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Proc Biol Sci ; 291(2028): 20240613, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39106960


Lunar rhythms shape spawning phenology and subsequent risks and rewards for early life-history stages in the sea. Here, we consider a perplexing spawning phenology of the sixbar wrasse (Thalassoma hardwicke), in which parents spawn disproportionately around the new moon, despite the low survival of these larvae. Because primary sex determination in this system is highly plastic and sensitive to social environments experienced early in development, we ask whether this puzzling pattern of spawning is explained by fitness trade-offs associated with primary sexual maturation. We used otoliths from 871 fish to explore how spawning on different phases of the moon shapes the environments and phenotypes of settling larvae. Offspring that were born at the new moon were more likely to settle (i) before other larvae, (ii) at a larger body size, (iii) at an older age, (iv) to the best quality sites, and (v) as part of a social group-all increasing the likelihood of primary maturation to male. Selection of birthdates across life stage transitions suggests that the perplexing spawning phenology of adults may reflect an evolutionarily stable strategy that includes new moon spawning for compensatory benefits later in life, including preferential production of primary males at certain times.

Recifes de Corais , Lua , Perciformes , Animais , Perciformes/fisiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Processos de Determinação Sexual , Reprodução , Maturidade Sexual , Larva/fisiologia , Larva/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Theor Popul Biol ; 160: 1-13, 2024 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39182695


Settlement is a critical transition in the life history of reef fish, and the timing of this event can have a strong effect on fitness. Key factors that influence settlement timing are predictable lunar cyclic variation in tidal currents, moonlight, and nocturnal predation risk as larvae transition from pelagic to benthic environments. However, populations typically display wide variation in the arrival of settlers over the lunar cycle. This variation is often hypothesized to result from unpredictable conditions in the pelagic environment and bet-hedging by spawning adults. Here, we consider the hypothesis that the timing of spawning and settlement is a strategic response to post-settlement competition. We use a game theoretic model to predict spawning and settlement distributions when fish face a tradeoff between minimizing density-independent predation risk while crossing the reef crest vs. avoiding high competitor density on settlement habitat. In general, we expect competition to spread spawning over time such that settlement is distributed around the lunar phase with the lowest predation risk, similar to an ideal free distribution in which competition spreads competitors across space. We examine the effects of overcompensating density dependence, age-dependent competition, and competition among daily settler cohorts. Our model predicts that even in the absence of stochastic variation in the larval environment, competition can result in qualitative divergence between spawning and settlement distributions. Furthermore, we show that if competitive strength increases with settler age, competition results in covariation between settler age and settlement date, with older larvae settling when predation risk is minimal. We predict that competition between daily cohorts delays peak settlement, with priority effects potentially selecting for a multimodal settlement distribution.

Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14065, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36811200


A range of conservation and restoration tools are needed to safeguard the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems. Aquaculture, the culturing of aquatic organisms, often contributes to the numerous stressors that aquatic ecosystems face, yet some aquaculture activities can also deliver ecological benefits. We reviewed the literature on aquaculture activities that may contribute to conservation and restoration outcomes, either by enhancing the persistence or recovery of one or more target species or by moving aquatic ecosystems toward a target state. We identified 12 ecologically beneficial outcomes achievable via aquaculture: species recovery, habitat restoration, habitat rehabilitation, habitat protection, bioremediation, assisted evolution, climate change mitigation, wild harvest replacement, coastal defense, removal of overabundant species, biological control, and ex situ conservation. This list may be expanded as new applications are discovered. Positive intentions do not guarantee positive ecological outcomes, so it is critical that potentially ecologically beneficial aquaculture activities be evaluated via clear and measurable indicators of success to reduce potential abuse by greenwashing. Unanimity on outcomes, indicators, and related terminology will bring the field of aquaculture-environment interactions into line with consensus standards in conservation and restoration ecology. Broad consensus will also aid the development of future certification schemes for ecologically beneficial aquaculture.

