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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(23): 233403, 2024 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38905684


The momentum space Josephson effect describes the supercurrent flow between weakly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) at two discrete momentum states. Here, we experimentally observe this exotic phenomenon using a BEC with Raman-induced spin-orbit coupling, where the tunneling between two local band minima is implemented by the momentum kick of an additional optical lattice. A sudden quench of the Raman detuning induces coherent spin-momentum oscillations of the BEC, which is analogous to the ac Josephson effect. We observe both plasma and regular Josephson oscillations in different parameter regimes. The experimental results agree well with the theoretical model and numerical simulation and showcase the important role of nonlinear interactions. We also show that the measurement of the Josephson plasma frequency gives the Bogoliubov zero quasimomentum gap, which determines the mass of the corresponding pseudo-Goldstone mode, a long-sought phenomenon in particle physics. The observation of momentum space Josephson physics offers an exciting platform for quantum simulation and sensing utilizing momentum states as a synthetic degree.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(2): 023202, 2023 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37505939


Bulk-edge correspondence, with quantized bulk topology leading to protected edge states, is a hallmark of topological states of matter and has been experimentally observed in electronic, atomic, photonic, and many other systems. While bulk-edge correspondence has been extensively studied in Hermitian systems, a non-Hermitian bulk could drastically modify the Hermitian topological band theory due to the interplay between non-Hermiticity and topology, and its effect on bulk-edge correspondence is still an ongoing pursuit. Importantly, including non-Hermicity can significantly expand the horizon of topological states of matter and lead to a plethora of unique properties and device applications, an example of which is a topological laser. However, the bulk topology, and thereby the bulk-edge correspondence, in existing topological edge-mode lasers is not well defined. Here, we propose and experimentally probe topological edge-mode lasing with a well-defined non-Hermitian bulk topology in a one-dimensional (1D) array of coupled ring resonators. By modeling the Hamiltonian with an additional degree of freedom (referred to as synthetic dimension), our 1D structure is equivalent to a 2D non-Hermitian Chern insulator with precise mapping. Our Letter may open a new pathway for probing non-Hermitian topological effects and exploring non-Hermitian topological device applications.

Opt Express ; 30(13): 24048-24061, 2022 Jun 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36225074


The higher-order topological insulator (HOTI) is a new type of topological system which has special bulk-edge correspondence compared with conventional topological insulators. In this work, we propose a scheme to realize Floquet HOTI with ultracold atoms in optical lattices. With the combination of periodically spin-dependent driving of the superlattices and a long-range coupling term, a Floquet second-order topological insulator with four zero-energy corner states emerges, whose Wannier bands are gapless and exhibit interesting bulk topology. Furthermore, the nearest-neighbor anisotropic coupling term also induced other intriguing topological phenomena, e.g. non-topologically protected corner states and topological semimetal for two different types of lattice structures respectively. Our scheme may give insight into the construction of different types of higher-order topological insulators in synthetic systems. It also provides an experimentally feasible platform to research the relations between different types of topological states and may have a wide range of applications in future.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(17): 173602, 2022 Apr 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35570450


The emergence of parity-time (PT) symmetry has greatly enriched our study of symmetry-enabled non-Hermitian physics, but the realization of quantum PT symmetry faces an intrinsic issue of unavoidable symmetry-breaking Langevin noises. Here we construct a quantum pseudo-anti-PT (pseudo-APT) symmetry in a two-mode bosonic system without involving Langevin noises. We show that the spontaneous pseudo-APT symmetry breaking leads to an exceptional point, across which there is a transition between different types of quantum squeezing dynamics; i.e., the squeezing factor increases exponentially (oscillates periodically) with time in the pseudo-APT-symmetric (broken) region. Such dramatic changes of squeezing factors and quantum dynamics near the exceptional point are utilized for ultraprecision quantum sensing. These exotic quantum phenomena and sensing applications can be experimentally observed in two physical systems: spontaneous wave mixing nonlinear optics and atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Our Letter offers a physical platform for investigating exciting APT symmetry physics in the quantum realm, paving the way for exploring fundamental quantum non-Hermitian effects and their quantum technological applications.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(25): 250501, 2022 Dec 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36608231


