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Salamandra ; 53(2): 245-256, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | SES-SP, SES SP - Instituto Butantan, SES-SP | ID: but-ib15202


The Neotropical snake Siphlophis worontzowi was described based on a single specimen from Rio Amana, Amazonas state in the western portion of the Brazilian Amazon, but has subsequently become known from Bolivia and Peru as well. Here, we report a new morphological data set of S. worontzowi (meristic, morphometric, pholidosis, colour pattern, and hemipenial characters) and new geographic localities. Geographical variation and sexual polymorphism are analysed and described. Siphlophis worontzowi can be distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: dorsal scale rows 19-19-15, dorsals with two apical pits; undifferentiated vertebral scales; 3 postoculars; long loreal; 2+3 temporals; 8 supralabials, with the third, fourth and fifth contacting the orbit; 9 infralabials, first four pairs contacting chin shields; 14-17 prediastemal and 2 postdiastemal maxillary teeth; 21 mandibular teeth, with 4-5 larger than others; 2 or 3 preventrals; 221-243 ventrals; 93-119 subcaudals; body black with 12-22 conspicuous yellowish or reddish vertebral spots, and black head with one or two conspicuous reddish or orange nuchal spots when alive; hemipenis with Y-shaped and T-shaped conditions; intrasulcar surface with a row of three enlarged spines in the proximal region of each lobe. Additionally, we provide detailed descriptions of the hemipenis, and discuss its polymorphic condition in the genus Siphlophis.

Zoology ; 120: 24-30, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | SES-SP, SES SP - Instituto Butantan, SES-SP | ID: but-ib15470


Neotropical "goo-eating" dipsadine snakes display a set of morphological and histo-chemical adaptations linked to the capture of their soft-bodied, viscous invertebrate prey. Within this group, species from the genus Sibynomorphus feed chiefly on snails and slugs. Here, we analyzed a series of skull and mandible characters in S. mikanii, S. neuwiedi and S. turgidus using geometric morphometrics, with the aim of assessing morphological adaptations related to slug- and snail-feeding in that genus. We further compared the results with Leptodeira annulata, a species that feeds on vertebrates. To evaluate shape differences of the skull and mandible between species we performed a multivariate analysis of variance and a linear discriminant analysis. Our results show that the narrow, elongate skull in S. mikanii may help with slug ingestion, while asymmetry in teeth number and mandibular shape in S. neuwiedi and S. turgidus are likely related to snail feeding.

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