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Science ; 244(4902): 326-9, 1989 Apr 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17738304


Differences in composition and pressures of equilibration between exposed, regional granulite terranes and suites of granulite xenoliths of crustal origin indicate that granulite terranes do not represent exhumed lowermost crust, as had been thought, but rather middle and lower-middle crustal levels. Application of well-calibrated barometers indicate that exposed granulites record equilibration pressures of 0.6 to 0.8 gigapascal (20 to 30 kilometers depth of burial), whereas granulite xenoliths, which also tend to be more mafic, record pressures of at least 1.0 to 1.5 gigapascals (35 to 50 kilometers depth of burial). Thickening of the crust by the crystallization of mafic magmas at the crust-mantle boundary may account for both the formation of regional granulite terranes at shallower depths and the formation of deep-seated mafic crust represented by many xenolith suites.

Science ; 293(5530): 683-7, 2001 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11474108


Well-defined constants of radioactive decay are the cornerstone of geochronology and the use of radiogenic isotopes to constrain the time scales and mechanisms of planetary differentiation. Four new determinations of the lutetium-176 decay constant (lambda176Lu) made by calibration against the uranium-lead decay schemes yield a mean value of 1.865 +/- 0.015 x 10(-11) year(-1), in agreement with the two most recent decay-counting experiments. Lutetium-hafnium ages that are based on the previously used lambda176Lu of 1.93 x 10(-11) to 1.94 x 10(-11) year(-1) are thus approximately 4% too young, and the initial hafnium isotope compositions of some of Earth's oldest minerals and rocks become less radiogenic relative to bulk undifferentiated Earth when calculated using the new decay constant. The existence of strongly unradiogenic hafnium in Early Archean and Hadean zircons implies that enriched crustal reservoirs existed on Earth by 4.3 billion years ago and persisted for 200 million years or more. Hence, current models of early terrestrial differentiation need revision.

Science ; 254(5032): 695-8, 1991 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17774797


Structural, petrological, and geochronological studies of the middle to late Proterozoic Grenville orogen in Ontario, Canada, indicate that a major extensional fault developed synchronously with late thrusting. This fault zone was initiated during peak metamorphism and extended into the crust to depths of at least 25 kilometers. The temporal and spatial relations among faulting, metamorphism, and regional compression indicate that synorogenic collapse initiated because the crust exceeded the maximum physiographic height and thickness that could be supported by its rheology. Comparison of Grenville with recent Himalayan orogenic activity suggests that during Proterozoic times physiographic height, crustal thickness, and crustal strength were similar to modern conditions in orogenic belts.

Nature ; 418(6901): 952-5, 2002 Aug 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12198541


The timescales and mechanisms for the formation and chemical differentiation of the planets can be quantified using the radioactive decay of short-lived isotopes. Of these, the (182)Hf-to-(182)W decay is ideally suited for dating core formation in planetary bodies. In an earlier study, the W isotope composition of the Earth's mantle was used to infer that core formation was late (> or = 60 million years after the beginning of the Solar System) and that accretion was a protracted process. The correct interpretation of Hf-W data depends, however, on accurate knowledge of the initial abundance of (182)Hf in the Solar System and the W isotope composition of chondritic meteorites. Here we report Hf-W data for carbonaceous and H chondrite meteorites that lead to timescales of accretion and core formation significantly different from those calculated previously. The revised ages for Vesta, Mars and Earth indicate rapid accretion, and show that the timescale for core formation decreases with decreasing size of the planet. We conclude that core formation in the terrestrial planets and the formation of the Moon must have occurred during the first approximately 30 million years of the life of the Solar System.

Science ; 289(5484): 1538-1542, 2000 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10968787


The niobium-92-zirconium-92 ((92)Nb-(92)Zr) extinct radioactive decay system (half-life of about 36 million years) can place new time constraints on early differentiation processes in the silicate portion of planets and meteorites. Zirconium isotope data show that Earth and the oldest lunar crust have the same relative abundances of (92)Zr as chondrites. (92)Zr deficits in calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions from the Allende meteorite constrain the minimum value for the initial (92)Nb/(93)Nb ratio of the solar system to 0.001. The absence of (92)Zr anomalies in terrestrial and lunar samples indicates that large silicate reservoirs on Earth and the moon (such as a magma ocean residue, a depleted mantle, or a crust) formed more than 50 million years after the oldest meteorites formed.

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