Triply degenerate points (TDPs), which correspond to new types of topological semimetals, can support novel quasiparticles possessing effective integer spins while preserving Fermi statistics. Here by mapping the momentum space to the parameter space of a three-level system in a trapped ion, we experimentally explore the transitions between different types of TDPs driven by spin-tensor-momentum couplings. We observe the phase transitions between TDPs with different topological charges by measuring the Berry flux on a loop surrounding the gap-closing lines, and the jump of the Berry flux gives the jump of the topological charge (up to a 2π factor) across the transitions. For the Berry flux measurement, we employ a new method by examining the geometric rotations of both spin vectors and tensors, which lead to a generalized solid angle equal to the Berry flux. The controllability of a multilevel ion offers a versatile platform to study high-spin physics, and our Letter paves the way to explore novel topological phenomena therein.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(10): 103201, 2021 Mar 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33784151


Moiré superlattices in twisted bilayer graphene and transition-metal dichalcogenides have emerged as a powerful tool for engineering novel band structures and quantum phases of two-dimensional quantum materials. Here we investigate Moiré physics emerging from twisting two independent hexagonal optical lattices of atomic (pseudo-)spin states (instead of bilayers) that exhibit remarkably different physics from twisted bilayer graphene. We employ a momentum-space tight-binding calculation that includes all range real-space tunnelings and show that all twist angles θ≲6° can become magic and support gapped flat bands. Because of the greatly enhanced density of states near the flat bands, the system can be driven to superfluidity by weak attractive interaction. Strikingly, the superfluid phase corresponds to a Larkin-Ovchinnikov state with finite momentum pairing that results from the interplay between flat bands and interspin interactions in the unique single-layer spin-twisted lattice. Our work may pave the way for exploring novel quantum phases and twistronics in cold atomic systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(13): 130401, 2021 Sep 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34623847


The scope of analog simulation in atomic, molecular, and optical systems has expanded greatly over the past decades. Recently, the idea of synthetic dimensions-in which transport occurs in a space spanned by internal or motional states coupled by field-driven transitions-has played a key role in this expansion. While approaches based on synthetic dimensions have led to rapid advances in single-particle Hamiltonian engineering, strong interaction effects have been conspicuously absent from most synthetic dimensions platforms. Here, in a lattice of coupled atomic momentum states, we show that atomic interactions result in large and qualitative changes to dynamics in the synthetic dimension. We explore how the interplay of nonlinear interactions and coherent tunneling enriches the dynamics of a one-band tight-binding model giving rise to macroscopic self-trapping and phase-driven Josephson dynamics with a nonsinusoidal current-phase relationship, which can be viewed as stemming from a nonlinear band structure arising from interactions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(26): 263603, 2021 Dec 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35029497


In cold atomic systems, fast and high-resolution microscopy of individual atoms is crucial, since it can provide direct information on the dynamics and correlations of the system. Here, we demonstrate nanosecond-scale two-dimensional stroboscopic pictures of a single trapped ion beyond the optical diffraction limit, by combining the main idea of ground-state depletion microscopy with quantum-state transition control in cold atoms. We achieve a spatial resolution up to 175 nm using a NA=0.1 objective in the experiment, which represents a more than tenfold improvement compared with direct fluorescence imaging. To show the potential of this method, we apply it to observe the secular motion of the trapped ion; we demonstrate a temporal resolution up to 50 ns with a displacement detection sensitivity of 10 nm. Our method provides a powerful tool for probing particle positions, momenta, and correlations, as well as their dynamics in cold atomic systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(7): 073603, 2020 Feb 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32142317


Hyperbolic metamaterials (HMMs), an unusual class of electromagnetic metamaterials, have found important applications in various fields due to their distinctive properties. A surprising feature of HMMs is that even continuous HMMs can possess topological edge modes. However, previous studies based on equal-frequency surface (analogy of Fermi surface) may not correctly capture the topology of entire bands. Here we develop a topological band description for continuous HMMs that can be described by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian formulated from Maxwell's equations. We find two types of three-dimensional non-Hermitian triply degenerate points with complex linear dispersions and topological charges ±2 and 0 induced by chiral and gyromagnetic effects. Because of the photonic nature, the vacuum band plays an important role for topological edge states and bulk-edge correspondence in HMMs. The topological band results are numerically confirmed by direct simulation of Maxwell's equations. Our work presents a general non-Hermitian topological band treatment of continuous HMMs, paving the way for exploring interesting topological phases in photonic continua and device implementations of topological HMMs.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(22): 227001, 2020 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32567912