Se necesita una gama de herramientas de conservación y restauración para salvaguardar la estructura y función de los ecosistemas acuáticos. La acuacultura (el cultivo de organismos acuáticos) generalmente contribuye a los numerosos estresantes que soportan los ecosistemas acuáticos, aunque algunas actividades de la acuacultura también pueden proporcionar beneficios ecológicos. Revisamos la literatura sobre las actividades de acuacultura que pueden contribuir a los resultados de conservación y restauración, ya sea al incrementar la persistencia o recuperación de una o más especies objetivo o al llevar a los ecosistemas acuáticos hacia un estado objetivo. Identificamos doce resultados con beneficios ecológicos que pueden lograrse con la acuacultura: recuperación de la especie, recuperación del hábitat, restauración del hábitat, rehabilitación del hábitat, protección del hábitat, bioreparación, evolución asistida, mitigación del cambio climático, sustitución de la captura silvestre, defensa costera, eliminación de las especies sobreabundantes, control biológico y conservación ex situ. Esta lista puede expandirse conforme se descubren nuevas aplicaciones. Las intenciones positivas no garantizan resultados ecológicos positivos, así que es importante que se evalúen las actividades de acuacultura con un posible beneficio ecológico por medio de indicadores del éxito claros y medibles para reducir el abuso potencial por ecoblanqueo o greenwashing. La unanimidad en los resultados, indicadores y terminología relacionada armonizará las interacciones entre la acuacultura y el ambiente con los estándares de la conservación y la ecología de la restauración. Un consenso generalizado también ayudará con el desarrollo de futuros esquemas de certificación para la acuacultura con beneficios ecológicos. Obtención de resultados de conservación y restauración a través de la acuacultura con beneficios ecológicos.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Mudança Climática , Aquicultura
Conserv Biol ; : e14220, 2023 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37937466


Understanding the drivers of ecosystem stability has been a key focus of modern ecology as the impacts of the Anthropocene become more prevalent and extreme. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are tools used globally to promote biodiversity and mediate anthropogenic impacts. However, assessing the stability of natural ecosystems and responses to management actions is inherently challenging due to the complex dynamics of communities with many interdependent taxa. Using a 12-year time series of subtidal community structure in an MPA network in the Channel Islands (United States), we estimated species interaction strength (competition and predation), prey species synchrony, and temporal stability in trophic networks, as well as temporal variation in sea surface temperature to explore the causal drivers of temporal stability at community and metacommunity scales. At the community scale, only trophic networks in MPAs at Santa Rosa Island showed greater temporal stability than reference sites, likely driven by reduced prey synchrony. Across islands, competition was sometimes greater and predation always greater in MPAs compared with reference sites. Increases in interaction strength resulted in lower temporal stability of trophic networks. Although MPAs reduced prey synchrony at the metacommunity scale, reductions were insufficient to stabilize trophic networks. In contrast, temporal variation in sea surface temperature had strong positive direct effects on stability at the regional scale and indirect effects at the local scale through reductions in species interaction strength. Although MPAs can be effective management strategies for protecting certain species or locations, our findings for this MPA network suggest that temperature variation has a stronger influence on metacommunity temporal stability by mediating species interactions and promoting a mosaic of spatiotemporal variation in community structure of trophic networks. By capturing the full spectrum of environmental variation in network planning, MPAs will have the greatest capacity to promote ecosystem stability in response to climate change.

