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Int J Trichology ; 15(3): 88-90, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38179006


Folliculitis decalvans (FD) represents a chronic and recurrent pustulofollicular scalp inflammation resulting in scarring alopecia. The presence of a bacterial bioflilm at the interface of the hair shaft may provide an explanation for the chronicity and high relapse rate of FD, even after prolonged systemic antibiotic treatments. We originally read with enthusiasm Melián-Olivera et al.'s retrospective study of patients with FD treated with topical dapsone published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. However, we experienced an unsuccessful trial of 5% dapsone gel in a patient with FD resulting in worsening of the disease with a pustular flareup and questioned why positive study reports with novel therapeutic options in dermatology often fail in practice. The authors admitted the limitations of their study: small sample size, retrospective, uncontrolled nature of the study, and concomitant use of other treatments. Clinical research ultimately aims at improving the patient outcome. For this purpose, trials must evaluate the outcomes that genuinely reflect the clinical utility of drugs. Therefore, we postulate stricter criteria for treatment trials and statistics in dermatology before publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals to avoid frustrations of physicians and patients alike.

Int J Trichology ; 15(3): 79-84, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38179012


Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels exposed a pattern of societal conduct they chose to name capitalistic bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie created a common language of communication through collaboration, gathered in circles such as free academies, scientific academies, literary circles, and the media, that provided forums for the emerging bourgeoisie to conceive of new social orders. One aspect of bourgeoisie culture is conspicuous consumption, central to which, is a culture of prestige through material consumption. Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership and the operation for profit. Characteristic features of capitalism include competitive market, commercialism, property rights recognition, capital accumulation, material consumption, culture of prestige, sycophancy, and coterie. Critiques of capitalism allege that it is exploitative, alienating, unstable, unsustainable, and inefficient. In turn, critical theory inspired philosophers such as Michel Foucault to conceptualize how we form identities through social interaction. When the patient's body entered the field of medicine, it also entered the field of power where the patient can be manipulated by professional authority. Without forcibly being a proponent of political theory, as an academic, one is inevitably confronted with Marxism in terms of philosophy. As a discipline at the interface of medicine, lifestyle, and cosmetics, trichology is particularly susceptible to the primary aims of profit, consumption, and prestige that characterize the capitalistic bourgeoisie. The trichological sciences, particularly trichoscopy, have discovered a profitable market for itself. The practice of trichology is not immune to malpractice. It has created an industry that dwells on the autistic thinking of patients and doctors, and because it is prosperous, makes propaganda among lay people and doctors that necessarily leads to abuses.

Skin Appendage Disord ; 8(3): 245-248, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35707289


Oral finasteride represented a breakthrough for treatment of male pattern hair loss (MPHL), with clinical studies having demonstrated high efficacy of treatment and a favorable safety profile. And yet, fertility issues, malignancy, and postfinasteride syndrome have been concerns of users and prescribers of the drug. Pre-existing mental health disorder may put patients at an increased risk of nocebo, while the prevalence of personality disorders in subjects with MPHL is known to be higher than in the general population, specifically histrionic personality disorder. We devised a system for patient selection and risk assessment, including fertility issues, regular PSA determinations, and specific mental health assessment. For those who choose regular prostate cancer screening, the use of finasteride meaningfully reduces the risk of prostate cancer. While gynecomastia is a known, rare adverse effect of finasteride, so far, studies support the view that exposure to finasteride is not associated with male breast cancer risk. Patient understanding and involvement are central to optimal treatment selection and active patient role in treatment.

Skin Appendage Disord ; 8(3): 256-260, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35707295


Introduction: A fragment of hair penetrating the skin has been referred to as cutaneous pili migrans in the literature. The condition is regarded rare and the cause unknown. Case Presentation: A 55-year-old female experienced painful sensations of the sole. Dermoscopy revealed hair fragments penetrating the skin, and histopathology a hair shaft embedded in the stratum corneum. The hairs were mechanically extracted with immediate relief from the pain. Discussion and Conclusion: Hair splinters of the sole may be a cause of foot pain related to the skin. The hair splinter is yet another form of hair that has embedded itself in the skin. Patients may believe the hair is growing out of the feet, while the soles are among the specialized skin regions that are hairless. The origin of the hair is exogenous and related to an exposure to freshly cut human or animal hair. Cutaneous embedded hairs can be classified based on the clinical presentation, the location, and association with hair follicles into hair splinters, interdigital pilonidal sinus, migrating hair, or ingrown hair. The condition is an important cause of foot pain and should be considered on clinical examination of the skin of the soles.

Int J Trichology ; 14(4): 120-124, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36081440


Since the original report in 1992 and revised nomenclature in 2009, pseudocysts of the scalp and alopecic and aseptic nodules of the scalp (AANS), respectively, have been regarded as a new entity that is rare and not understood in its pathogenesis. We observed 26 cases of AANS. Except for the extent and severity of disease, we found no single feature that justifies distinguishing AANS as a nosologic entity in its own right from dissecting cellulitis of the scalp (DCS). The scarring alopecias represent a diverse group of disorders with the potential of permanent destruction of the pilosebaceous unit and hair loss. Within the maze of varied conditions leading to scarring alopecia, the most important is to keep a neat nosologic classification in mind, based both on morphology and a pathogenic understanding. We believe that AANS represents a minor form of DCS, so far predominantly observed in patients of non-African origin, and therefore, is a disease of follicular occlusion with a favorable prognosis.

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