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Astrobiology ; 22(9): 1143-1163, 2022 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35862422


The NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover is currently exploring Jezero crater, a Noachian-Hesperian locality that once hosted a delta-lake system with high habitability and biosignature preservation potential. Perseverance conducts detailed appraisals of rock targets using a synergistic payload capable of geological characterization from kilometer to micron scales. The highest-resolution textural and chemical information will be provided by correlated WATSON (imaging), SHERLOC (deep-UV Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy), and PIXL (X-ray lithochemistry) analyses, enabling the distributions of organic and mineral phases within rock targets to be comprehensively established. Herein, we analyze Paleoarchean microbial mats from the ∼3.42 Ga Buck Reef Chert (Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa)-considered astrobiological analogues for a putative ancient martian biosphere-following a WATSON-SHERLOC-PIXL protocol identical to that conducted by Perseverance on Mars during all sampling activities. Correlating deep-UV Raman and fluorescence spectroscopic mapping with X-ray elemental mapping, we show that the Perseverance payload has the capability to detect thermally and texturally mature organic materials of biogenic origin and can highlight organic-mineral interrelationships and elemental colocation at fine spatial scales. We also show that the Perseverance protocol obtains very similar results to high-performance laboratory imaging, Raman spectroscopy, and µXRF instruments. This is encouraging for the prospect of detecting microscale organic-bearing textural biosignatures on Mars using the correlative micro-analytical approach enabled by WATSON, SHERLOC, and PIXL; indeed, laminated, organic-bearing samples such as those studied herein are considered plausible analogues of biosignatures from a potential Noachian-Hesperian biosphere. Were similar materials discovered at Jezero crater, they would offer opportunities to reconstruct aspects of the early martian carbon cycle and search for potential fossilized traces of life in ancient paleoenvironments. Such samples should be prioritized for caching and eventual return to Earth.

Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Marte , Planeta Terra , Exobiologia/métodos , Minerais/análise
Astrobiology ; 22(S1): S176-S185, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34904884


Dust transported in the martian atmosphere is of intrinsic scientific interest and has relevance for the planning of human missions in the future. The MSR Campaign, as currently designed, presents an important opportunity to return serendipitous, airfall dust. The tubes containing samples collected by the Perseverance rover would be placed in cache depots on the martian surface perhaps as early as 2023-24 for recovery by a subsequent mission no earlier than 2028-29, and possibly as late as 2030-31. Thus, the sample tube surfaces could passively collect dust for multiple years. This dust is deemed to be exceptionally valuable as it would inform our knowledge and understanding of Mars' global mineralogy, surface processes, surface-atmosphere interactions, and atmospheric circulation. Preliminary calculations suggest that the total mass of such dust on a full set of tubes could be as much as 100 mg and, therefore, sufficient for many types of laboratory analyses. Two planning steps would optimize our ability to take advantage of this opportunity: (1) the dust-covered sample tubes should be loaded into the Orbiting Sample container (OS) with minimal cleaning and (2) the capability to recover this dust early in the workflow within an MSR Sample Receiving Facility (SRF) would need to be established. A further opportunity to advance dust/atmospheric science using MSR, depending upon the design of the MSR Campaign elements, may lie with direct sampling and the return of airborne dust. Summary of Findings FINDING D-1: An accumulation of airfall dust would be an unavoidable consequence of leaving M2020 sample tubes cached and exposed on the surface of Mars. Detailed laboratory analyses of this material would yield new knowledge concerning surface-atmosphere interactions that operate on a global scale, as well as provide input to planning for the future robotic and human exploration of Mars. FINDING D-2: The detailed information that is possible from analysis of airfall dust can only be obtained by investigation in Earth laboratories, and thus this is an important corollary aspect of MSR. The same information cannot be obtained from orbit, from in situ analyses, or from analyses of samples drilled from single locations. FINDING D-3: Given that at least some martian dust would be on the exterior surfaces of any sample tubes returned to Earth, the capability to receive and curate dust in an MSR Sample Receiving Facility (SRF) is essential. SUMMARY STATEMENT: The fact that any sample tubes cached on the martian surface would accumulate some quantity of martian airfall dust presents a low-cost scientifically valuable opportunity. Some of this dust would inadvertently be knocked off as part of tube manipulation operations, but any dust possible should be loaded into the OS along with the sample tubes. This dust should be captured in an SRF and made available for detailed scientific analysis.

Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Marte , Atmosfera/análise , Poeira/análise , Planeta Terra , Humanos
Astrobiology ; 22(S1): S27-S56, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34904885


The Mars Sample Return (MSR) Campaign represents one of the most ambitious scientific endeavors ever undertaken. Analyses of the martian samples would offer unique science benefits that cannot be attained through orbital or landed missions that rely only on remote sensing and in situ measurements, respectively. As currently designed, the MSR Campaign comprises a number of scientific, technical, and programmatic bodies and relationships, captured in a series of existing and anticipated documents. Ensuring that all required scientific activities are properly designed, managed, and executed would require significant planning and coordination. Because there are multiple scientific elements that would need to be executed to achieve MSR Campaign success, it is critical to ensure that the appropriate management, oversight, planning, and resources are made available to accomplish them. This could be achieved via a formal MSR Science Management Plan (SMP). A subset of the MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2)-termed the SMP Focus Group-was tasked to develop inputs for an MSR Campaign SMP. The scope is intended to cover the interface to the Mars 2020 mission, science elements in the MSR flight program, ground-based science infrastructure, MSR science opportunities, and the MSR sample and science data management. In this report, a comprehensive MSR Science Program is proposed that comprises specific science bodies and/or activities that could be implemented to address the science functionalities throughout the MSR Campaign. The proposed structure was designed by taking into consideration previous management review processes, a set of guiding principles, and key lessons learned from previous robotic exploration and sample return missions. Executive Summary The Mars Sample Return (MSR) Campaign represents one of the most ambitious scientific endeavors ever undertaken. Analyses of the martian samples would offer unique science benefits that cannot be attained through orbital or landed missions that rely only on remote sensing and in situ measurements, respectively. Ensuring that all required scientific activities are properly designed, managed, and executed would require significant planning and coordination. As currently designed, the MSR Campaign comprises a number of scientific, technical, and programmatic bodies and relationships, captured in a series of existing and anticipated documents. Because there are so many scientific elements that would need to be executed to achieve MSR Campaign success, it is critical to ensure that the appropriate management, oversight, planning, and resources are made available to accomplish them. To date, however, no dedicated budget lines within NASA and ESA have been made available for these purposes, and no formal MSR Science Management Plan (SMP) has yet been established. It is thus evident that: A joint ESA/NASA MSR Science Program, along with the necessary funding and resources, will be required to accomplish the end-to-end scientific objectives of MSR. To aid in planning, the MSR Science Program requires an overarching SMP to fully describe how it could be implemented to meet the MSR scientific objectives and maximize the overall science return. A subset of the MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2)-termed the SMP Focus Group-was tasked to develop inputs for the MSR Campaign SMP. The scope covers the interface to the Mars 2020 mission, science elements in the MSR flight program, ground-based science infrastructure, MSR science opportunities, and the MSR sample and science data management. Some of the required bodies and activities already exist; the remainder require definition. In this report, a comprehensive MSR Science Program is proposed, comprising specific science bodies and/or activities that could be implemented to address the science functionalities throughout the MSR Campaign. The proposed structure was designed by taking into consideration previous management review processes, a set of guiding principles, and key lessons learned from previous robotic exploration and sample return missions. While we acknowledge that the proposal is non-unique, that is, other implementations could meet the overall needs of the MSR Campaign, we have striven to optimize efficiencies and eliminate unnecessary overlap wherever possible to reduce the potential cost and complexity of the MSR Science Program. Many elements of the proposed Science Program are interdependent, as the decision to trigger certain bodies or activities depend on reaching key milestones throughout the MSR Campaign. Although the timing of certain elements may be flexible depending on the anticipated date of samples arriving on Earth, it is crucial that others are implemented as soon as is feasible. As a first step, formalizing the Science Program's management structure as soon as possible would ensure that impending time-sensitive trades are conducted, and the resulting decisions are made with adequate scientific input. Summary of Findings FINDING SMP-1: A joint science management structure and documented agreements among the MSR Partners are required to coordinate the MSR Science Program elements that are not currently defined in existing structures or documents. FINDING SMP-2: A long-term ESA/NASA MSR Science Program, along with the necessary funding and human resources, will be required to accomplish the end-to-end scientific objectives of MSR. FINDING SMP-3: The MSR Science Management Plan should be linked to, but not encompass, other required functionalities within the MSR Campaign. Input will be needed to produce formal plans for (at a minimum) curation, planetary protection, data management, and public engagement. FINDING SMP-4: The guiding principles proposed in the MSR Science Planning Group (MSPG) Framework document (2019c) remain appropriate and relevant and should be utilized in drafting the MSR Science Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Science Management Plan. FINDING SMP-5 (a): MSR scientific return would be maximized if participation in the MSR Science Program is not limited to scientists sponsored by existing MSR Partners; rather, opportunities should be provided to scientists from around the world. (b) All programmatic decision-making power (e.g., selection of competitive proposals) would still rest with the Partners. FINDING SMP-6: At the implementation level, the MSR Science Program should, wherever possible, leverage structures, programs, and lessons-learned from previous mission organization to benefit from their experiences to engender familiarity among both decision-makers and the science community. FINDING SMP-7: The MSR Science Program requires the establishment of scientific bodies to meet management, science operations, and public participation needs. These bodies require dedicated funding, addressing scientific functionalities that span the entirety of the MSR Campaign. FINDING SMP-8: Some elements of the MSR Science Program cannot be delayed in the event of an MSR Program schedule delay, as they are linked to key decisions or operations of the Mars 2020 mission.

