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Nature ; 623(7988): 713-717, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37968402


One-dimensional systems exhibiting a continuous symmetry can host quantum phases of matter with true long-range order only in the presence of sufficiently long-range interactions1. In most physical systems, however, the interactions are short-ranged, hindering the emergence of such phases in one dimension. Here we use a one-dimensional trapped-ion quantum simulator to prepare states with long-range spin order that extends over the system size of up to 23 spins and is characteristic of the continuous symmetry-breaking phase of matter2,3. Our preparation relies on simultaneous control over an array of tightly focused individual addressing laser beams, generating long-range spin-spin interactions. We also observe a disordered phase with frustrated correlations. We further study the phases at different ranges of interaction and the out-of-equilibrium response to symmetry-breaking perturbations. This work opens an avenue to study new quantum phases and out-of-equilibrium dynamics in low-dimensional systems.

Nature ; 598(7880): 281-286, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34608286


Quantum error correction protects fragile quantum information by encoding it into a larger quantum system1,2. These extra degrees of freedom enable the detection and correction of errors, but also increase the control complexity of the encoded logical qubit. Fault-tolerant circuits contain the spread of errors while controlling the logical qubit, and are essential for realizing error suppression in practice3-6. Although fault-tolerant design works in principle, it has not previously been demonstrated in an error-corrected physical system with native noise characteristics. Here we experimentally demonstrate fault-tolerant circuits for the preparation, measurement, rotation and stabilizer measurement of a Bacon-Shor logical qubit using 13 trapped ion qubits. When we compare these fault-tolerant protocols to non-fault-tolerant protocols, we see significant reductions in the error rates of the logical primitives in the presence of noise. The result of fault-tolerant design is an average state preparation and measurement error of 0.6 per cent and a Clifford gate error of 0.3 per cent after offline error correction. In addition, we prepare magic states with fidelities that exceed the distillation threshold7, demonstrating all of the key single-qubit ingredients required for universal fault-tolerant control. These results demonstrate that fault-tolerant circuits enable highly accurate logical primitives in current quantum systems. With improved two-qubit gates and the use of intermediate measurements, a stabilized logical qubit can be achieved.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(3): 033604, 2023 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37540877


Trapped atomic ion crystals are a leading platform for quantum simulations of spin systems, with programmable and long-range spin-spin interactions mediated by excitations of phonons in the crystal. We describe a complementary approach for quantum simulations of bosonic systems using phonons in trapped-ion crystals, here mediated by excitations of the trapped-ion spins. The scheme enables a high degree of programability across a dense graph of bosonic couplings, utilizing long-lived collective phonon modes in a trapped-ion chain. As such, it is well suited for tackling hard problems such as boson sampling and simulations of long-range bosonic and spin-boson Hamiltonians.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(41): 25396-25401, 2020 10 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33024018


Quantum computers and simulators may offer significant advantages over their classical counterparts, providing insights into quantum many-body systems and possibly improving performance for solving exponentially hard problems, such as optimization and satisfiability. Here, we report the implementation of a low-depth Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) using an analog quantum simulator. We estimate the ground-state energy of the Transverse Field Ising Model with long-range interactions with tunable range, and we optimize the corresponding combinatorial classical problem by sampling the QAOA output with high-fidelity, single-shot, individual qubit measurements. We execute the algorithm with both an exhaustive search and closed-loop optimization of the variational parameters, approximating the ground-state energy with up to 40 trapped-ion qubits. We benchmark the experiment with bootstrapping heuristic methods scaling polynomially with the system size. We observe, in agreement with numerics, that the QAOA performance does not degrade significantly as we scale up the system size and that the runtime is approximately independent from the number of qubits. We finally give a comprehensive analysis of the errors occurring in our system, a crucial step in the path forward toward the application of the QAOA to more general problem instances.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(6): 063603, 2022 Aug 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36018637


We describe a simple protocol for the single-step generation of N-body entangling interactions between trapped atomic ion qubits. We show that qubit state-dependent squeezing operations and displacement forces on the collective atomic motion can generate full N-body interactions. Similar to the Mølmer-Sørensen two-body Ising interaction at the core of most trapped ion quantum computers and simulators, the proposed operation is relatively insensitive to the state of motion. We show how this N-body gate operation allows for the single-step implementation of a family of N-bit gate operations such as the powerful N-Toffoli gate, which flips a single qubit if and only if all other N-1 qubits are in a particular state.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(12): 120605, 2020 Sep 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33016720


How a closed interacting quantum many-body system relaxes and dephases as a function of time is a fundamental question in thermodynamic and statistical physics. In this Letter, we analyze and observe the persistent temporal fluctuations after a quantum quench of a tunable long-range interacting transverse-field Ising Hamiltonian realized with a trapped-ion quantum simulator. We measure the temporal fluctuations in the average magnetization of a finite-size system of spin-1/2 particles. We experiment in a regime where the properties of the system are closely related to the integrable Hamiltonian with global spin-spin coupling, which enables analytical predictions for the long-time nonintegrable dynamics. The analytical expression for the temporal fluctuations predicts the exponential suppression of temporal fluctuations with increasing system size. Our measurement data is consistent with our theory predicting the regime of many-body dephasing.

