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Food Chem ; 463(Pt 2): 141199, 2024 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39307049


Population growth is driving the search for new food sources, including entomophagy, i.e., a diet based on edible insects. Insect powder are rich in essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and bioactive compounds such as antioxidant phenolics. The technologies for extracting oil from insects must be efficient to guarantee high yields. This oil due to its favorable nutritional profile, and lower cost, can be a viable alternative to vegetable and fish oils. Although common in some cultures, the consumption of insects faces resistance in others due to its association with dirt. Efforts are being made to scientifically demonstrate the safety and nutritional benefits of insects as well as their sustainability as a food source. This first review of insect oils focuses on presenting their different characteristics and encouraging the production and use of these products in the food, pharmaceutical, or cosmetics industries.

Foods ; 12(3)2023 Jan 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36766003


This cross-cultural study aimed to determine the main factors behind potential changes in eating habits by analyzing changes in the patterns of beef consumption currently observed in Brazil, Spain, and Turkey. To achieve this aim, 412 regular beef consumers from Brazil, 407 from Spain, and 424 from Turkey answered a self-administered questionnaire. The study surveyed the effects of economic factors, switching from beef to other sources of protein, aspects of credence, health-related concerns, the influence of lifestyle on beef consumption patterns, and purchasing decision factors. The most important factors that changed consumer behavior and resulted in a decrease in consumption, mostly among Brazilian and Turkish consumers, were the economics and accessibility of the products. Beef was replaced by other alternative sources of protein that were likewise derived from animals. The consumers whose purchasing intentions were most significantly influenced by credence factors (e.g., indiscriminate use of agricultural products, substandard animal welfare requirements, among others) were Brazilian and Turkish and, to a lesser degree, Spanish consumers. Lifestyle factors (e.g., consumption of out-of-home meals, available time to cook, among others) were demonstrated to alter consumption patterns and therefore must be carefully considered by the industry, taking into account cultural differences and consumer needs. The population under investigation considered that eating beef had no impact on their health.

Foods ; 11(3)2022 Jan 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35159421


Check-all-that-apply (CATA) is a methodology for sensory product characterization that can be used by consumers. These characteristics, on the other hand, are determined by a trained panel, and consumers are not asked how they perceive these attributes; as a result, some of the characteristics raised by the trained panel may not be relevant to consumers. In this study, the CATA test was applied to characterize three types of hot dogs, those with or without irradiation and salt reduction, and the focus group (FG) technique was employed to determine the CATA descriptors. Each participant in the FG provided five words (attributes) that, in their opinion, best defined each sample. Then, to understand the meaning and to assemble each of the different terms, a discussion of the defined attributes was conducted. The list of CATA descriptors was compiled using the most often cited attributes. The findings indicate that the major difference in hot dogs was between the formulations with and without sodium reduction. The consumers only noticed minor effects resulting from the irradiation process. The use of focus group as the method to select the CATA descriptors related to hot dogs was proven to be valid since the words that were listed for these samples were attributes that typically characterize hot dog sausages.

Foods ; 11(1)2022 Jan 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35010255


Beef consumption and production in Spain and Brazil are different with the consumption of beef in Brazil being three times higher than in Spain. In addition, there are variations in the economic value of production and in the traceability system. Therefore, the aim of this research was to understand the purchasing and consumption patterns using the customer behavior analysis technique of focus groups, which analyzed motivations for the consumption of beef, classifying their preferences by the intrinsic and extrinsic attributes at the time of purchase. The key aspect of the consumption of beef, both for Spanish and Brazilian consumers, was personal satisfaction/flavor. Spanish consumers were more conscious than Brazilians of the beneficial and harmful qualities that meat provides. The presence of fat was the factor that most restricted intake in both countries. The most important intrinsic attributes for Spanish and Brazilian consumers were the visual aspects of the meat: color, freshness, and the quantity and disposition of fat. The most important extrinsic characteristics were the price and expiration date. Spanish consumers see packaged meat as convenient and safe, although it is considered by Brazilians to be over-manipulated. The traceability certification on the label provides credibility to the product for the Spanish but only partially for Brazilians.

