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Proc Mach Learn Res ; 202: 26820-26836, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38881732


Neural Controlled Differential equations (NCDE) are a powerful mechanism to model the dynamics in temporal sequences, e.g., applications involving physiological measures, where apart from the initial condition, the dynamics also depend on subsequent measures or even a different "control" sequence. But NCDEs do not scale well to longer sequences. Existing strategies adapt rough path theory, and instead model the dynamics over summaries known as log signatures. While rigorous and elegant, invertibility of these summaries is difficult, and limits the scope of problems where these ideas can offer strong benefits (reconstruction, generative modeling). For tasks where it is sensible to assume that the (long) sequences in the training data are a fixed length of temporal measurements - this assumption holds in most experiments tackled in the literature - we describe an efficient simplification. First, we recast the regression/classification task as an integral transform. We then show how restricting the class of operators (permissible in the integral transform), allows the use of a known algorithm that leverages non-standard Wavelets to decompose the operator. Thereby, our task (learning the operator) radically simplifies. A neural variant of this idea yields consistent improvements across a wide gamut of use cases tackled in existing works. We also describe a novel application on modeling tasks involving coupled differential equations.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37441105


Recent legislation has led to interest in machine unlearning, i.e., removing specific training samples from a predictive model as if they never existed in the training dataset. Unlearning may also be required due to corrupted/adversarial data or simply a user's updated privacy requirement. For models which require no training (k-NN), simply deleting the closest original sample can be effective. But this idea is inapplicable to models which learn richer representations. Recent ideas leveraging optimization-based updates scale poorly with the model dimension d, due to inverting the Hessian of the loss function. We use a variant of a new conditional independence coefficient, L-CODEC, to identify a subset of the model parameters with the most semantic overlap on an individual sample level. Our approach completely avoids the need to invert a (possibly) huge matrix. By utilizing a Markov blanket selection, we premise that L-CODEC is also suitable for deep unlearning, as well as other applications in vision. Compared to alternatives, L-CODEC makes approximate unlearning possible in settings that would otherwise be infeasible, including vision models used for face recognition, person re-identification and NLP models that may require unlearning samples identified for exclusion. Code is available at

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36268536


Pooling multiple neuroimaging datasets across institutions often enables improvements in statistical power when evaluating associations (e.g., between risk factors and disease outcomes) that may otherwise be too weak to detect. When there is only a single source of variability (e.g., different scanners), domain adaptation and matching the distributions of representations may suffice in many scenarios. But in the presence of more than one nuisance variable which concurrently influence the measurements, pooling datasets poses unique challenges, e.g., variations in the data can come from both the acquisition method as well as the demographics of participants (gender, age). Invariant representation learning, by itself, is ill-suited to fully model the data generation process. In this paper, we show how bringing recent results on equivariant representation learning (for studying symmetries in neural networks) instantiated on structured spaces together with simple use of classical results on causal inference provides an effective practical solution. In particular, we demonstrate how our model allows dealing with more than one nuisance variable under some assumptions and can enable analysis of pooled scientific datasets in scenarios that would otherwise entail removing a large portion of the samples. Our code is available on

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(2): 877-889, 2022 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32763848


Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have emerged as a powerful generative model in computer vision. Given their impressive abilities in generating highly realistic images, they are also being used in novel ways in applications in the life sciences. This raises an interesting question when GANs are used in scientific or biomedical studies. Consider the setting where we are restricted to only using the samples from a trained GAN for downstream group difference analysis (and do not have direct access to the real data). Will we obtain similar conclusions? In this work, we explore if "generated" data, i.e., sampled from such GANs can be used for performing statistical group difference tests in cases versus controls studies, common across many scientific disciplines. We provide a detailed analysis describing regimes where this may be feasible. We complement the technical results with an empirical study focused on the analysis of cortical thickness on brain mesh surfaces in an Alzheimer's disease dataset. To exploit the geometric nature of the data, we use simple ideas from spectral graph theory to show how adjustments to existing GANs can yield improvements. We also give a generalization error bound by extending recent results on Neural Network Distance. To our knowledge, our work offers the first analysis assessing whether the Null distribution in "healthy versus diseased subjects" type statistical testing using data generated from the GANs coincides with the one obtained from the same analysis with real data. The code is available at

