Charge density wave (CDW) correlations are prevalent in all copper-oxide superconductors. While CDWs in conventional metals are driven by coupling between lattice vibrations and electrons, the role of the electron-phonon coupling (EPC) in cuprate CDWs is strongly debated. Using Cu L_{3} edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering, we study the CDW and Cu-O bond-stretching phonons in the stripe-ordered cuprate La_{1.8-x}Eu_{0.2}Sr_{x}CuO_{4+δ}. We investigate the interplay between charge order and EPC as a function of doping and temperature and find that the EPC is enhanced in a narrow momentum region around the CDW ordering vector. By detuning the incident photon energy from the absorption resonance, we extract an EPC matrix element at the CDW ordering vector of M≃0.36 eV, which decreases to M≃0.30 eV at high temperature in the absence of the CDW. Our results suggest a feedback mechanism in which the CDW enhances the EPC which, in turn, further stabilizes the CDW.
X-ray diffraction was employed to study the evolution of the charge density wave (CDW) in Cu_{x}TiSe_{2} as a function of copper intercalation in order to clarify the relationship between the CDW and superconductivity. The results show a CDW incommensuration arising at an intercalation value coincident with the onset of superconductivity at around x=0.055(5). Additionally, it was found that the charge density wave persists to higher intercalant concentrations than previously assumed, demonstrating that the CDW does not terminate inside the superconducting dome. A charge density wave peak was observed in samples up to x=0.091(6), the highest copper concentration examined in this study. The phase diagram established in this work suggests that charge density wave incommensuration may play a role in the formation of the superconducting state.