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Ecol Evol ; 13(2): e9817, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36789342


Quantifying space use and segregation, as well as the extrinsic and intrinsic factors affecting them, is crucial to increase our knowledge of species-specific movement ecology and to design effective management and conservation measures. This is particularly relevant in the case of species that are highly mobile and dependent on sparse and unpredictable trophic resources, such as vultures. Here, we used the GPS-tagged data of 127 adult Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus captured at five different breeding regions in Spain to describe the movement patterns (home-range size and fidelity, and monthly cumulative distance). We also examined how individual sex, season, and breeding region determined the cumulative distance traveled and the size and overlap between consecutive monthly home-ranges. Overall, Griffon Vultures exhibited very large annual home-range sizes of 5027 ± 2123 km2, mean monthly cumulative distances of 1776 ± 1497 km, and showed a monthly home-range fidelity of 67.8 ± 25.5%. However, individuals from northern breeding regions showed smaller home-ranges and traveled shorter monthly distances than those from southern ones. In all cases, home-ranges were larger in spring and summer than in winter and autumn, which could be related to difference in flying conditions and food requirements associated with reproduction. Moreover, females showed larger home-ranges and less monthly fidelity than males, indicating that the latter tended to use the similar areas throughout the year. Overall, our results indicate that both extrinsic and intrinsic factors modulate the home-range of the Griffon Vulture and that spatial segregation depends on sex and season at the individual level, without relevant differences between breeding regions in individual site fidelity. These results have important implications for conservation, such as identifying key threat factors necessary to improve management actions and policy decisions.

Cuantificar el uso y la segregación del espacio, así como los factores extrínsecos e intrínsecos que los afectan, es crucial para aumentar nuestro conocimiento de la ecología de movimientos de cada especie y diseñar medidas eficaces de gestión y conservación. Esto es especialmente relevante en el caso de especies con gran movilidad y dependientes de recursos tróficos escasos e impredecibles, como son los buitres. En este trabajo se utilizaron datos GPS de 127 buitres leonados Gyps fulvus adultos capturados en cinco regiones de cría diferentes en España para describir los patrones de movimiento (tamaño y fidelidad del área de campeo y distancia acumulada mensual). También examinamos cómo el sexo, la estación del año y la región de cría determinaban la distancia acumulada recorrida y el tamaño y solapamiento entre áreas de campeo mensuales consecutivas. En conjunto, los buitres leonados mostraron un área de campeo anual muy extensa de 5027 ± 2123 km2, una distancia acumulada mensual media de 1776 ± 1497 km y una fidelidad mensual al área de campeo del 67.8 ± 25.5%. Sin embargo, los individuos de las regiones de cría más septentrionales mostraron áreas de campeo más pequeñas y recorrieron distancias mensuales más cortas que los de las más meridionales. En todos los casos, las áreas de campeo fueron mayores en primavera y verano que en otoño e invierno, lo que podría estar relacionado con las diferencias en las condiciones de vuelo y las necesidades tróficas asociadas a la reproducción. Además, las hembras mostraron mayores áreas de campeo y menor fidelidad mensual que los machos, lo que indica que estos últimos tienden a utilizar zonas similares durante todo el año. En conjunto, nuestros resultados indican que tanto los factores extrínsecos como los intrínsecos modulan el área de campeo del buitre leonado y que la segregación espacial depende del sexo y de la estación a nivel individual, sin que existan diferencias relevantes entre las regiones de cría en cuanto a la fidelidad individual al lugar. Estos resultados podrían tener importantes implicaciones para la conservación, como la identificación de los principales factores necesarios para mejorar las medidas de gestión y las decisiones políticas.

Curr Zool ; 68(1): 57-67, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35169629


Cutting-edge technologies are extremely useful to develop new workflows in studying ecological data, particularly to understand animal behavior and movement trajectories at the individual level. Although parental care is a well-studied phenomenon, most studies have been focused on direct observational or video recording data, as well as experimental manipulation. Therefore, what happens out of our sight still remains unknown. Using high-frequency GPS/GSM dataloggers and tri-axial accelerometers we monitored 25 Bonelli's eagles Aquila fasciata during the breeding season to understand parental activities from a broader perspective. We used recursive data, measured as number of visits and residence time, to reveal nest attendance patterns of biparental care with role specialization between sexes. Accelerometry data interpreted as the overall dynamic body acceleration, a proxy of energy expenditure, showed strong differences in parental effort throughout the breeding season and between sexes. Thereby, males increased substantially their energetic requirements, due to the increased workload, while females spent most of the time on the nest. Furthermore, during critical phases of the breeding season, a low percentage of suitable hunting spots in eagles' territories led them to increase their ranging behavior in order to find food, with important consequences in energy consumption and mortality risk. Our results highlight the crucial role of males in raptor species exhibiting biparental care. Finally, we exemplify how biologging technologies are an adequate and objective method to study parental care in raptors as well as to get deeper insight into breeding ecology of birds in general.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 5424, 2021 03 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33686130


Natal dispersal, the movement between the birth and the first breeding site, has been rarely studied in long-lived territorial birds with a long-lasting pre-breeding stage. Here we benefited from the long-term monitoring programs of six populations of Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus) from Spain and France to study how the rearing environment determines dispersal. For 124 vultures, we recorded a median dispersal distance of 48 km (range 0-656 km). Linear models were used to assess the effect of population and individual traits on dispersal distance at two spatial scales. Dispersal distances were inversely related to vulture density in the natal population, suggesting that birds perceive the abundance of conspecifics as a signal of habitat quality. This was particularly true for declining populations, so increasing levels of opportunistic philopatry seemed to arise in high density contexts as a consequence of vacancies created by human-induced adult mortality. Females dispersed further than males, but males were more sensitive to the social environment, indicating different dispersal tactics. Both sexes were affected by different individual attributes simultaneously and interactively with this social context. These results highlight that complex phenotype-by-environment interactions should be considered for advancing our understanding of dispersal dynamics in long-lived organisms.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 17690, 2020 10 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33077857


Partial migration, whereby some individuals migrate and some do not, is relatively common and widespread among animals. Switching between migration tactics (from migratory to resident or vice versa) occurs at individual and population levels. Here, we describe for the first time the movement ecology of the largest wintering population of Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus) in south-west Europe. We combined field surveys and GPS tracking data from December to February during four wintering seasons (2014-2018). The wintering population consisted on average of 85 individuals (range 58-121; 76% adults and 24% subadults). Individuals were counted at five different roosting sites located near farms, unauthorized carcass deposition sites and authorized carcass deposition sites. Our results show that vultures tend to remain close to the roosting site. Moreover, we observed that females exhibited smaller home range sizes than males, which suggests a possible differential use of food sources. Overall, birds relied more on farms than other available food resources, particularly subadult individuals which exploited more intensively these sites. Our results showed that Egyptian Vultures congregate in significant numbers at specific sites throughout the winter period in south-west Spain and that these roosting and feeding sites should be given some level of legal protection and regular monitoring. Furthermore, predictable food sources might be driving the apparent increase in the non-migratory population of Egyptian Vultures, as observed in other avian species which are also changing their migratory behavior.

Migração Animal , Aves/fisiologia , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Estações do Ano , Animais , Europa (Continente)
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