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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 9112, 2023 06 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37277448


The transport of passively dispersed organisms across tropical margins remains poorly understood. Hypotheses of oceanographic transportation potential lack testing with large scale empirical data. To address this gap, we used the seagrass species, Halodule wrightii, which is unique in spanning the entire tropical Atlantic. We tested the hypothesis that genetic differentiation estimated across its large-scale biogeographic range can be predicted by simulated oceanographic transport. The alternative hypothesis posits that dispersal is independent of ocean currents, such as transport by grazers. We compared empirical genetic estimates and modelled predictions of dispersal along the distribution of H. wrightii. We genotyped eight microsatellite loci on 19 populations distributed across Atlantic Africa, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, Brazil and developed a biophysical model with high-resolution ocean currents. Genetic data revealed low gene flow and highest differentiation between (1) the Gulf of Mexico and two other regions: (2) Caribbean-Brazil and (3) Atlantic Africa. These two were more genetically similar despite separation by an ocean. The biophysical model indicated low or no probability of passive dispersal among populations and did not match the empirical genetic data. The results support the alternative hypothesis of a role for active dispersal vectors like grazers.

Fluxo Gênico , Oceanografia , Golfo do México , Genótipo , Região do Caribe , Genética Populacional
Mar Environ Res ; 169: 105331, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33878552


Mangrove forests are productive habitats and major potential exporters of organic matter and nutrients to adjacent habitats. Here we examine the extent to which mangrove carbon is transferred to adjacent intertidal food webs in the second largest mangrove-covered area in Africa, in Guinea-Bissau. Applying stable isotope analysis and mixing models, we made comparisons at two spatial scales: (1) a large scale, comparing intertidal flats with (mangrove sites) and without (control sites) adjacent mangrove forests regarding the carbon isotopic signature of macrozoobenthos and sediment organic matter (SOM), and the relative importance of potential primary food sources in sustaining macrozoobenthos, and (2) a fine scale, performing stable carbon isotope measurements along 200 m transects from the coastline out to open intertidal flats, to trace mangrove carbon in macrozoobenthos and in the SOM. We found no evidence that mangrove carbon sustains intertidal food webs, despite SOM being significantly more depleted in 13C in mangrove sites. Mangrove leaves had the lowest relative contribution to the diet of macrozoobenthos, while macroalgae, benthic microalgae and POM showed variable but overall relevant contributions. Yet, at a smaller scale, mangrove carbon was detectable in SOM and in most macrozoobenthos, being strongest within 50 m of the mangrove edge and quickly fading with increasing distance. Our results suggest that there is only a marginal input of mangrove carbon into the food webs of unvegetated intertidal flats. Still, this leaves open the possibility of mangrove forests acting as sources of dissolved inorganic carbon and processed nitrogen, which can be assimilated by the algae and subsequently fuel adjacent food webs.

Carbono , Áreas Alagadas , Isótopos de Carbono/análise , Ecossistema , Cadeia Alimentar
REVISA (Online) ; 10(2): 379-387, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253819


Objetivo: analisar o conhecimento da mulher portadora de endometriose sobre a sua doença e o planejamento familiar. Método: trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo realizado em maio de 2021 junto a 20 mulheres com endometriose inscritas em grupo específico no Instagram. Aplicou-se, via google forms, um questionário sociodemográfico e clínicos e um instrumento para avaliação do conhecimento das mulheres. Utilizou-se a estatística descritiva para a análise dos dados que ocorreu no Statistical Package for Social Science, versão 25,0. Resultados: embora 70% das mulheres saibam o que é planejamento familiar, houve predomínio daquelas que possuem dúvida a respeito da doença (85%), que não sabem qual serviço de saúde do Sistema Único é responsável pelo planejamento familiar(65%) e que não conhecem o seu direito ao planejamento familiar ou a fertilização in vitro(80%). Ainda, predominaram mulheres que possuem "algum conhecimento" da doença (40%). Conclusão: O conhecimento das mulheres a respeito da endometriose e planejamento familiar é limitado, sendo desconhecidos aspectos relativos à doença, ao acesso aos serviços de saúde e aos direitos sociais envolvidos.

Objective: to analyze the knowledge of women with endometriosis about the disease and family planning. Method: this is a quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study carried out in May 2021 with 20 women with endometriosis registered in a specific group on Instagram. A sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and an instrument for assessing women's knowledge were applied via google forms. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data that occurred in the Statistical Package for Social Science, version 25.0. Results: although 70% of women know what family planning is, there was a predominance of those who have doubts about the disease (85%), who do not know which health service in the Unified System is responsible for family planning (65%) and who he does not know his right to family planning or in vitro fertilization (80%). Still, women with "some knowledge" of the disease predominated (40%). Conclusion: Women's knowledge about endometriosis and family planning is limited, being unknown related to the disease, access to health services and the social rights involved.

Objetivo: analizar el conocimiento de las mujeres con endometriosis sobre la enfermedad y la planificación familiar. Método: se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, transversal y descriptivo realizado en mayo de 2021 con 20 mujeres con endometriosis inscritas en un grupo específico en Instagram. Se aplicó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y clínico y un instrumento para evaluar el conocimiento de las mujeres a través de formularios de google. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para analizar los datos que ocurrieron en el Paquete Estadístico para Ciencias Sociales, versión 25.0. Resultados: si bien el 70% de las mujeres sabe qué es la planificación familiar, hubo predominio de las que tienen dudas sobre la enfermedad (85%), que desconocen qué servicio de salud del Sistema Unificado se encarga de la planificación familiar (65%) y quien desconoce su derecho a la planificación familiar o la fecundación in vitro (80%). Aún así, predominaron las mujeres con "algún conocimiento" de la enfermedad (40%). Conclusión: El conocimiento de las mujeres sobre la endometriosis y la planificación familiar es limitado, se desconoce su relación con la enfermedad, el acceso a los servicios de salud y los derechos sociales involucrados.

Humanos , Endometriose , Conhecimento , Planejamento Familiar
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