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Entropy (Basel) ; 26(5)2024 Apr 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38785610


We study epidemic spreading in complex networks by a multiple random walker approach. Each walker performs an independent simple Markovian random walk on a complex undirected (ergodic) random graph where we focus on the Barabási-Albert (BA), Erdös-Rényi (ER), and Watts-Strogatz (WS) types. Both walkers and nodes can be either susceptible (S) or infected and infectious (I), representing their state of health. Susceptible nodes may be infected by visits of infected walkers, and susceptible walkers may be infected by visiting infected nodes. No direct transmission of the disease among walkers (or among nodes) is possible. This model mimics a large class of diseases such as Dengue and Malaria with the transmission of the disease via vectors (mosquitoes). Infected walkers may die during the time span of their infection, introducing an additional compartment D of dead walkers. Contrary to the walkers, there is no mortality of infected nodes. Infected nodes always recover from their infection after a random finite time span. This assumption is based on the observation that infectious vectors (mosquitoes) are not ill and do not die from the infection. The infectious time spans of nodes and walkers, and the survival times of infected walkers, are represented by independent random variables. We derive stochastic evolution equations for the mean-field compartmental populations with the mortality of walkers and delayed transitions among the compartments. From linear stability analysis, we derive the basic reproduction numbers RM,R0 with and without mortality, respectively, and prove that RM1, the healthy state is unstable, whereas for zero mortality, a stable endemic equilibrium exists (independent of the initial conditions), which we obtained explicitly. We observed that the solutions of the random walk simulations in the considered networks agree well with the mean-field solutions for strongly connected graph topologies, whereas less well for weakly connected structures and for diseases with high mortality. Our model has applications beyond epidemic dynamics, for instance in the kinetics of chemical reactions, the propagation of contaminants, wood fires, and others.

Contin Mech Thermodyn ; 33(4): 1207-1221, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34776647


We analyze the dynamics of a population of independent random walkers on a graph and develop a simple model of epidemic spreading. We assume that each walker visits independently the nodes of a finite ergodic graph in a discrete-time Markovian walk governed by his specific transition matrix. With this assumption, we first derive an upper bound for the reproduction numbers. Then, we assume that a walker is in one of the states: susceptible, infectious, or recovered. An infectious walker remains infectious during a certain characteristic time. If an infectious walker meets a susceptible one on the same node, there is a certain probability for the susceptible walker to get infected. By implementing this hypothesis in computer simulations, we study the space-time evolution of the emerging infection patterns. Generally, random walk approaches seem to have a large potential to study epidemic spreading and to identify the pertinent parameters in epidemic dynamics.

Pharm Dev Technol ; 24(4): 419-426, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30074419


Reliable monitoring of solution crystallization processes is important to provide further insight into process dynamics and to improve process control in the regimen of Process Analytical Technology (PAT), e.g. as the case studied here: detection of crystallization of the anhydrous and monohydrate forms of Citric Acid (CA). To set up the relationship between acoustic emission (AE) and crystallization form, two experiments (monohydrate and anhydrous citric acid) were carried out to specify the features and origins of the different acoustic signals emitted during batch cooling solution crystallization processes. Two kinds of AE experimental variables convey information about the development of crystallization processes: frequency and acoustic energy variables. The experimental results show notably that though it has less acoustic bursts, the acoustic activity generated by the crystallization of the monohydrate form of CA actually releases more acoustic energy than the crystallization of anhydrous form. It is also shown that the form of the crystallization is associated with the percentage of absolute energy. The proportion of the absolute energy [150-700 KHz] released by CAm (43% of total absolute energy) in the total energy [0-700 KHz] is much more than that of CAa (3% of total absolute energy).

Química Farmacêutica/métodos , Ácido Cítrico/análise , Ácido Cítrico/química , Som , Cristalização/métodos , Propriedades de Superfície , Vibração
Phys Rev E ; 107(4-1): 044207, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37198844


We study an epidemic model for a constant population by taking into account four compartments of the individuals characterizing their states of health. Each individual is in one of the following compartments: susceptible S; incubated, i.e., infected yet not infectious, C; infected and infectious I; and recovered, i.e., immune, R. An infection is visible only when an individual is in state I. Upon infection, an individual performs the transition pathway S→C→I→R→S, remaining in compartments C, I, and R for a certain random waiting time t_{C}, t_{I}, and t_{R}, respectively. The waiting times for each compartment are independent and drawn from specific probability density functions (PDFs) introducing memory into the model. The first part of the paper is devoted to the macroscopic S-C-I-R-S model. We derive memory evolution equations involving convolutions (time derivatives of general fractional type). We consider several cases. The memoryless case is represented by exponentially distributed waiting times. Cases of long waiting times with fat-tailed waiting-time distributions are considered as well where the S-C-I-R-S evolution equations take the form of time-fractional ordinary differential equations. We obtain formulas for the endemic equilibrium and a condition of its existence for cases when the waiting-time PDFs have existing means. We analyze the stability of healthy and endemic equilibria and derive conditions for which the endemic state becomes oscillatory (Hopf) unstable. In the second part, we implement a simple multiple-random-walker approach (microscopic model of Brownian motion of Z independent walkers) with random S-C-I-R-S waiting times in computer simulations. Infections occur with a certain probability by collisions of walkers in compartments I and S. We compare the endemic states predicted in the macroscopic model with the numerical results of the simulations and find accordance of high accuracy. We conclude that a simple random-walker approach offers an appropriate microscopic description for the macroscopic model. The S-C-I-R-S-type models open a wide field of applications allowing the identification of pertinent parameters governing the phenomenology of epidemic dynamics such as extinction, convergence to a stable endemic equilibrium, or persistent oscillatory behavior.

Phys Rev E ; 105(2-1): 024205, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35291108


We introduce a compartment model with memory for the dynamics of epidemic spreading in a constant population of individuals. Each individual is in one of the states S=susceptible, I=infected, or R=recovered (SIR model). In state R an individual is assumed to stay immune within a finite-time interval. In the first part, we introduce a random lifetime or duration of immunity which is drawn from a certain probability density function. Once the time of immunity is elapsed an individual makes an instantaneous transition to the susceptible state. By introducing a random duration of immunity a memory effect is introduced into the process which crucially determines the epidemic dynamics. In the second part, we investigate the influence of the memory effect on the space-time dynamics of the epidemic spreading by implementing this approach into computer simulations and employ a multiple random walker's model. If a susceptible walker meets an infectious one on the same site, then the susceptible one gets infected with a certain probability. The computer experiments allow us to identify relevant parameters for spread or extinction of an epidemic. In both parts, the finite duration of immunity causes persistent oscillations in the number of infected individuals with ongoing epidemic activity preventing the system from relaxation to a steady state solution. Such oscillatory behavior is supported by real-life observations and not captured by the classical standard SIR model.

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