Foods ; 10(2)2021 Jan 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33498735


The consumer environment determines consumers' buying behavior and product preferences, and understanding these factors allows businesses in the industry to identify market demands. In view of the different contexts, Spain and Brazil, there are differences in the consumption of beef, in the production and the regulatory process concerning beef, and in particular the traceability system. The traceability system is mandatory in Spain and voluntary in Brazil. From these prerogatives, this cross-cultural study carried out through a self-administered questionnaire with 2132 Spanish and Brazilian beef buyers/consumers, aimed at comparing and understanding the familiarity with the bovine traceability system and traceability information of the label as a food security indicator. It is concluded that traceability information is well received by consumers as an attribute of credibility, and consumers are interested in ensuring that the item they buy is of known and reliable origin. But more incentives may help clarify the advantages of purchasing food with certified traceability, making it more effective for consumers to use this knowledge.

Foods ; 9(6)2020 Jun 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32586049


Wooden breast (WB), white striping (WS) and spaghetti meat (SM) are breast myopathies of the Pectoralis major that greatly affect meat quality in broilers. To differentiate color and texture characteristics with instrumental methods, some of them applied for the first time in this species, 300 carcasses were randomly chosen from an abattoir from five different flocks from the same farm, at a rate of 60 carcasses from each flock. Twenty-four hours after slaughter, both side breasts were dissected, and yields calculated. Color was measured on the surface of the breast with a spectrocolorimeter and reflectance values obtained. Texture was measured on raw meat with a modified compression test that hinders the fiber from expanding transversally and a texture profile analysis (TPA) and also on cooked meat with a Warner-Bratzler shear and a TPA. Color differs between severity degrees, increasing redness (from -1.77 to -1.32 in WB) and, especially, yellowness (from 5.00 to 6.73 in WS) and chroma (from 5.75 to 7.22 in SM) with the severity of the myopathy. The subtraction R630 minus R580 was found to be a useful index to differentiate breast myopathies degrees. The modified compression test can be considered an effective tool to assess the hardness of different structures in each myopathy. Texture differences in the myopathies are better assessed in raw than in cooked meat.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 83: e1182013, 2016. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1006332


Objetivou-se verificar a influência dos fatores socioeconômicos na disposição de 407 consumidores em hipermercados do município de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, em adquirir carne bovina com certificação de origem e verificar as características inerentes ao produto que auxiliam o consumidor no momento da compra, considerando o seu conhecimento prévio sobre rastreabilidade e certificação de origem. Foi realizada uma análise descritiva de todas as variáveis e, posteriormente, realizada a análise univariada pelo teste do qui-quadrado ou exato de Fischer. As variáveis foram adicionadas no modelo múltiplo da regressão logística Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) e para todas as variáveis presentes no modelo final (p ≤ 0,05) foi calculado o risco por meio da odds ratio (OR) ajustada a um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Todos os fatores socioeconômicos analisados (sexo, idade, renda e escolaridade) influenciaram na disposição de consumidores em adquirir carne bovina com certificação de origem. Os atributos intrínsecos mais importantes na tomada de decisão no momento da compra da carne foram cor, maciez, odor e a pouca quantidade de gordura; enquanto que os atributos extrínsecos foram preço, selo de qualidade e carimbo do SIF. A maioria dos consumidores conhece o conceito correto de rastreabilidade e acreditam que o maior benefício da carne rastreada é oferecer mais segurança e evitar riscos de doenças transmitidas pelos alimentos; e a desvantagem é ser um produto mais caro do que o convencional.(AU)

The present study aimed to verify the influence of socioeconomic factors in the provision of 407 consumers in supermarkets in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in purchasing beef with certification of origin and to verify the inherent characteristics of the product that help the consumer at the time of purchase, considering their prior knowledge about traceability and certification of origin. A descriptive analysis of all variables was performed and a univariate analysis was subsequently conducted by chi-square test. The variables were added in the multiple logistic regression model Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE), and for all variables in the final model (p ≤ 0.05) the risk was calculated by the adjusted odds ratio (OR) to a range of 95% confidence. All socioeconomic factors examined (gender, age, income and education) influence the willingness of consumers to purchase beef with certification of origin. The most important intrinsic attributes in decision making when buying meat were the color, softness, odor and little amount of fat, whereas the extrinsic attributes were price, quality seal and stamp of the SIF. Most of the consumers know the correct concept of traceability and believe that the greatest benefit of the traced meat is to be safer and to avoid the risk of foodborne illness; and the disadvantage is to be a more expensive product than the conventional.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Comportamento do Consumidor , Certificado de Registro de Produtos , Carne , Brasil , Bovinos , Agroindústria
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