Efectos de la protección y variación de la temperatura sobre la estabilidad temporal en una red de reservas marinas Resumen El conocimiento sobre las causas de la estabilidad ambiental ha sido un enfoque importante de la ecología moderna conforme el impacto del Antropoceno se vuelve más prevaleciente y extremo. Las áreas marinas protegidas (AMP) son herramientas que se usan en todo el mundo para promover la biodiversidad y mediar el impacto antropogénico. Sin embargo, analizar la estabilidad de los ecosistemas naturales y la respuesta a las acciones de manejo es complicado debido a las dinámicas complejas entre las comunidades y varios taxones interdependientes. Usamos una serie temporal de 12 años de estructura comunitaria submareal en una red de AMP en las Islas del Canal (Estados Unidos) para estimar la fuerza de interacción de las especies (competencia y depredación), la sincronía de las especies depredadas y la estabilidad temporal en las redes tróficas, así como la variación temporal de la temperatura superficial del mar para explorar los factores causales de la estabilidad temporal a escala comunitaria y meta-comunitaria. A nivel de comunidad, sólo las redes tróficas en las AMP de la Isla Santa Rosa mostraron una estabilidad temporal mayor que en los sitios de referencia, probablemente debido a la reducción en la sincronía de presas. Entre las islas, la competencia a veces fue mayor y la depredación siempre fue mayor en las AMP comparadas con los sitios de referencia. Los incrementos en la fuerza de interacción causaron una menor estabilidad temporal en las redes tróficas. Aunque las AMP redujeron la sincronía de presas a nivel meta-comunitario, las reducciones no fueron suficientes para estabilizar las redes tróficas. Por el contrario, la variación temporal de la temperatura en la superficie marina tuvo grandes efectos positivos directos sobre la estabilidad a nivel regional y efectos indirectos a escala local por medio de reducciones en la fuerza de interacción entre las especies. Aunque las AMP pueden ser una estrategia efectiva de manejo para proteger ciertas especies o localidades, nuestros hallazgos en esta red de AMP sugieren que la variación térmica tiene una influencia más fuerte sobre la estabilidad temporal metacomunitaria cuando regula las interacciones entre especies y promueve un mosaico de variación espaciotemporal en la estructura comunitaria de las redes tróficas. Cuando se captura el espectro completo de variación ambiental en la planeación de redes, las AMP logran tener la capacidad máxima para promover la estabilidad del ecosistema como respuesta al cambio climático.

J Environ Manage ; 331: 117310, 2023 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36682277


Hybrid living shorelines use a combination of engineered structures with natural ecosystems to achieve coastal protection and habitat restoration outcomes, with added co-benefits such as carbon sequestration. Rock fillets constructed along eroding estuarine banks are designed to accumulate sediment, establish mangroves, and stabilise the shoreline. There is, however, a lack of data to support whether rock fillets are achieving these goals. We used a chronosequence of rock fillets to determine their effect on mangrove development, bank stabilisation and carbon sequestration in four estuaries in New South Wales, Australia. Aboveground biomass and adult density increased with age of rock fillets, and mangrove structure was similar to a natural fringing mangrove after 15 years. The rock fillets accumulated sediment, which reduced the eroded estuary bank height, however, little effect of the fillets on bank slope was observed. Sediment carbon stocks were not different between rock fillets, eroding estuary banks and natural fringing mangroves. Rock fillet design had a significant effect on mangrove structure and coastal protection function, with greater wave transmission through lower rock fillets, suggesting design optimisation is needed. As the construction cost of the rock fillets was equal or less than traditional rock revetments, where suitable they present a more economic and environmentally sustainable solution to estuarine erosion management.

Ecossistema , Áreas Alagadas , Carbono/química , Biomassa , Austrália
Bioscience ; 72(11): 1088-1098, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36325106


As efforts to restore coastal habitats accelerate, it is critical that investments are targeted to most effectively mitigate and reverse habitat loss and its impacts on biodiversity. One likely but largely overlooked impediment to effective restoration of habitat-forming organisms is failing to explicitly consider non-habitat-forming animals in restoration planning, implementation, and monitoring. These animals can greatly enhance or degrade ecosystem function, persistence, and resilience. Bivalves, for instance, can reduce sulfide stress in seagrass habitats and increase drought tolerance of saltmarsh vegetation, whereas megaherbivores can detrimentally overgraze seagrass or improve seagrass seed germination, depending on the context. Therefore, understanding when, why, and how to directly manipulate or support animals can enhance coastal restoration outcomes. In support of this expanded restoration approach, we provide a conceptual framework, incorporating lessons from structured decision-making, and describe potential actions that could lead to better restoration outcomes using case studies to illustrate practical approaches.