Nature ; 511(7508): 198-201, 2014 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25008525


The maximum speed with which information can propagate in a quantum many-body system directly affects how quickly disparate parts of the system can become correlated and how difficult the system will be to describe numerically. For systems with only short-range interactions, Lieb and Robinson derived a constant-velocity bound that limits correlations to within a linear effective 'light cone'. However, little is known about the propagation speed in systems with long-range interactions, because analytic solutions rarely exist and because the best long-range bound is too loose to accurately describe the relevant dynamical timescales for any known spin model. Here we apply a variable-range Ising spin chain Hamiltonian and a variable-range XY spin chain Hamiltonian to a far-from-equilibrium quantum many-body system and observe its time evolution. For several different interaction ranges, we determine the spatial and time-dependent correlations, extract the shape of the light cone and measure the velocity with which correlations propagate through the system. This work opens the possibility for studying a wide range of many-body dynamics in quantum systems that are otherwise intractable.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(13): 3305-3310, 2017 03 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28325879


We run a selection of algorithms on two state-of-the-art 5-qubit quantum computers that are based on different technology platforms. One is a publicly accessible superconducting transmon device (www. RESEARCH: with limited connectivity, and the other is a fully connected trapped-ion system. Even though the two systems have different native quantum interactions, both can be programed in a way that is blind to the underlying hardware, thus allowing a comparison of identical quantum algorithms between different physical systems. We show that quantum algorithms and circuits that use more connectivity clearly benefit from a better-connected system of qubits. Although the quantum systems here are not yet large enough to eclipse classical computers, this experiment exposes critical factors of scaling quantum computers, such as qubit connectivity and gate expressivity. In addition, the results suggest that codesigning particular quantum applications with the hardware itself will be paramount in successfully using quantum computers in the future.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(15): 150601, 2019 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31050545


We study the quasiparticle excitation and quench dynamics of the one-dimensional transverse-field Ising model with power-law (1/r^{α}) interactions. We find that long-range interactions give rise to a confining potential, which couples pairs of domain walls (kinks) into bound quasiparticles, analogous to mesonic states in high-energy physics. We show that these quasiparticles have signatures in the dynamics of order parameters following a global quench, and the Fourier spectrum of these order parameters can be exploited as a direct probe of the masses of the confined quasiparticles. We introduce a two-kink model to qualitatively explain the phenomenon of long-range-interaction-induced confinement and to quantitatively predict the masses of the bound quasiparticles. Furthermore, we illustrate that these quasiparticle states can lead to slow thermalization of one-point observables for certain initial states. Our work is readily applicable to current trapped-ion experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(2): 020501, 2018 Jan 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29376710


In an ion trap quantum computer, collective motional modes are used to entangle two or more qubits in order to execute multiqubit logical gates. Any residual entanglement between the internal and motional states of the ions results in loss of fidelity, especially when there are many spectator ions in the crystal. We propose using a frequency-modulated driving force to minimize such errors. In simulation, we obtained an optimized frequency-modulated 2-qubit gate that can suppress errors to less than 0.01% and is robust against frequency drifts over ±1 kHz. Experimentally, we have obtained a 2-qubit gate fidelity of 98.3(4)%, a state-of-the-art result for 2-qubit gates with five ions.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(3)2024 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38477652


Photonic interconnects between quantum systems will play a central role in both scalable quantum computing and quantum networking. Entanglement of remote qubits via photons has been demonstrated in many platforms; however, improving the rate of entanglement generation will be instrumental for integrating photonic links into modular quantum computers. We present an ion trap system that has the highest reported free-space photon collection efficiency for quantum networking. We use a pair of in-vacuum aspheric lenses, each with a numerical aperture of 0.8, to couple 10(1)% of the 493 nm photons emitted from a 138Ba+ ion into single-mode fibers. We also demonstrate that proximal effects of the lenses on the ion position and motion can be mitigated.

