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Malar J ; 23(1): 82, 2024 Mar 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38500094


BACKGROUND: Adults infected with Plasmodium spp. in endemic areas need to be re-evaluated in light of global malaria elimination goals. They potentially undermine malaria interventions but remain an overlooked aspect of public health strategies. METHODS: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of Plasmodium spp. infections, to identify underlying parasite species, and to assess predicting factors among adults residing in an endemic area from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). A community-based cross-sectional survey in subjects aged 18 years and above was therefore carried out. Study participants were interviewed using a standard questionnaire and tested for Plasmodium spp. using a rapid diagnostic test and a nested polymerase chain reaction assay. Logistic regression models were fitted to assess the effect of potential predictive factors for infections with different Plasmodium spp. RESULTS: Overall, 420 adults with an estimated prevalence of Plasmodium spp. infections of 60.2% [95% CI 55.5; 64.8] were included. Non-falciparum species infected 26.2% [95% CI 22.2; 30.5] of the study population. Among infected participants, three parasite species were identified, including Plasmodium falciparum (88.5%), Plasmodium malariae (39.9%), and Plasmodium ovale (7.5%) but no Plasmodium vivax. Mixed species accounted for 42.3% of infections while single-species infections predominated with P. falciparum (56.5%) among infected participants. All infected participants were asymptomatic at the time of the survey. Adults belonging to the "most economically disadvantaged" households had increased risks of infections with any Plasmodium spp. (adjusted odds ratio, aOR = 2.87 [95% CI 1.66, 20.07]; p < 0.001), compared to those from the "less economically disadvantaged" households. Conversely, each 1 year increase in age reduced the risk of infections with any Plasmodium spp. (aOR = 0.99 [95% CI 0.97, 0.99]; p = 0.048). Specifically for non-falciparum spp., males had increased risks of infection than females (aOR = 1.83 [95% CI 1.13, 2.96]; p = 0.014). CONCLUSION: Adults infected with malaria constitute a potentially important latent reservoir for the transmission of the disease in the study setting. They should specifically be taken into account in public health measures and translational research.

Malária Falciparum , Malária , Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , República Democrática do Congo/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Malária/epidemiologia , Malária/parasitologia , Malária Falciparum/epidemiologia , Plasmodium falciparum , Plasmodium malariae , Prevalência
Bull World Health Organ ; 101(8): 522-528, 2023 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37529018


Human African trypanosomiasis is a life-threatening parasitic infection transmitted by the tsetse fly in sub-Saharan Africa. The most common form is caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, with humans as the main reservoir. Diagnosis in the field requires microscopic examination performed by specifically trained personnel. After over two decades of sustained efforts, the incidence of the disease is strongly declining, and some historically endemic countries are no longer detecting cases. The World Health Organization (WHO) has targeted the elimination of transmission of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis by 2030, defined as zero autochthonous cases for at least five consecutive years. Endemic countries reaching this goal must maintain dedicated surveillance to detect re-emergence or re-introduction. With this new agenda, new tools are needed for verification of the absence of transmission. WHO has therefore developed a target product profile calling for development of a method for population-level cross-cutting surveillance of T. b. gambiense transmission. The method needs to be performed in national or sub-national reference laboratories, and to test in parallel numerous samples shipped from remote rural areas. Among other characteristics the product profile specifies: (i) a simple specimen collection procedure; (ii) no cold-chain requirement to transfer specimens to reference laboratories; (iii) high sensitivity and specificity; (iv) high-throughput, substantially automatized; (v) low cost per specimen, when analysed in large batches; and (vi) applicable also in animals.

La trypanosomiase humaine africaine est une infection parasitaire potentiellement mortelle transmise par la mouche tsé-tsé en Afrique subsaharienne. La forme la plus répandue est causée par Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, les humains constituant son principal réservoir. Établir un diagnostic sur le terrain nécessite un examen microscopique réalisé par du personnel formé à cet effet. Après plus de deux décennies d'efforts soutenus, l'incidence de la maladie diminue fortement et quelques pays historiquement endémiques ne découvrent plus aucun cas. L'objectif de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) est d'éliminer la transmission de la trypanosomiase humaine africaine à T. b. gambiense d'ici 2030, ce qui correspond à zéro cas autochtone pendant au moins cinq années consécutives. Les pays endémiques qui atteignent cet objectif doivent maintenir une surveillance spécifique afin de détecter toute réémergence ou réintroduction. Ce nouveau programme doit s'accompagner de nouveaux outils servant à vérifier l'absence de transmission. L'OMS a donc élaboré un profil de produit cible pour le développement d'un procédé de surveillance transversale de la transmission de T. b. gambiense à l'échelle de la population. Ce procédé doit être effectué dans des laboratoires de référence nationaux ou infranationaux et tester simultanément de nombreux échantillons envoyés depuis des régions rurales isolées. Ce profil de produit comporte notamment les caractéristiques suivantes: (i) une procédure simple de collecte d'échantillons; (ii) aucune exigence concernant le respect de la chaîne du froid lors du transfert des échantillons vers les laboratoires de référence; (iii) un niveau élevé de sensibilité et de spécificité; (iv) un haut débit, en grande partie automatisé; (v) de faibles coûts par échantillon lors d'analyses en masse; et enfin, (vi) applicable aux animaux également.

La tripanosomiasis humana africana es una infección parasitaria potencialmente mortal transmitida por la mosca tsetsé en el África Subsahariana. El principal reservorio es el ser humano, y la forma más común está causada por Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. El diagnóstico práctico requiere un examen microscópico a cargo de personal con formación específica. Tras más de dos décadas de esfuerzos sostenidos, la incidencia de la enfermedad está disminuyendo considerablemente, y en algunos países históricamente endémicos ya no se detectan casos. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) se ha fijado como objetivo la eliminación de la transmisión de la tripanosomiasis africana humana gambiense para 2030, es decir, cero casos autóctonos durante al menos cinco años consecutivos. Los países endémicos que alcancen este objetivo deben mantener una vigilancia permanente para detectar la reaparición o reintroducción de la enfermedad. Con esta agenda nueva, se necesitan herramientas nuevas para verificar la ausencia de transmisión. Por consiguiente, la OMS ha elaborado un perfil de producto objetivo en el que se pide el desarrollo de un método para la vigilancia transversal a nivel de población sobre la transmisión de T. b. gambiense. El método debe realizarse en laboratorios de referencia nacionales o subnacionales y analizar en paralelo numerosas muestras enviadas desde regiones rurales remotas. Entre otras características, el perfil del producto detalla: (i) un procedimiento sencillo de recogida de muestras; (ii) ningún requisito de cadena de frío para transferir las muestras a los laboratorios de referencia; (iii) alta sensibilidad y especificidad; (iv) alto rendimiento, sustancialmente automatizado; (v) bajo coste por muestra, cuando se analizan en grandes lotes; y (vi) aplicable también en animales.