Marte , Voo Espacial , Planeta Terra , Exobiologia/métodos , Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Humanos
Astrobiology ; 22(S1): S217-S237, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34904886


The most important single element of the "ground system" portion of a Mars Sample Return (MSR) Campaign is a facility referred to as the Sample Receiving Facility (SRF), which would need to be designed and equipped to receive the returned spacecraft, extract and open the sealed sample container, extract the samples from the sample tubes, and implement a set of evaluations and analyses of the samples. One of the main findings of the first MSR Sample Planning Group (MSPG, 2019a) states that "The scientific community, for reasons of scientific quality, cost, and timeliness, strongly prefers that as many sample-related investigations as possible be performed in PI-led laboratories outside containment." There are many scientific and technical reasons for this preference, including the ability to utilize advanced and customized instrumentation that may be difficult to reproduce inside in a biocontained facility, and the ability to allow multiple science investigators in different labs to perform similar or complementary analyses to confirm the reproducibility and accuracy of results. It is also reasonable to assume that there will be a desire for the SRF to be as efficient and economical as possible, while still enabling the objectives of MSR to be achieved. For these reasons, MSPG concluded, and MSPG2 agrees, that the SRF should be designed to accommodate only those analytical activities that could not reasonably be done in outside laboratories because they are time- or sterilization-sensitive, are necessary for the Sample Safety Assessment Protocol (SSAP), or are necessary parts of the initial sample characterization process that would allow subsamples to be effectively allocated for investigation. All of this must be accommodated in an SRF, while preserving the scientific value of the samples through maintenance of strict environmental and contamination control standards. Executive Summary The most important single element of the "ground system" portion of a Mars Sample Return (MSR) Campaign is a facility referred to as the Sample Receiving Facility (SRF), which would need to be designed and equipped to enable receipt of the returned spacecraft, extraction and opening of the sealed sample container, extraction of the samples from the sample tubes, and a set of evaluations and analyses of the samples-all under strict protocols of biocontainment and contamination control. Some of the important constraints in the areas of cost and required performance have not yet been set by the necessary governmental sponsors, but it is reasonable to assume there will be a desire for the SRF to be as efficient and economical as is possible, while still enabling the objectives of MSR science to be achieved. Additionally, one of the main findings of MSR Sample Planning Group (MSPG, 2019a) states "The scientific community, for reasons of scientific quality, cost, and timeliness, strongly prefers that as many sample-related investigations as possible be performed in PI-led laboratories outside containment." There are many scientific and technical reasons for this preference, including the ability to utilize advanced and customized instrumentation that may be difficult to reproduce inside a biocontained facility. Another benefit is the ability to enable similar or complementary analyses by multiple science investigators in different laboratories, which would confirm the reproducibility and accuracy of results. For these reasons, the MSPG concluded-and the MSR Science Planning Group Phase 2 (MSPG2) agrees-that the SRF should be designed to accommodate only those analytical activities inside biocontainment that could not reasonably be done in outside laboratories because such activities are time-sensitive, sterilization-sensitive, required by the Sample Safety Assessment Protocol (SSAP), or are necessary parts of the initial sample characterization process that would allow subsamples to be effectively allocated for investigation. All activities within the SRF must be done while preserving the scientific value of the samples through maintenance of strict environmental and contamination control standards. The SRF would need to provide a unique environment that consists of both Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) equivalent containment and a very high level of contamination control. The SRF would also need to accommodate the following activities: (1)Receipt of the returned spacecraft, presumably in a sealed shipping container (2)De-integration (i.e., disassembly) and assessment of the returned system, beginning with the spacecraft exterior and ending with accessing and isolating all Mars material (gas, dust, regolith, and rock) (3)Initial sample characterization, leading to development of a sample catalog sufficient to support sample allocation (see Tait et al., 2022) (4)Science investigations necessary to complete the SSAP (see Kminek et al., 2021) (5)Certain science investigations that are both time- and sterilization-sensitive (see Tosca et al., 2022; Velbel et al., 2022) (6)A managed transition to post-SRF activities that would include analysis of samples (either sterilized or not) outside biocontainment and the transfer of some or all samples to one or more uncontained curation facilities The MSPG2 has produced a compilation of potential design requirements for the SRF, based on the list of activities noted above, that can be used in cost and schedule planning. The text of this report is meant to serve as an overview and explanation of these proposed SRF Design Requirements that have been compiled by the MSPG2 SRF Requirements Focus Group (Supplement 1). Summary of Findings FINDING SRF-1: The quality of the science that can be achieved with the MSR samples will be negatively impacted if they are not protected from contamination and inappropriate environmental conditions. A significant amount of SRF infrastructure would therefore be necessary to maintain and monitor appropriate levels of cleanliness, contamination control, and environmental conditions. FINDING SRF-2: Although most MSR sample investigations would take place outside of the SRF, the SRF needs to include significant laboratory capabilities with advanced instruments and associated sample preparation systems to enable the MSR science objectives to be successfully achieved. FINDING SRF-3: Preliminary studies of different operational scenarios should be started as soon as possible to enable analysis of the trade-offs between the cost and size of the SRF and the amount of time needed to prepare the samples for allocation and analysis. FINDING SRF-4: The ability to add additional analytical capabilities within biocontainment should be preserved to address the contingency scenario in which unsterilized material is not cleared to be analyzed outside of biocontainment. If potential evidence of martian life were to be detected in the samples, for example, it would be a high priority to conduct further investigations related to any putative lifeforms, as well as to enable other sterilization-sensitive science investigations to be conducted in biocontainment.

Marte , Voo Espacial , Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Extratos Vegetais , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Astronave
Astrobiology ; 22(S1): S5-S26, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34904888


The Mars Sample Return (MSR) Campaign must meet a series of scientific and technical achievements to be successful. While the respective engineering responsibilities to retrieve the samples have been formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding between ESA and NASA, the roles and responsibilities of the scientific elements have yet to be fully defined. In April 2020, ESA and NASA jointly chartered the MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2) to build upon previous planning efforts in defining 1) an end-to-end MSR Science Program and 2) needed functionalities and design requirements for an MSR Sample Receiving Facility (SRF). The challenges for the first samples brought from another planet include not only maintaining and providing samples in pristine condition for study, but also maintaining biological containment until the samples meet sample safety criteria for distribution outside of biocontainment. The MSPG2 produced six reports outlining 66 findings. Abbreviated versions of the five additional high-level MSPG2 summary findings are: Summary-1. A long-term NASA/ESA MSR Science Program, along with the necessary funding and human resources, will be required to accomplish the end-to-end scientific objectives of MSR. Summary-2. MSR curation would need to be done concurrently with Biosafety Level-4 containment. This would lead to complex first-of-a-kind curation implementations and require further technology development. Summary-3. Most aspects of MSR sample science could, and should, be performed on samples deemed safe in laboratories outside of the SRF. However, other aspects of MSR sample science are both time-sensitive and sterilization-sensitive and would need to be carried out in the SRF. Summary-4. To meet the unique science, curation, and planetary protection needs of MSR, substantial analytical and sample management capabilities would be required in an SRF. Summary-5. Because of the long lead-time for SRF design, construction, and certification, it is important that preparations begin immediately, even if there is delay in the return of samples.

