolectamos todos los cadáveres y los identificamos hasta especie. Después de retirar los registros de cadáveres no identificados, las especies sin estimaciones poblacionales a nivel distribución y las especies con distribuciones traslapadas en menos de diez sitios, nos quedamos con 269 cadáveres de 64 especies para el análisis. Estimamos la vulnerabilidad a colisiones para 40 especies con ≥2 fatalidades con base en la abundancia poblacional para América del Norte, el traslape de su distribución entre los sitios de estudio y el esfuerzo de muestreo. De las diez especies que identificamos como las más vulnerables a las colisiones, algunas han sido identificadas previamente (Setophaga caerulescens), y otras aparecieron por primera vez (Sitta carolinensis), posiblemente debido a que usamos una estrategia de muestreo más estandarizada que en los estudios previos. El tamaño del edificio y el área del vidrio estuvieron asociados positivamente con el número de colisiones para cinco de ocho especies con suficientes observaciones para ser analizadas independientemente. La vegetación alrededor de los edificios influyó sobre las colisiones solamente para una de esas ocho especies Catharus ustulatus). Las historias de vida pronosticaron las colisiones; el número de colisiones fue mayor para las especies migratorias, insectívoras y aquellas que habitan en las zonas boscosas. Nuestros resultados proporcionan una nueva perspectiva hacia las especies más vulnerables a las colisiones contra edificios, lo que las pone en una necesidad potencialmente mayor de atención conservacionista para reducir estas colisiones y de estudio de las variaciones relacionadas con la especie y la historia de vida y las correlaciones de las colisiones contra edificios, información que puede ayudar a refinar el manejo de colisiones.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Aves Canoras , Animais , Canadá , México , América do Norte , Estados Unidos
Proc Biol Sci ; 285(1882)2018 07 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30051822


According to the social intelligence hypothesis, understanding the cognitive demands of the social environment is key to understanding the evolution of intelligence. Many important socio-cognitive abilities, however, have primarily been studied in a narrow subset of the social environment-within-group social interactions-despite the fact that between-group social interactions often have a substantial effect on fitness. In particular, triadic awareness (knowledge about the relationships and associations between others) is critical for navigating many types of complex social interactions, yet no existing study has investigated whether wild animals can track associations between members of other social groups. We investigated inter-group triadic awareness in wild acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus), a socially complex group-living bird. We presented woodpeckers with socially incongruous playbacks that simulated two outsiders from different groups calling together, and socially congruous playbacks that simulated two outsiders from the same group calling together. Subjects responded more quickly to the incongruous playbacks, suggesting that they were aware that the callers belonged to two different groups. This study provides the first demonstration that animals can recognize associations between members of other groups under natural circumstances, and highlights the importance of considering how inter-group social selection pressures may influence the evolution of cognition.

Comportamento Animal , Aves/fisiologia , Meio Social , Estimulação Acústica , Comunicação Animal , Animais
Ecology ; 101(2): e02943, 2020 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31782526


In many cooperatively breeding taxa, nonbreeding subordinates, or helpers, use extra-territorial forays to discover dispersal opportunities. Such forays are considered energetically costly and foraying birds face aggression from conspecific members of the territories they visit. In contrast, breeders in cooperatively breeding taxa are expected to foray seldomly. We used novel tracking technologies to follow 62 acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus), a cooperatively breeding bird, to study extra-territorial foray behavior. Both helpers and breeders engaged in extra-territorial forays routinely and often several times per day. Helpers forayed earlier in the day and invested more time when foraying to high-quality territories. Unexpectedly, breeders forayed as often and as far as helpers. Breeders from high-quality territories forayed closer to their home territories than breeders from low-quality territories, reflecting a potential trade-off between foraying and territory defense. Such a routine pattern of extra-territorial forays in both helpers and breeders suggests that the motives behind forays differ by sex and social status and involve more than simply searching for dispersal opportunities.

Aves , Territorialidade , Agressão , Animais , Comportamento Animal , Cruzamento , Comportamento Social
PeerJ ; 4: e2170, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27366656


Up to a billion birds die per year in North America as a result of striking windows. Both transparent and reflective glass panes are a cause for concern, misleading birds by either acting as invisible, impenetrable barriers to desired resources, or reflecting those resources over a large surface area. A high number of window strikes occur during migration, but little is known about the factors of susceptibility, or whether particular avian taxa are more vulnerable than others. We report on a study of window strikes and mist-netting data at the Virginia Zoological Park (Norfolk, Virginia, USA), conducted in the autumn of 2013 and 2014. We focused on three factors likely to contribute to an individual's predisposition to collide with windows: (i) taxonomic classification, (ii) age, and (iii) migrant vs. resident status. Thrushes, dominated by the partial migrant American Robin (Turdus migratorius), were significantly less likely to strike glass than be sampled in mist nets (χ(2) = 9.21, p = 0.002), while wood-warblers (Parulidae) were more likely to strike than expected (χ(2) = 13.55, p < 0.001). The proportion of juveniles striking windows (45.4%) was not significantly different (χ(2) = 0.05, p = 0.827) than the population of juvenile birds naturally occurring at the zoo (48.8%). Migrants, however, were significantly more susceptible to window strikes than residents (χ(2) = 6.35, p = 0.012). Our results suggest that resident birds are able to learn to avoid and thus reduce their likelihood of striking windows; this intrinsic risk factor may help explain the apparent susceptibility of certain taxa to window strikes.

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