Proc Biol Sci ; 288(1952): 20210454, 2021 06 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34102892


Artificial light at night (ALAN) is an increasing anthropogenic pollutant, closely associated with human population density, and now well recognized in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. However, we have a relatively poor understanding of the effects of ALAN in the marine realm. Here, we carried out a field experiment in the coral reef lagoon of Moorea, French Polynesia, to investigate the effects of long-term exposure (18-23 months) to chronic light pollution at night on the survival and growth of wild juvenile orange-fin anemonefish, Amphiprion chrysopterus. Long-term exposure to environmentally relevant underwater illuminance (mean: 4.3 lux), reduced survival (mean: 36%) and growth (mean: 44%) of juvenile anemonefish compared to that of juveniles exposed to natural moonlight underwater (mean: 0.03 lux). Our study carried out in an ecologically realistic situation in which the direct effects of artificial lighting on juvenile anemonefish are combined with the indirect consequences of artificial lighting on other species, such as their competitors, predators, and prey, revealed the negative impacts of ALAN on life-history traits. Not only are there immediate impacts of ALAN on mortality, but the decreased growth of surviving individuals may also have considerable fitness consequences later in life. Future studies examining the mechanisms behind these findings are vital to understand how organisms can cope and survive in nature under this globally increasing pollutant.

Recifes de Corais , Luz , Animais , Peixes , Humanos , Iluminação/efeitos adversos , Polinésia
Proc Biol Sci ; 288(1942): 20202609, 2021 01 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33434460


Growth and survival of larval fishes is highly variable and unpredictable. Our limited understanding of this variation constrains our ability to forecast population dynamics and effectively manage fisheries. Here we show that daily growth rates of a coral reef fish (the sixbar wrasse, Thalassoma hardwicke) are strongly lunar-periodic and predicted by the timing of nocturnal brightness: growth was maximized when the first half of the night was dark and the second half of the night was bright. Cloud cover that obscured moonlight facilitated a 'natural experiment', and confirmed the effect of moonlight on growth. We suggest that lunar-periodic growth may be attributable to light-mediated suppression of diel vertical migrations of predators and prey. Accounting for such effects will improve our capacity to predict the future dynamics of marine populations, especially in response to climate-driven changes in nocturnal cloud cover and intensification of artificial light, which could lead to population declines by reducing larval survival and growth.

Recifes de Corais , Peixes , Animais , Pesqueiros , Larva , Lua
Ecol Appl ; 31(6): e02382, 2021 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34042243


One of the paramount goals of oyster reef living shorelines is to achieve sustained and adaptive coastal protection, which requires meeting ecological (i.e., develop a self-sustaining oyster population) and engineering (i.e., provide coastal defense) targets. In a large-scale comparison along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, the efficacy of various designs of oyster reef living shorelines at providing wave attenuation was evaluated accounting for the ecological limitations of oysters with regard to inundation duration. A critical threshold for intertidal oyster reef establishment is 50% inundation duration. Living shorelines that spent less than one-half of the time (<50%) inundated were not considered suitable habitat for oysters, however, were effective at wave attenuation (68% reduction in wave height). Reefs that experienced >50% inundation were considered suitable habitat for oysters, but wave attenuation was similar to controls (no reef; ~5% reduction in wave height). Many of the oyster reef living shoreline approaches therefore failed to optimize the ecological and engineering goals. In both inundation regimes, wave transmission decreased with an increasing freeboard (difference between reef crest elevation and water level), supporting its importance in the wave attenuation capacity of oyster reef living shorelines. However, given that the reef crest elevation (and thus freeboard) should be determined by the inundation duration requirements of oysters, research needs to be refocused on understanding the implications of other reef parameters (e.g., width) for optimizing wave attenuation. A broader understanding of the reef characteristics and seascape contexts that result in effective coastal defense by oyster reefs is needed to inform appropriate design and implementation of oyster-based living shorelines globally.

Ecossistema , Ostreidae , Movimentos da Água , Animais
J Struct Biol ; 209(3): 107448, 2020 03 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31926272


Calcium biominerals occur in all major animal phyla, and through biomolecular control, exhibit such diverse structures as exoskeletons, shells, bones, teeth and earstones (otoliths). Determining the three-dimensional expression of key biomineral proteins, however, has proven challenging as typical protein identification methods either lose spatial resolution during dissolution of the mineral phase or are costly and limited to two-dimensional expression of high abundance proteins. Here we present a modification of the CLARITY and ACT-PRESTO protocols to visualize and confirm, for the first time, the timing of expression and function of two key regulators of biomineralization.