Marte , Voo Espacial , Exobiologia , Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Humanos , Planetas
Astrobiology ; 22(S1): S81-S111, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34904889


Samples returned from Mars would be placed under quarantine at a Sample Receiving Facility (SRF) until they are considered safe to release to other laboratories for further study. The process of determining whether samples are safe for release, which may involve detailed analysis and/or sterilization, is expected to take several months. However, the process of breaking the sample tube seal and extracting the headspace gas will perturb local equilibrium conditions between gas and rock and set in motion irreversible processes that proceed as a function of time. Unless these time-sensitive processes are understood, planned for, and/or monitored during the quarantine period, scientific information expected from further analysis may be lost forever. At least four processes underpin the time-sensitivity of Mars returned sample science: (1) degradation of organic material of potential biological origin, (2) modification of sample headspace gas composition, (3) mineral-volatile exchange, and (4) oxidation/reduction of redox-sensitive materials. Available constraints on the timescales associated with these processes supports the conclusion that an SRF must have the capability to characterize attributes such as sample tube headspace gas composition, organic material of potential biological origin, as well as volatiles and their solid-phase hosts. Because most time-sensitive investigations are also sensitive to sterilization, these must be completed inside the SRF and on timescales of several months or less. To that end, we detail recommendations for how sample preparation and analysis could complete these investigations as efficiently as possible within an SRF. Finally, because constraints on characteristic timescales that define time-sensitivity for some processes are uncertain, future work should focus on: (1) quantifying the timescales of volatile exchange for core material physically and mineralogically similar to samples expected to be returned from Mars, and (2) identifying and developing stabilization or temporary storage strategies that mitigate volatile exchange until analysis can be completed. Executive Summary Any samples returned from Mars would be placed under quarantine at a Sample Receiving Facility (SRF) until it can be determined that they are safe to release to other laboratories for further study. The process of determining whether samples are safe for release, which may involve detailed analysis and/or sterilization, is expected to take several months. However, the process of breaking the sample tube seal and extracting the headspace gas would perturb local equilibrium conditions between gas and rock and set in motion irreversible processes that proceed as a function of time. Unless these processes are understood, planned for, and/or monitored during the quarantine period, scientific information expected from further analysis may be lost forever. Specialist members of the Mars Sample Return Planning Group Phase 2 (MSPG-2), referred to here as the Time-Sensitive Focus Group, have identified four processes that underpin the time-sensitivity of Mars returned sample science: (1) degradation of organic material of potential biological origin, (2) modification of sample headspace gas composition, (3) mineral-volatile exchange, and (4) oxidation/reduction of redox-sensitive materials (Figure 2). Consideration of the timescales and the degree to which these processes jeopardize scientific investigations of returned samples supports the conclusion that an SRF must have the capability to characterize: (1) sample tube headspace gas composition, (2) organic material of potential biological origin, (3) volatiles bound to or within minerals, and (4) minerals or other solids that host volatiles (Table 4). Most of the investigations classified as time-sensitive in this report are also sensitive to sterilization by either heat treatment and/or gamma irradiation (Velbel et al., 2022). Therefore, these investigations must be completed inside biocontainment and on timescales that minimize the irrecoverable loss of scientific information (i.e., several months or less; Section 5). To that end, the Time-Sensitive Focus Group has outlined a number of specific recommendations for sample preparation and instrumentation in order to complete these investigations as efficiently as possible within an SRF (Table 5). Constraints on the characteristic timescales that define time-sensitivity for different processes can range from relatively coarse to uncertain (Section 4). Thus, future work should focus on: (1) quantifying the timescales of volatile exchange for variably lithified core material physically and mineralogically similar to samples expected to be returned from Mars, and (2) identifying and developing stabilization strategies or temporary storage strategies that mitigate volatile exchange until analysis can be completed. List of Findings FINDING T-1: Aqueous phases, and oxidants liberated by exposure of the sample to aqueous phases, mediate and accelerate the degradation of critically important but sensitive organic compounds such as DNA. FINDING T-2: Warming samples increases reaction rates and destroys compounds making biological studies much more time-sensitive. MAJOR FINDING T-3: Given the potential for rapid degradation of biomolecules, (especially in the presence of aqueous phases and/or reactive O-containing compounds) Sample Safety Assessment Protocol (SSAP) and parallel biological analysis are time sensitive and must be carried out as soon as possible. FINDING T-4: If molecules or whole cells from either extant or extinct organisms have persisted under present-day martian conditions in the samples, then it follows that preserving sample aliquots under those same conditions (i.e., 6 mbar total pressure in a dominantly CO2 atmosphere and at an average temperature of -80°C) in a small isolation chamber is likely to allow for their continued persistence. FINDING T-5: Volatile compounds (e.g., HCN and formaldehyde) have been lost from Solar System materials stored under standard curation conditions. FINDING T-6: Reactive O-containing species have been identified in situ at the martian surface and so may be present in rock or regolith samples returned from Mars. These species rapidly degrade organic molecules and react more rapidly as temperature and humidity increase. FINDING T-7: Because the sample tubes would not be closed with perfect seals and because, after arrival on Earth, there will be a large pressure gradient across that seal such that the probability of contamination of the tube interiors by terrestrial gases increases with time, the as-received sample tubes are considered a poor choice for long-term gas sample storage. This is an important element of time sensitivity. MAJOR FINDING T-8: To determine how volatiles may have been exchanged with headspace gas during transit to Earth, the composition of martian atmosphere (in a separately sealed reservoir and/or extracted from the witness tubes), sample headspace gas composition, temperature/time history of the samples, and mineral composition (including mineral-bound volatiles) must all be quantified. When the sample tube seal is breached, mineral-bound volatile loss to the curation atmosphere jeopardizes robust determination of volatile exchange history between mineral and headspace. FINDING T-9: Previous experiments with mineral powders show that sulfate minerals are susceptible to H2O loss over timescales of hours to days. In addition to volatile loss, these processes are accompanied by mineralogical transformation. Thus, investigations targeting these minerals should be considered time-sensitive. FINDING T-10: Sulfate minerals may be stabilized by storage under fixed relative-humidity conditions, but only if the identity of the sulfate phase(s) is known a priori. In addition, other methods such as freezing may also stabilize these minerals against volatile loss. FINDING T-11: Hydrous perchlorate salts are likely to undergo phase transitions and volatile exchange with ambient surroundings in hours to days under temperature and relative humidity ranges typical of laboratory environments. However, the exact timescale over which these processes occur is likely a function of grain size, lithification, and/or cementation. FINDING T-12: Nanocrystalline or X-ray amorphous materials are typically stabilized by high proportions of surface adsorbed H2O. Because this surface adsorbed H2O is weakly bound compared to bulk materials, nanocrystalline materials are likely to undergo irreversible ripening reactions in response to volatile loss, which in turn results in decreases in specific surface area and increases in crystallinity. These reactions are expected to occur over the timescale of weeks to months under curation conditions. Therefore, the crystallinity and specific surface area of nanocrystalline materials should be characterized and monitored within a few months of opening the sample tubes. These are considered time-sensitive measurements that must be made as soon as possible. FINDING T-13: Volcanic and impact glasses, as well as opal-CT, are metastable in air and susceptible to alteration and volatile exchange with other solid phases and ambient headspace. However, available constraints indicate that these reactions are expected to proceed slowly under typical laboratory conditions (i.e., several years) and so analyses targeting these materials are not considered time sensitive. FINDING T-14: Surface adsorbed and interlayer-bound H2O in clay minerals is susceptible to exchange with ambient surroundings at timescales of hours to days, although the timescale may be modified depending on the degree of lithification or cementation. Even though structural properties of clay minerals remain unaffected during this process (with the exception of the interlayer spacing), investigations targeting H2O or other volatiles bound on or within clay minerals should be considered time sensitive upon opening the sample tube. FINDING T-15: Hydrated Mg-carbonates are susceptible to volatile loss and recrystallization and transformation over timespans of months or longer, though this timescale may be modified by the degree of lithification and cementation. Investigations targeting hydrated carbonate minerals (either the volatiles they host or their bulk mineralogical properties) should be considered time sensitive upon opening the sample tube. MAJOR FINDING T-16: Current understanding of mineral-volatile exchange rates and processes is largely derived from monomineralic experiments and systems with high surface area; lithified sedimentary rocks (accounting for some, but not all, of the samples in the cache) will behave differently in this regard and are likely to be associated with longer time constants controlled in part by grain boundary diffusion. Although insufficient information is available to quantify this at the present time, the timescale of mineral-volatile exchange in lithified samples is likely to overlap with the sample processing and curation workflow (i.e., 1-10 months; Table 4). This underscores the need to prioritize measurements targeting mineral-hosted volatiles within biocontainment. FINDING T-17: The liberation of reactive O-species through sample treatment or processing involving H2O (e.g., rinsing, solvent extraction, particle size separation in aqueous solution, or other chemical extraction or preparation protocols) is likely to result in oxidation of some component of redox-sensitive materials in a matter of hours. The presence of reactive O-species should be examined before sample processing steps that seek to preserve or target redox-sensitive minerals. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) is one example of an effective analytical method capable of detecting and characterizing the presence of reactive O-species. FINDING T-18: Environments that maintain anoxia under inert gas containing <<1 ppm O2 are likely to stabilize redox-sensitive minerals over timescales of several years. MAJOR FINDING T-19: MSR investigations targeting organic macromolecular or cellular material, mineral-bound volatile compounds, redox sensitive minerals, and/or hydrous carbonate minerals can become compromised at the timescale of weeks (after opening the sample tube), and scientific information may be completely lost within a time timescale of a few months. Because current considerations indicate that completion of SSAP, sample sterilization, and distribution to investigator laboratories cannot be completed in this time, these investigations must be completed within the Sample Receiving Facility as soon as possible.

