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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(41): 23625-23642, 2021 Oct 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34664047


This joint experimental and theoretical study of the structural and vibrational properties of ß-In2S3 upon compression shows that this tetragonal defect spinel undergoes two reversible pressure-induced order-disorder transitions up to 20 GPa. We propose that the first high-pressure phase above 5.0 GPa has the cubic defect spinel structure of α-In2S3 and the second high-pressure phase (ϕ-In2S3) above 10.5 GPa has a defect α-NaFeO2-type (R3̄m) structure. This phase, related to the NaCl structure, has not been previously observed in spinels under compression and is related to both the tetradymite structure of topological insulators and to the defect LiTiO2 phase observed at high pressure in other thiospinels. Structural characterization of the three phases shows that α-In2S3 is softer than ß-In2S3 while ϕ-In2S3 is harder than ß-In2S3. Vibrational characterization of the three phases is also provided, and their Raman-active modes are tentatively assigned. Our work shows that the metastable α phase of In2S3 can be accessed not only by high temperature or varying composition, but also by high pressure. On top of that, the pressure-induced ß-α-ϕ sequence of phase transitions evidences that ß-In2S3, a BIII2XV3 compound with an intriguing structure typical of AIIBIII2XVI4 compounds (intermediate between thiospinels and ordered-vacancy compounds) undergoes: (i) a first phase transition at ambient pressure to a disordered spinel-type structure (α-In2S3), isostructural with those found at high pressure and high temperature in other BIII2XV3 compounds; and (ii) a second phase transition to the defect α-NaFeO2-type structure (ϕ-In2S3), a distorted NaCl-type structure that is related to the defect NaCl phase found at high pressure in AIIBIII2XVI4 ordered-vacancy compounds and to the defect LiTiO2-type phase found at high pressure in AIIBIII2XVI4 thiospinels. This result shows that In2S3 (with its intrinsic vacancies) has a similar pressure behaviour to thiospinels and ordered-vacancy compounds of the AIIBIII2XVI4 family, making ß-In2S3 the union link between such families of compounds and showing that group-13 thiospinels have more in common with ordered-vacancy compounds than with oxospinels and thiospinels with transition metals.

Inorg Chem ; 58(7): 4480-4490, 2019 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30864787


We present a study of the pressure dependence of the structure of partially hydrated hexagonal CePO4 up to 21 GPa using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction. At a pressure of 10 GPa, a second-order structural phase transition is observed, associated with a novel polymorph. The previously unknown high-pressure phase has a monoclinic structure with a similar atomic arrangement as the low-pressure phase, but with reduced symmetry, belonging to space group C2. Group-subgroup relations hold for the space symmetry groups of both structures. There is no detectable volume discontinuity at the phase transition. Here we provide structural information on the new phase and determine the axial compressibility and bulk modulus for both phases. They are found to have an anisotropic behavior and to be much more compressible than the denser monazite-like polymorph of CePO4. In addition, the isothermal compressibility tensor for the high-pressure structure is reported at 10 GPa and the direction of maximum compressibility described. Finally, the possible role of water and the pressure medium in the high-pressure behavior is discussed. The results are compared with those from other rare-earth orthophosphates.

Inorg Chem ; 57(13): 7860-7876, 2018 Jul 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29897237