Algoritmos , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Humanos , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Redes Neurais de Computação , Neuroimagem
Proc AAAI Conf Artif Intell ; 35(10): 8939-8949, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34484857


Consider a learning algorithm, which involves an internal call to an optimization routine such as a generalized eigenvalue problem, a cone programming problem or even sorting. Integrating such a method as a layer(s) within a trainable deep neural network (DNN) in an efficient and numerically stable way is not straightforward - for instance, only recently, strategies have emerged for eigendecomposition and differentiable sorting. We propose an efficient and differentiable solver for general linear programming problems which can be used in a plug and play manner within DNNs as a layer. Our development is inspired by a fascinating but not widely used link between dynamics of slime mold (physarum) and optimization schemes such as steepest descent. We describe our development and show the use of our solver in a video segmentation task and meta-learning for few-shot learning. We review the existing results and provide a technical analysis describing its applicability for our use cases. Our solver performs comparably with a customized projected gradient descent method on the first task and outperforms the differentiable CVXPY-SCS solver on the second task. Experiments show that our solver converges quickly without the need for a feasible initial point. Our proposal is easy to implement and can easily serve as layers whenever a learning procedure needs a fast approximate solution to a LP, within a larger network.

Uncertain Artif Intell ; 20212021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34629958


Panel data involving longitudinal measurements of the same set of participants taken over multiple time points is common in studies to understand childhood development and disease modeling. Deep hybrid models that marry the predictive power of neural networks with physical simulators such as differential equations, are starting to drive advances in such applications. The task of modeling not just the observations but the hidden dynamics that are captured by the measurements poses interesting statistical/computational questions. We propose a probabilistic model called ME-NODE to incorporate (fixed + random) mixed effects for analyzing such panel data. We show that our model can be derived using smooth approximations of SDEs provided by the Wong-Zakai theorem. We then derive Evidence Based Lower Bounds for ME-NODE, and develop (efficient) training algorithms using MC based sampling methods and numerical ODE solvers. We demonstrate ME-NODE's utility on tasks spanning the spectrum from simulations and toy data to real longitudinal 3D imaging data from an Alzheimer's disease (AD) study, and study its performance in terms of accuracy of reconstruction for interpolation, uncertainty estimates and personalized prediction.

Proc AAAI Conf Artif Intell ; 35(8): 6582-6591, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34405058


Learning invariant representations is a critical first step in a number of machine learning tasks. A common approach corresponds to the so-called information bottleneck principle in which an application dependent function of mutual information is carefully chosen and optimized. Unfortunately, in practice, these functions are not suitable for optimization purposes since these losses are agnostic of the metric structure of the parameters of the model. We introduce a class of losses for learning representations that are invariant to some extraneous variable of interest by inverting the class of contrastive losses, i.e., inverse contrastive loss (ICL). We show that if the extraneous variable is binary, then optimizing ICL is equivalent to optimizing a regularized MMD divergence. More generally, we also show that if we are provided a metric on the sample space, our formulation of ICL can be decomposed into a sum of convex functions of the given distance metric. Our experimental results indicate that models obtained by optimizing ICL achieve significantly better invariance to the extraneous variable for a fixed desired level of accuracy. In a variety of experimental settings, we show applicability of ICL for learning invariant representations for both continuous and discrete extraneous variables. The project page with code is available at

Adv Neural Inf Process Syst ; 34: 29129-29141, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35387382


We propose a framework which makes it feasible to directly train deep neural networks with respect to popular families of task-specific non-decomposable performance measures such as AUC, multi-class AUC, F-measure and others. A feature of the optimization model that emerges from these tasks is that it involves solving a Linear Programs (LP) during training where representations learned by upstream layers characterize the constraints or the feasible set. The constraint matrix is not only large but the constraints are also modified at each iteration. We show how adopting a set of ingenious ideas proposed by Mangasarian for 1-norm SVMs - which advocates for solving LPs with a generalized Newton method - provides a simple and effective solution that can be run on the GPU. In particular, this strategy needs little unrolling, which makes it more efficient during the backward pass. Further, even when the constraint matrix is too large to fit on the GPU memory (say large minibatch settings), we show that running the Newton method in a lower dimensional space yields accurate gradients for training, by utilizing a statistical concept called sufficient dimension reduction. While a number of specialized algorithms have been proposed for the models that we describe here, our module turns out to be applicable without any specific adjustments or relaxations. We describe each use case, study its properties and demonstrate the efficacy of the approach over alternatives which use surrogate lower bounds and often, specialized optimization schemes. Frequently, we achieve superior computational behavior and performance improvements on common datasets used in the literature.