Second-order topological superconductors host Majorana corner and hinge modes in contrast to conventional edge and surface modes in two and three dimensions. However, the realization of such second-order corner modes usually demands unconventional superconducting pairing or complicated junctions or layered structures. Here we show that Majorana corner modes could be realized using a 2D quantum spin Hall insulator in proximity contact with an s-wave superconductor and subject to an in-plane Zeeman field. Beyond a critical value, the in-plane Zeeman field induces opposite effective Dirac masses between adjacent boundaries, leading to one Majorana mode at each corner. A similar paradigm also applies to 3D topological insulators with the emergence of Majorana hinge states. Avoiding complex superconductor pairing and material structure, our scheme provides an experimentally realistic platform for implementing Majorana corner and hinge states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(7): 073601, 2019 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31491088


Higher-order topological insulators and superconductors are topological phases that exhibit novel boundary states on corners or hinges. Recent experimental advances in controlling dissipation such as gain and loss in atomic and optical systems provide a powerful tool for exploring non-Hermitian topological phases. Here we show that higher-order topological corner states can emerge by introducing staggered on-site gain and loss to a Hermitian system in a trivial phase. For such a non-Hermitian system, we establish a general bulk-corner correspondence by developing a biorthogonal nested-Wilson-loop and edge-polarization theory, which can be applied to a wide class of non-Hermitian systems with higher-order topological orders. The theory gives rise to topological invariants characterizing the non-Hermitian topological multipole moments (i.e., corner states) that are protected by reflection or chiral symmetry. Such gain- and loss-induced higher-order topological corner states can be experimentally realized using photons in coupled cavities or cold atoms in optical lattices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(26): 263202, 2018 Jun 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30004716


Floquet dynamics of a quantum system subject to periodic modulations of system parameters provides a powerful tool for engineering new quantum matter with exotic properties. While system dynamics is significantly altered, the periodic modulation itself is usually induced externally and independent of Floquet dynamics. Here we propose a new type of Floquet physics for a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) subject to a shaken lattice generated inside a cavity, where the shaken lattice and atomic Floquet bands are mutually dependent, resulting in self-adapted Floquet dynamics. In particular, the shaken lattice induces Floquet quasienergy bands for the BEC, whose backaction leads to a self-adapted dynamical normal-superradiant phase transition for the shaken lattice. Such self-adapted Floquet dynamics shows two surprising and unique features: (i) The normal-superradiant phase transition possesses a hysteresis even without atom interactions. (ii) The dynamical atom-cavity steady state could exist at free energy maxima. The atom interactions strongly affect the phase transition of the BEC from zero to finite momenta. Our results provide a powerful platform for exploring self-adapted Floquet physics, which may open an avenue for engineering novel quantum materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(12): 120401, 2018 Mar 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29694081


The Josephson effect is a prominent phenomenon of quantum supercurrents that has been widely studied in superconductors and superfluids. Typical Josephson junctions consist of two real-space superconductors (superfluids) coupled through a weak tunneling barrier. Here we propose a momentum-space Josephson junction in a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate, where states with two different momenta are coupled through Raman-assisted tunneling. We show that Josephson currents can be induced not only by applying the equivalent of "voltages," but also by tuning tunneling phases. Such tunneling-phase-driven Josephson junctions in momentum space are characterized through both full mean field analysis and a concise two-level model, demonstrating the important role of interactions between atoms. Our scheme provides a platform for experimentally realizing momentum-space Josephson junctions and exploring their applications in quantum-mechanical circuits.