The high-pressure behavior of the crystalline structure FeVO4 has been studied by means of X-ray diffraction using a diamond-anvil cell and first-principles calculations. The experiments were carried out up to a pressure of 12.3 GPa, until now the highest pressure reached to study an FeVO4 compound. High-pressure X-ray diffraction measurements show that the triclinic P1̅ (FeVO4-I) phase remains stable up to ≈3 GPa; then a first-order phase transition to a new monoclinic polymorph of FeVO4 (FeVO4-II') with space group C2/ m is observed, having an α-MnMoO4-type structure. A second first-order phase transition is observed around 5 GPa toward the monoclinic ( P2/ c) wolframite-type FeVO4-IV structure, which is stable up to 12.3 GPa in coexistence with FeVO4-II'. The unit cell volume reductions for the first and second phase transitions are Δ V = -8.5% and -13.1%. It was observed that phase transitions are irreversible and both high-pressure phases remain stable once the pressure is released. Calculations were performed at the level of the generalized gradient approximation plus Hubbard correction (GGA+ U) and with the hybrid Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE06) exchange-correlation functional in order to have a good representation of the pressure behavior of FeVO4. We found that theoretical results follow the pressure evolution of structural parameters of FeVO4, in good agreement with the experimental results. Also, we analyze FeVO4-II (orthorhombic Cmcm, CrVO4-type structure) and -III (orthorhombic Pbcn, α-PbO2-type structure) phases and compare our results with the literature. Going beyond the experimental results, we study some possible post-wolframite phases reported for other compounds and we found a phase transition for FeVO4-IV to raspite (monoclinic P21/ c) type structure (FeVO4-V) at 36 GPa (Δ V = -8.1%) and a further phase transition to the AgMnO4-type (monoclinic P21/ c) structure (FeVO4-VI) at 66.5 GPa (Δ V = -3.7%), similar to the phase transition sequence reported for InVO4.

Inorg Chem ; 57(16): 10265-10276, 2018 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30052035


In this work, we present an experimental and theoretical study of the effects of high pressure and high temperature on the structural properties of olivine-type LiNiPO4. This compound is part of an interesting class of materials primarily studied for their potential use as electrodes in lithium-ion batteries. We found that the original olivine structure (α-phase) is stable up to ∼40 GPa. Above this pressure, the onset of a new phase is observed, as put in evidence by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments. The structural refinement shows that the new phase (known as ß-phase) belongs to space group Cmcm. At room temperature, the two phases coexist at least up to 50 GPa. A complete conversion to the ß-phase was only obtained at high-pressure and high-temperature conditions (973 K, 6.5 GPa), as confirmed by both XRD and Raman spectroscopy. Ab initio calculations support the same structural sequence. The need of high-temperature conditions to obtain the complete transformation of the α-phase into the ß-phase is indicative of the existence of a kinetic barrier for the phase transition. Here, we report the evolution of crystallographic parameters as a function of pressure for both phases, comparing them with the theoretical predictions. We also discuss the influence of pressure on the polyhedral units and report room-temperature equations of state. The dependence of the Raman phonons of both phases on pressure is also studied, assigning to each phonon its respective symmetry by comparison with the results of the ab initio simulations.

Inorg Chem ; 57(21): 14005-14012, 2018 Nov 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30370764


The zircon to scheelite phase boundary of ErVO4 has been studied by high-pressure and high-temperature powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. This study has allowed us to delimit the best synthesis conditions of its scheelite-type phase, determine the ambient-temperature equation of state of the zircon and scheelite-type structures, and obtain the thermal equation of state of the zircon-type polymorph. The results obtained with powder samples indicate that zircon-type ErVO4 transforms to scheelite at 8.2 GPa and 293 K and at 7.5 GPa and 693 K. The analyses yield bulk moduli K0 of 158(13) GPa for the zircon phase and 158(17) GPa for the scheelite phase, with a temperature derivative of d K0/d T = -[3.8(2)] × 10-3 GPa K-1 and a volumetric thermal expansion of α0 = [0.9(2)] × 10-5 K-1 for the zircon phase according to the Berman model. The results are compared with those of other zircon-type vanadates, raising the need for careful experiments with highly crystalline scheelite to obtain reliable bulk moduli of this phase. Finally, we have performed single-crystal diffraction experiments from 110 to 395 K, and the obtained volumetric thermal expansion (α0) for zircon-type ErVO4 in the 300-395 K range is [1.4(2)] × 10-5 K-1, in good agreement with previous data and with our experimental value given from the thermal equation of state fit within the limits of uncertainty.