Biomineralização , Minerais/química , Proteínas Associadas à Matriz Nuclear/ultraestrutura , Proteínas/ultraestrutura , Exoesqueleto/química , Exoesqueleto/ultraestrutura , Animais , Cálcio/química , Carbonato de Cálcio , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Proteínas Associadas à Matriz Nuclear/química , Dente/química , Dente/ultraestrutura
Glob Chang Biol ; 26(3): 1354-1366, 2020 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31799721


Global recognition of climate change and its predicted consequences has created the need for practical management strategies for increasing the ability of natural ecosystems to capture and store atmospheric carbon. Mangrove forests, saltmarshes and seagrass meadows, referred to as blue carbon ecosystems (BCEs), are hotspots of atmospheric CO2 storage due to their capacity to sequester carbon at a far higher rate than terrestrial forests. Despite increased effort to understand the mechanisms underpinning blue carbon fluxes, there has been little synthesis of how management activities influence carbon stocks and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes in BCEs. Here, we present a global meta-analysis of 111 studies that measured how carbon stocks and GHG fluxes in BCEs respond to various coastal management strategies. Research effort has focused mainly on restoration approaches, which resulted in significant increases in blue carbon after 4 years compared to degraded sites, and the potential to reach parity with natural sites after 7-17 years. Lesser studied management alternatives, such as sediment manipulation and altered hydrology, showed only increases in biomass and weaker responses for soil carbon stocks and sequestration. The response of GHG emissions to management was complex, with managed sites emitting less than natural reference sites but emitting more compared to degraded sites. Individual GHGs also differed in their responses to management. To date, blue carbon management studies are underrepresented in the southern hemisphere and are usually limited in duration (61% of studies <3 years duration). Our meta-analysis describes the current state of blue carbon management from the available data and highlights recommendations for prioritizing conservation management, extending monitoring time frames of BCE carbon stocks, improving our understanding of GHG fluxes in open coastal systems and redistributing management and research effort into understudied, high-risk areas.

Gases de Efeito Estufa , Carbono , Dióxido de Carbono , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Solo
Ann Bot ; 125(2): 235-246, 2020 02 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31424534


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Coastal protection from erosion and flooding is a significant ecosystem service provided by vegetated marine systems. Kelp beds are a dominant habitat-forming species on temperate reefs worldwide. While they are valued as hotspots of biodiversity, there is a paucity of information that supports their use in nature-based coastal defence. This includes the effectiveness of kelp beds in attenuating waves approaching the shore and how this influences sediment transport. METHODS: Wave loggers were deployed at paired kelp bed and control (urchin barren) treatments at four sites in Port Phillip Bay, Australia. The significant wave height offshore (exposed side) to onshore (sheltered side) of the treatment were compared to determine wave attenuation. KEY RESULTS: At three sites, the wave attenuation of kelp beds was significantly less than that of the control. This result was consistent across the environmental conditions recorded in this study. At the fourth site, on average there was no significant difference in wave transmission between kelp and control. However, wave attenuation at kelp beds was 10 % greater than the control during periods of northerly winds. We highlight the importance of disentangling the effects of the reef substratum and kelp when evaluating the efficacy of kelp at providing coastal protection. CONCLUSIONS: We have highlighted a significant gap in the research on ecosystem services provided by kelp beds. A greater understanding is needed on which kelp species are able to provide coastal protection, and under what conditions. Such future research is essential for providing managers and policy makers with actionable information on sustainable and cost-effective solutions for coastal defence when faced with a changing climate.

Kelp , Austrália , Baías , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema
J Environ Manage ; 264: 110524, 2020 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32250924


Introduced species are a major threat to freshwater biodiversity. Often eradication is not feasible, and management must focus on reducing impacts on native wildlife. This requires an understanding of how native species are affected but also how environmental characteristics influence population dynamics of both invasive and native species. Such insights can inform how to manipulate systems in order to take advantage of life-history traits native species possesses that invaders do not. The highly invasive fish, Gambusia holbrooki, has been implicated in the decline of many freshwater fish and amphibians. In south-eastern Australia, one of these is the threatened native fish, Galaxiella pusilla. As G. pusilla can survive periods without surface water, this presents an opportunity for adaptive management, given G. holbrooki lack these adaptations. We develop a stochastic population model to explore the impact of G. holbrooki on G. pusilla and test the feasibility of both natural and management-induced drying to protect this species. Our results support recent empirical studies showing G. holbrooki are a serious threat to G. pusilla persistence, especially through impacts on larval survival. While persistence is more likely in water bodies that frequently dry out, even optimal natural drying regimes may be insufficient when impacts from G. holbrooki are high. However, management-induced drying may allow persistence of G. pusilla in sites inhabited by both species. Given our model outcomes, the biology of these species and the habitats they occupy, we recommend maintaining or restoring aquatic and riparian vegetation and natural drying regimes to protect G. pusilla from G. holbrooki, in addition to undertaking management-induced drying of invaded water bodies. Our results provide insights into how the effects of G. holbrooki may be mitigated for other native species, which is important given this species is perhaps the most pervasive invader of freshwater ecosystems. We conclude with a discussion of the potential for using disturbance processes in the management of invasive species more broadly in freshwater and terrestrial systems.