Marte , Voo Espacial , Argila , Exobiologia/métodos , Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Gases , Minerais , Sulfatos
Astrobiology ; 22(S1): S57-S80, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34904890


The Mars Sample Return Planning Group 2 (MSPG2) was tasked with identifying the steps that encompass all the curation activities that would happen within the MSR Sample Receiving Facility (SRF) and any anticipated curation-related requirements. An area of specific interest is the necessary analytical instrumentation. The SRF would be a Biosafety Level-4 facility where the returned MSR flight hardware would be opened, the sample tubes accessed, and the martian sample material extracted from the tubes. Characterization of the essential attributes of each sample would be required to provide enough information to prepare a sample catalog used in guiding the preparation of sample-related proposals by the world's research community and informing decisions by the sample allocation committee. The sample catalog would be populated with data and information generated during all phases of activity, including data derived concurrent with Mars 2020 sample-collecting rover activity, sample transport to Earth, and initial sample characterization within the SRF. We conclude that initial sample characterization can best be planned as a set of three sequential phases, which we have called Pre-Basic Characterization (Pre-BC), Basic Characterization (BC), and Preliminary Examination (PE), each of which requires a certain amount of instrumentation. Data on specific samples and subsamples obtained during sample safety assessments and time-sensitive scientific investigations would also be added to the catalog. There are several areas where future work would be beneficial to prepare for the receipt of samples, which would include the design of a sample tube isolation chamber and a strategy for opening the sample tubes and removing dust from the tube exteriors. Executive Summary All material collected from Mars (gases, dust, rock, regolith) would need to be carefully handled, stored, and analyzed following Earth return to minimize the alteration or contamination that could occur on Earth and maximize the scientific information that can be attained from the samples now and into the future. A Sample Receiving Facility (SRF) is where the Earth Entry System (EES) would be opened and the sample tubes opened and processed after they land on Earth. Samples should be accessible for research in biocontainment for time-sensitive studies and eventually, when deemed safe for release after sterilization or biohazard assessment, should be transferred out of biocontainment for allocation to scientific investigators in outside laboratories. There are two main mechanisms for allocation of samples outside the SRF: 1) Wait until the implementation of the Sample Safety Assessment Protocol (Planetary Protection) results concludes that the samples are non-hazardous, 2) Render splits of the samples non-hazardous by means of sterilization. To make these samples accessible, a series of observations and analytical measurements need to be completed to produce a sample catalog for the scientific community. Specialist members of the Mars Sample Return Planning Group Phase 2 (MSPG2), referred to here as the Curation Focus Group, have identified four curation goals that encompass all of the activities within the SRF: 1.Documentation of the state of the sample tubes and their contents prior to opening, 2.Inventory and tracking of the mass of each sample, 3.Preliminary assessment of lithology and any macroscopic forms of heterogeneity (on all the samples, non-invasive, in pristine isolators), 4.Sufficient characterization of the essential attributes of each sample to prepare a sample catalog and respond to requests by the sample allocation committee (partial samples, invasive, outside of pristine isolators). The sample catalog will provide data for the scientific community to make informed requests for samples for scientific investigations and for the approval of allocations of appropriate samples to satisfy these requests. The sample catalog would be populated with data and information generated during all phases of activity, including data derived from the landed Mars 2020 mission, during sample collection and transport to Earth, and reception within the Sample Receiving Facility. Data on specific samples and subsamples would also be generated during curation activities carried out within the Sample Receiving Facility and during sample safety assessments, time-sensitive studies, and a series of initial sample characterization steps we refer to as Pre-Basic Characterization (Pre-BC), Basic Characterization (BC), and Preliminary Examination (PE) phases. A significant portion of the Curation Focus Group's efforts was to determine which instrumentation would be required to produce a sample catalog for the scientific community and how and when certain instrumentation should be used. The goal is to provide enough information for the PIs to request material for their studies but to avoid facilitating studies that target scientific research that is better left to peer-reviewed competitive processes. We reviewed the proposed scientific objectives of the International MSR Objectives and Samples Team (iMOST) (Beaty et al., 2019) to make sure that the instrumentation suggested is sufficient to cover these key science planning questions (Table 1; Section S-6). It was determined that for Pre-Basic Characterization, two instruments are required, a Magnetometer (see Section S-1.1) and an X-ray Computed Tomography scanner (XCT see Section S-1.2). For Basic Characterization, there are four instruments that are considered necessary, which are analytical balance(s) (see Section S-2.1), binocular microscopes (see Section S-2.2), and multispectral imaging and hyperspectral scanning systems (see Section S-2.3). Then in Preliminary Examination, there is a set of instruments that should be available for generating more detailed information for the sample catalog. These are a Variable Pressure-Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (VP-FE-SEM see Section S-3.1), Confocal Raman spectrometer (see Section S-3.2), Deep UV Fluorescence (see Section S-3.3), a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (see Section S-3.4), a Micro X-ray Diffractometer (see Section S-3.5), X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (see Section S-3.6), and Petrographic and Stereo Microscope (see Section S-3.7). All instruments are summarized in Table 1. Finally, our Curation Focus Group has outlined several specific findings for sample curation within the SRF to complete the sample catalog prior to sample distribution and made several recommendations for future work (summarized in Section 8.1) to build upon the efforts that generated this report. List of Findings MAJOR FINDING C-1: The initial sample characterization in the Sample Receiving Facility of the MSR samples can be broken down into three stages for simplicity as follows: Pre-Basic Characterization (Pre-BC), Basic Characterization (BC), and Preliminary Examination (PE). While the whole collection would be assessed through Pre-BC and BC, only subsets of samples would be used during the PE phase. FINDING C-2: Immediately after Earth landing, the spacecraft would be recovered and placed in a container designed to control and stabilize its physical conditions. The optimum temperature (Toptimum) of the sample tubes during transport to the Sample Receiving Facility (SRF) should be the same as the operating temperature of the SRF to avoid unnecessary temperature shock. FINDING C-3: The Sample Receiving Facility (SRF) should operate at room temperature (∼15-25°C), and the samples should be held at this temperature through all steps of initial sample characterization, with the option for cold storage of subsamples available in the SRF when needed. MAJOR FINDING C-4: Measurements on all the sample tubes before they are opened are essential to conduct as the samples could be compromised upon opening of the tubes. This step is called Pre-Basic Characterization (Pre-BC). These are measurements that would inform how the tubes are opened, processed, and subsampled during Basic Characterization (BC). MAJOR FINDING C-5: Careful collection and storage of the serendipitous dust on the outside of the sample tubes is a critical step in the curation process in the Sample Receiving Facility. The dust collected is a valuable resource to the scientific community. MAJOR FINDING C-6: Careful collection and storage of the unaltered and unfractionated headspace gas collected from the sample tubes is a critical step in the curation process in the Sample Receiving Facility. The gas collected is a valuable resource to the scientific community. FINDING C-7: To minimize the interaction of Earth atmospheric gases and gases that are in the sealed sample tubes, once the dust is removed from the exterior of the sample tubes, they should be placed into individual sample tube isolation chambers (STIC) as quickly as possible. FINDING C-8: There are compelling reasons to perform penetrative 3D imaging prior to opening the sample tubes. A laboratory-based X-ray Computed Tomography scanner is the best technique to use and the least damaging to organics of the penetrative imaging options considered. MAJOR FINDING C-9: Measurements on all the samples once the sample tubes are opened within the pristine isolators are essential to make initial macroscopic observations such as weighing, photographing, and optical observations. The first step to this stage is removal and collection of the headspace gas, which then starts the clock for time-sensitive measurements. This step is called Basic Characterization (BC). FINDING C-10: To avoid cross contamination between samples, it is recommended that, for processing through the isolators, the samples are organized into groups that have like properties. Given what we know about the geology of Jezero Crater, a reasonable starting assumption is five such groups. MAJOR FINDING C-11: Assuming that sample processing rates are reasonable and the samples are organized into five sets for cross contamination avoidance purposes, at least twelve pristine isolators are required to perform Basic Characterization on the MSR samples. This total would increase by two for each additional distinct processing environment. MAJOR FINDING C-12: More advanced measurements on subsamples, beyond those included in BC, are essential for the allocation of material to the scientific community for investigation, including some measurements that can make irreversible changes to the samples. These types of measurements take place during Preliminary Examination (PE). FINDING C-13: The output of the initial sample characterization, and a key function of the curation activities within the Sample Receiving Facility, is to produce a sample catalog that would provide relevant information on the samples' physical and mineralogical/chemical characteristics (derived from the Pre-Basic Characterization, Basic Characterization, and Preliminary Examination investigations), sample safety assessments, time-sensitive studies, and information derived from mission operations to enable allocation of the most appropriate materials to the scientific community. FINDING C-14: A staffing model for curation activities, including technical support and informatics/ documentation support, should be developed (as part of ongoing Sample Receiving Facility development) to ensure that the Sample Receiving Facility is staffed appropriately to support sample curation activities. FINDING C-15: To reduce the risk of catastrophic loss of samples curated in a single facility up to, and including, decadal timescales, the sample collection should be split-once it is possible to do so-and housed in more than one location for the purpose of maximizing the long-term safety of the collection.

