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J Phys Chem A ; 116(21): 5119-28, 2012 May 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22571241


The molecular structures of low-lying isomers of anionic and neutral sodium auride clusters have been studied computationally at the second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory level using quadruple-ζ basis sets augmented with a double set of polarization functions. The first vertical detachment energies were calculated at the Møller-Plesset level as the energy difference between the cluster anion and the corresponding neutral cluster. The photodetachment energies of higher-lying ionization channels were calculated by adding electronic excitation energies of the neutral clusters to the first vertical detachment energy. The excitation energies were calculated at the linear response approximate coupled-cluster singles and doubles level using the anionic cluster structures. The obtained ionization energies for NaAu(-), NaAu(2)(-), NaAu(3)(-), NaAu(4)(-), Na(2)Au(2)(-), Na(2)Au(3)(-), Na(3)Au(3)(-), and Na(2)Au(4)(-) were compared to values deduced from experimental photoelectron spectra. Comparison of the calculated photoelectron spectra for a few energetically low-lying isomers shows that the energetically lowest cluster structures obtained in the calculations do not always correspond to the clusters produced experimentally. Spin-component-scaled second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory calculations shift the order of the isomers such that the observed clusters more often correspond to the energetically lowest structure, whereas the spin-component-scaled approach does not improve the photodetachment energies of the sodium aurides. The potential energy surface of the sodium aurides is very soft, with several low-lying isomers requiring an accurate electron correlation treatment. The calculations show that merely the energetic criterion is not a reliable means to identify the structures of the observed sodium auride clusters; other experimental information is needed to ensure a correct assignment of the cluster structures. The cluster structures of nonstoichiometric anionic sodium aurides have been determined by comparing calculated ionization energies for low-lying structures of the anionic clusters with experimental data.

J Phys Chem A ; 111(31): 7555-61, 2007 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17489566


Negatively charged sodium auride clusters, NanAun- (n = 1-3), have been investigated experimentally using photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. Well-resolved electronic transitions were observed in the photoelectron spectra of NanAun- (n = 1-3) at several photon energies. Very large band gaps were observed in the photoelectron spectra of the anion clusters, indicating that the corresponding neutral clusters are stable closed-shell species. Calculations show that the global minimum of Na2Au2- is a quasi-linear species with Cs symmetry. A planar isomer of D2h symmetry is found to be 0.137 eV higher in energy. The two lowest energy isomers of Na3Au3- consist of three-dimensional structures of Cs symmetry. The global minimum of Na3Au3- has a bent-flake structure lying 0.077 eV below a more compact structure. The global minima of the sodium auride clusters are confirmed by the good agreement between the calculated electron detachment energies of the anions and the measured photoelectron spectra. The global minima of neutral Na2Au2 and Na3Au3 are found to possess higher symmetries with a planar four-membered ring (D2h) and a six-membered ring (D3h) structure, respectively. The chemical bonding in the sodium auride clusters is found to be highly ionic with Au acting as the electron acceptor.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 2(3): 761-4, 2006 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26626680


The nuclear magnetic shieldings and magnetically induced ring currents have been calculated for the planar ring-shaped hydrogen fluoride trimer (HF)3 at correlated ab initio and density functional theory levels. Calculations of the magnetically induced current densities using the gauge-including magnetically induced current (GIMIC) method show that, contrary to a recent suggestion, (HF)3 has, at the MP2/TZVPP level, a very small ring-current susceptibility of 0.37 nA/T. Thus, only a weak net current is passing across the H···F hydrogen bond. An external magnetic field perpendicular to the ring plane induces strong edge currents circling around each HF molecule giving rise to a nonvanishing magnetic shielding at the center of the ring. The GIMIC results are supported by calculations of the long-range magnetic shielding function; the long-range magnetic shielding is very small, indicating that the magnetically induced ring-current is very weak. The surprisingly large nucleus-independent chemical shift (NICS) value for (HF)3 was recently taken as an indication of "H-bonded aromaticity". The NICS value calculated at the CCSD/QZ2P level is 2.77 ppm. The present GIMIC and aromatic ring-current shielding study shows that some care has to be taken when using NICS values as aromaticity indices.

J Phys Chem A ; 110(12): 4244-50, 2006 Mar 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16553376


Coinage and alkali metal mixed clusters, M4Na- (M = Cu, Au) have been investigated experimentally using photoelectron spectroscopy and computationally at correlated ab initio levels. The related Cu4Li-, Ag4Li-, Ag4Na-, and Au4Li- clusters as well as the neutral Cu4Li2 and Cu4Na2 clusters have also been studied computationally. The calculations show that the two lowest isomers of the negatively charged clusters include a pyramidal C4v structure and a planar C2v species. For Cu4Li- and Cu4Na-, the C4v structure is calculated at correlated ab initio level to be 30.9 and 16.9 kJ/mol below the planar C2v isomer, whereas the planar isomers of Au4Li- and Au4Na- are found to be 29.7 and 49.4 kJ/mol below the pyramidal ones. For Ag4Li- and Ag4Na-, the pyramidal isomers are the lowest ones. Comparison of the calculated and measured photoelectron spectra of Cu4Na- and Au4Na- shows that the pyramidal Cu4Na- cluster of C4v symmetry and the planar Au4Na- of C2v symmetry are detected experimentally. Calculations of the magnetically induced current density in Cu4Li- and Cu4Li2 using the Gauge-Including Magnetically Induced Current (GIMIC) method show that strong ring currents are sustained mainly by the highest-occupied molecular orbital primarily derived from the Cu 4s. The GIMIC calculations thus show that the Cu4(2-) ring is -aromatic and that the d orbitals do not play any significant role for the electron delocalization effects. The present study does not support the notion that the square-planar Cu4(2-) is the first example of d-orbital aromatic molecules.

J Chem Phys ; 122(21): 214308, 2005 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15974739


Magnetically induced current densities in the four-membered rings of Al4(2-) and Al4(4-) species have been calculated at the coupled-cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) level by applying the recently developed gauge-including magnetically induced current (GIMIC) method. The strength of the ring-current susceptibilities were obtained by numerical integration of the current densities passing through a cross section perpendicular to the Al4 ring. The GIMIC calculations support the earlier notion that Al4 (2-) with formally two pi electrons sustains a net diatropic ring current. The diatropic contribution to the ring-current susceptibility is carried by the electrons in both the sigma (16.7 nAT) and the pi (11.3 nAT) orbitals. The induced ring current in the Al4 (4-) compounds, with four pi electrons, consists of about equally strong diatropic sigma and paratropic pi currents of about 14 and -17 nAT, respectively. The net current susceptibilities obtained for Al4Li-, Al4Li2, Al4Li3(-), and Al4Li4 at the CCSD level using a triple-zeta basis set augmented with polarization functions are 28.1, 28.1, -5.9, and -3.1 nAT, respectively. The corresponding diatropic (paratropic) contributions to the ring-current susceptibilities are 32.4 (0.0), 36.7 (0.0), 18.9 (-19.9), and 18.6 (-16.8) nAT, respectively. For the Al4(2-) and Al4(4-) species, the net currents circling each Li+ cation is estimated to 4.3 and 2.4 nAT, respectively.

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