Espécies Introduzidas , Osmeriformes , Animais , Ecossistema , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Austrália do Sul
Proc Biol Sci ; 286(1909): 20191104, 2019 08 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31455189


Larval dispersal is a key process determining population connectivity, metapopulation dynamics, and community structure in benthic marine ecosystems, yet the biophysical complexity of dispersal is not well understood. In this study, we investigate the interaction between disperser phenotype and hydrodynamics on larval dispersal pathways, using a temperate reef fish species, Trachinops caudimaculatus. We assessed the influence of larval traits on depth distribution and dispersal outcomes by: (i) using 24-h depth-stratified ichthyoplankton sampling, (ii) quantifying individual phenotypes using larval growth histories extracted from the sagittal otoliths of individual larvae, and (iii) simulating potential dispersal outcomes based on the empirical distribution of larval phenotypes and an advanced biological-physical ocean model. We found T. caudimaculatus larvae were vertically stratified with respect to phenotype, with high-quality phenotypes found in the bottom two depth strata, and poor-quality phenotypes found primarily at the surface. Our model showed high- and average-quality larvae experienced significantly higher local retention (more than double) and self-recruitment, and travelled shorter distances relative to poor-quality larvae. As populations are only connected when dispersers survive long enough to reproduce, determining how larval phenotype influences dispersal outcomes will be important for improving our understanding of marine population connectivity and persistence.

Distribuição Animal , Organismos Aquáticos , Ecossistema , Animais , Recifes de Corais , Peixes , Larva , Fenótipo , Dinâmica Populacional , Reprodução
Ecology ; 100(1): e02563, 2019 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30422325


Moonlight mediates trophic interactions and shapes the evolution of life-history strategies for nocturnal organisms. Reproductive cycles and important life-history transitions for many marine organisms coincide with moon phases, but few studies consider the effects of moonlight on pelagic larvae at sea. We evaluated effects of moonlight on growth of pelagic larvae of a temperate reef fish using "master chronologies" of larval growth constructed from age-independent daily increment widths recorded in otoliths of 321 individuals. We found that daily growth rates of fish larvae were enhanced by lunar illumination after controlling for the positive influence of temperature and the negative influence of cloud cover. Collectively, these results indicate that moonlight enhances growth rates of larval fish. This pattern is likely the result of moonlight's combined effects on foraging efficiency and suppression of diel migrations of mesopelagic predators, and has the potential to drive evolution of marine life histories.

Peixes , Lua , Animais , Organismos Aquáticos , Larva , Reprodução
Ecol Appl ; 29(7): e01956, 2019 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31219635


Animals that select the best available habitats are most likely to succeed in degraded environments, but ecological change can create evolutionarily unfamiliar habitats that may be under- or over-utilized by native fauna. In temperate coastal waters, eutrophication and grazing have driven a global decline in native seaweeds and facilitated the establishment of nonnative seaweeds that provide novel macrophyte habitat. We tested whether a nonnative kelp canopy (wakame Undaria pinnatifida) functions as a viable habitat or ecological trap for several endemic reef fishes on urchin-grazed reefs in southern Australia. We assessed the willingness of fish to utilize native vs. wakame kelp canopy via a laboratory habitat choice experiment and by recording natural recruitment to specially constructed boulder reefs with manipulated kelp canopy. We also compared fish communities on natural reefs using a before-after-control-impact survey of wakame patches, and to assess the quality of wakame habitat for resident fish, compared fitness metrics for fish collected from habitats with native vs. wakame kelp canopy. Endemic fishes did not distinguish between the native or wakame canopy but preferred both to barren reef habitats. On urchin-grazed natural reefs, fish occurred in higher abundance and diversity where seasonal wakame canopy was present. Fitness metrics in fish collected from wakame patches were comparable to those in fish from adjacent native kelp patches. These findings indicate that the nonnative canopy provides a viable habitat for endemic fish and may play a role in sustaining native fauna populations in this degraded ecosystem. More broadly, we recommend that managers consider the role of nonnative habitats within the context of environmental change, as endemic fauna may benefit from nonnative habitat-formers in areas where their native counterparts cannot persist.

