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Glob Chang Biol ; 30(6): e17351, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38837306


The Earth functions as an integrated system-its current habitability to complex life is an emergent property dependent on interactions among biological, chemical, and physical components. As global warming affects ecosystem structure and function, so too will the biosphere affect climate by altering atmospheric gas composition and planetary albedo. Constraining these ecosystem-climate feedbacks is essential to accurately predict future change and develop mitigation strategies; however, the interplay among ecosystem processes complicates the assessment of their impact. Here, we explore the state-of-knowledge on how ecological and biological processes (e.g., competition, trophic interactions, metabolism, and adaptation) affect the directionality and magnitude of feedbacks between ecosystems and climate, using illustrative examples from the aquatic sphere. We argue that, despite ample evidence for the likely significance of many, our present understanding of the combinatorial effects of ecosystem dynamics precludes the robust quantification of most ecologically driven climate feedbacks. Constraining these effects must be prioritized within the ecological sciences for only by studying the biosphere as both subject and arbiter of global climate can we develop a sufficiently holistic view of the Earth system to accurately predict Earth's future and unravel its past.

La Terre fonctionne comme un système intégré­son habitabilité pour une vie complexe est une propriété émergente qui dépend des interactions entre les composantes biologiques, chimiques et physiques. Le réchauffement climatique affecte la structure et la fonction des écosystèmes, et en retour, la biosphère affecte également le climat en modifiant la composition des gaz atmosphériques et l'albédo planétaire. Il est essentiel de quantifier ces rétroactions entre les écosystèmes et le climat afin de prédire avec précision les changements futurs et élaborer des stratégies d'atténuation; cependant, l'interaction entre les processus écologiques complique l'évaluation de leurs impacts. Dans cet article, nous examinons l'état des connaissances sur la façon dont les processus écologiques et biologiques (par exemple, la concurrence, les interactions trophiques, le métabolisme, l'adaptation) affectent la directionnalité et l'ampleur des rétroactions entre les écosystèmes et le climat à l'aide d'exemples issus du monde aquatique. Nous soutenons que, malgré les nombreuses preuves de l'importance de plusieurs de ces rétroactions, notre compréhension limitée des effets additifs des processus écosystémiques empêche de faire une quantification robuste de la plupart des rétroactions climatiques d'origine écologique. Circonscrire ces effets doit être une priorité pour les sciences aquatiques, car ce n'est qu'en étudiant la biosphère en tant que sujet et arbitre du climat planétaire que nous pourrons développer une vision suffisamment holistique du système terrestre pour prédire avec précision l'avenir de la Terre et élucider son passé.

Mudança Climática , Ecossistema , Organismos Aquáticos/fisiologia
J Environ Manage ; 270: 110928, 2020 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32721353


Due to climate change and other anthropogenic stressors, future conditions and impacts facing coastal habitats are unclear to coastal resource managers. Adaptive management strategies have become an important tactic to compensate for the unknown environmental conditions that coastal managers and restoration ecologists face. Adaptive management requires extensive planning and resources, which can act as barriers to achieve a successful project. These barriers also create challenges in incorporating adaptive management into climate change adaptation strategies. This case study describes and analyzes the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council's approach to overcome these challenges to implement a successful adaptive management project to restore a drowning salt marsh using the climate change adaptation strategy, sediment enhancement, at Quonochontaug Pond in Charlestown, RI. Through effective communication and active stakeholder involvement, this project successfully incorporated interdisciplinary partner and stakeholder collaborations and developed an iterative learning strategy that highlights the adaptive management method.

Mudança Climática , Afogamento , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Humanos , New England , Áreas Alagadas
Sci Total Environ ; 721: 137788, 2020 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32179355


In this study, we reported a practice at northern Hangzhou Bay, southeast China aimed at restoring coastal wetlands within the intertidal zone outside of the seawalls. The principle idea is protecting the site and helping the marsh establishment by engineering measures, and thereafter, relieving the protections to encourage the self-organization of the restored ecosystem. The results of this implementation showed the marsh reached an average vegetation cover of 70% in the first year. The excess nitrogen was removed by an ecological recirculating treatment system, which was coupled in the wetland. The long-term performance of the wetland suggested that it could resist disturbances such as hurricanes and algal blooms, and provided clean water habitat for aquatic fauna. By presenting the case of Hangzhou Bay, we call for more novel coastal restoration implementations that aim to create new boundaries with engineering features and self-organization, which benefit both human and nature.

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