Marte , Voo Espacial , Poeira , Exobiologia/métodos , Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Gases
Astrobiology ; 22(S1): S112-S164, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34904892


The NASA/ESA Mars Sample Return (MSR) Campaign seeks to establish whether life on Mars existed where and when environmental conditions allowed. Laboratory measurements on the returned samples are useful if what is measured is evidence of phenomena on Mars rather than of the effects of sterilization conditions. This report establishes that there are categories of measurements that can be fruitful despite sample sterilization and other categories that cannot. Sterilization kills living microorganisms and inactivates complex biological structures by breaking chemical bonds. Sterilization has similar effects on chemical bonds in non-biological compounds, including abiotic or pre-biotic reduced carbon compounds, hydrous minerals, and hydrous amorphous solids. We considered the sterilization effects of applying dry heat under two specific temperature-time regimes and the effects of γ-irradiation. Many measurements of volatile-rich materials are sterilization sensitive-they will be compromised by either dehydration or radiolysis upon sterilization. Dry-heat sterilization and γ-irradiation differ somewhat in their effects but affect the same chemical elements. Sterilization-sensitive measurements include the abundances and oxidation-reduction (redox) states of redox-sensitive elements, and isotope abundances and ratios of most of them. All organic molecules, and most minerals and naturally occurring amorphous materials that formed under habitable conditions, contain at least one redox-sensitive element. Thus, sterilization-sensitive evidence about ancient life on Mars and its relationship to its ancient environment will be severely compromised if the samples collected by Mars 2020 rover Perseverance cannot be analyzed in an unsterilized condition. To ensure that sterilization-sensitive measurements can be made even on samples deemed unsafe for unsterilized release from containment, contingency instruments in addition to those required for curation, time-sensitive science, and the Sample Safety Assessment Protocol would need to be added to the Sample Receiving Facility (SRF). Targeted investigations using analogs of MSR Campaign-relevant returned-sample types should be undertaken to fill knowledge gaps about sterilization effects on important scientific measurements, especially if the sterilization regimens eventually chosen are different from those considered in this report. Executive Summary A high priority of the planned NASA/ESA Mars Sample Return Campaign is to establish whether life on Mars exists or existed where and when allowed by paleoenvironmental conditions. To answer these questions from analyses of the returned samples would require measurement of many different properties and characteristics by multiple and diverse instruments. Planetary Protection requirements may determine that unsterilized subsamples cannot be safely released to non-Biosafety Level-4 (BSL-4) terrestrial laboratories. Consequently, it is necessary to determine what, if any, are the negative effects that sterilization might have on sample integrity, specifically the fidelity of the subsample properties that are to be measured. Sample properties that do not survive sterilization intact should be measured on unsterilized subsamples, and the Sample Receiving Facility (SRF) should support such measurements. This report considers the effects that sterilization of subsamples might have on the science goals of the MSR Campaign. It assesses how the consequences of sterilization affect the scientific usefulness of the subsamples and hence our ability to conduct high-quality science investigations. We consider the sterilization effects of (a) the application of dry heat under two temperature-time regimes (180°C for 3 hours; 250°C for 30 min) and (b) γ-irradiation (1 MGy), as provided to us by the NASA and ESA Planetary Protection Officers (PPOs). Measurements of many properties of volatile-rich materials are sterilization sensitive-they would be compromised by application of either sterilization mode to the subsample. Such materials include organic molecules, hydrous minerals (crystalline solids), and hydrous amorphous (non-crystalline) solids. Either proposed sterilization method would modify the abundances, isotopes, or oxidation-reduction (redox) states of the six most abundant chemical elements in biological molecules (i.e., carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulphur, CHNOPS), and of other key redox-sensitive elements that include iron (Fe), other first-row transition elements (FRTE), and cerium (Ce). As a result of these modifications, such evidence of Mars' life, paleoenvironmental history, potential habitability, and potential biosignatures would be corrupted or destroyed. Modifications of the abundances of some noble gases in samples heated during sterilization would also reset scientifically important radioisotope geochronometers and atmospheric-evolution measurements. Sterilization is designed to render terminally inactive (kill) all living microorganisms and inactivate complex biological structures (including bacterial spores, viruses, and prions). Sterilization processes do so by breaking certain pre-sterilization chemical bonds (including strong C-C, C-O, C-N, and C-H bonds of predominantly covalent character, as well as weaker hydrogen and van der Waals bonds) and forming different bonds and compounds, disabling the biological function of the pre-sterilization chemical compound. The group finds the following: No sterilization process could destroy the viability of cells whilst still retaining molecular structures completely intact. This applies not only to the organic molecules of living organisms, but also to most organic molecular biosignatures of former life (molecular fossils). As a matter of biological principle, any sterilization process would result in the loss of biological and paleobiological information, because this is the mechanism by which sterilization is achieved. Thus, almost all life science investigations would be compromised by sterilizing the subsample by either mode. Sterilization by dry heat at the proposed temperatures would lead to changes in many of the minerals and amorphous solids that are most significant for the study of paleoenvironments, habitability, potential biosignatures, and the geologic context of life-science observations. Gamma-(γ-)irradiation at even sub-MGy doses induces radiolysis of water. The radiolysis products (e.g., free radicals) react with redox-sensitive chemical species of interest for the study of paleoenvironments, habitability, and potential biosignatures, thereby adversely affecting measurements of those species. Heat sterilization and radiation also have a negative effect on CHNOPS and redox-sensitive elements. MSPG2 was unable to identify with confidence any measurement of abundances or oxidation-reduction states of CHNOPS elements, other redox-sensitive elements (e.g., Fe and other FRTE; Ce), or their isotopes that would be affected by only one, but not both, of the considered sterilization methods. Measurements of many attributes of volatile-rich subsamples are sterilization sensitive to both heat and γ-irradiation. Such a measurement is not useful to Mars science if what remains in the subsample is evidence of sterilization conditions and effects instead of evidence of conditions on Mars. Most measurements relating to the detection of evidence for extant or extinct life are sterilization sensitive. Many measurements other than those for life-science seek to retrieve Mars' paleoenvironmental information from the abundances or oxidation-reduction states of CHNOPS elements, other redox-sensitive elements, or their isotopes (and some noble gases) in returned samples. Such measurements inform scientific interpretations of (paleo)atmosphere composition and evolution, (paleo)surface water origin and chemical evolution, potential (paleo)habitability, (paleo)groundwater-porewater solute chemistry, origin and evolution, potential biosignature preservation, metabolic element or isotope fractionation, and the geologic, geochronological, and geomorphic context of life-sciences observations. Most such measurements are also sterilization sensitive. The sterilization-sensitive attributes cannot be meaningfully measured in any such subsample that has been sterilized by heat or γ-irradiation. Unless such subsamples are deemed biohazard-safe for release to external laboratories in unsterilized form, all such measurements must be made on unsterilized samples in biocontainment. An SRF should have the capability to carry out scientific investigations that are sterilization-sensitive to both PPO-provided sterilization methods (Figure SE1). The following findings have been recognized in the Report. Full explanations of the background, scope, and justification precede the presentation of each Finding in the Section identified for that Finding. One or more Findings follow our assessment of previous work on the effects of each provided sterilization method on each of three broad categories of measurement types-biosignatures of extant or ancient life, geological evidence of paleoenvironmental conditions, and gases. Findings are designated Major if they explicitly refer to both PPO-provided sterilization methods or have specific implications for the functionalities that need to be supported within an SRF. FINDING SS-1: More than half of the measurements described by iMOST for investigation into the presence of (mostly molecular) biosignatures (iMOST Objectives 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3) in returned martian samples are sterilization-sensitive and therefore cannot be performed with acceptable analytical precision or sensitivity on subsamples sterilized either by heat or by γ-irradiation at the sterilization parameters supplied to MSPG2. That proportion rises to 86% of the measurements specific to the investigation of extant or recent life (iMOST Objective 2.3) (see Section 2.5). This Finding supersedes Finding #4 of the MSPG Science in Containment report (MSPG, 2019). FINDING SS-2: Almost three quarters (115 out of 160; 72%) of the measurements described by iMOST for science investigations not associated with Objective 2 but associated with Objectives concerning geological phenomena that include past interactions with the hydrosphere (Objectives 1 and 3) and the atmosphere (Objective 4) are sterilization-tolerant and therefore can (generally) be performed with acceptable analytical precision or sensitivity on subsamples sterilized either by heat or by γ-irradiation at the sterilization parameters supplied to MSPG2 (see Section 2.5). This Finding supports Finding #6 of the MSPG Science in Containment report (MSPG, 2019). MSPG2 endorses the previously proposed strategy of conducting as many measurements as possible outside the SRF where the option exists. FINDING SS-3: Suggested strategies for investigating the potential for extant life in returned martian samples lie in understanding biosignatures and, more importantly, the presence