Ecossistema , Kelp , Animais , Recifes de Corais , Ecologia , Peixes
J Anim Ecol ; 88(3): 439-449, 2019 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30428142


Understanding how animals interact with their environment is a fundamental ecological question with important implications for conservation and management. The relationships between animals and their habitat, however, can be scale-dependent. If ecologists work at suboptimal spatial scales, they will gain an incomplete picture of how animals respond to the landscape. Identifying the scale at which animal-landscape relationships are strongest (the "scale of effect") will improve our ability to better plan management and conservation activities. Several recent studies have greatly enhanced our knowledge about the scale of effect, and the potential drivers of interspecific variability, in particular life-history traits. However, while many marine systems are inherently multiscalar, research into the scale of effect has been mainly focussed on terrestrial taxa. As the scales of observation in fish-habitat association studies are often selected based on convention rather than biological reasoning, they may provide an incomplete picture of the scales where these associations are strongest. We examined fish-habitat associations across four nested spatial scales in a temperate reef system to ask: (a) at what scale are fish-habitat associations the strongest, (b) are habitat elements consistently important across scales, and (c) do scale-dependent fish-habitat associations vary in relation to either body size, geographic range size or trophic level? We found that: (a) the strongest fish-habitat associations were observed when these relationships were examined at considerably larger spatial scales than usually investigated; (b) the importance of environmental predictors varied across spatial scales, indicating that conclusions about the importance of habitat elements will depend on the scales at which studies are undertaken; and (c) scale-dependent fish-habitat associations were consistent across all life-history traits. Our results highlight the importance of considering how animals relate to their environment and suggest the small scales often chosen to examine fish-habitat associations are likely to be suboptimal. Developing a more mechanistic understanding of animal-habitat associations will greatly aid in predicting and managing responses to future anthropogenic disturbances.

Ecossistema , Peixes , Animais , Tamanho Corporal , Ecologia
Biol Lett ; 15(7): 20190272, 2019 07 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31288686


The Earth is getting brighter at night, as artificial light at night (ALAN) continues to increase and extend its reach. Despite recent recognition of the damaging impacts of ALAN on terrestrial ecosystems, research on ALAN in marine systems is comparatively lacking. To further our understanding of the impacts of ALAN on marine organisms, this study examines how the reproductive fitness of the common clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris is influenced by the presence of ALAN. We assessed how exposure to low levels of ALAN affects (i) frequency of spawning, (ii) egg fertilization success, and (iii) hatching success of A. ocellaris under control (12 : 12 day-night) and treatment (12 : 12 day-ALAN) light regimes. While we found exposure to ALAN had no impact on the frequency of spawning or fertilization success, ALAN had dramatic effects on hatching. Amphiprion ocellaris eggs incubated in the presence of ALAN simply did not hatch, resulting in zero survivorship of offspring. These findings suggest ALAN can significantly reduce reproductive fitness in a benthic-spawning reef fish. Further research in this field is necessary to fully understand the extent of this impact on population and community dynamics in the wild.