Proc AAAI Conf Artif Intell ; 34(4): 5487-5494, 2020 Jun 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34094697


Data dependent regularization is known to benefit a wide variety of problems in machine learning. Often, these regularizers cannot be easily decomposed into a sum over a finite number of terms, e.g., a sum over individual example-wise terms. The F ß measure, Area under the ROC curve (AUCROC) and Precision at a fixed recall (P@R) are some prominent examples that are used in many applications. We find that for most medium to large sized datasets, scalability issues severely limit our ability in leveraging the benefits of such regularizers. Importantly, the key technical impediment despite some recent progress is that, such objectives remain difficult to optimize via backpropapagation procedures. While an efficient general-purpose strategy for this problem still remains elusive, in this paper, we show that for many data-dependent nondecomposable regularizers that are relevant in applications, sizable gains in efficiency are possible with minimal code-level changes; in other words, no specialized tools or numerical schemes are needed. Our procedure involves a reparameterization followed by a partial dualization - this leads to a formulation that has provably cheap projection operators. We present a detailed analysis of runtime and convergence properties of our algorithm. On the experimental side, we show that a direct use of our scheme significantly improves the state of the art IOU measures reported for MSCOCO Stuff segmentation dataset.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33462534


Rectified Linear Units (ReLUs) are among the most widely used activation function in a broad variety of tasks in vision. Recent theoretical results suggest that despite their excellent practical performance, in various cases, a substitution with basis expansions (e.g., polynomials) can yield significant benefits from both the optimization and generalization perspective. Unfortunately, the existing results remain limited to networks with a couple of layers, and the practical viability of these results is not yet known. Motivated by some of these results, we explore the use of Hermite polynomial expansions as a substitute for ReLUs in deep networks. While our experiments with supervised learning do not provide a clear verdict, we find that this strategy offers considerable benefits in semi-supervised learning (SSL) / transductive learning settings. We carefully develop this idea and show how the use of Hermite polynomials based activations can yield improvements in pseudo-label accuracies and sizable financial savings (due to concurrent runtime benefits). Further, we show via theoretical analysis, that the networks (with Hermite activations) offer robustness to noise and other attractive mathematical properties. Code is available on //GitHub.

Comput Vis ECCV ; 12357: 365-381, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33462570


Algorithmic decision making based on computer vision and machine learning methods continues to permeate our lives. But issues related to biases of these models and the extent to which they treat certain segments of the population unfairly, have led to legitimate concerns. There is agreement that because of biases in the datasets we present to the models, a fairness-oblivious training will lead to unfair models. An interesting topic is the study of mechanisms via which the de novo design or training of the model can be informed by fairness measures. Here, we study strategies to impose fairness concurrently while training the model. While many fairness based approaches in vision rely on training adversarial modules together with the primary classification/regression task, in an effort to remove the influence of the protected attribute or variable, we show how ideas based on well-known optimization concepts can provide a simpler alternative. In our proposal, imposing fairness just requires specifying the protected attribute and utilizing our routine. We provide a detailed technical analysis and present experiments demonstrating that various fairness measures can be reliably imposed on a number of training tasks in vision in a manner that is interpretable.

JMLR Workshop Conf Proc ; 48: 583-592, 2016 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28479945


Budget constrained optimal design of experiments is a well studied problem. Although the literature is very mature, not many strategies are available when these design problems appear in the context of sparse linear models commonly encountered in high dimensional machine learning. In this work, we study this budget constrained design where the underlying regression model involves a ℓ1-regularized linear function. We propose two novel strategies: the first is motivated geometrically whereas the second is algebraic in nature. We obtain tractable algorithms for this problem which also hold for a more general class of sparse linear models. We perform a detailed set of experiments, on benchmarks and a large neuroimaging study, showing that the proposed models are effective in practice. The latter experiment suggests that these ideas may play a small role in informing enrollment strategies for similar scientific studies in the future.

