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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 112(6): 1670-4, 2015 Feb 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25624483


The perovskite PbCrO3 is an antiferromagnetic insulator. However, the fundamental interactions leading to the insulating state in this single-valent perovskite are unclear. Moreover, the origin of the unprecedented volume drop observed at a modest pressure of P = 1.6 GPa remains an outstanding problem. We report a variety of in situ pressure measurements including electron transport properties, X-ray absorption spectrum, and crystal structure study by X-ray and neutron diffraction. These studies reveal key information leading to the elucidation of the physics behind the insulating state and the pressure-induced transition. We argue that a charge disproportionation 3Cr(4+) → 2Cr(3+) + Cr(6+) in association with the 6s-p hybridization on the Pb(2+) is responsible for the insulating ground state of PbCrO3 at ambient pressure and the charge disproportionation phase is suppressed under pressure to give rise to a metallic phase at high pressure. The model is well supported by density function theory plus the correlation energy U (DFT+U) calculations.

Science ; 195(4284): 1325-8, 1977 Mar 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17738414


Radiometric (potassium-argon) age determinations for basalts and tuffs associated with middle to late Tertiary mammal-bearing horizons in Patagonia, southern Argentina, permit refinement of boundaries and hiatuses between beds of Deseadan (early Oligocene) through Friasian (middle to late Miocene) age. At two localities beds of Deseadan age are overlain by basalts, which gave dates of 33.6 and 35.4 million years ago; 34.0 million years ago is tentatively accepted as a terminal date for known Deseadan. At several localities beds of Colhuehuapian age are underlain by basalts, which gave dates ranging from 28.8 to 24.3 million years ago; 25.0 million years is tentatively taken as a basal age for known Colhuehuapian. The paleontological hiatus between known Deseadan and known Colhuehuapian is thus in the order of 9.0 million years. Two tuffs from the Santa Cruz Formation (Santacrucian) gave ages of 21.7 and 18.5 million years. Plagioclase and biotite concentrates of an ignimbrite from the Collón Curá Formation (Friasian) gave ages ranging from 15.4 to 14.0 million years.

Science ; 212(4490): 43-5, 1981 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17747629


Beds of the Rio Chico Formation containing the earliest known land mammals in Patagonia, southern Argentina, were calibrated by potassium-argon age determinations and paleomagnetic polarity data. The Riochican land mammal age encompasses the middle and late Paleocene and corresponds in time with Torrejonian and Tiffanian land mammal faunas in North America.

Science ; 212(4493): 440, 1981 Apr 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17802546


An average age of 9.41 million years was obtained from radioisotope (potassium-argon) age determinations of three glass concentrates of a tuff from the upper part of the marine Rionegrense at Punta Cracker in Golfo Nuevo, Argentina. This age correlates with the Tortonian marine stage of Europe and the Chasicoan Land Mammal Age of South America.

Science ; 215(4538): 1351-7, 1982 Mar 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17753000


A reciprocal and apparently symmetrical interchange of land mammals between North and South America began about 3 million years ago, after the appearance of the Panamanian land bridge. The number of families of land mammals in South America rose from 32 before the interchange to 39 after it began, and then back to 35 at present. An equivalent number of families experienced a comparable rise and decline in North America during the same interval. These changes in diversity are predicted by the MacArthur-Wilson species equilibrium theory. The greater number of North American genera (24) initially entering South America than the reverse (12) is predicted by the proportions of reservoir genera on the two continents. However, a later imbalance caused by secondary immigrants (those which evolved from initial immigrants) is not expected from equilibrium theory.

Science ; 216(4549): 986-9, 1982 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17809069


Mammal faunas collected from the Uquía Formation at Chucalezna and Esquina Blanca in Jujuy Province, northwest Argentina, are calibrated by potassium-argon age determinations and paleomagnetic polarity data. The sediments range in age from 2.5 million years old to perhaps as young as 1.5 million years, from late Pliocene through early Pleistocene, and correspond in time to late Blancan and early Irvingtonian land mammal age faunas in North America.

Science ; 204(4390): 272-9, 1979 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17800342


From radioisotopic (potassium-argon) age determinations of tuffs and magnetostratigraphy of Late Tertiary mammal-bearing beds in Catamarca Province, northwest Argentina, refined estimates have been obtained for the durations and boundaries of beds of Chasicoan (Middle Miocene) through Chapadmalalan (Pliocene) age. An age of 9.0 million years is tentatively accepted for the Chasicoan-Huayquerian boundary, 5.0 million years for the Huayquerian-Montehermosan boundary, and 3.0 million years for the Montehermosan-Chapadmalalan boundary. Procyonids (raccoons and their allies), a group of North American origin, are first recorded in South America in a level immediately below a unit dated at 6.0 million years. Cricetine rodents of the tribe Sigmodontini are first recorded in South America in beds of Montehermosan age in Argentina. Ground sloths, a group of South American origin, first appear in North America in Early Hemphillian time in beds dated between 9.5 and 9.0 million years. The Panamanian land bridge was established by 3.0 million years ago, and an interchange of the terrestrial faunas was well under way by Late Blancan time (around 2.5 million years before present) in North America and by Chapadmalalan time in South America.

Science ; 208(4445): 719-20, 1980 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17771112
Science ; 273(5271): 123b-4b, 1996 Jul 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17744564
J Acoust Soc Am ; 98(5 Pt 1): 2845-7, 1995 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7593936
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