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Phys Rev E ; 109(6-2): 065201, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39020911


Shock-driven implosions with 100% deuterium (D_{2}) gas fill compared to implosions with 50:50 nitrogen-deuterium (N_{2}D_{2}) gas fill have been performed at the OMEGA laser facility to test the impact of the added mid-Z fill gas on implosion performance. Ion temperature (T_{ion}) as inferred from the width of measured DD-neutron spectra is seen to be 34%±6% higher for the N_{2}D_{2} implosions than for the D_{2}-only case, while the DD-neutron yield from the D_{2}-only implosion is 7.2±0.5 times higher than from the N_{2}D_{2} gas fill. The T_{ion} enhancement for N_{2}D_{2} is observed in spite of the higher Z, which might be expected to lead to higher radiative loss, and higher shock strength for the D_{2}-only versus N_{2}D_{2} implosions due to lower mass, and is understood in terms of increased shock heating of N compared to D, heat transfer from N to D prior to burn, and limited amount of ion-electron-equilibration-mediated additional radiative loss due to the added higher-Z material. This picture is supported by interspecies equilibration timescales for these implosions, constrained by experimental observables. The one-dimensional (1D) kinetic Vlasov-Fokker-Planck code ifp and the radiation hydrodynamic simulation codes hyades (1D) and xrage [1D, two-dimensional (2D)] are brought to bear to understand the observed yield ratio. Comparing measurements and simulations, the yield loss in the N_{2}D_{2} implosions relative to the pure D_{2}-fill implosion is determined to result from the reduced amount of D_{2} in the fill (fourfold effect on yield) combined with a lower fraction of the D_{2} fuel being hot enough to burn in the N_{2}D_{2} case. The experimental yield and T_{ion} ratio observations are relatively well matched by the kinetic simulations, which suggest interspecies diffusion is responsible for the lower fraction of hot D_{2} in the N_{2}D_{2} relative to the D_{2}-only case. The simulated absolute yields are higher than measured; a comparison of 1D versus 2D xrage simulations suggest that this can be explained by dimensional effects. The hydrodynamic simulations suggest that radiative losses primarily impact the implosion edges, with ion-electron equilibration times being too long in the implosion cores. The observations of increased T_{ion} and limited additional yield loss (on top of the fourfold expected from the difference in D content) for the N_{2}D_{2} versus D_{2}-only fill suggest it is feasible to develop the platform for studying CNO-cycle-relevant nuclear reactions in a plasma environment.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(10): 103538, 2022 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36319383


Electron-temperature (Te) measurements in implosions provide valuable diagnostic information, as Te is negligibly affected by residual flows and other non-thermal effects unlike ion-temperature inferred from a fusion product spectrum. In OMEGA cryogenic implosions, measurement of Te(t) can be used to investigate effects related to time-resolved hot-spot energy balance. The newly implemented phase-2 Particle X-ray Temporal Diagnostic (PXTD) utilizes four fast-rise (∼15 ps) scintillator-channels with distinct x-ray filtering. Titanium and stepped aluminum filtering were chosen to maximize detector sensitivity in the 10-20 keV range, as it has been shown that these x rays have similar density and temperature weighting to the emitted deuterium-tritium fusion neutrons (DTn) from OMEGA Cryo-DT implosions. High quality data have been collected from warm implosions at OMEGA. These data have been used to infer spatially integrated Te(t) with <10% uncertainty at peak emission. Nuclear and x-ray emission histories are measured with 10 ps relative timing uncertainty for x rays and DTn and 12 ps for x rays and deuterium-He3 protons (D3Hep). A future upgrade to the system will enable spatially integrated Te(t) with 40 ps time-resolution from cryogenic DT implosions.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(2): 023507, 2021 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33648078


Electron-temperature (Te) measurements in implosions provide valuable diagnostic information, as Te is unaffected by residual flows and other non-thermal effects unlike ion temperature inferred from a fusion product spectrum. In OMEGA cryogenic implosions, measurement of Te(t) can be used to investigate effects related to time-resolved hot-spot energy balance. The proposed diagnostic utilizes five fast-rise (∼15 ps) scintillator channels with distinct x-ray filtering. Titanium and stepped aluminum filtering were chosen to maximize detector sensitivity in the 10 keV-20 keV range, as it has been shown that these x rays have similar density and temperature weighting to the emitted deuterium-tritium fusion neutrons. Initial data collected using a prototype nosecone on the existing neutron temporal diagnostic demonstrate the validity of this diagnostic technique. The proposed system will be capable of measuring spatially integrated Te(t) with 20 ps time resolution and <10% uncertainty at peak emission in cryogenic DT implosions.

Phys Rev E ; 104(1): L013201, 2021 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34412205


A series of thin glass-shell shock-driven DT gas-filled capsule implosions was conducted at the OMEGA laser facility. These experiments generate conditions relevant to the central plasma during the shock-convergence phase of ablatively driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF) implosions. The spectral temperatures inferred from the DTn and DDn spectra are most consistent with a two-ion-temperature plasma, where the initial apparent temperature ratio, T_{T}/T_{D}, is 1.5. This is an experimental confirmation of the long-standing conjecture that plasma shocks couple energy directly proportional to the species mass in multi-ion plasmas. The apparent temperature ratio trend with equilibration time matches expected thermal equilibration described by hydrodynamic theory. This indicates that deuterium and tritium ions have different energy distributions for the time period surrounding shock convergence in ignition-relevant ICF implosions.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 86(11): 116104, 2015 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26628185


A monoenergetic, isotropic proton source suitable for proton radiography applications has been demonstrated at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). A deuterium and helium-3 gas-filled glass capsule was imploded with 39 kJ of laser energy from 24 of NIF's 192 beams. Spectral, spatial, and temporal measurements of the 15-MeV proton product of the (3)He(d,p)(4)He nuclear reaction reveal a bright (10(10) protons/sphere), monoenergetic (ΔE/E = 4%) spectrum with a compact size (80 µm) and isotropic emission (∼13% proton fluence variation and <0.4% mean energy variation). Simultaneous measurements of products produced by the D(d,p)T and D(d,n)(3)He reactions also show 2 × 10(10) isotropically distributed 3-MeV protons.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(6): 063502, 2014 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24985814


A compact spectrometer for measurements of the primary deuterium-tritium neutron spectrum has been designed and implemented on the OMEGA laser facility [T. Boehly et al., Opt. Commun. 133, 495 (1997)]. This instrument uses the recoil spectrometry technique, where neutrons produced in an implosion elastically scatter protons in a plastic foil, which are subsequently detected by a proton spectrometer. This diagnostic is currently capable of measuring the yield to ~±10% accuracy, and mean neutron energy to ~±50 keV precision. As these compact spectrometers can be readily placed at several locations around an implosion, effects of residual fuel bulk flows during burn can be measured. Future improvements to reduce the neutron energy uncertainty to ±15-20 keV are discussed, which will enable measurements of fuel velocities to an accuracy of ~±25-40 km/s.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 83(10): 10D901, 2012 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23126905


The compact Wedge Range Filter (WRF) proton spectrometer was developed for OMEGA and transferred to the National Ignition Facility (NIF) as a National Ignition Campaign diagnostic. The WRF measures the spectrum of protons from D-(3)He reactions in tuning-campaign implosions containing D and (3)He gas; in this work we report on the first proton spectroscopy measurement on the NIF using WRFs. The energy downshift of the 14.7-MeV proton is directly related to the total ρR through the plasma stopping power. Additionally, the shock proton yield is measured, which is a metric of the final merged shock strength.

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