Tripanossomíase Africana , Moscas Tsé-Tsé , Animais , Humanos , Trypanosoma brucei gambiense , Tripanossomíase Africana/diagnóstico , Tripanossomíase Africana/epidemiologia , Tripanossomíase Africana/parasitologia , Moscas Tsé-Tsé/parasitologia , África Subsaariana , Incidência
Bull World Health Organ ; 101(8): 529-534, 2023 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37529024


Rhodesiense human African trypanosomiasis is a lethal parasitic infection caused by Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and transmitted by tsetse flies in eastern and southern Africa. It accounts for around 5% of all cases of human African trypanosomiasis. Currently, there is no simple serological test for rhodesiense human African trypanosomiasis and diagnosis relies on microscopic confirmation of trypanosomes in samples of blood or other tissues. The availability of a simple and accurate diagnostic test would aid the control, surveillance and treatment of the disease. A subcommittee of the World Health Organization's Neglected Tropical Diseases Diagnostics Technical Advisory Group has developed a target product profile for a diagnostic tool to identify T. b. rhodesiense infection. The optimum tool would have a sensitivity and specificity above 99% for detecting T. b. rhodesiense, but be simple enough for use by minimally trained health-care workers in unsophisticated peripheral health facilities or mobile teams in villages. The test should yield a qualitative result that can be easily observed and can be used to determine treatment. An antigen test would be preferable, with blood collected by finger-prick. Ideally, there should be no need for a cold chain, instrumentation or precision liquid handling. The test should be usable between 10 °C and 40 °C and between 10% and 88% relative humidity. Basic training should take under 2 hours and the test should involve fewer than five steps. The unit cost should be less than 1 United States dollar.

La trypanosomiase humaine africaine à T. b. rhodesiense est une infection parasitaire mortelle causée par Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense et transmise par les mouches tsé-tsé en Afrique orientale et australe. Elle représente environ 5% de l'ensemble des cas de trypanosomiase humaine africaine. À l'heure actuelle, il n'existe aucun test sérologique simple pour l'infection à T. b. rhodesiense et le diagnostic repose sur la confirmation microscopique de la présence de trypanosomes dans des échantillons de sang ou d'autres tissus. Fournir un test de diagnostic simple et précis favoriserait la lutte, la surveillance et la prise en charge de la maladie. Un sous-comité du Groupe consultatif technique sur les produits de diagnostic des maladies tropicales négligées de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé a donc élaboré un profil de produit cible pour un outil visant à détecter une infection par T. b. rhodesiense. L'outil le plus adapté présenterait un niveau de sensibilité et de spécificité supérieur à 99% pour la détection de T. b. rhodesiense, tout en étant à la portée de professionnels de la santé ayant reçu une formation sommaire, tant dans des structures de santé périphériques basiques qu'au sein d'équipes mobiles dans les villages. Cet outil doit fournir un résultat fiable, facile à interpréter, qui peut servir à établir un traitement. Un test antigénique serait préférable, avec prélèvement de l'échantillon sanguin par le biais d'une piqûre au bout du doigt. Idéalement, l'outil ne doit pas être thermosensible, ni nécessiter un équipement spécifique ou une manipulation de liquides délicate. Le test doit pouvoir être utilisé à une température comprise entre 10 °C et 40 °C, ainsi que dans une humidité relative de 10% à 88%. La formation requise pour son utilisation doit durer moins de deux heures et le test doit être effectué en moins de cinq étapes, Enfin, son coût unitaire doit être inférieur à un dollar américain.

La tripanosomiasis humana africana rhodesiense es una infección letal parasitaria causada por el Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, y es transmitida por la mosca tse-tsé en África oriental y meridional. Representa aproximadamente el 5% de todos los casos de tripanosomiasis humana africana. Actualmente, no existe ninguna prueba serológica simple para la tripanosomiasis humana africana rhodesiense, y el diagnóstico se basa en la confirmación microscópica de tripanosomas existentes en muestras de sangre u otros tejidos. Una prueba diagnóstica sencilla y precisa ayudaría a controlar, vigilar y tratar la enfermedad. Un subcomité del Grupo Asesor Técnico de Diagnóstico de Enfermedades Tropicales Desatendidas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud ha creado un perfil de producto objetivo para una herramienta de diagnóstico que permita identificar la infección T. b. rhodesiense. La herramienta óptima tendría una sensibilidad y una especificidad superiores al 99% para detectar la T. b. rhodesiense y, al ser lo suficientemente sencilla, podrían utilizarla trabajadores sanitarios mínimamente formados, en centros sanitarios periféricos no sofisticados, o bien equipos móviles. La prueba debe arrojar un resultado cualitativo de fácil lectura y que pueda utilizarse para determinar el tratamiento. Sería preferible una prueba de antígenos, con sangre extraída mediante punción digital. Idealmente, no debería ser necesaria la cadena de frío, la instrumentación ni la manipulación de líquidos de precisión. La prueba debe poder utilizarse entre 10 °C y 40 °C, con una humedad relativa de entre el 10% y el 88%. La instrucción básica debe llevar menos de 2 horas y la prueba debe incluir menos de cinco pasos. El coste de la unidad debe ser inferior a 1 dólar estadounidense.

Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense , Tripanossomíase Africana , Animais , Humanos , Tripanossomíase Africana/diagnóstico , Tripanossomíase Africana/epidemiologia , Tripanossomíase Africana/parasitologia , África Austral , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Testes Diagnósticos de Rotina
Bull World Health Organ ; 101(8): 541-545, 2023 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37529025


Having caused devastating epidemics during the 20th century, the incidence of life-threatening human African trypanosomiasis has fallen to historically low levels as a result of sustained and coordinated efforts over the past 20 years. Humans are the main reservoir of one of the two pathogenic trypanosome subspecies, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, found in western and central Africa. The expected advent of a safe and easy-to-use treatment to be given to seropositive but microscopically unconfirmed individuals would lead to further depletion; in the meantime, the presence of T. b. gambiense infection in the community must be monitored to allow the control strategy to be adapted and the elimination status to be assessed. The World Health Organization has therefore developed a target product profile that describes the optimal and minimal characteristics of an individual laboratory-based test to assess T. b. gambiense infection in low-prevalence settings. Development of the target product profile involved the formation of a Neglected Tropical Diseases Diagnostics Technical Advisory Group and a subgroup on human African trypanosomiasis diagnostic innovation needs, and an analysis of the available products and development pipeline. According to the product profile, the test should ideally: (i) require a minimally invasive or non-invasive specimen, collectable at peripheral facilities by minimally trained health workers; (ii) demonstrate good sensitivity and high specificity; (iii) have a stability of samples allowing transfer to reference laboratories preferably without cold chain; (iv) be stable over a wide range of environmental conditions for more than 2 years; and (v) after marketing, be available at low cost for at least 7 years.

Après avoir causé des épidémies dévastatrices au cours du 20e siècle, la trypanosomiase humaine africaine, potentiellement mortelle, a vu son incidence chuter à un niveau historiquement bas grâce aux efforts conjoints et soutenus déployés ces deux dernières décennies. Les humains constituent le principal réservoir de l'une des deux sous-espèces pathogéniques de trypanosome, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, que l'on retrouve en Afrique occidentale et centrale. L'arrivée d'un traitement sûr et simple d'utilisation, qui serait administré aux individus séropositifs mais sans confirmation microscopique, devrait entraîner une nouvelle diminution; dans l'intervalle, la présence d'une infection à T. b. gambiense au sein de la communauté doit être surveillée afin de pouvoir adapter la stratégie de lutte et évaluer le statut d'élimination. Par conséquent, l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé a élaboré un profil de produit cible qui détaille les caractéristiques minimales et optimales d'un test individuel en laboratoire visant à confirmer l'infection à T. b. gambiense dans les régions à faible prévalence. La mise au point de ce profil a entraîné la formation d'un Groupe consultatif technique sur le diagnostic des maladies tropicales négligées et d'un sous-groupe consacré aux besoins en matière d'innovation diagnostique pour la trypanosomiase humaine africaine, qui a conduit une analyse des produits existants et des projets de développement. Selon le profil de produit, le test devrait idéalement: (i) nécessiter un prélèvement d'échantillon peu ou non invasif, pouvant être effectué dans des structures périphériques par des professionnels de la santé ayant reçu une formation sommaire; (ii) faire preuve d'un bon niveau de sensibilité et d'un niveau élevé de spécificité; (iii) avoir une stabilité des échantillons permettant le transfert vers des laboratoires de référence, de préférence sans chaîne de froid; (iv) rester stable dans un large éventail de conditions environnementales pendant plus de deux ans; et enfin, (v) après commercialisation, être disponible à bas coût pendant au moins sept ans.

Tras haber causado epidemias devastadoras durante el siglo XX, la incidencia de la tripanosomiasis humana africana potencialmente mortal ha descendido a niveles históricamente bajos gracias a los esfuerzos sostenidos y coordinados de los últimos 20 años. El ser humano es el principal reservorio de una de las dos subespecies patógenas del tripanosoma, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, presente en África Occidental y Central. La prevista disponibilidad de un tratamiento seguro y fácil de administrar a personas seropositivas, pero no confirmadas al microscopio, permitiría una mayor eliminación; mientras tanto, se debe vigilar la presencia de la infección por T. b. gambiense en la comunidad para poder adaptar la estrategia de control y evaluar el estado de eliminación. Por consiguiente, la Organización Mundial de la Salud ha elaborado un perfil de producto objetivo que describe las características óptimas y mínimas de una prueba de laboratorio individual para evaluar la infección por T. b. gambiense en regiones de baja prevalencia. El desarrollo del perfil de producto objetivo implicó la formación de un Grupo de Asesoramiento Técnico sobre Diagnóstico de Enfermedades Tropicales Desatendidas y un subgrupo sobre las necesidades de innovación en el diagnóstico de la tripanosomiasis humana africana, así como un análisis de los productos disponibles y en desarrollo. Según el perfil objetivo, lo ideal sería que la prueba: (i) requiriera una muestra mínimamente invasiva o no invasiva, que pudiera ser recogida en centros periféricos por personal sanitario con una capacitación mínima; (ii) demostrara una buena sensibilidad y alta especificidad; (iii) tuviera una estabilidad de las muestras que permita su transferencia a laboratorios de referencia, preferiblemente sin cadena de frío; (iv) fuera estable en un amplio rango de condiciones ambientales durante más de 2 años; y (v) tras su comercialización, estuviera disponible a bajo coste durante al menos 7 años.

Trypanosoma brucei gambiense , Tripanossomíase Africana , Animais , Humanos , Tripanossomíase Africana/diagnóstico , Tripanossomíase Africana/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Incidência
Bull World Health Organ ; 101(8): 535-540, 2023 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37529027


Human African trypanosomiasis is a life-threatening parasitic infection endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. Around 95% of cases are due to Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, found in western and central Africa. Clinical signs and symptoms are nonspecific, current diagnostic tests are not sufficiently accurate, and parasitological confirmation of infection requires microscopic examination of body fluids and specialized techniques for concentrating parasites. Moreover, current treatment is not recommended on the basis of suspicion alone because it is not sufficiently safe. The availability of a simple and accurate diagnostic test to identify individuals harbouring parasites would widen treatment and help decrease disease prevalence. A subcommittee of the World Health Organization's Neglected Tropical Diseases Diagnostics Technical Advisory Group has developed a target product profile for a diagnostic tool to identify T. b. gambiense infection. This tool should have a high sensitivity for detecting T. b. gambiense but be simple enough to use in rural Africa. Ideally, the tool could be applied by any minimally trained individual in an unsophisticated peripheral health facility, or a mobile team in a village with little infrastructure. The test should be able to function under hot and humid conditions. Basic training should take under 2 hours and the test should involve fewer than five steps. There should be no need for instrumentation or precision liquid handling. The test should yield a qualitative result in under 20 minutes that can be easily observed, and one test should be sufficient for determining treatment. A unit cost below 1 United States dollar (US$) would enable mass screening.

