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Opt Express ; 30(9): 15495-15511, 2022 Apr 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35473268


The arrival time jitter and drift of the photocathode drive laser has an important impact on the performance of a Free-Electron-Laser (FEL). It adversely affects the beam energy jitter, bunch length jitter and bunch arrival time jitter, which becomes especially important for pump-probe experiments with femtosecond time resolution. To measure both parameters background free and stabilize the drift of the Yb:CaF2 based laser we use a well designed balanced optical cross correlator. In this paper we present our results using this device and focus particularly on the performance of the amplifier. We achieve a laser drift of less than 200 fs during 60 h, a 4.5 fs rms jitter of the amplifier relative to its seeding oscillator and 11 fs rms for the whole laser relative to a reference clock integrated from 2 mHz to 100 Hz.

Chimia (Aarau) ; 76(6): 520-528, 2022 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38069721


Photoionization is a process taking place on attosecond time scales. How its properties evolve from isolated particles to the condensed phase is an open question of both fundamental and practical relevance. Here, we review recent work that has advanced the study of photoionization dynamics from atoms to molecules, clusters and the liquid phase. The first measurements of molecular photoionization delays have revealed the attosecond dynamics of electron emission from a molecular shape resonance and their sensitivity to the molecular potential. Using electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy these measurements have been extended from isolated molecules to clusters. A continuous increase of the delays with the water-cluster size has been observed up to a size of 4-5 molecules, followed by a saturation towards larger clusters. Comparison with calculations has revealed a correlation of the time delay with the spatial extension of the created electron hole. Using cylindrical liquid-microjet techniques, these measurements have also been extended to liquid water, revealing a delay relative to isolated water molecules that was very similar to the largest water clusters studied. Detailed modeling based on Monte-Carlo simulations confirmed that these delays are dominated by the contributions of the first two solvation shells, which agrees with the results of the cluster measurements. These combined results open the perspective of experimentally characterizing the delocalization of electronic wave functions in complex systems and studying their evolution on attosecond time scales.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(15): 7828-7834, 2020 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32248221


High intensity XUV radiation from a free-electron laser (FEL) was used to create a nanoplasma inside ammonia clusters with the intent of studying the resulting electron-ion interactions and their interplay with plasma evolution. In a plasma-like state, electrons with kinetic energy lower than the local collective Coulomb potential of the positive ionic core are trapped in the cluster and take part in secondary processes (e.g. electron-impact excitation/ionization and electron-ion recombination) which lead to subsequent excited and neutral molecular fragmentation. Using a time-delayed UV laser, the dynamics of the excited atomic and molecular states are probed from -0.1 ps to 18 ps. We identify three different phases of molecular fragmentation that are clearly distinguished by the effect of the probe laser on the ionic and electronic yield. We propose a simple model to rationalize our data and further identify two separate channels leading to the formation of excited hydrogen.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 26(Pt 4): 1073-1084, 2019 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31274430


The SwissFEL soft X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) beamline Athos will be ready for user operation in 2021. Its design includes a novel layout of alternating magnetic chicanes and short undulator segments. Together with the APPLE X architecture of undulators, the Athos branch can be operated in different modes producing FEL beams with unique characteristics ranging from attosecond pulse length to high-power modes. Further space has been reserved for upgrades including modulators and an external seeding laser for better timing control. All of these schemes rely on state-of-the-art technologies described in this overview. The optical transport line distributing the FEL beam to the experimental stations was designed with the whole range of beam parameters in mind. Currently two experimental stations, one for condensed matter and quantum materials research and a second one for atomic, molecular and optical physics, chemical sciences and ultrafast single-particle imaging, are being laid out such that they can profit from the unique soft X-ray pulses produced in the Athos branch in an optimal way.

Opt Express ; 25(22): 27506-27518, 2017 Oct 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29092222


Attosecond metrology has so far largely remained limited to titanium:sapphire lasers combined with an active stabilization of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP). These sources limit the achievable photon energy to ∼100 eV which is too low to access X-ray absorption edges of most second- and third-row elements which are central to chemistry, biology and material science. Therefore, intense efforts are underway to extend attosecond metrology to the soft-X-ray (SXR) domain using mid-infrared (mid-IR) drivers. Here, we introduce and experimentally demonstrate a method that solves the long-standing problem of the complete temporal characterization of ultra-broadband (≫10 eV) attosecond pulses. We generalize the recently proposed Volkov-transform generalized projection algorithm (VTGPA) to the case of multiple overlapping photoelectron spectra and demonstrate its application to isolated attosecond pulses. This new approach overcomes all key limitations of previous attosecond-pulse reconstruction methods, in particular the central-momentum approximation (CMA), and it incorporates the physical, complex-valued and energy-dependent photoionization matrix elements. These properties make our approach general and particularly suitable for attosecond supercontinua of arbitrary bandwidth. We apply this method to attosecond SXR pulses generated from a two-cycle mid-IR driver, covering a bandwidth of ∼100 eV and reaching photon energies up to 180 eV. We extract an SXR pulse duration of (43±1) as from our streaking measurements, defining a new world record. Our results prove that the popular and broadly available scheme of post-compressing the output of white-light-seeded optical parametric amplifiers is adequate to produce high-contrast isolated attosecond pulses covering the L-edges of silicon, phosphorous and sulfur. Our new reconstruction method and experimental results open the path to the production and characterization of attosecond pulses lasting less than one atomic unit of time (24 as) and covering X-ray absorption edges of most light elements.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(9): 093001, 2016 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27610849