Inorg Chem ; 56(9): 5420-5430, 2017 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28422488


The high-pressure behavior of technologically important visible-light photocatalytic semiconductor InNbO4, adopting a monoclinic wolframite-type structure at ambient conditions, was investigated using synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopic measurements, and first-principles calculations. The experimental results indicate the occurrence of a pressure-induced isostructural phase transition in the studied compound beyond 10.8 GPa. The large volume collapse associated with the phase transition and the coexistence of two phases observed over a wide range of pressure shows the nature of transition to be first-order. There is an increase in the oxygen anion coordination number around In and Nb cations from six to eight at the phase transition. The ambient-pressure phase has been recovered on pressure release. The experimental pressure-volume data when fitted to a Birch-Murnaghan equation of states yields the value of ambient pressure bulk modulus as 179(2) and 231(4) GPa for the low- and high-pressure phases, respectively. The pressure dependence of the Raman mode frequencies and Grüneisen parameters was determined for both phases by experimental and theoretical methods. The same information is obtained for the infrared modes from first-principles calculations. Results from theoretical calculations corroborate the experimental findings. They also provide information on the compressibility of interatomic bonds, which is correlated with the macroscopic properties of InNbO4.

Inorg Chem ; 56(14): 8363-8371, 2017 Jul 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28648048


The effects of high pressure on the crystal structure of orthorhombic (Pnma) perovskite-type cerium scandate were studied in situ under high pressure by means of synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, using a diamond-anvil cell. We found that the perovskite-type crystal structure remains stable up to 40 GPa, the highest pressure reached in the experiments. The evolution of unit-cell parameters with pressure indicated an anisotropic compression. The room-temperature pressure-volume equation of state (EOS) obtained from the experiments indicated the EOS parameters V0 = 262.5(3) Å3, B0 = 165(7) GPa, and B0' = 6.3(5). From the evolution of microscopic structural parameters like bond distances and coordination polyhedra of cerium and scandium, the macroscopic behavior of CeScO3 under compression was explained and reasoned for its large pressure stability. The reported results are discussed in comparison with high-pressure results from other perovskites.

Inorg Chem ; 55(20): 10793-10799, 2016 Oct 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27709926


The role of carbon dioxide, CO2, as oxidizing agent at high pressures and temperatures is evaluated by studying its chemical reactivity with three transition metals: Au, Pt, and Re. We report systematic X-ray diffraction measurements up to 48 GPa and 2400 K using synchrotron radiation and laser-heating diamond-anvil cells. No evidence of reaction was found in Au and Pt samples in this pressure-temperature range. In the Re + CO2 system, however, a strongly-driven redox reaction occurs at P > 8 GPa and T > 1500 K, and orthorhombic ß-ReO2 is formed. This rhenium oxide phase is stable at least up to 48 GPa and 2400 K and was recovered at ambient conditions. Raman spectroscopy data confirm graphite as a reaction product. Ab-initio total-energy structural and compressibility data of the ß-ReO2 phase shows an excellent agreement with experiments, altogether accurately confirming CO2 reduction P-T conditions in the presence of rhenium metal and the ß-ReO2 equation of state.

J Synchrotron Radiat ; 16(Pt 4): 513-23, 2009 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19535866


A recently developed portable multi-anvil device for in situ angle-dispersive synchrotron diffraction studies at pressures up to 25 GPa and temperatures up to 2000 K is described. The system consists of a 450 ton V7 Paris-Edinburgh press combined with a Stony Brook ;T-cup' multi-anvil stage. Technical developments of the various modifications that were made to the initial device in order to adapt the latter to angular-dispersive X-ray diffraction experiments are fully described, followed by a presentation of some results obtained for various systems, which demonstrate the power of this technique and its potential for crystallographic studies. Such a compact large-volume set-up has a total mass of only 100 kg and can be readily used on most synchrotron radiation facilities. In particular, several advantages of this new set-up compared with conventional multi-anvil cells are discussed. Possibilities of extension of the (P,T) accessible domain and adaptation of this device to other in situ measurements are given.

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