La trypanosomiase humaine africaine est une infection parasitaire potentiellement mortelle endémique en Afrique subsaharienne. Dans près de 95% des cas, elle est causée par Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, que l'on trouve en Afrique occidentale et centrale. Les symptômes et signes cliniques sont aspécifiques, les tests de diagnostic existants ne sont pas assez précis et la confirmation parasitologique de l'infection nécessite un examen microscopique des liquides corporels ainsi que des techniques spécialisées pour concentrer les parasites. En outre, il n'est pas recommandé d'entamer le traitement actuel sur la base d'une simple suspicion car celui-ci n'est pas suffisamment sûr. Fournir un test de diagnostic simple et précis permettant d'identifier les individus porteurs de parasites contribuerait à élargir le traitement et à une diminution de la prévalence de la maladie. Un sous-comité du Groupe consultatif technique sur les produits de diagnostic des maladies tropicales négligées de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé a élaboré un profil de produit cible pour un outil visant à détecter une infection par T. b. gambiense. Cet outil doit être suffisamment sensible pour déceler la présence de T. b. gambiense mais suffisamment simple pour être utilisé dans les régions rurales du continent. Idéalement, il doit pouvoir être employé par toute personne ayant reçu une formation sommaire, tant dans des structures de santé périphériques basiques qu'au sein d'une équipe mobile dans un village doté d'infrastructures restreintes. Par ailleurs, il doit fonctionner dans une atmosphère chaude et humide. La formation requise pour son utilisation doit durer moins de deux heures et le test doit être effectué en moins de cinq étapes, sans exiger d'équipement spécifique ni de manipulation délicate. Cet outil doit fournir un résultat fiable en moins de 20 minutes, facile à interpréter, et un seul test doit suffire à établir un traitement. Enfin, afin d'organiser un dépistage de masse, son coût unitaire ne doit pas dépasser un dollar américain.

La tripanosomiasis humana africana es una infección parasitaria potencialmente mortal endémica del África Subsahariana. Alrededor del 95% de los casos se deben al Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, presente en África Occidental y Central. Los signos y síntomas clínicos no son específicos, las pruebas diagnósticas actuales no son suficientemente precisas y la confirmación parasitológica de la infección requiere el examen microscópico de los fluidos corporales y técnicas especializadas de concentración de parásitos. Además, el tratamiento actual no se recomienda a partir de la sola sospecha porque no es suficientemente seguro. La disponibilidad de una prueba diagnóstica sencilla y precisa para identificar a las personas con parásitos ampliaría el tratamiento y ayudaría a disminuir la prevalencia de la enfermedad. Un subcomité del Grupo de Asesoramiento Técnico sobre Diagnóstico de Enfermedades Tropicales Desatendidas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud ha desarrollado un perfil de producto objetivo para una herramienta de diagnóstico destinada a identificar la infección por T. b. gambiense. Esta herramienta debe tener una alta sensibilidad para detectar T. b. gambiense, pero ser lo suficientemente sencilla para su uso en las regiones rurales de África. Lo ideal sería que la herramienta pudiera ser aplicada por cualquier persona mínimamente capacitada en un centro sanitario periférico poco sofisticado o por un equipo móvil en un pueblo con poca infraestructura. La prueba debería funcionar en condiciones de calor y humedad. La formación básica debe durar menos de 2 horas y la prueba debe constar de menos de cinco pasos. No debe necesitarse instrumentación ni manipulación precisa de líquidos. La prueba debe dar un resultado cualitativo en menos de 20 minutos que pueda observarse fácilmente y debe bastar una prueba para determinar el tratamiento. Su coste unitario, inferior a un dólar estadounidense, permitiría un cribado masivo.

Líquidos Corporais , Tripanossomíase Africana , Animais , Humanos , Trypanosoma brucei gambiense , Tripanossomíase Africana/diagnóstico , Tripanossomíase Africana/tratamento farmacológico , Tripanossomíase Africana/epidemiologia , África , Testes Diagnósticos de Rotina
BMC Ophthalmol ; 23(1): 440, 2023 Oct 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37907920


BACKGROUND: Ocular toxoplasmosis (OT) is the leading cause of infectious posterior uveitis in several areas worldwide. The combination of Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) has been presented as an attractive alternative to the "classic' treatment therapy (Pyrimethamine/Sulfadiazine). METHODS: A prospective study was carried out between February 2020 and September 2021 in 2 ophthalmic centers in Kinshasa. This study aimed to describe TMP/SMX treatment outcomes for OT in a cohort of immunocompetent Congolese patients. RESULTS: 54 patients were included, with a mean age at presentation of 37.5 ± 13.6 years old and a Male-Female ratio of 1.45:1. Three patients (5.6%) presented a recurrence during the follow-up period. At the end of the follow-up, improvement in VA and resolution of inflammation concerned 75.9% and 77.5% of patients, respectively. Cataracts (3.7%), macular scars (3.7%), and vitreous opacities (3.7%) were the principal causes of non-improvement in VA. Treatment-related adverse events were present in 10 patients (18.5%); gastrointestinal (14.8%) and dermatological (3.7%) adverse events were the most frequent. Dermatological adverse events led to discontinuation of treatment. CONCLUSION: TMP/SMX regimen appears to be a safe and effective treatment for OT in Congolese patients. The low cost and the accessibility of the molecules make this regimen an option for treating OT in resource-limited countries.

Toxoplasmose Ocular , Combinação Trimetoprima e Sulfametoxazol , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Combinação Trimetoprima e Sulfametoxazol/uso terapêutico , Toxoplasmose Ocular/tratamento farmacológico , Pirimetamina/uso terapêutico , Pirimetamina/efeitos adversos , Estudos Prospectivos , República Democrática do Congo
BMC Genomics ; 21(1): 289, 2020 Apr 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32272904


