At present, magnetic confinement fusion devices rely solely on absolute neutron counting as a direct way of measuring fusion power. Absolute counting of deuterium-tritium gamma rays could provide the secondary neutron-independent technique required for the validation of scientific results and as a licensing tool for future power plants. However, this approach necessitates an accurate determination of the gamma-ray-to-neutron branching ratio. The gamma-ray-to-neutron branching ratio for the deuterium-tritium reaction ^{3}H(^{2}H,γ)^{5}He/^{3}H(^{2}H,n)^{4}He was determined in magnetic confinement fusion plasmas at the Joint European Torus in predominantly deuterium beam heated plasmas. The branching ratio was found to be equal to (2.4±0.5)×10^{-5} over the deuterium energy range of (80±20) keV. This accurate determination of the deuterium-tritium branching ratio paves the way for a direct and neutron-independent measurement of fusion power in magnetic confinement fusion reactors, based on the absolute counting of deuterium-tritium gamma rays.
A compact neutron spectrometer based on the BC-501A liquid organic scintillator was applied to neutron measurements at the TUMAN-3M tokamak. The spectrometer was calibrated using measurements from the ion beam of the cyclotron accelerator. Neutron spectra were measured during discharges using a neutral deuterium beam injection into the TUMAN-3M D-plasma. An energy distribution of the neutrons from the plasma that hit the spectrometer was obtained from the measured BC-501A instrumental spectra by the DeGaSum code using detector response functions obtained in the course of the calibration. This allowed for the estimation of the 2.45 MeV neutron yield and the evaluation of both the time evolution of the DD fusion rate and the characteristic time of the injected deuterium slowing down in discharges with neutral beam injection heating.