Luz , Perciformes , Animais , Ecossistema , Peixes
Conserv Biol ; 33(2): 389-402, 2019 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30151963


Urban sprawl and the rising popularity of water-sensitive urban design of urban landscapes has led to a global surge in the number of wetlands constructed to collect and treat stormwater runoff in cities. However, contaminants, such as heavy metals and pesticides, in stormwater adversely affect the survival, growth, and reproduction of animals inhabiting these wetlands. A key question is whether wildlife can identify and avoid highly polluted wetlands. We investigated whether pond-breeding frogs are attempting to breed in wetlands that affect the fitness of their offspring across 67 urban wetlands in Melbourne, Australia. Frog species richness and the concentration of contaminants (heavy metals and pesticides) were not significantly related, even in the most polluted wetlands. The proportion of fringing vegetation at a wetland had the greatest positive influence on the number of frog species present and the probability of occurrence of individual species, indicating that frogs inhabited wetlands with abundant vegetation, regardless of their pollution status. These wetlands contained contaminant levels similar to urban wetlands around the world at levels that reduce larval amphibian survival. These results are, thus, likely generalizable to other areas, suggesting that urban managers could inadvertently be creating ecological traps in countless cities. Wetlands are important tools for the management of urban stormwater runoff, but their construction should not facilitate declines in wetland-dependent urban wildlife.

Ocupación de Ranas en Humedales Contaminados de Paisajes Urbanos Resumen La mancha urbana y la popularidad creciente del diseño urbano sensible al agua (WSUD, en inglés) han llevado a una oleada mundial de humedales construidos para recolectar y tratar el flujo de aguas pluviales en las ciudades. Sin embargo, los contaminantes, como los metales pesados y los pesticidas, en las aguas pluviales afectan negativamente la supervivencia, el crecimiento, y la reproducción de los animales que habitan estos humedales. Una pregunta clave es si la fauna puede identificar y evitar humedales altamente contaminados. Investigamos si las ranas que se reproducen en estanques están intentando reproducirse en humedales que afectan el estado físico de su descendencia en 67 humedales urbanos de Melbourne, Australia. La riqueza de especies de ranas y la concentración de contaminantes (metales pesados y pesticidas) no estuvieron relacionados significativamente, incluso en los humedales más contaminados. La proporción de vegetación al margen en uno de los humedales tuvo la mayor influencia positiva sobre el número de especies de ranas presentes y la probabilidad de ocurrencia de especies individuales, lo que indica que las ranas habitan humedales con vegetación abundante sin importar el estado de contaminación. Estos humedales tuvieron niveles de contaminantes similares a los de humedales urbanos de todo el mundo a niveles que reducen la supervivencia larval de los anfibios. Estos resultados son, por lo tanto, probablemente generalizables para otras áreas, lo que sugiere que los manejadores urbanos podrían estar creando inconscientemente trampas ecológicas en numerosas ciudades. Los humedales son herramientas importantes para el manejo del flujo urbano de aguas pluviales, pero su construcción no debería facilitar la declinación de fauna urbana dependiente del humedal.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Áreas Alagadas , Animais , Anuros , Austrália , Cidades
J Environ Manage ; 233: 302-307, 2019 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30583104


Wetlands are increasingly being constructed to mitigate the effects of urban stormwater, such as altered hydrological regimes and reduced water quality, on downstream aquatic ecosystems. While the primary purpose of these wetlands is to manage stormwater, they also attract animals whose growth, survival and breeding (i.e. 'fitness') may be compromised. Such deleterious effects will be exacerbated if animals are caught in 'ecological traps', mistakenly preferring wetlands with unsuitable environmental conditions. Alternatively, wetlands that offer suitable habitat conditions for animals could be beneficial, especially in fragmented urban landscapes. Consequently, a thorough understanding of the potential ecological impacts of stormwater treatment wetlands is critical for managing unintended consequences to urban biodiversity. To help facilitate this understanding, we draw upon findings from a four-year research program conducted in the city of Melbourne in south-eastern Australia as a case study. First, we summarise our research demonstrating that some stormwater wetlands can be ecological traps for native frogs and fish in the study region, whilst others likely provide important habitat in areas where few natural waterbodies remain. We use our work to highlight that while stormwater wetlands can be ecological traps, their effects can be properly managed. We propose the need for a better understanding of the ecological consequences of changes to wetland quality and their population-level impacts across the landscape. We hope that this study will generate discussions about how to most effectively manage constructed wetlands in urban landscapes and more research for a better understanding of the issues and opportunities regarding potential ecological traps.

Ecossistema , Áreas Alagadas , Animais , Biodiversidade , Cidades , Austrália do Sul
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