BACKGROUND: Copy number variation is an important class of genomic variation that has been reported in 75% of the human genome. However, it is underreported in African populations. Copy number variants (CNVs) could have important impacts on disease susceptibility and environmental adaptation. To describe CNVs and their possible impacts in Africans, we sequenced genomes of 232 individuals from three major African ethno-linguistic groups: (1) Niger Congo A from Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire, (2) Niger Congo B from Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo and (3) Nilo-Saharans from Uganda. We used GenomeSTRiP and cn.MOPS to identify copy number variant regions (CNVRs). RESULTS: We detected 7608 CNVRs, of which 2172 were only deletions, 2384 were only insertions and 3052 had both. We detected 224 previously un-described CNVRs. The majority of novel CNVRs were present at low frequency and were not shared between populations. We tested for evidence of selection associated with CNVs and also for population structure. Signatures of selection identified previously, using SNPs from the same populations, were overrepresented in CNVRs. When CNVs were tagged with SNP haplotypes to identify SNPs that could predict the presence of CNVs, we identified haplotypes tagging 3096 CNVRs, 372 CNVRs had SNPs with evidence of selection (iHS > 3) and 222 CNVRs had both. This was more than expected (p < 0.0001) and included loci where CNVs have previously been associated with HIV, Rhesus D and preeclampsia. When integrated with 1000 Genomes CNV data, we replicated their observation of population stratification by continent but no clustering by populations within Africa, despite inclusion of Nilo-Saharans and Niger-Congo populations within our dataset. CONCLUSIONS: Novel CNVRs in the current study increase representation of African diversity in the database of genomic variants. Over-representation of CNVRs in SNP signatures of selection and an excess of SNPs that both tag CNVs and are subject to selection show that CNVs may be the actual targets of selection at some loci. However, unlike SNPs, CNVs alone do not resolve African ethno-linguistic groups. Tag haplotypes for CNVs identified may be useful in predicting African CNVs in future studies where only SNP data is available.

População Negra/genética , Variações do Número de Cópias de DNA , Genômica/métodos , África/etnologia , Bases de Dados Genéticas , Predisposição Genética para Doença , Genética Populacional , Genoma Humano , Haplótipos , Humanos
J Antimicrob Chemother ; 73(10): 2704-2715, 2018 10 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30053021


Background: In 2005, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) switched to artesunate/amodiaquine as the first-line antimalarial in response to increasing sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine resistance and adopted intermittent preventive treatment using sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine in pregnancy. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of molecular markers of sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine resistance in southwestern DRC 10 years after the new policy was instituted. Methods: From March 2014 to December 2015, blood samples were collected from symptomatic patients presenting to outpatient centres in urban and rural areas. A total of 2030 confirmed Plasmodium falciparum isolates were genotyped at codons associated with sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine resistance. Results: The prevalence of pfdhfr-N51I, C59R and S108N and pfdhps-A437G mutations was consistently high; the prevalence of the pfdhps-K540E mutation was low but increased since its first report in 2008 in the same region, reaching 17.6% by 2015. The pfdhps-A581G mutation increased from ∼4.5% in 2014 to ∼14.0% in 2015 at urban sites while in rural areas it remained low (∼4.0%). The mutations pfdhfr-I164L and pfdhps-A613S were detected for the first time in DRC. Also, 11 (0.8%) isolates revealed the presence of the newly described pfdhps-I431V mutation. Combining pfdhfr and pfdhps alleles, quintuple and sextuple mutations were observed, with the emergence of septuple (IRNI/IAGEGA)- and octuple (IRNI/VAGKGS)-mutant genotypes. Conclusions: Intermittent preventive treatment using sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine during pregnancy remains warranted in southwestern DRC. However, the expansion of pfdhps-K540E mutation and emergence of mutants that cause higher levels of sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine resistance is concerning and may present a challenge for future preventive interventions in the country.

Antimaláricos/farmacologia , Resistência a Múltiplos Medicamentos/genética , Plasmodium falciparum/efeitos dos fármacos , Proteínas de Protozoários/genética , Pirimetamina/farmacologia , Sulfadoxina/farmacologia , Tetra-Hidrofolato Desidrogenase/genética , Adolescente , Adulto , Alelos , Instituições de Assistência Ambulatorial/estatística & dados numéricos , Criança , Pré-Escolar , República Democrática do Congo , Feminino , Genótipo , Humanos , Malária Falciparum/sangue , Malária Falciparum/tratamento farmacológico , Masculino , Mutação , Polimorfismo Genético , Prevalência , Adulto Jovem
J Infect Dis ; 211(8): 1352-5, 2015 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25367300


Mutations in the Plasmodium falciparum K13-propeller domain have recently been shown to be important determinants of artemisinin resistance in Southeast Asia. This study investigated the prevalence of K13-propeller polymorphisms across sub-Saharan Africa. A total of 1212 P. falciparum samples collected from 12 countries were sequenced. None of the K13-propeller mutations previously reported in Southeast Asia were found, but 22 unique mutations were detected, of which 7 were nonsynonymous. Allele frequencies ranged between 1% and 3%. Three mutations were observed in >1 country, and the A578S was present in parasites from 5 countries. This study provides the baseline prevalence of K13-propeller mutations in sub-Saharan Africa.

Plasmodium falciparum/genética , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único/genética , Alelos , Antimaláricos/farmacologia , Artemisininas/farmacologia , Sudeste Asiático , Resistência a Medicamentos/genética , Frequência do Gene , Humanos , Malária Falciparum/tratamento farmacológico , Malária Falciparum/parasitologia , Mutação/genética , Plasmodium falciparum/efeitos dos fármacos
Malar J ; 14: 26, 2015 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25626915


BACKGROUND: The present External Quality Assessment (EQA) assessed reading and interpretation of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). METHODS: The EQA consisted of (i) 10 high-resolution printed photographs displaying cassettes with real-life results and multiple choice questions (MCQ) addressing individual health workers (HW), and (ii) a questionnaire on RDT use addressing the laboratory of health facilities (HF). Answers were transmitted through short message services (SMS). RESULTS: The EQA comprised 2344 HW and 1028 HF covering 10/11 provinces in DRC. Overall, median HW score (sum of correct answers on 10 MCQ photographs for each HW) was 9.0 (interquartile range 7.5 - 10); MCQ scores (the % of correct answers for a particular photograph) ranged from 54.8% to 91.6%. Most common errors were (i) reading or interpreting faint or weak line intensities as negative (3.3%, 7.2%, 24.3% and 29.1% for 4 MCQ photographs), (ii) failure to distinguish the correct Plasmodium species (3.4% to 7.0%), (iii) missing invalid test results (8.4% and 23.6%) and (iv) missing negative test results (10.0% and 12.4%). HW who were trained less than 12 months ago had best MCQ scores for 7/10 photographs as well as a significantly higher proportion of 10/10 scores, but absolute differences in MCQ scores were small. HW who had participated in a previous EQA performed significantly better for 4/10 photographs compared to those who had not. Except for two photographs, MCQ scores were comparable for all levels of the HF hierarchy and non-laboratory staff (HW from health posts) had similar performance as to laboratory staff. Main findings of the questionnaire were (i) use of other RDT products than recommended by the national malaria control programme (nearly 20% of participating HF), (ii) lack of training for a third (33.6%) of HF, (iii) high proportions (two-thirds, 66.5%) of HF reporting stock-outs. CONCLUSIONS: The present EQA revealed common errors in RDT reading and interpretation by HW in DRC. Performances of non-laboratory and laboratory staff were similar and dedicated training was shown to improve HW competence although to a moderate extent. Problems in supply, distribution and training of RDTs were detected.