of nucleic acid structures (DNA/RNA) and possible agnostic functionally similar information-bearing polymers. A crucial observation is that exposure of microorganisms to temperatures associated with sterilization above those typical of a habitable surface or subsurface environment results in a loss of biological information. If extant life is a target for subsample analysis, sterilization of material via dry heat would likely compromise any such analysis (see Section 3.2). FINDING SS-4: Suggested strategies for investigating the potential for extant life in returned martian samples lie in understanding biosignatures, including the presence of nucleic acid structures (DNA/RNA) and possible agnostic functionally similar information-bearing polymers. A crucial observation is that exposure of microorganisms to γ-radiation results in a loss of biological information through molecular damage and/or destruction. If extant life is a target for subsample analysis, sterilization of material via γ-radiation would likely compromise any such analysis (see Section 3.3). FINDING SS-5: Suggested strategies for investigating biomolecules in returned martian samples lie in detection of a variety of complex molecules, including peptides, proteins, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid), as well as compounds associated with cell membranes such as lipids, sterols, and fatty acids and their geologically stable reaction products (hopanes, steranes, etc.) and possible agnostic functionally similar information-bearing polymers. Exposure to temperatures above MSR Campaign-Level Requirements for sample temperature, up to and including sterilization temperatures, results in a loss of biological information. If the presence of biosignatures is a target for subsample analysis, sterilization of material via dry heat would likely compromise any such analysis (see Section 4.2). FINDING SS-6: Suggested strategies for investigating biomolecules in returned martian samples lie in detection of a variety of complex molecules, including peptides, proteins, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid), and compounds associated with cell membranes such as lipids, sterols and fatty acids and their geologically stable reaction products (hopanes, steranes, etc.) and possible agnostic functionally similar information-bearing polymers. Exposure to radiation results in a loss of biological information. If the presence of biosignatures is a target for subsample analysis, sterilization of material via γ-irradiation would likely compromise any such analysis (see Section 4.3). [Figure: see text] MAJOR FINDING SS-7: The use of heat or γ-irradiation sterilization should be avoided for subsamples intended to be used for organic biosignature investigations (for extinct or extant life). Studies of organic molecules from extinct or extant life (either indigenous or contaminants, viable or dead cells) or even some organic molecules derived from abiotic chemistry cannot credibly be done on subsamples that have been sterilized by any means. The concentrations of amino acids and other reduced organic biosignatures in the returned martian samples may also be so low that additional heat and/or γ-irradiation sterilization would reduce their concentrations to undetectable levels. It is a very high priority that these experiments be done on unsterilized subsamples inside containment (see Section 4.4). FINDING SS-8: Solvent extraction and acid hydrolysis at ∼100°C of unsterilized martian samples will inactivate any biopolymers in the extract and would not require additional heat or radiation treatment for the subsamples to be rendered sterile. Hydrolyzed extracts should be safe for analysis of soluble free organic molecules outside containment and may provide useful information about their origin for biohazard assessments; this type of approach, if approved, is strongly preferred and endorsed (see Section 4.4). FINDING SS-9: Minerals and amorphous materials formed by low temperature processes on Mars are highly sensitive to thermal alteration, which leads to irreversible changes in composition and/or structure when heated. Exposure to temperatures above MSR Campaign-Level Requirements for sample temperature, up to and including sterilization temperatures, has the potential to alter them from their as-received state. Sterilization by dry heat at the proposed sterilization temperatures would lead to changes in many of the minerals that are most significant for the study of paleoenvironments, habitability, and potential biosignatures or biosignature hosts. It is crucial that the returned samples are not heated to temperatures above which mineral transitions occur (see Section 5.3). FINDING SS-10: Crystal structure, major and non-volatile minor element abundances, and stoichiometric compositions of minerals are unaffected by γ-irradiation of up to 0.3-1 MGy, but crystal structures are completely destroyed at 130 MGy. Measurements of these specific properties cannot be acquired from subsamples γ-irradiated at the notional 1 MGy dose-they are sterilization-sensitive (see Section 5.4). FINDING SS-11: Sterilization by γ-irradiation (even at sub-MGy doses) results in significant changes to the redox state of elements bound within a mineral lattice. Redox-sensitive elements include Fe and other first-row transition elements (FRTE) as well as C, H, N, O, P and S. Almost all minerals and naturally occurring amorphous materials that formed under habitable conditions, including the ambient paleotemperatures of Mars' surface or shallow subsurface, contain at least one of these redox-sensitive elements. Therefore, measurements and investigations of the listed properties of such geological materials are sterilization sensitive and should not be performed on γ-irradiated subsamples (see Section 5.4). FINDING SS-12: A significant fraction of investigations that focus on high-temperature magmatic and impact-related processes, their chronology, and the chronology of Mars' geophysical evolution are sterilization-tolerant. While there may be a few analyses involved in such investigations that could be affected to some degree by heat sterilization, most of these analyses would not be affected by sterilization involving γ-irradiation (see Section 5.6). MAJOR FINDING SS-13: Scientific investigations of materials containing hydrous or otherwise volatile-rich minerals and/or X-ray amorphous materials that formed or were naturally modified at low (Mars surface-/near-surface) temperature are sterilization-sensitive in that they would be compromised by changes in the abundances, redox states, and isotopes of CHNOPS and other volatiles (e.g., noble gases for chronometry), FRTE, and Ce, and cannot be performed on subsamples that have been sterilized by either dry heat or γ-irradiation (see Section 5.7). MAJOR FINDING SS-14: It would be far preferable to work on sterilized gas samples outside of containment, if the technical issues can all be worked out, than to build and operate a large gas chemistry laboratory inside containment. Depending on their reactivity (or inertness), gases extracted from sample tubes could be sterilized by dry heat or γ-irradiation and analyzed outside containment. Alternatively, gas samples could be filtered through an inert grid and the filtered gas analyzed outside containment (see Section 6.5). MAJOR FINDING SS-15: It is fundamental to the campaign-level science objectives of the Mars Sample Return Campaign that the SRF support characterization of samples returned from Mars that contain organic matter and/or minerals formed under habitable conditions that include the ambient paleotemperatures of Mars' surface or subsurface (<∼200°C)-such as most clays, sulfates, and carbonates-in laboratories on Earth in their as-received-at-the-SRF condition (see Section 7.1). MAJOR FINDING SS-16: The search for any category of potential biosignature would be adversely affected by either of the proposed sterilization methods (see Section 7.1). MAJOR FINDING SS-17: Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus, and other volatiles would be released from a subsample during the sterilization step. The heat and γ-ray sterilization chambers should be able to monitor weight loss from the subsample during sterilization. Any gases produced in the sample headspace and sterilization chamber during sterilization should be captured and contained for future analyses of the chemical and stable isotopic compositions of the evolved elements and compounds for all sterilized subsamples to characterize and document fully any sterilization-induced alteration and thereby recover some important information that would otherwise be lost (see Section 7.2). This report shows that most of the sterilization-sensitive iMOST measurement types are among either the iMOST objectives for life detection and life characterization (half or more of the measurements for life-science sub-objectives are critically sterilization sensitive) or the iMOST objectives for inferring paleoenvironments, habitability, preservation of potential biosignatures, and the geologic context of life-science observations (nearly half of the measurements for sub-objectives involving geological environments, habitability, potential biosignature preservation, and gases/volatiles are critically sterilization sensitive) (Table 2; see Beaty et al., 2019 for the full lists of iMOST objectives, goals, investigations, and sample measurement types). Sterilization-sensitive science about ancient life on Mars and its relationship to its ancient environment will be severely impaired or lost if the samples collected by Perseverance cannot be analyzed in an unsterilized condition. Summary: ○The SRF should have the capability to carry out or otherwise support scientific investigations that are sensitive to both PPO-provided sterilization methods. ○Measurements of most life-sciences and habitability-related (paleoenvironmental) phenomena are sensitive to both PPO-provided sterilization modes. (Major Finding SS-7, SS-15, SS-16 and Finding SS-1, SS-3, SS-4, SS-5, SS-6, SS-9, SS-11, SS-13) If subsamples for sterilization-sensitive measurement cannot be deemed safe for release, then additional contingency analytical capabilities are needed in the SRF to complete MSR Campaign measurements of sterilization-sensitive sample properties on unsterilized samples in containment (Figure SE1, below). ○Measurements of high-temperature (low-volatile) phenomena are tolerant of both PPO-provided sterilization modes (Finding SS-12). Subsamples for such measurements may be sterilized and released to laboratories outside containment without compromising the scientific value of the measurements. ○Capturing, transporting, and analyzing gases is important and will require careful design of apparatus. Doing so for volatiles present as headspace gases and a dedicated atmosphere sample will enable important atmospheric science (Major Finding SS-14). Similarly, capturing and analyzing gases evolved during subsample sterilization (i.e., gas from the sterilization chamber) would compensate for some sterilization-induced loss of science data from volatile-rich solid (geological) subsamples (Finding SS-14, SS-17; other options incl. SS-8).

