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Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 6(1): [47-61], jan-abr 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-998864


O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a possibilidade ou não da participação, no ato pericial, de pessoas diversas, além dos assistentes técnicos devidamente qualificados, durante os procedimentos. O assunto gera discussão por controvérsias muitas vezes não normatizadas em detalhes nas normativas e leis que regem o assunto. Foi realizada uma pesquisa na legislação buscando o entendimento a cerca da questão discutida. É indispensável o conhecimento da legislação por parte dos peritos, pois assim, terão o embasamento para atuar sem restrição de sua liberdade profissional, mas também, sem deixar de lado, o bom andamento processual

The present study aims analyzing the possibility, or not, of the participation in the technical inspection, different people, besides the technical assistants, properly qualified during the procedures. The subject causes discussions by contests, many times, not established in details of patterns and law, that manages the subject. A research has been accomplished in the legislation, looking for the perception about the discussed matter. It's essential the knowledge of legislation on the part of the experts, so that they can have the basis to actuate without restrictions of their professional liberty, as well as, not leaving behind a good procedural course

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Direitos Civis , Legislação , Responsabilidade Civil , Odontologia Legal , Jurisprudência
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 6(3): [47,58], set-dez 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1050950


Responsabilidade é a obrigação imposta a uma pessoa, de reparar o dano que causou à outra, decorrente de conduta ilícita. O aumento do número de processos judiciais contra o cirurgião-dentista (CD) revela transformações sociais que definem novos padrões de comportamento dos pacientes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a jurisprudência nos processos de responsabilidade civil envolvendo o CD, considerando o número de ações judiciais, a distribuição por Estado e o entendimento dos Magistrados de 1º e 2º Graus nos casos. Trata-se de um estudo das jurisprudências avaliando o inteiro teor das decisões, nas ações de responsabilidade civil contra CD, no ano de 2017, disponibilizadas pelos Tribunais de Justiça dos Estados (TJ), em um site de domínio público. Totalizaram 167 recursos, sendo 164 apelações. A especialidade de Prótese foi a mais demandada judicialmente (n=51), e foi vinculada a obrigação de resultado em 19 decisões. Das 89 condenações em 2º Grau, 49,44% referenciou a obrigação de resultado e, 5,62%, a de meio. São Paulo foi o Estado que apresentou o maior número de processos cíveis contra CD. Dessa forma, os resultados apontam que a obrigação do CD tem sido, em regra, de resultado, implicando na inversão do ônus da prova. Assim, o CD deve estar sempre atualizado em seus conhecimentos profissionais, produzir uma completa documentação odontológica, certificar que a divulgação realizada não gere uma expectativa de resultado nos pacientes e estabelecer uma relação de respeito com o paciente, esclarecendo sobre os riscos do tratamento, a fim de se resguardar nos conflitos judiciais.

Liability is the obligation imposed on a person to repair the damage he caused to the other, resulting from unlawful conduct. The increase in the number of lawsuits against the dentist reveals social transformations that define new patterns of patient behavior. The objective of this work was to analyze the jurisprudence in the civil liability cases involving the dentist, considering the number of lawsuits, the distribution by State and the understanding of the 1st and 2nd Degree Magistrates in the cases. It is a study of jurisprudence evaluating the entire content of the decisions, in the actions of civil liability against dentists, in the year 2017, made available by the Courts of Justice of the States (TJ), in a public domain site. There were 167 appeals, of which 164 appeals. The prosthesis specialty was the most sued in court (n = 51), and the obligation of result in 19 decisions was linked. Of the 89 convictions in the 2nd Degree, 49.44% referred to the obligation of result and, 5.62%, the average. São Paulo was the State that presented the largest number of civil lawsuits against dentists. Thus, the results indicate that the dentist obligation has, as a rule, been a result, implying in inversion of the duty to prove, and it is up to him to prove that the damages were due to factors unrelated to his performance. Thus, the dentist should always be updated in its professional knowledge, produce a complete dental documentation, confirm that the propagation don't create a result expectation in the patients and establish a relationship of respect with the patient, clarifying about the risks of the treatment, in order to safeguard in the judicial conflicts

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Decisões Judiciais , Responsabilidade Civil , Odontologia Legal
Braz. j. oral sci ; 11(2): 100-105, abr.-jun. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - odontologia (Brasil) | ID: lil-654828


Aim: To evaluate the management adopted by orthodontists regarding root resorption caused byorthodontic treatment, relating it to their time of experience and the applicable legal norms.Methods: the study population consisted of 56 orthodontists from the city of Belo Horizonte(Minas Gerais State), and the tool to collect the data was a questionnaire with open and closedquestions. Data were subjected to descriptive analysis. The association between the variableswas analyzed by the chi-square test with significance level of 5%. Results: 57.6% of professionalstemporarily interrupt the treatment; in the prevention and/or control, most professionals (80.4%)perform initial and periodical radiographs (every six months). Among the professionals with lessthan 5 years of experience as a specialist, 88.9% usually make periodic radiographic control;100% affirmed to file the documents. No significant difference was found between dentists withdifferent times of experience regarding the practice of archiving the documents (p = 0.271).Among those with 5-15 years of experience, 77.4% perform periodic radiographic control and45.2% had already detected root resorption. Among those with more than 15 years of experience,71.4% usually perform the periodic radiographic control, and 85.7% had already faced somecase of root resorption in the clinical practice. Conclusions: Although most orthodontists adopt acorrect management facing the occurrence, prevention and control of root resorption associatedwith orthodontic treatment, the majority are unaware about existing legislation in our country.

Percepção , Reabsorção da Raiz
Braz. j. oral sci ; 10(4): 246-249, oct.-dec. 2011. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - odontologia (Brasil) | ID: lil-638383


Aim: To evaluate the level of knowledge of dentists of the ethical and legal aspects of exercisingtheir profession as individual and corporate entities; to observe the level of knowledge ofprofessionals on the main taxes inherent to their existence as individual and corporate entities;and to highlight the positive and negative aspects of each entity. Methods: A questionnaire wasprepared containing structured and open questions, which was sent to dentists working in thecities of Betim and Contagem (Belo Horizonte metropolitan area) in letters containing self-addressedstamped envelopes for return to the research team. The data were analyzed using descriptivestatistics. Results: 77.9% of professionals work as individual entities, 19.7% as individual andcorporate entities, and only 2.5% act solely as corporate entities. Of the professionals who workas corporate entities, 88.8% reported that the reason that led them to act as individual and/orcorporate entities was a requirement by health plans. With regard to taxes imposed on each typeof entity, 67.4% of individual entity professionals declared not knowing the main taxes related totheir profession. Conclusions: The level of knowledge of dentists regarding the ethical and legalimplications of performing their profession as individual and corporate entities is insufficient; theinterviewed professionals are not properly trained on the pertinent ethical and legal aspects oftheir profession, thus becoming vulnerable to litigation; and these professionals do not haveknowledge on the main taxes related to each type of legal entity.

Ética , Saúde , Seguro de Responsabilidade Civil
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