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An Acad Bras Cienc ; 94(1): e20211167, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35107518


We provide a map and shapefile of the 57 biogeographic provinces of the Neotropical region. Recognition of these provinces is based on their endemic species, but their delimitation on the map is based on ecoregions combining climatic, geological, and biotic criteria. These provinces belong to the Antillean, Brazilian and Chacoan subregions, and the Mexican and South American transition zones. We provide a vector file of the biogeographical regionalization by converting the map into a polygon shapefile and a raster file with all provinces.

Geologia , Brasil , México
Zootaxa ; 4567(3): zootaxa.4567.3.4, 2019 Mar 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31715884


Areas of endemism (AoE) are identified by the congruence of two or more geographic distribution areas. They represent patterns of distribution resulting from ecological and evolutionary processes and constitute the basic units of biogeographic regionalizations; however, they are not usually environmentally characterized. The 54 world areas of endemism identified for terrestrial mammals were bioclimatically characterized by climate and biome type, using two diversity indices. The climatic characterization shows that tropical climates, mainly Aw (equatorial savannah with dry winter) and Af (equatorial rainforest, fully humid) were the most frequent; included in 32 areas of endemism. The most frequent biomes were the tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests, which grow at low altitudes. Most of the endemic taxa are located in lowlands, frequently from 0 to 1,000 m of altitude. Our results suggest that AoE are concentrated in tropical latitudes; however, we did not find any correlation between the homogeneity of the climate or the biome and the number of endemic taxa within each AoE. Therefore, we suggest that these AoE could have been mainly shaped by tectonic events, combined with environmental influence.

Ecossistema , Mamíferos , Animais , Biodiversidade , Evolução Biológica , Florestas , Clima Tropical
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514964


Introducción: Los páramos de Boyacá cubren el 18.3 % de la superficie de Colombia, y son diversos en flora y fauna, además, registran una alta variabilidad climática, topográfica y de hábitats, que permite que estos ecosistemas sean centros de diversidad en el Neotrópico, y por tanto albergan una alta diversidad de briófitos. Objetivo: Analizar la estructura y composición de las comunidades de briófitos de los complejos de páramos de Boyacá. Métodos: a partir de información de literatura, bases de datos y revisión de herbarios, se evaluó la composición florística y la completitud de muestreo para los complejos de páramos y sustratos. Resultados: Se encontraron 5 132 ejemplares, con 343 especies de musgos que fue el grupo más diverso, 256 hepáticas y dos antocerotes. El análisis de completitud de muestreo es representativo en un 98 %. Además, encontramos que la preferencia de sustratos es el terrícola con 409 especies y el cortícola con 341. La diversidad alfa del orden 0D mostró que Tota-Bijagual-Mamapacha (TBM) es el complejo más diverso con 368 especies, y Pisba (124) el menos diverso; el índice 1D mostró que el complejo (TBM) presentó 178 especies consideradas comunes, y la dominancia de especies (2D) fue mayor en el complejo Iguaque-Merchán con 119 taxa dominantes y en menor número Guantiva-La Rusia (105) y TBM (102). Conclusiones: El análisis de la diversidad beta mostró que el 62 % de la disimilitud en la composición de especies entre los complejos se debe al recambio de especies, igualmente sucede con la divergencia por sustratos que es del 51 %. Los briófitos en los páramos de Boyacá representan el 36.05 % de la diversidad colombiana, y el 2.96 % a nivel mundial.

Introduction: The Boyacá paramos cover 18.3 % of the Colombian surface, and are diverse in flora and fauna, moreover, have a high temperature, topography, and habitats, which allow these ecosystems to be centers of diversity in the Neotropics, and therefore they harbor a high diversity of bryophytes. Objectives: Analyze the structure and composition of the bryophyte communities of the paramos in the Boyacá complexes. Methods: Using literature, databases and herbariums records, the floristic composition, and the completeness of the sampling for the paramo and substrate complexes was evaluated. Results: We analyzed 5 132 specimens, with 343 species of mosses being the most diverse group, 256 liverworts and two hornworts. The sampling completeness analysis is 98 % representative. In addition, we found that the preference of substrates is terrestrial with 409 species and corticolous with 341. Alpha diversity of order 0D showed that Tota-Bijagual-Mamapacha (TBM) is the most diverse complex with 368 species, and Pisba (124) the least diverse; the 1D index showed that the complex (TBM) presented 178 species considered common, and the dominance of species (2D) was higher in the Iguaque-Merchán Complex with 119 dominant taxa and Guantiva-La Russia (105) and TBM (105) to a lesser number. (102). Conclusions: the analysis of beta diversity showed that 62 % of the dissimilarity in the composition of species between the complexes is due to the species turnover, the same happens with the divergence by substrates that is 51 %. Bryophytes in the Boyacá paramos represent 36.05 % of Colombian diversity, and 2.96 % worldwide.