Marte , Ácidos Nucleicos , Carbono , DNA , Exobiologia/métodos , Meio Ambiente Extraterreno , Ácidos Graxos , Gases , Substâncias Perigosas , Hidrogênio , Minerais/química , Nitrogênio , Oxigênio , Fósforo , Polímeros , RNA , Esterilização/métodos , Esteróis , Água
Gene ; 801: 145855, 2021 Oct 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34293448


Selecting stably expressed reference genes which are not affected by physiological or pathophysiological conditions is crucial for reliable quantification in gene expression studies. This study examined the expression stability of a panel of twelve reference genes in tissues from the female mouse reproductive axis and the uterus. Gene expression studies were carried out using reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). cDNA was synthesised from RNA extracted from hypothalami, pituitaries, ovaries and uteri of female mice at ages representing weaning, puberty and adulthood as well as pregnancy (13 ± 1 days post-coitus) (n = a minimum of 3 at each age and at pregnancy). The reference genes examined included 18 s, Actb, Atp5b, B2m, Canx, Cyc1, Eif4a2, Gapdh, Rpl13a, Sdha, Ubc and Ywhaz. The RT-qPCR raw data were imported into the qBASE+ software to analyse the expression stability using GeNorm. These data were also subsequently analysed using other software packages (Delta CT, Normfinder, BestKeeper). A comprehensive ranking was conducted considering all stability rankings generated from the different software analyses. B2m and Eif4a2 deviated from the acceptable range for amplification efficiency and therefore were excluded from the further analyses. The stability of the reference genes is influenced by the software used for the analysis with BestKeeper providing markedly different results than the other analyses. GeNorm analysis of tissues taken at different ages but not including pregnant animals, indicated that the expression of the reference genes is tissue specific with the most stable genes being: in the hypothalamus, Canx and Actb; in the pituitary, Sdha and Cyc1; in the ovary, 18s, Sdha and Ubc; and in the uterus, Ywhaz, Cyc1, Atp5b, 18s and Rpl13a. The optimal number of reference genes to be used was determined to be 2 in the first three tissues while in the uterus, the V-score generated by the GeNorm analysis was higher than 0.15 suggesting that 3 or more genes should be used for normalisation. Inclusion of tissues from pregnant mice changed the reference genes identified as being the most stable: Ubc and Sdha were the most stable genes in the hypothalamus, pituitary and the ovary. The addition of pregnant tissue had no effect on the stability of the genes in uterus (Ywhaz, Cyc1, Atp5b, 18s and Rpl13a). Identification of these stable reference genes will be of use to those interested in studying female fertility and researchers should be alert to the effects of pregnancy on reference gene stability. This study also signifies the importance of re-examining reference gene stability if the experimental conditions are changed, as shown with the introduction of pregnancy as a new factor in this research.

Prenhez/genética , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Via Transcriptase Reversa/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Via Transcriptase Reversa/normas , Animais , Feminino , Hipotálamo/fisiologia , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Ovário/fisiologia , Hipófise/fisiologia , Gravidez , Padrões de Referência , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Útero/fisiologia
Gene ; 757: 144949, 2020 Oct 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32679290


Melanocortin-2 receptor accessory protein (MRAP) has an unusual dual topology and influences the expression, localisation, signalling and internalisation of the melanocortin receptor 2 (MC2); the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) receptor. Mutations in MRAP are associated with familial glucocorticoid deficiency type-2 and evidence is emerging of the importance of MRAP in adrenal development and ACTH signalling. Human MRAP has two functional splice variants: MRAP-α and MRAP-ß, unlike MRAP-ß, MRAP-α has little expression in brain but is highly expressed in ovary. MRAP2, identified through whole human genome sequence analysis, has approximately 40% sequence homology to MRAP. MRAP2 facilitates MC2 localisation to the cell surface but not ACTH signalling. MRAP and MRAP2 have been found to regulate the surface expression and signalling of all melanocortin receptors (MC1-5). Additionally, MRAP2 moderates the signalling of the G-protein coupled receptors (GCPRs): orexin, prokineticin and GHSR1a; the ghrelin receptor. Whilst MRAP appears to be mainly involved in glucocorticoid synthesis, an important role is emerging for MRAP2 in regulating appetite and energy homeostasis. Transgenic models indicate the importance of MRAP in adrenal gland formation. Like MC3R and MC4R knockout mice, MRAP2 knockout mice have an obese phenotype. In vitro studies indicate that MRAP2 enhances the MC3 and MC4 response to the agonist αMSH, which, like ACTH, is produced through precursor polypeptide proopiomelanocortin (POMC) cleavage. Analysis of cohorts of individuals with obesity have revealed several MRAP2 genetic variants with loss of function mutations which are causative of monogenic hyperphagic obesity with hyperglycaemia and hypertension. MRAP2 may also be associated with female infertility. This review summarises current knowledge of MRAP and MRAP2, their influence on GPCR signalling, and focusses on pathophysiology, particularly familial glucocorticoid deficiency type-2 and obesity.

Proteínas Adaptadoras de Transdução de Sinal/metabolismo , Insuficiência Adrenal/genética , Proteínas de Membrana/metabolismo , Erros Inatos do Metabolismo de Esteroides/genética , Proteínas Adaptadoras de Transdução de Sinal/química , Proteínas Adaptadoras de Transdução de Sinal/genética , Insuficiência Adrenal/metabolismo , Animais , Regulação do Apetite , Humanos , Insulina/metabolismo , Melanocortinas/metabolismo , Proteínas de Membrana/química , Proteínas de Membrana/genética , Erros Inatos do Metabolismo de Esteroides/metabolismo
Sci Adv ; 4(5): eaap8306, 2018 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29806017


Martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034 and its paired stones are the only brecciated regolith samples from Mars with compositions that are representative of the average martian crust. These samples therefore provide a unique opportunity to constrain the processes of metamorphism and alteration in the martian crust, which we have investigated via U-Pu/Xe, 40Ar/39Ar, and U-Th-Sm/He chronometry. U-Pu/Xe ages are comparable to previously reported Sm-Nd and U-Pb ages obtained from NWA 7034 and confirm an ancient (>4.3 billion years) age for the source lithology. After almost 3000 million years (Ma) of quiescence, the source terrain experienced several hundred million years of thermal metamorphism recorded by the K-Ar system that appears to have varied both spatially and temporally. Such protracted metamorphism is consistent with plume-related magmatism and suggests that the source terrain covered an areal extent comparable to plume-fed edifices (hundreds of square kilometers). The retention of such expansive, ancient volcanic terrains in the southern highlands over billions of years suggests that formation of the martian crustal dichotomy, a topographic and geophysical divide between the heavily cratered southern highlands and smoother plains of the northern lowlands, likely predates emplacement of the NWA 7034 source terrain-that is, it formed within the first ~100 Ma of planetary formation.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 640, 2017 10 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28974682


Mars hosts the solar system's largest volcanoes. Although their size and impact crater density indicate continued activity over billions of years, their formation rates are poorly understood. Here we quantify the growth rate of a Martian volcano by 40Ar/39Ar and cosmogenic exposure dating of six nakhlites, meteorites that were ejected from Mars by a single impact event at 10.7 ± 0.8 Ma (2σ). We find that the nakhlites sample a layered volcanic sequence with at least four discrete eruptive events spanning 93 ± 12 Ma (1416 ± 7 Ma to 1322 ± 10 Ma (2σ)). A non-radiogenic trapped 40Ar/36Ar value of 1511 ± 74 (2σ) provides a precise and robust constraint for the mid-Amazonian Martian atmosphere. Our data show that the nakhlite-source volcano grew at a rate of ca. 0.4-0.7 m Ma-1-three orders of magnitude slower than comparable volcanoes on Earth, and necessitating that Mars was far more volcanically active earlier in its history.Mars hosts the solar system's largest volcanoes, but their formation rates remain poorly constrained. Here, the authors have measured the crystallization and ejection ages of meteorites from a Martian volcano and find that its growth rate was much slower than analogous volcanoes on Earth.

PLoS Med ; 2(10): e264, 2005 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16190779


BACKGROUND: Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is a naturally occurring inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis that accumulates in a wide range of diseases associated with endothelial dysfunction and enhanced atherosclerosis. Clinical studies implicate plasma ADMA as a major novel cardiovascular risk factor, but the mechanisms by which low concentrations of ADMA produce adverse effects on the cardiovascular system are unclear. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We treated human coronary artery endothelial cells with pathophysiological concentrations of ADMA and assessed the effects on gene expression using U133A GeneChips (Affymetrix). Changes in several genes, including bone morphogenetic protein 2 inducible kinase (BMP2K), SMA-related protein 5 (Smad5), bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1A, and protein arginine methyltransferase 3 (PRMT3; also known as HRMT1L3), were confirmed by Northern blotting, quantitative PCR, and in some instances Western blotting analysis to detect changes in protein expression. To determine whether these changes also occurred in vivo, tissue from gene deletion mice with raised ADMA levels was examined. More than 50 genes were significantly altered in endothelial cells after treatment with pathophysiological concentrations of ADMA (2 microM). We detected specific patterns of changes that identify pathways involved in processes relevant to cardiovascular risk and pulmonary hypertension. Changes in BMP2K and PRMT3 were confirmed at mRNA and protein levels, in vitro and in vivo. CONCLUSION: Pathophysiological concentrations of ADMA are sufficient to elicit significant changes in coronary artery endothelial cell gene expression. Changes in bone morphogenetic protein signalling, and in enzymes involved in arginine methylation, may be particularly relevant to understanding the pathophysiological significance of raised ADMA levels. This study identifies the mechanisms by which increased ADMA may contribute to common cardiovascular diseases and thereby indicates possible targets for therapies.

