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Cureus ; 14(9): e29607, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36321035


This case report presents a unique case of a difficult differential diagnosis of autoimmune encephalitis (AE) in the setting of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. A 40-year-old female with a history of Hashimoto thyroiditis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and a lower respiratory infection presented to the emergency department with new-onset progressive neurological symptoms. These included generalized tonic-clonic seizure and worsening respiratory status that required intubation and tracheostomy. Blood cultures returned positive for M. pneumoniae. We concluded this to be a mixed diagnosis case of anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (anti-GAD65), Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis (BBE), Hashimoto's encephalopathy (HE), and Miller Fisher Syndrome (MFS) concurrently in the setting of M. pneumoniae. Initial treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin showed minimal improvement; however, subsequent treatment with plasmapheresis proved to be beneficial for the patient. Over the course of the plasma exchange therapy (PLEX), the patient slowly became more alert, attentive, and verbal. She was able to answer simple questions and follow commands. Common trends of age, gender, presenting symptoms, associated antibodies, and sessions of PLEX in different AE diseases were identified through a literature review. Only 69.7% of the cases implemented PLEX or plasmapheresis. Currently, there is no standard protocol for the treatment of AE. Our case report aims to present a clinically complicated example of AE and to provide further evidence to support PLEX as an important therapeutic option.

Clocks Sleep ; 4(2): 287-299, 2022 May 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35735605


Kleine-Levin syndrome (KLS) is characterized by episodes of hypersomnia. Additionally, these patients can present with hyperphagia, hypersexuality, abnormal behavior, and cognitive dysfunction. Functional neuroimaging studies such as fMRI-BOLD, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) or SPECT help us understand the neuropathological bases of different disorders. We conducted a systematic review to investigate the neuroimaging features of KLS patients and their clinical correlations. This systematic review was conducted by following the Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) and PRISMA protocol reporting guidelines. We aim to investigate the clinical correlation with neuroimaging among patients with KLS. We included only studies written in the English language in the last 20 years, conducted on humans; 10 studies were included. We excluded systematic reviews, metanalysis, and case reports. We found that there are changes in functional imaging studies during the symptomatic and asymptomatic periods as well as in between episodes in patients with K.L.S. The areas most reported as affected were the hypothalamic and thalamic regions, which showed hypoperfusion and, in a few cases, hyperperfusion; areas such as the frontal, parietal, occipital and the prefrontal cortex all showed alterations in cerebral perfusion. These changes in cerebral blood flow and regions vary according to the imaging (SPECT, PET SCAN, or fMRI) and the task performed while imaging was performed. We encountered conflicting data between studies. Hyper insomnia, the main feature of this disease during the symptomatic periods, was associated with decreased thalamic activity. Other features of K.L.S., such as apathy, hypersexuality, and depersonalization, were also correlated with functional imaging changes. There were also findings that correlated with working memory deficits seen in this stage during the asymptomatic periods. Hyperactivity of the thalamus and hypothalamus were the main features shown during the asymptomatic period. Additionally, functional imaging tends to improve with a longer course of the disease, which suggests that K.L.S. patients outgrow the disease. These findings should caution physicians when analyzing and correlating neuroimaging findings with the disease.

Cureus ; 13(9): e18154, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34589370


Anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor encephalitis (ANMDARE) is an autoimmune disorder with neurological and psychiatric features. The disease presents with a viral prodrome, followed by psychiatric manifestations. In the next phase, movement disorders or/and seizures occur. Finally, in the last phase, there is a decrease in the level of consciousness. Central hypoventilation and autonomic dysfunction can occur. Recently a unique EEG (electroencephalogram) pattern has been associated with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, the extreme delta brush (EDB). Although the association of the EDB with ANMDARE is known by the medical community, its significance is mainly unknown. A systematic review on NMDARE is also scarce. We decided to conduct a systematic review on this topic to consolidate the knowledge and establish the importance of the EDB as a prognostic factor. To conduct this systematic review, we used only studies conducted in humans, written in English, and published in the last 20 years. We used PubMed as a database and searched the following search terms: ("NMDA encephalitis"[Title/Abstract] AND "Epilepsy"[Title/Abstract]) OR (NMDA encephalitis"[Title/Abstract] AND "seizures" [Title/Abstract]) OR ("NMDA encephalitis"[Title/Abstract] AND "extreme delta brush"[Title/Abstract]). The protocol used for this systematic review was the Meta-analyses Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) protocol, and to analyze the bias of the studies, we used the ROBINS-1 tool. Eight studies were collected from our search strategy. Our data pulling showed that seizures were present in 178/249 (71.48%) patients. Status Epilepticus was reported in 29/96 (30.20%), and the EBD was seen in 30.89% (55/178) patients with seizures. The range of EDB was 5.9%-33% among the studies. Because the sample size was small, the statistical power was decreased. We had a low overall risk of bias. The wide range in the results could be related to the timing of the EEG recording. EDB was associated overall with increased length of hospital stay, increased ICU admission, and incidence of status epilepticus. The etiology of the EDB remains mainly unknown. However, it has been postulated that in NMDAR encephalitis, there is a disruption of the rhythmic neuronal activity. When antibodies block/target the NMDAR, the rhythmic neuronal activity is disrupted, leading to the unique EDB pattern. Another theory suggests that delta activity is caused because of focal abnormalities in the brain, and the superimposition of the beta waves is related to the alterations of the NMDA receptors.

Brain Sci ; 11(11)2021 Nov 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34827468


Parinaud's syndrome involves dysfunction of the structures of the dorsal midbrain. We investigated the pathophysiology related to the signs and symptoms to better understand the symptoms of Parinaud's syndrome: diplopia, blurred vision, visual field defects, ptosis, squint, and ataxia, and Parinaud's main signs of upward gaze paralysis, upper eyelid retraction, convergence retraction nystagmus (CRN), and pseudo-Argyll Robertson pupils. In upward gaze palsy, three structures are disrupted: the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF), interstitial nucleus of Cajal (iNC), and the posterior commissure. In CRN, there is a continuous discharge of the medial rectus muscle because of the lack of inhibition of supranuclear fibers. In Collier's sign, the posterior commissure and the iNC are mainly involved. In the vicinity of the iNC, there are two essential groups of cells, the M-group cells and central caudal nuclear (CCN) group cells, which are important for vertical gaze, and eyelid control. Overstimulation of the M group of cells and increased firing rate of the CCN group causing eyelid retraction. External compression of the posterior commissure, and pretectal area causes pseudo-Argyll Robertson pupils. Pseudo-Argyll Robertson pupils constrict to accommodation and have a slight response to light (miosis) as opposed to Argyll Robertson pupils were there is no response to a light stimulus. In Parinaud's syndrome patients conserve a slight response to light because an additional pathway to a pupillary light response that involves attention to a conscious bright/dark stimulus. Diplopia is mainly due to involvement of the trochlear nerve (IVth cranial nerve. Blurry vision is related to accommodation problems, while the visual field defects are a consequence of chronic papilledema that causes optic neuropathy. Ptosis in Parinaud's syndrome is caused by damage to the oculomotor nerve, mainly the levator palpebrae portion. We did not find a reasonable explanation for squint. Finally, ataxia is caused by compression of the superior cerebellar peduncle.

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