Testes Diagnósticos de Rotina/métodos , Testes Diagnósticos de Rotina/normas , Malária/diagnóstico , Plasmodium/isolamento & purificação , Sistemas Automatizados de Assistência Junto ao Leito , Competência Profissional/normas , Telefone Celular , República Democrática do Congo , Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde/métodos , Humanos , Fotografação , Controle de Qualidade , Inquéritos e Questionários , Telemedicina/métodos
PLoS One ; 18(10): e0293077, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37847703


BACKGROUND: No distinctive clinical signs of Ebola virus disease (EVD) have prompted the development of rapid screening tools or called for a new approach to screening suspected Ebola cases. New screening approaches require evidence of clinical benefit and economic efficiency. As of now, no evidence or defined algorithm exists. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, from a healthcare perspective, the efficiency of incorporating Ebola prediction scores and rapid diagnostic tests into the EVD screening algorithm during an outbreak. METHODS: We collected data on rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and prediction scores' accuracy measurements, e.g., sensitivity and specificity, and the cost of case management and RDT screening in EVD suspect cases. The overall cost of healthcare services (PPE, procedure time, and standard-of-care (SOC) costs) per suspected patient and diagnostic confirmation of EVD were calculated. We also collected the EVD prevalence among suspects from the literature. We created an analytical decision model to assess the efficiency of eight screening strategies: 1) Screening suspect cases with the WHO case definition for Ebola suspects, 2) Screening suspect cases with the ECPS at -3 points of cut-off, 3) Screening suspect cases with the ECPS as a joint test, 4) Screening suspect cases with the ECPS as a conditional test, 5) Screening suspect cases with the WHO case definition, then QuickNavi™-Ebola RDT, 6) Screening suspect cases with the ECPS at -3 points of cut-off and QuickNavi™-Ebola RDT, 7) Screening suspect cases with the ECPS as a conditional test and QuickNavi™-Ebola RDT, and 8) Screening suspect cases with the ECPS as a joint test and QuickNavi™-Ebola RDT. We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis to identify an algorithm that minimizes the cost per patient correctly classified. We performed a one-way and probabilistic sensitivity analysis to test the robustness of our findings. RESULTS: Our analysis found dual ECPS as a conditional test with the QuickNavi™-Ebola RDT algorithm to be the most cost-effective screening algorithm for EVD, with an effectiveness of 0.86. The cost-effectiveness ratio was 106.7 USD per patient correctly classified. The following algorithms, the ECPS as a conditional test with an effectiveness of 0.80 and an efficiency of 111.5 USD per patient correctly classified and the ECPS as a joint test with the QuickNavi™-Ebola RDT algorithm with an effectiveness of 0.81 and a cost-effectiveness ratio of 131.5 USD per patient correctly classified. These findings were sensitive to variations in the prevalence of EVD in suspected population and the sensitivity of the QuickNavi™-Ebola RDT. CONCLUSIONS: Findings from this study showed that prediction scores and RDT could improve Ebola screening. The use of the ECPS as a conditional test algorithm and the dual ECPS as a conditional test and then the QuickNavi™-Ebola RDT algorithm are the best screening choices because they are more efficient and lower the number of confirmation tests and overall care costs during an EBOV epidemic.

Doença pelo Vírus Ebola , Humanos , Doença pelo Vírus Ebola/diagnóstico , Doença pelo Vírus Ebola/epidemiologia , Análise Custo-Benefício , Testes de Diagnóstico Rápido , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Algoritmos , Testes Diagnósticos de Rotina/métodos
PLoS One ; 17(12): e0278678, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36525443


BACKGROUND: The control of Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreaks relies on rapid diagnosis and prompt action, a daunting task in limited-resource contexts. This study develops prediction scores that can help healthcare workers improve their decision-making at the triage-point of EVD suspect-cases during EVD outbreaks. METHODS: We computed accuracy measurements of EVD predictors to assess their diagnosing ability compared with the reference standard GeneXpert® results, during the eastern DRC EVD outbreak. We developed predictive scores using the Spiegelhalter-Knill-Jones approach and constructed a clinical prediction score (CPS) and an extended clinical prediction score (ECPS). We plotted the receiver operating characteristic curves (ROCs), estimated the area under the ROC (AUROC) to assess the performance of scores, and computed net benefits (NB) to assess the clinical utility (decision-making ability) of the scores at a given cut-off. We performed decision curve analysis (DCA) to compare, at a range of threshold probabilities, prediction scores' decision-making ability and to quantify the number of unnecessary isolation. RESULTS: The analysis was done on data from 10432 subjects, including 651 EVD cases. The EVD prevalence was 6.2% in the whole dataset, 14.8% in the subgroup of suspects who fitted the WHO Ebola case definition, and 3.2% for the set of suspects who did not fit this case definition. The WHO clinical definition yielded 61.6% sensitivity and 76.4% specificity. Fatigue, difficulty in swallowing, red eyes, gingival bleeding, hematemesis, confusion, hemoptysis, and a history of contact with an EVD case were predictors of EVD. The AUROC for ECPS was 0.88 (95%CI: 0.86-0.89), significantly greater than this for CPS, 0.71 (95%CI: 0.69-0.73) (p < 0.0001). At -1 point of score, the CPS yielded a sensitivity of 85.4% and specificity of 42.3%, and the ECPS yielded sensitivity of 78.8% and specificity of 81.4%. The diagnostic performance of the scores varied in the three disease contexts (the whole, fitting or not fitting the WHO case definition data sets). At 10% of threshold probability, e.g. in disease-adverse context, ECPS gave an NB of 0.033 and a net reduction of unnecessary isolation of 67.1%. Using ECPS as a joint approach to isolate EVD suspects reduces the number of unnecessary isolations by 65.7%. CONCLUSION: The scores developed in our study showed a good performance as EVD case predictors since their use improved the net benefit, i.e., their clinical utility. These rapid and low-cost tools can help in decision-making to isolate EVD-suspicious cases at the triage point during an outbreak. However, these tools still require external validation and cost-effectiveness evaluation before being used on a large scale.