Adv Neural Inf Process Syst ; 29: 2496-2504, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29308004


Consider samples from two different data sources [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]. We only observe their transformed versions [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], for some known function class h(·) and g(·). Our goal is to perform a statistical test checking if Psource = Ptarget while removing the distortions induced by the transformations. This problem is closely related to domain adaptation, and in our case, is motivated by the need to combine clinical and imaging based biomarkers from multiple sites and/or batches - a fairly common impediment in conducting analyses with much larger sample sizes. We address this problem using ideas from hypothesis testing on the transformed measurements, wherein the distortions need to be estimated in tandem with the testing. We derive a simple algorithm and study its convergence and consistency properties in detail, and provide lower-bound strategies based on recent work in continuous optimization. On a dataset of individuals at risk for Alzheimer's disease, our framework is competitive with alternative procedures that are twice as expensive and in some cases operationally infeasible to implement.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27812274


There is a great deal of interest in using large scale brain imaging studies to understand how brain connectivity evolves over time for an individual and how it varies over different levels/quantiles of cognitive function. To do so, one typically performs so-called tractography procedures on diffusion MR brain images and derives measures of brain connectivity expressed as graphs. The nodes correspond to distinct brain regions and the edges encode the strength of the connection. The scientific interest is in characterizing the evolution of these graphs over time or from healthy individuals to diseased. We pose this important question in terms of the Laplacian of the connectivity graphs derived from various longitudinal or disease time points - quantifying its progression is then expressed in terms of coupling the harmonic bases of a full set of Laplacians. We derive a coupled system of generalized eigenvalue problems (and corresponding numerical optimization schemes) whose solution helps characterize the full life cycle of brain connectivity evolution in a given dataset. Finally, we show a set of results on a diffusion MR imaging dataset of middle aged people at risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD), who are cognitively healthy. In such asymptomatic adults, we find that a framework for characterizing brain connectivity evolution provides the ability to predict cognitive scores for individual subjects, and for estimating the progression of participant's brain connectivity into the future.

Proc IEEE Int Conf Comput Vis ; 2015: 666-674, 2015 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27042168


A variety of studies in neuroscience/neuroimaging seek to perform statistical inference on the acquired brain image scans for diagnosis as well as understanding the pathological manifestation of diseases. To do so, an important first step is to register (or co-register) all of the image data into a common coordinate system. This permits meaningful comparison of the intensities at each voxel across groups (e.g., diseased versus healthy) to evaluate the effects of the disease and/or use machine learning algorithms in a subsequent step. But errors in the underlying registration make this problematic, they either decrease the statistical power or make the follow-up inference tasks less effective/accurate. In this paper, we derive a novel algorithm which offers immunity to local errors in the underlying deformation field obtained from registration procedures. By deriving a deformation invariant representation of the image, the downstream analysis can be made more robust as if one had access to a (hypothetical) far superior registration procedure. Our algorithm is based on recent work on scattering transform. Using this as a starting point, we show how results from harmonic analysis (especially, non-Euclidean wavelets) yields strategies for designing deformation and additive noise invariant representations of large 3-D brain image volumes. We present a set of results on synthetic and real brain images where we achieve robust statistical analysis even in the presence of substantial deformation errors; here, standard analysis procedures significantly under-perform and fail to identify the true signal.

Proc IEEE Int Conf Comput Vis ; 2015: 1841-1849, 2015 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27081374


Eigenvalue problems are ubiquitous in computer vision, covering a very broad spectrum of applications ranging from estimation problems in multi-view geometry to image segmentation. Few other linear algebra problems have a more mature set of numerical routines available and many computer vision libraries leverage such tools extensively. However, the ability to call the underlying solver only as a "black box" can often become restrictive. Many 'human in the loop' settings in vision frequently exploit supervision from an expert, to the extent that the user can be considered a subroutine in the overall system. In other cases, there is additional domain knowledge, side or even partial information that one may want to incorporate within the formulation. In general, regularizing a (generalized) eigenvalue problem with such side information remains difficult. Motivated by these needs, this paper presents an optimization scheme to solve generalized eigenvalue problems (GEP) involving a (nonsmooth) regularizer. We start from an alternative formulation of GEP where the feasibility set of the model involves the Stiefel manifold. The core of this paper presents an end to end stochastic optimization scheme for the resultant problem. We show how this general algorithm enables improved statistical analysis of brain imaging data where the regularizer is derived from other 'views' of the disease pathology, involving clinical measurements and other image-derived representations.

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