Opt Lett ; 42(10): 2042-2045, 2017 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28504744


Photons propagating in Laguerre-Gaussian modes have characteristic orbital angular momenta, which are fundamental optical degrees of freedom. The orbital angular momentum of light has potential application in high-capacity optical communication and even in quantum information processing. In this work, we experimentally construct a ring cavity with four lenses and four mirrors that is completely degenerate for Laguerre-Gaussian modes. By measuring the transmitted peaks and patterns of different modes, the ring cavity is shown to support more than 31 Laguerre-Gaussian modes. The constructed degenerate cavity opens a new way for using the unlimited resource of available angular momentum states simultaneously.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(19): 193001, 2017 Nov 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29219479


The recent experimental realization of spin-orbit coupling for ultracold atomic gases provides a powerful platform for exploring many interesting quantum phenomena. In these studies, spin represents the spin vector (spin 1/2 or spin 1) and orbit represents the linear momentum. Here we propose a scheme to realize a new type of spin-tensor-momentum coupling (STMC) in spin-1 ultracold atomic gases. We study the ground state properties of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates with STMC and find interesting new types of stripe superfluid phases and multicritical points for phase transitions. Furthermore, STMC makes it possible to study quantum states with dynamical stripe orders that display density modulation with a long tunable period and high visibility, paving the way for the direct experimental observation of a new dynamical supersolidlike state. Our scheme for generating STMC can be generalized to other systems and may open the door for exploring novel quantum physics and device applications.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(8): 083603, 2017 Feb 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28282161


We propose a scheme to simulate topological physics within a single degenerate cavity, whose modes are mapped to lattice sites. A crucial ingredient of the scheme is to construct a sharp boundary so that the open boundary condition can be implemented for this effective lattice system. In doing so, the topological properties of the system can manifest themselves on the edge states, which can be probed from the spectrum of an output cavity field. We demonstrate this with two examples: a static Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain and a periodically driven Floquet topological insulator. Our work opens up new avenues to explore exotic photonic topological phases inside a single optical cavity.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 3381, 2019 Jul 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31358742


Controlling magnetism through non-magnetic means is highly desirable for future electronic devices, as such means typically have ultra-low power requirements and can provide coherent control. In recent years, great experimental progress has been made in the field of electrical manipulation of magnetism in numerous material systems. These studies generally do not consider the directionality of the applied non-magnetic potentials and/or magnetism switching. Here, we theoretically conceive and experimentally demonstrate a non-magnetic one-way spin switch device using a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate subjected to a moving spin-independent repulsive dipole potential. The physical foundation of this unidirectional device is based on the breakdown of Galilean invariance in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. Such a one-way spin switch opens an avenue for designing quantum devices with unique functionalities and may facilitate further experimental investigations of other one-way spintronic and atomtronic devices.

Nat Commun ; 8: 16097, 2017 07 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28706215


All-optical photonic devices are crucial for many important photonic technologies and applications, ranging from optical communication to quantum information processing. Conventional design of all-optical devices is based on photon propagation and interference in real space, which may rely on large numbers of optical elements, and the requirement of precise control makes this approach challenging. Here we propose an unconventional route for engineering all-optical devices using the photon's internal degrees of freedom, which form photonic crystals in such synthetic dimensions for photon propagation and interference. We demonstrate this design concept by showing how important optical devices such as quantum memory and optical filters can be realized using synthetic orbital angular momentum (OAM) lattices in degenerate cavities. The design route utilizing synthetic photonic lattices may significantly reduce the requirement for numerous optical elements and their fine tuning in conventional design, paving the way for realistic all-optical photonic devices with novel functionalities.

Nat Commun ; 6: 7704, 2015 Jul 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26145177


Orbital angular momentum of light is a fundamental optical degree of freedom characterized by unlimited number of available angular momentum states. Although this unique property has proved invaluable in diverse recent studies ranging from optical communication to quantum information, it has not been considered useful or even relevant for simulating nontrivial physics problems such as topological phenomena. Contrary to this misconception, we demonstrate the incredible value of orbital angular momentum of light for quantum simulation by showing theoretically how it allows to study a variety of important 2D topological physics in a 1D array of optical cavities. This application for orbital angular momentum of light not only reduces required physical resources but also increases feasible scale of simulation, and thus makes it possible to investigate important topics such as edge-state transport and topological phase transition in a small simulator ready for immediate experimental exploration.

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