Sci Adv ; 9(46): eadh2594, 2023 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37976365


Simulations of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments can be an important tool for extracting information about molecular structure and optimizing experimental protocols but are often intractable on classical computers for large molecules such as proteins and for protocols such as zero-field NMR. We demonstrate the first quantum simulation of an NMR spectrum, computing the zero-field spectrum of the methyl group of acetonitrile using four qubits of a trapped-ion quantum computer. We reduce the sampling cost of the quantum simulation by an order of magnitude using compressed sensing techniques. We show how the intrinsic decoherence of NMR systems may enable the zero-field simulation of classically hard molecules on relatively near-term quantum hardware and discuss how the experimentally demonstrated quantum algorithm can be used to efficiently simulate scientifically and technologically relevant solid-state NMR experiments on more mature devices. Our work opens a practical application for quantum computation.

Sci Am ; 314(5): 50-57, 2016 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27100255
Sci Adv ; 7(34)2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34407938


Partition functions are ubiquitous in physics: They are important in determining the thermodynamic properties of many-body systems and in understanding their phase transitions. As shown by Lee and Yang, analytically continuing the partition function to the complex plane allows us to obtain its zeros and thus the entire function. Moreover, the scaling and nature of these zeros can elucidate phase transitions. Here, we show how to find partition function zeros on noisy intermediate-scale trapped-ion quantum computers in a scalable manner, using the XXZ spin chain model as a prototype, and observe their transition from XY-like behavior to Ising-like behavior as a function of the anisotropy. While quantum computers cannot yet scale to the thermodynamic limit, our work provides a pathway to do so as hardware improves, allowing the future calculation of critical phenomena for systems beyond classical computing limits.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 3720, 2020 Jul 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32709855


The quantum walk formalism is a widely used and highly successful framework for modeling quantum systems, such as simulations of the Dirac equation, different dynamics in both the low and high energy regime, and for developing a wide range of quantum algorithms. Here we present the circuit-based implementation of a discrete-time quantum walk in position space on a five-qubit trapped-ion quantum processor. We encode the space of walker positions in particular multi-qubit states and program the system to operate with different quantum walk parameters, experimentally realizing a Dirac cellular automaton with tunable mass parameter. The quantum walk circuits and position state mapping scale favorably to a larger model and physical systems, allowing the implementation of any algorithm based on discrete-time quantum walks algorithm and the dynamics associated with the discretized version of the Dirac equation.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33210056


We generalize past work on quantum sensor networks to show that, for d input parameters, entanglement can yield a factor O(d) improvement in mean-squared error when estimating an analytic function of these parameters. We show that the protocol is optimal for qubit sensors, and we conjecture an optimal protocol for photons passing through interferometers. Our protocol is also applicable to continuous variable measurements, such as one quadrature of a field operator. We outline a few potential applications, including calibration of laser operations in trapped ion quantum computing.

Sci Adv ; 3(10): e1701074, 2017 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29062889


Quantum computers will eventually reach a size at which quantum error correction becomes imperative. Quantum information can be protected from qubit imperfections and flawed control operations by encoding a single logical qubit in multiple physical qubits. This redundancy allows the extraction of error syndromes and the subsequent detection or correction of errors without destroying the logical state itself through direct measurement. We show the encoding and syndrome measurement of a fault-tolerantly prepared logical qubit via an error detection protocol on four physical qubits, represented by trapped atomic ions. This demonstrates the robustness of a logical qubit to imperfections in the very operations used to encode it. The advantage persists in the face of large added error rates and experimental calibration errors.

Sci Adv ; 3(8): e1700672, 2017 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28875166


Although statistical mechanics describes thermal equilibrium states, these states may or may not emerge dynamically for a subsystem of an isolated quantum many-body system. For instance, quantum systems that are near-integrable usually fail to thermalize in an experimentally realistic time scale, and instead relax to quasi-stationary prethermal states that can be described by statistical mechanics, when approximately conserved quantities are included in a generalized Gibbs ensemble (GGE). We experimentally study the relaxation dynamics of a chain of up to 22 spins evolving under a long-range transverse-field Ising Hamiltonian following a sudden quench. For sufficiently long-range interactions, the system relaxes to a new type of prethermal state that retains a strong memory of the initial conditions. However, the prethermal state in this case cannot be described by a standard GGE; it rather arises from an emergent double-well potential felt by the spin excitations. This result shows that prethermalization occurs in a broader context than previously thought, and reveals new challenges for a generic understanding of the thermalization of quantum systems, particularly in the presence of long-range interactions.

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