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Conserv Biol ; : e14254, 2024 Apr 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38563102


Conservation translocations are an important conservation tool commonly employed to augment declining or reestablish extirpated populations. One goal of augmentation is to increase genetic diversity and reduce the risk of inbreeding depression (i.e., genetic rescue). However, introducing individuals from significantly diverged populations risks disrupting coadapted traits and reducing local fitness (i.e., outbreeding depression). Genetic data are increasingly more accessible for wildlife species and can provide unique insight regarding the presence and retention of introduced genetic variation from augmentation as an indicator of effectiveness and adaptive similarity as an indicator of source and recipient population suitability. We used 2 genetic data sets to evaluate augmentation of isolated populations of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the northwestern region of the species range (Washington, USA) and to retrospectively evaluate adaptive divergence among source and recipient populations. We developed 2 statistical models for microsatellite data to evaluate augmentation outcomes. We used one model to predict genetic diversity after augmentation and compared these predictions with observations of genetic change. We used the second model to quantify the amount of observed reproduction attributed to transplants (proof of population integration). We also characterized genome-wide adaptive divergence among source and recipient populations. Observed genetic diversity (HO = 0.65) was higher in the recipient population than predicted had no augmentation occurred (HO = 0.58) but less than what was predicted by our model (HO = 0.75). The amount of shared genetic variation between the 2 geographically isolated resident populations increased, which is evidence of periodic gene flow previously assumed to be rare. Among candidate adaptive genes associated with elevated fixation index (FST) (143 genes) or local environmental variables (97 and 157 genes for each genotype-environment association method, respectively), we found clusters of genes with related functions that may influence the ability of transplants to use local resources and navigate unfamiliar environments and their reproductive potential, all possible reasons for low genetic retention from augmentation.

Influencia potencial de la divergencia adaptativa a nivel genoma sobre el resultado de la reubicación para conservación en una población aislada de urogallo mayor Resumen Las reubicaciones para conservación son una herramienta importante que se usa con frecuencia para aumentar las poblaciones en declinación o reestablecer las poblaciones erradicadas. Una de las metas de este aumento es incrementar la diversidad genética y reducir el riesgo de depresión endogámica (es decir, rescate genético). Sin embargo, la introducción de individuos de una población con divergencia significativa puede perturbar los rasgos coadaptados y reducir la aptitud local (es decir, depresión exogámica). La información genética es cada vez más accesible para las especies silvestres y puede proporcionar conocimiento único con respecto a la presencia y retención de la variación genética introducida a partir del aumento como un indicador de eficiencia y las similitudes adaptativas como un indicador de la idoneidad de la población de origen y la receptora. Usamos dos conjuntos de datos genéticos para evaluar el aumento de las poblaciones aisladas del urogallo mayor (Centrocercus urophasianus) en la región noroeste de la distribución de la especie (Washington, EUA) y para evaluar de forma retrospectiva la divergencia adaptativa entre la población de origen y la receptora. Desarrollamos dos modelos estadísticos para los datos microsatelitales para así evaluar los resultados del aumento. Usamos un modelo para predecir la diversidad genética después del aumento y comparamos estas predicciones con observaciones del cambio genético. Usamos el segundo modelo para cuantificar el aumento de la reproducción observada atribuida a las reubicaciones (evidencia de la integración poblacional). También caracterizamos la divergencia adaptativa a nivel genoma entre la población de origen y la población receptora. La diversidad genética observada (HO = 0.65) fue mayor de lo que se predijo en la población receptora de no haber ocurrido el aumento (HO = 0.58) pero menor de lo que se predijo en nuestro modelo (HO = 0.75). El aumento de la variación genética compartida entre las dos poblaciones residentes geográficamente aisladas incrementó, lo cual es evidencia de un flujo génico periódico que antes se supuso casi no ocurría. Entre los genes adaptativos candidatos asociados a una FST elevada (143 genes) o a variables ambientales locales (97 y 157 genes para cada método de asociación entre el ambiente y el genotipo, respectivamente) encontramos grupos de genes con funciones relacionadas que pueden influir sobre la habilidad de cada reubicación para usar recursos locales y navegar ambientes desconocidos y su potencial reproductivo, todas posibles razones para la baja retención genética en el aumento.

Environ Res ; 259: 119475, 2024 Jun 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38945513


Avian droppings (combination of fecal matter and urates) provide a non-lethal and non-invasive matrix for measuring pesticide exposures. In the field, droppings may be collected days or weeks after excretion and the persistence of pesticide residues in weathered droppings is not known. Thus, we studied the effects of weathering on pesticide residues in droppings. Domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) hens were used as a representative species for Order Galliformes. We collected droppings from hens before they were exposed to the pesticides (reference or pre-dose droppings ). Thereafter, the hens were orally administered encapsulated wheat seeds coated with Raxil® PRO Shield (containing the active ingredients imidacloprid, prothioconazole, metalaxyl, and tebuconazole) for consecutive 7 days. During this time, their droppings were collected on days 3, 5, and 8 from the start of the exposure period (post-dose droppings ). The pre-dose and post-dose droppings were weathered for up to 30 days in autumn and spring in shrubsteppe habitat. Droppings were analyzed using HPLC coupled to triple quad LC/MS for parent compound and metabolite residues. No pesticide or its metabolite residues were detected in the weathered reference droppings. No parent pesticide compounds were detected in weathered post-dose droppings but imidacloprid metabolites, imidacloprid-5-hydroxy and imidacloprid-olefin, and the prothioconazole metabolite, desthio-prothioconazole, were detected in all post-dose weathered samples from both seasons. The active ingredients metalaxyl and tebuconazole and their metabolites were not detected in any of the samples. Our results suggest that, depending on the pesticide, its concentration, and the environmental conditions, residues of some pesticides can be detected in droppings weathered for at least 30 days. Knowledge of pesticide persistence in weathered droppings can help refine the quality and quantity of fecal samples that are collected for monitoring pesticide exposures to birds.

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