Ebolavirus , Doença pelo Vírus Ebola , Humanos , Doença pelo Vírus Ebola/diagnóstico , Doença pelo Vírus Ebola/epidemiologia , Triagem , Surtos de Doenças , Curva ROC , Prevalência
AAS Open Res ; 4: 36, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35252746


Background: Approximately 25% of the risk of Schistosoma mansoni is associated with host genetic variation. We will test 24 candidate genes, mainly in the T h2 and T h17 pathways, for association with S. mansoni infection intensity in four African countries, using family based and case-control approaches. Methods: Children aged 5-15 years will be recruited in S. mansoni endemic areas of Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We will use family based (study 1) and case-control (study 2) designs. Study 1 will take place in Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Uganda and the DRC. We aim to recruit 100 high worm burden families from each country except Uganda, where a previous study recruited at least 40 families. For phenotyping, cases will be defined as the 20% of children in each community with heaviest worm burdens as measured by the circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) assay. Study 2 will take place in Uganda. We will recruit 500 children in a highly endemic community. For phenotyping, cases will be defined as the 20% of children with heaviest worm burdens as measured by the CAA assay, while controls will be the 20% of infected children with the lightest worm burdens. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) will be genotyped on the Illumina H3Africa SNP (single nucleotide polymorphisms) chip and genotypes will be converted to sets of haplotypes that span the gene region for analysis. We have selected 24 genes for genotyping that are mainly in the Th2 and Th17 pathways and that have variants that have been demonstrated to be or could be associated with Schistosoma infection intensity.   Analysis: In the family-based design, we will identify SNP haplotypes disproportionately transmitted to children with high worm burden. Case-control analysis will detect overrepresentation of haplotypes in extreme phenotypes with correction for relatedness by using whole genome principal components.

J Infect Dis ; 200(10): 1556-65, 2009 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19827943


BACKGROUND: Human African trypanosomiasis, caused by Trypanosoma brucei, involves an early hemolymphatic stage followed by a late encephalitic stage. METHODS: We studied the expression of chemokines with use of microarray and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in T. brucei brucei-infected mice and in patients with human African trypanosomiasis and examined their role in controlling brain accumulation of T cells and parasites. RESULTS: The messenger RNAs (mRNAs) encoding CXCR3 ligands CXCL9 and CXCL10 demonstrated the greatest increases among chemokines in brain specimens of infected mice, as determined by microarray. CXCL9 and CXCL10 mRNA accumulation was interferon (IFN)-gamma-dependent. Expression of CXCL10 was predominantly observed in astrocytes. Weight loss was registered in wild-type but not in CXCL10(-/-) and CXCR3(-/-) infected mice. Infected CXCL10(-/-) or CXCR3(-/-) mice demonstrated reduced accumulation of trypanosomes and T cells in the brain parenchyma but similar parasitemia levels, compared with wild-type mice. CXCL10 and IFN-gamma levels were increased in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with late stage but not early stage human African trypanosomiasis. Levels of CXCL10 in patients with late stage human African trypanosomiasis were associated with somnolence, low body weight, and trypanosomes in the cerebrospinal fluid. CONCLUSION: IFN-gamma-dependent CXCL10 is critical for accumulation of T cells and trypanosomes in the brain during experimental African trypanosomiasis. Data suggest CXCL10 as a candidate marker for late stage human African trypanosomiasis.

Astrócitos/metabolismo , Quimiocina CXCL10/metabolismo , Trypanosoma brucei brucei/imunologia , Trypanosoma brucei gambiense/imunologia , Tripanossomíase Africana/metabolismo , Animais , Quimiocina CXCL10/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Quimiocina CXCL10/genética , Quimiocina CXCL9/imunologia , Humanos , Camundongos , Camundongos Knockout , RNA Mensageiro/metabolismo , Receptores CXCR3/imunologia , Tripanossomíase Africana/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Regulação para Cima
Brain Res Bull ; 145: 87-91, 2019 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29981837


Epidemics of neurodegenerative diseases putatively caused by food toxins have been reported in the tropics with no clear understanding of their pathogenetic mechanisms. These diseases include the disease named Konzo that has been well documented in sub-Sahara Africa, mostly among children and women of childbearing age. Outbreaks of Konzo have occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Tanzania, Central African Republic, Angola, Cameroun, and most recently in Zambia. The main clinical picture consists of a symmetrical, permanent and irreversible spastic paraparesis (motor neuron disease) with no signs of sensory or genitourinary impairments. Recently, cognitive impairments and neurodevelopmental delays have been reported among school-aged and very young children. The exact pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease remain unknown. Epidemiological studies consistently show an association between outbreaks of the disease and chronic dietary reliance on insufficiently processed cyanogenic cassava (manioc or tapioca). Biochemical and toxicological studies suggest that the metabolites of linamarin (α-Hydroxyisobutyronitrile ß-D-glucopyranoside, the main cassava cyanogen), notably cyanide (mitochondrial toxin), thiocyanate (AMPA chaotropic agent), and cyanate (protein carbamoylating agent) may play an important role in the pathogenesis of Konzo. Experimental data suggest that thiol-redox and protein- folding mechanisms may also be perturbed. Factors of susceptibility including genetics, poor nutrition, poverty and dietary cyanogen exposure, or their interactions have been suggested. Serological studies have ruled out the role of retroviruses such as the human lymphotropic viruses HIV-I/II or HTLV-I/II. Because there is no cure for Konzo, prevention of the disease remains of paramount importance. Prospects for cognitive rehabilitation still need to be explored and tested.