Plantas/classificação , Briófitas/anatomia & histologia , Biodiversidade , Colômbia
Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387708


Abstract Introduction: Neotropical seasonally dry forest (NSDF) climatic constraints increased endemism, and phylogenetic niche conservatism in species that are restricted to this biome. NSDF have a large number of endemic Capparaceae taxa, but it is unknown if phylogenetic niche conservatism has played a role in this pattern. Objective: We carried out an evolutionary analysis of the climatic niche of neotropical species of Capparaceae to identify whether the climatic constraints of NSDF have played a major role throughout the family's evolutionary history. Methods: Using three chloroplastic (ndhF, matK, rbcL) and one ribosomal (rsp3) DNA sequences, we proposed a date phylogeny to reconstruct the evolutionary climatic niche dynamics of 24 Neotropical species of Capparaceae. We tested the relationship between niche dissimilarity and phylogenetic distance between species using the Mantel test. Likewise, we used a set of phylogenetic comparative methods (PGLS) on the phylogeny of Capparaceae to reconstruct the main evolutionary historic events in their niche. Results: Capparaceae originated in humid regions and subsequently, convergent evolution occurred towards humid and dry forest during the aridification phases of the Middle Miocene (16-11 Mya). However, adaptation towards drought stress was reflected only during the precipitation of the coldest quarter, where we found phylogenetic signal (Pagel λ) for gradual evolution and, therefore, evidence of phylogenetic niche conservatism. We found convergent species-specific adaptations to both drought stress and rainfall during the Miocene, suggesting a non-phylogenetic structure in most climatic variables. Conclusions: Our study shows how the Miocene climate may have influenced the Capparaceae speciation toward driest environments. Further, highlights the complexity of climatic niche dynamics in this family, and therefore more detailed analyses are necessary in order to better understand the NSDF climatic constrictions affected the evolution of Capparaceae.

Resumen Introducción: Las limitaciones climáticas del bosque neotropical estacionalmente seco (NSDF) produjeron endemismo y conservadurismo filogenético del nicho en especies restringidas a este bosque. En las Caparáceas neotropicales se ha encontrado endemismo en los NSDF, pero se desconoce si el conservadurismo de nicho filogenético ha influido en su evolución. Objetivos: Se llevó a cabo un análisis evolutivo del nicho climático de las especies neotropicales de Capparaceae para evaluar si las limitaciones climáticas del bosque neotropical estacionalmente seco (NSDF) han jugado un papel importante a lo largo de la historia evolutiva de la familia. Métodos: Usando tres secuencias de ADN cloroplastico (ndhF, matK, rbcL) y una ribosomal (rsp3) se propuso una filogenia datada para reconstruir la dinámica evolutiva del nicho climático de 24 especies Neotropicales de Capparaceae. Utilizando la prueba de Mantel, se realizaron análisis para establecer si hay diferencia de nicho y la distancia filogenética entre especies. Asimismo, se emplearon un conjunto de métodos comparativos filogenéticos sobre la filogenia de la familia para reconstruir los principales eventos históricos evolutivos en su nicho. Resultados: Capparaceae se originó en regiones húmedas y posteriormente se dio una evolución convergente hacia bosque húmedo y seco durante las fases de aridificación del Mioceno Medio (16-11 Ma). Sin embargo, la adaptación al estrés por sequía se reflejó solo en la precipitación del cuarto más frío del año, donde se evidencio señal filogenética, evolución gradual y, por lo tanto, evidencia de conservadurismo de nicho filogenético. También se hallaron especies con adaptaciones convergentes específicas tanto al estrés por sequía como a las lluvias durante el Mioceno, sugiriendo la carencia de estructura filogenética en la mayoría de las variables climáticas. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra cómo el clima del Mioceno pudo haber influenciado la especiación de Capparaceae hacia ambientes mas secos. Además, la compleja dinámica del nicho climático en esta familia y, por lo tanto, la necesidad de realizar análisis más detallados para comprender mejor como las constricciones climáticas del NSDF afectaron la evolución de Capparaceae.

Mudança Climática , Florestas , Capparaceae
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