We report measurements of energy-dependent photoionization delays between the two outermost valence shells of N_{2}O and H_{2}O. The combination of single-shot signal referencing with the use of different metal foils to filter the attosecond pulse train enables us to extract delays from congested spectra. Remarkably large delays up to 160 as are observed in N_{2}O, whereas the delays in H_{2}O are all smaller than 50 as in the photon-energy range of 20-40 eV. These results are interpreted by developing a theory of molecular photoionization delays. The long delays measured in N_{2}O are shown to reflect the population of molecular shape resonances that trap the photoelectron for a duration of up to ∼110 as. The unstructured continua of H_{2}O result in much smaller delays at the same photon energies. Our experimental and theoretical methods make the study of molecular attosecond photoionization dynamics accessible.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 3059, 2023 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36810355


We present an apparatus for attosecond transient-absorption spectroscopy (ATAS) featuring soft-X-ray (SXR) supercontinua that extend beyond 450 eV. This instrument combines an attosecond table-top high-harmonic light source with mid-infrared (mid-IR) pulses, both driven by 1.7-1.9 mJ, sub-11 fs pulses centered at 1.76 [Formula: see text]m. A remarkably low timing jitter of [Formula: see text] 20 as is achieved through active stabilization of the pump and probe arms of the instrument. A temporal resolution of better than 400 as is demonstrated through ATAS measurements at the argon L[Formula: see text]-edges. A spectral resolving power of 1490 is demonstrated through simultaneous absorption measurements at the sulfur L[Formula: see text]- and carbon K-edges of OCS. Coupled with its high SXR photon flux, this instrument paves the way to attosecond time-resolved spectroscopy of organic molecules in the gas phase or in aqueous solutions, as well as thin films of advanced materials. Such measurements will advance the studies of complex systems to the electronic time scale.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 5069, 2023 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37604879


X-ray free-electron lasers (FELs) are state-of-the-art scientific tools capable to study matter on the scale of atomic processes. Since the initial operation of X-ray FELs more than a decade ago, several facilities with upgraded performance have been put in operation. Here we present the first lasing results of Athos, the soft X-ray FEL beamline of SwissFEL at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. Athos features an undulator layout based on short APPLE-X modules providing full polarisation control, interleaved with small magnetic chicanes. This versatile configuration allows for many operational modes, giving control over many FEL properties. We show, for example, a 35% reduction of the required undulator length to achieve FEL saturation with respect to standard undulator configurations. We also demonstrate the generation of more powerful pulses than the ones obtained in typical undulators. Athos represents a fundamental step forward in the design of FEL facilities, creating opportunities in FEL-based sciences.

Science ; 369(6506): 974-979, 2020 08 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32820124


Electronic dynamics in liquids are of fundamental importance, but time-resolved experiments have so far remained limited to the femtosecond time scale. We report the extension of attosecond spectroscopy to the liquid phase. We measured time delays of 50 to 70 attoseconds between the photoemission from liquid water and that from gaseous water at photon energies of 21.7 to 31.0 electron volts. These photoemission delays can be decomposed into a photoionization delay sensitive to the local environment and a delay originating from electron transport. In our experiments, the latter contribution is shown to be negligible. By referencing liquid water to gaseous water, we isolated the effect of solvation on the attosecond photoionization dynamics of water molecules. Our methods define an approach to separating bound and unbound electron dynamics from the structural response of the solvent.

Science ; 355(6322): 264-267, 2017 01 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28059713


Time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy (TR-XAS) has so far practically been limited to large-scale facilities, to subpicosecond temporal resolution, and to the condensed phase. We report the realization of TR-XAS with a temporal resolution in the low femtosecond range by developing a tabletop high-harmonic source reaching up to 350 electron volts, thus partially covering the spectral region of 280 to 530 electron volts, where water is transmissive. We used this source to follow previously unexamined light-induced chemical reactions in the lowest electronic states of isolated CF4+ and SF6+ molecules in the gas phase. By probing element-specific core-to-valence transitions at the carbon K-edge or the sulfur L-edges, we characterized their reaction paths and observed the effect of symmetry breaking through the splitting of absorption bands and Rydberg-valence mixing induced by the geometry changes.

Light Sci Appl ; 5(11): e16170, 2016 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30167130


Monochromatization of high-harmonic sources has opened fascinating perspectives regarding time-resolved photoemission from all phases of matter. Such studies have invariably involved the use of spectral filters or spectrally dispersive optical components that are inherently lossy and technically complex. Here we present a new technique for the spectral selection of near-threshold harmonics and their spatial separation from the driving beams without any optical elements. We discover the existence of a narrow phase-matching gate resulting from the combination of the non-collinear generation geometry in an extended medium, atomic resonances and absorption. Our technique offers a filter contrast of up to 104 for the selected harmonics against the adjacent ones and offers multiple temporally synchronized beamlets in a single unified scheme. We demonstrate the selective generation of 133, 80 or 56 nm femtosecond pulses from a 400-nm driver, which is specific to the target gas. These results open new pathways towards phase-sensitive multi-pulse spectroscopy in the vacuum- and extreme-ultraviolet, and frequency-selective output coupling from enhancement cavities.

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