Manihot/efeitos adversos , Doença dos Neurônios Motores/etiologia , Doença dos Neurônios Motores/fisiopatologia , África Subsaariana/epidemiologia , Cianetos , Dieta , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Manihot/toxicidade , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/complicações , Nitrilas , Tiocianatos , Verduras
Phytomedicine ; 57: 49-56, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30668322


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Prior small-scale clinical trials showed that Artemisia annua and Artemisia afra infusions, decoctions, capsules, or tablets were low cost, easy to use, and efficient in curing malaria infections. In a larger-scale trial in Kalima district, Democratic Republic of Congo, we aimed to show A. annua and/or A. afra infusions were superior or at least equivalent to artesunate-amodiaquine (ASAQ) against malaria. METHODS: A double blind, randomized clinical trial with 957 malaria-infected patients had two treatment arms: 472 patients for ASAQ and 471 for Artemisia (248 A. annua, 223 A. afra) remained at end of the trial. ASAQ-treated patients were treated per manufacturer posology, and Artemisia-treated patients received 1 l/d of dry leaf/twig infusions for 7 d; both arms had 28 d follow-up. Parasitemia and gametocytes were measured microscopically with results statistically compared among arms for age and gender. RESULTS: Artemisinin content of A. afra was negligible, but therapeutic responses of patients were similar to A. annua-treated patients; trophozoites cleared after 24  h, but took up to 14 d to clear in ASAQ-treated patients. D28 cure rates defined as absence of parasitemia were for pediatrics 82, 91, and 50% for A. afra, A. annua and ASAQ; while for adults cure rates were 91, 100, and 30%, respectively. Fever clearance took 48  h for ASAQ, but 24  h for Artemisia. From D14-28 no Artemisia-treated patients had microscopically detectable gametocytes, while 10 ASAQ-treated patients remained gametocyte carriers at D28. More females than males were gametocyte carriers in the ASAQ arm but were unaffected in the Artemisia arms. Hemoglobin remained constant at 11 g/dl for A. afra after D1, while for A. annua and ASAQ it decreased to 9-9.5  g/dl. Only 5.0% of Artemisia-treated patients reported adverse effects, vs. 42.8% for ASAQ. CONCLUSION: A. annua and A. afra infusions are polytherapies with better outcomes than ASAQ against malaria. In contrast to ASAQ, both Artemisias appeared to break the cycle of malaria by eliminating gametocytes. This study merits further investigation for possible inclusion of Artemisia tea infusions as an alternative for fighting and eradicating malaria.

Amodiaquina/uso terapêutico , Antimaláricos/uso terapêutico , Artemisia , Artemisininas/uso terapêutico , Malária Falciparum/tratamento farmacológico , Preparações de Plantas/uso terapêutico , Adolescente , Adulto , Amodiaquina/efeitos adversos , Artemisia annua , Artemisininas/efeitos adversos , Criança , Método Duplo-Cego , Combinação de Medicamentos , Feminino , Febre/tratamento farmacológico , Hemoglobinas/metabolismo , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Parasitemia/tratamento farmacológico , Preparações de Plantas/efeitos adversos , Plantas Medicinais , Resultado do Tratamento
Brain Res Bull ; 145: 45-52, 2019 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30468846


Increased epilepsy prevalence is reported in onchocerciasis (OC) endemic areas and is associated with the occurrence of distinct syndromes such as nodding disease and Nakalanga syndrome. To date, a causal relationship between OC and epilepsy is still a matter of controversy. We conducted a case-control study of participants with epilepsy and age- and gender-matched presumably healthy controls to elucidate the relationships between OC and epilepsy and explore the role of inflammation and growth factors in an OC endemic area in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Eighty-two participants with epilepsy (mean age ± SD: 23.2 ± 8.7 years) and 27 controls (mean age ± SD: 22.3 ± 12.0 years) underwent snip skin biopsies to determine Onchocerca volvulus infection status. Serum concentrations of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors were measured using a Luminex Multiplex Assay kit. Children <19 years of age underwent neurocognitive assessments using the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, 2nd edition (KABC-II). Overall, epilepsy was associated with OC (OR = 4.51, z = 3.11, p = 0.0019), and children with OC were more likely to be severely stunted (OR = 11.67, z = 2.62, p = 0.0087). The relationship between epilepsy and OC was no longer significant (z = 1.27, p = 0.20) when stunting was included as a correcting covariate. Epilepsy was associated with poor KABC-II test scores, high serum levels of IL-17, and low levels of IL-1RA, IL-8, and EGF. KABC-II testing scores correlated with serum levels of IL-10, MCP-1 and HGF. Familial history of epilepsy occurred frequently. Future studies should consider cytokines and/or growth factors when assessing susceptibility to epilepsy in OC endemic areas. Additional investigations, preferentially in low-prevalence OC areas, may provide further insights into the concept, risk, and burden of river epilepsy.

Epilepsia/complicações , Oncocercose/epidemiologia , Oncocercose/fisiopatologia , Adolescente , Adulto , África/epidemiologia , Animais , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Cognição , República Democrática do Congo/epidemiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Onchocerca volvulus/patogenicidade , Oncocercose/terapia , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco , Adulto Jovem
Am J Trop Med Hyg ; 99(3): 756-763, 2018 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29988000


Flaviviruses such as Zika, dengue, and yellow fever cause epidemics throughout the tropics and account for substantial global morbidity and mortality. Although malaria and other vector-borne diseases have long been appreciated in Africa, flavivirus epidemiology is incompletely understood. Despite the existence of an effective vaccine, yellow fever continues to cause outbreaks and deaths, including at least 42 fatalities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in 2016. Here, we leveraged biospecimens collected as part of the nationally representative 2013-2014 Demographic and Health Survey in the DRC to examine serological evidence of flavivirus infection or vaccination in children aged 6 months to 5 years. Even in this young stratum of the Congolese population, we find evidence of infection by dengue and Zika viruses based on results from enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and neutralization assay. Surprisingly, there was remarkable discordance between reported yellow fever vaccination status and results of serological assays. The estimated seroprevalences of neutralizing antibodies against each virus are yellow fever, 6.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 4.6-7.5%); dengue, 0.4% (0.1-0.9%); and Zika, 0.1% (0.0-0.5%). These results merit targeted, prospective studies to assess effectiveness of yellow fever vaccination programs, determine flavivirus seroprevalence across a broader age range, and investigate how these emerging diseases contribute to the burden of acute febrile illness in the DRC.

Dengue/epidemiologia , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Febre Amarela/epidemiologia , Infecção por Zika virus/epidemiologia , Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Anticorpos Antivirais/imunologia , Pré-Escolar , República Democrática do Congo/epidemiologia , Dengue/prevenção & controle , Vírus da Dengue/imunologia , Humanos , Lactente , Febre Amarela/prevenção & controle , Vacina contra Febre Amarela/imunologia , Vírus da Febre Amarela/imunologia , Zika virus/imunologia
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