Arginina/análogos & derivados , Aterosclerose/fisiopatologia , Regulação da Expressão Gênica/efeitos dos fármacos , Arginina/fisiologia , Aterosclerose/genética , Proteína Morfogenética Óssea 2 , Receptores de Proteínas Morfogenéticas Ósseas Tipo I/biossíntese , Proteínas Morfogenéticas Ósseas/biossíntese , Doenças Cardiovasculares/genética , Doenças Cardiovasculares/fisiopatologia , Técnicas de Cultura de Células , Células Endoteliais , Perfilação da Expressão Gênica , Humanos , Hipertensão Pulmonar/genética , Hipertensão Pulmonar/fisiopatologia , Análise de Sequência com Séries de Oligonucleotídeos , Proteína-Arginina N-Metiltransferases/biossíntese , Proteína Smad5/biossíntese , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta/biossíntese
Curr Pharm Des ; 11(17): 2177-85, 2005.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16026287


Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is an endogenously occurring methylarginine that inhibits nitric oxide synthesis. Plasma levels of methylarginines increase in renal failure and certain cardiovascular pathologies, and in patients with end stage renal failure the level of ADMA predicts the risk of cardiovascular events and overall mortality. The object of this review is to describe the mechanisms of ADMA synthesis, metabolism and uptake and to outline techniques for measuring ADMA and the pathological states in which ADMA levels are altered.

Arginina/análogos & derivados , Biomarcadores/sangue , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Cardiovascular , Arginina/sangue , Humanos
J Med Chem ; 48(14): 4670-8, 2005 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16000003


The enzyme DDAH metabolizes methylarginines that are inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Substrate-based inhibitors of mammalian DDAH have been synthesized, with optimization to give selective inhibition of DDAH with no significant direct effect on NOSs. These are the first examples of reversible DDAH inhibitors with significant activity and selectivity. In vivo administration increases plasma ADMA levels, giving proof of concept that these inhibitors can be used to probe the physiological effects of DDAH inhibition, with potential for pharmaceutical use of DDAH inhibitors in diseases where excess NO production is implicated.

Amidoidrolases/antagonistas & inibidores , Arginina/análogos & derivados , Arginina/síntese química , Animais , Arginina/sangue , Arginina/farmacologia , Linhagem Celular , Sobrevivência Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Técnicas In Vitro , Rim/efeitos dos fármacos , Rim/enzimologia , Masculino , Óxido Nítrico Sintase/antagonistas & inibidores , Ratos , Ratos Endogâmicos WKY , Relação Estrutura-Atividade
J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol ; 59(4): 471-473, 2015 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25588513


Cystic cavitation of the lymph nodes associated with hyposplenism is a rare and under-recognised complication of coeliac disease. This report encompasses the clinical, radiological and pathological features of this condition, while demonstrating the pivotal role radiological imaging plays in achieving a clinical diagnosis.

Doença Celíaca/complicações , Doença Celíaca/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças Linfáticas/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças Linfáticas/etiologia , Cisto Mesentérico/diagnóstico por imagem , Cisto Mesentérico/etiologia , Idoso , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Feminino , Humanos , Avaliação de Sintomas/métodos , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos
Lang Speech ; 45(Pt 2): 141-78, 2002 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12613559


Prosodic boundaries are marked in speech by modifications to dimensions such as F0, duration, and segmental quality. The experiment reported here tests the hypothesis that modifications at the end of a prosodic domain may be amplified or attenuated depending on the type of sentence (statement or question). The prosodic modifications investigated here for French are sentence-final lengthening and vowel devoicing, which is related to changes in voice quality. Six native speakers of French read 10 matched sets of sentences, which included both statements and questions. Measurements were made of the last vowel in each test sentence and of sentence-medial vowels in control sentences. Statement-final vowels were less periodic and more often devoiced than vowels at the end of questions or sentence-medial vowels, but question-final vowels were lengthened more than statement-final vowels. These results occurred in questions both with and without a final pitch rise, suggesting that sentence type is more important than final intonation contour in determining how prosodic finality is marked. The difference between statements and questions thus appears to be in the relative importance of lengthening and voice quality modification in marking finality, not in the overall extent to which it is marked.

Idioma , Acústica da Fala , Humanos , Semântica , Qualidade da Voz
Nat Commun ; 4: 2662, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24149494


Carbonation is the water-mediated replacement of silicate minerals, such as olivine, by carbonate, and is commonplace in the Earth's crust. This reaction can remove significant quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere and store it over geological timescales. Here we present the first direct evidence for CO2 sequestration and storage on Mars by mineral carbonation. Electron beam imaging and analysis show that olivine and a plagioclase feldspar-rich mesostasis in the Lafayette meteorite have been replaced by carbonate. The susceptibility of olivine to replacement was enhanced by the presence of smectite veins along which CO2-rich fluids gained access to grain interiors. Lafayette was partially carbonated during the Amazonian, when liquid water was available intermittently and atmospheric CO2 concentrations were close to their present-day values. Earlier in Mars' history, when the planet had a much thicker atmosphere and an active hydrosphere, carbonation is likely to have been an effective mechanism for sequestration of CO2.

Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol ; 294(4): H1530-40, 2008 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18192221


5,6,7,8-Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH(4)) is an essential cofactor of nitric oxide synthases (NOSs). Oxidation of BH(4), in the setting of diabetes and other chronic vasoinflammatory conditions, can cause cofactor insufficiency and uncoupling of endothelial NOS (eNOS), manifest by a switch from nitric oxide (NO) to superoxide production. Here we tested the hypothesis that eNOS uncoupling is not simply a consequence of BH(4) insufficiency, but rather results from a diminished ratio of BH(4) vs. its catalytically incompetent oxidation product, 7,8-dihydrobiopterin (BH(2)). In support of this hypothesis, [(3)H]BH(4) binding studies revealed that BH(4) and BH(2) bind eNOS with equal affinity (K(d) approximately 80 nM) and BH(2) can rapidly and efficiently replace BH(4) in preformed eNOS-BH(4) complexes. Whereas the total biopterin pool of murine endothelial cells (ECs) was unaffected by 48-h exposure to diabetic glucose levels (30 mM), BH(2) levels increased from undetectable to 40% of total biopterin. This BH(2) accumulation was associated with diminished calcium ionophore-evoked NO activity and accelerated superoxide production. Since superoxide production was suppressed by NOS inhibitor treatment, eNOS was implicated as a principal superoxide source. Importantly, BH(4) supplementation of ECs (in low and high glucose-containing media) revealed that calcium ionophore-evoked NO bioactivity correlates with intracellular BH(4):BH(2) and not absolute intracellular levels of BH(4). Reciprocally, superoxide production was found to negatively correlate with intracellular BH(4):BH(2). Hyperglycemia-associated BH(4) oxidation and NO insufficiency was recapitulated in vivo, in the Zucker diabetic fatty rat model of type 2 diabetes. Together, these findings implicate diminished intracellular BH(4):BH(2), rather than BH(4) depletion per se, as the molecular trigger for NO insufficiency in diabetes.

Biopterinas/análogos & derivados , Células Endoteliais/metabolismo , Glucose/metabolismo , Óxido Nítrico Sintase Tipo II/metabolismo , Óxido Nítrico/metabolismo , Superóxidos/metabolismo , Animais , Biopterinas/metabolismo , Glicemia/metabolismo , Linhagem Celular , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/enzimologia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/metabolismo , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Células Endoteliais/efeitos dos fármacos , Células Endoteliais/enzimologia , Inibidores Enzimáticos/farmacologia , Glutationa/metabolismo , Camundongos , Mitocôndrias/enzimologia , Mitocôndrias/metabolismo , NG-Nitroarginina Metil Éster/farmacologia , Óxido Nítrico Sintase Tipo II/antagonistas & inibidores , Óxido Nítrico Sintase Tipo III , Oxirredução , Ligação Proteica , Ratos , Ratos Zucker , Fatores de Tempo , Trítio
Curr Pharm Des ; 13(16): 1619-29, 2007.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17584093


C-reactive protein (CRP) has received much attention as a cardiovascular risk factor and has been recommended to be used in screening to assist in predicting the occurrence of cardiovascular disorders. There are numerous association studies documenting changes in circulating CRP concentrations, there are, however, fewer studies providing evidence that CRP mediates the progression of cardiovascular pathologies. Elucidating the potential mechanisms for CRP has been confounded by recent reports that contaminants of CRP are partially responsible for observed effects. In this review the use of CRP as a tool to predict cardiovascular disorders will be discussed alongside a more recently described cardiovascular risk factor asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA). An endogenously occurring nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, ADMA, is formed by the action of protein arginine methyltransferases and subsequent proteolysis and it is metabolised in vivo by the dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolases (DDAH). The evidence available documenting the effects of CRP and ADMA, the regulatory mechanisms and the genetic influences, will be discussed in order to determine whether CRP and ADMA are mediators in the progression of cardiovascular disorders or merely useful biomarkers.

Arginina/análogos & derivados , Proteína C-Reativa/metabolismo , Doenças Cardiovasculares/metabolismo , Óxido Nítrico/metabolismo , Animais , Arginina/sangue , Arginina/genética , Arginina/metabolismo , Aterosclerose/metabolismo , Biomarcadores/sangue , Biomarcadores/metabolismo , Proteína C-Reativa/genética , Doenças Cardiovasculares/sangue , Doenças Cardiovasculares/etiologia , Doenças Cardiovasculares/genética , Humanos , Inflamação/metabolismo , Medição de Risco , Fatores de Risco
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