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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975486


INTRODUCTION:In Mongolia, The anatomists researched morphometric measurements and blood supply ofheart in adult’s liver pancreas, spleen, Ren and spinal cord and etc... The study of morphometricmeasurements of the choroid plexus is not being taught in Mongolia.GOAL:To determine the structure of the choroid plexus of adult brain ventricle.MATERIALS AND METHODS:This study obtained choroid plexus size in 84 dead bodies, which is between the adult and childrenfrom cadavers. To determine the choroid plexus morphometric measurements, the total 336specimens were evaluated. The standards deviation of choroid plexus length and thickness werecomputed in different ages.RESULT:In present study, the maximum length and thickness were determined in ages from 22-60. In presentstudy, the minimum length and thickness were determined in ages 0-10day. In adult, the meanchoroid plexus length was 8.61±0.15 cm of the lateral ventricles and 4.47±0.02 cm of the fourthventricles and 0.56±0.140 cm of the third ventricle and the choroid plexus thickness was 0.5±0.03cm of the lateral ventricles and 0.29±0.01 cm of the fourth ventricles and 0.28±0.01 cm of the thirdventricle.CONCLUSIONS:In adult, the mean choroid plexus length was 8.61±0.15 cm of the lateral ventricles and 4.47±0.02cm of the fourth ventricles and 0.56±0.140 cm of the third ventricle and the choroid plexus thicknesswas 0.5±0.03 cm of the lateral ventricles and 0.29±0.01 cm of the fourth ventricles and 0.28±0.01cm of the third ventricle.The choroid plexus weight was 0.51±0.01 gm in the lateral ventricles and 0.42±0.014 gm in thefourth ventricle.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975807


Bacground: Liver cancer is the 5th most common cancer worldwide with 500,000 cases diagnosed per year. It is a disease with a high death rate (14000-15000 per year). By the last news of national center of health development, liver cancer is first most common cancer in our country. Goal: To study and to compare volumetric modeling of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm, nucleus and stereometric indices in condition of comparatively healthy, acute intoxication, chronic inflammation, cancerous condition and clear cell tumor, and to explain by non linear theory.Materials and Methods: It was prepared sections for histometric materials. Linear measurements of hepatocytes and nucleus were carried out by computer microscope ‘Leica’ with program Diskus 3.2 version from GermanOn linear measurement in condition of comparatively healthy, acute intoxication, chronic inflammation, cancerous condition and clear cell tumor were processed by mathematic modeling. Results: In comparatively healthy condition the volume of the hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was determined 2140.73±19.97 mkm3, the volume of the hepatocyte’s nucleus was 295.19±2.60 mkm3, ration between hepatocyte’s cytoplasm and nucleus was 7:1 (P<0.001). In condition of acute intoxication the volume of the hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was determined 4281.36±77.83 mkm3, the volume of the hepatocyte’s nucleus was 895.00±13.42 mkm3, ratio between hepatocyte’s cytoplasm and nucleus was 5:1 (P<0.001). In condition of chronic inflammation the volume of the hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was determined 4887.84±75.72 mkm3, the volume of the hepatocyte’s nucleus was 888.65±12.46 mkm3, ration between hepatocyte’s cytoplasm and nucleus was 5:1 (P<0.001). In cancerous condition the volume of the hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was determined 3852.63±116.06 mkm3, the volume of the hepatocyte’s nucleus was 463.09±12.95 mkm3, ratio between hepatocyte’s cytoplasm and nucleus was 8:1 (P<0.001). In clear cell tumor the volume of the hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was determined 15062.69±348.41 mkm3, the volume of the hepatocyte’s nucleus was 801.05±22.56 mkm3, ratio between hepatocyte’s cytoplasm and nucleus was 19:1 (P<0.001). Conclusions:1. We have determined volume of hepatocyte’s volume and nucleus, ratio between cytoplasm and nucleus in condition of comparatively healthy, acute intoxication, chronic inflammation, cancerous and clear cell tumor.2. Volume of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was increased 2.28 times, volume of hepotocyte’s nucleus was increased 3.01 times in condition of chronic inflammation and volume of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was increased 1.99 times, volume of hepotocyte’s nucleus was increased 3.03 times in condition of acute intoxication. Also volume of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was increased 1.79 times, volume of hepotocyte’s nucleus was increased 1.5 times in cancerous condition and volume of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was increased 7.03 times, volume of hepotocyte’s nucleus was increased 2.7 times in condition of clear cell tumor.3. By the comparison between volumes of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm and nucleus in condition of comparatively healthy, acute intoxication, chronic inflammation, cancerous was determined medium direct correlation rather by the comparison between volumes of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm and nucleus in condition of clear cell tumor wasn’t determined correlation.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975278


Background: Research of histo and cytometry in comparative healthy and pathological condition is not so much in our country. Therefore, it is making a demand to do stereometrical research study on tissues, cells and nucleus.Goal: To study and to determine stereometrical indices, mathematic model of hepatocytes and nucleus in condition of comparatively healthy, acute intoxication, chronic inflammation and cancer of Mongolians.Materials and Methods: It was prepared sections for histometric materials. Linear measurements of hepatocytes and nucleus were carried out by computer-microscope “Leica” with program Diskus 3.2 version from German. On linear measurement in condition of comparatively healthy, acute intoxication, chronic inflammation and cancer were processed by mathematic modeling.Results: Volume distribution of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm χ2st=15.51>χ2 F=4.31; (Pχ2 F=10.74 in comparatively healthy (normal) conditions pursues normal distribution formula, however, the volume of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm and nucleus follows Maxwell formula of abnormal distribution χ2 st=23.68>χ2 F=10.44; (Pχ2 F=6.90; (Pχ2 F=8.03; (Pχ2 F=4.32; (Pχ2F=19.68; (Pχ2F=3.82 incondition of cancer. There is no statistically significant difference (P<0.001) between observation and theoretical frequencies of average values of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm and nucleus volume, which confirms that the result is true and accurate.Conclusions:1. Volume of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm is 2184.18±36.98 mkm3 in comparatively healthy (normal) conditions, 4153.17±84.18 mkm3 in a condition of acute intoxication, 4887.84±75.51 mkm3 in a condition of chronic inflammation and 13143.88±4.29 mkm3 in a cancer condition. Volume of nucleus is 299.94±36.98 mkm3 in comparatively healthy (normal) conditions, 873.59±13.86 mkm3 in a condition of acute intoxication, 888.65±13.51 mkm3 in a condition of chronic inflammation and 2924.57±2.12 mkm3 in a cancer condition.2. Volume of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was increased 2 times, volume of hepatocyte’s nucleus was increased 3 times in a condition of acute intoxication and volume of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was increased 2.2 times, volume of hepatocyte’s nucleus was increased 2.9 times (P< 0.001) in a condition of chronic inflammation. However volume of hepatocyte’s cytoplasm was increased 6.5 times, volume of hepatocyte’s nucleus was increased 9.7 times in a condition of cancer.

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