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Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol ; 26 Suppl A: 13A-7A, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25798160


Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum and/or its nucleic acid can be detected by various methods such as microscopy, rabbit infectivity test or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests. The rabbit infectivity test for T. pallidum, although very sensitive, has been discontinued from most laboratories due to ethical issues related to the need for animal inoculation with live T. pallidum, the technically demanding procedure and long turnaround time for results, thus making it impractical for routine diagnostic use. Dark-field and phase-contrast microscopy are still useful at clinic- or hospital-based laboratories for near-bedside detection of T. pallidum in genital, skin or mucous lesions although their availability is decreasing. The lack of reliable and specific anti-T. pallidum antibodies and its inferior sensitivity to PCR may explain why the direct fluorescent antibody test for T. pallidum is not widely available for clinical use. Immunohistochemical staining for T. pallidum also depends on the availability of specific antibodies, and the method is only applicable for histopathological examination of biopsy and autopsy specimens necessitating an invasive specimen collection approach. With recent advances in molecular diagnostics, PCR is considered to be the most reliable, versatile and practical for laboratories to implement. In addition to being an objective and sensitive test for direct detection of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum DNA in skin and mucous membrane lesions, the resulting PCR amplicons from selected gene targets can be further characterized for antimicrobial (macrolide) susceptibility testing, strain typing and identification of T. pallidum subspecies.

Diverses méthodes, telles que la microscopie, le test d'infectivité du lapin et la réaction en chaîne de la polymérase (PCR), permettent de déceler le Treponema pallidum sous-espèce pallidum et/ou son acide nucléique. Même s'il est très sensible, le test d'infectivité du lapin n'est plus utilisé dans la plupart des laboratoires pour déceler le T. pallidum. En effet, des raisons éthiques liées à la nécessité d'inoculer le T. pallidum vivant à l'animal, l'intervention exigeante sur le plan technique et la longue attente avant d'obtenir les résultats le rendent peu pratique pour un usage diagnostique régulier. Dans les laboratoires des cliniques ou des hôpitaux, la microscopie à fond noir et la microscopie à contraste de phase contribuent toujours à déceler le T. pallidum dans les lésions génitales, cutanées ou muqueuses près du chevet du patient, mais elles sont de moins en moins offertes. Le test d'immunofluorescence directe est peu utilisé pour diagnostiquer le T. pallidum en milieu clinique, peut-être en raison de l'absence d'anticorps anti-T. pallidum fiables et spécifiques et de sa faible sensibilité par rapport au PCR. La coloration immunohistochimique du T. pallidum dépend également de la présence d'anticorps spécifiques, et la méthode est applicable seulement à l'examen histopathologique des prélèvements invasifs de biopsies et d'autopsies. Étant donné les progrès récents des diagnostics moléculaires, la PCR est considérée comme le test le plus fiable, le plus polyvalent et le plus pratique à utiliser en laboratoire. Le PCR est objectif et spécifique pour la détection directe de l'ADN du Treponema pallidum sous-espèce pallidum dans les lésions de la peau et des muqueuses ; ses amplicons provenant de cibles géniques précises peuvent être caractérisés en vue de tests de susceptibilité antimicrobienne (aux macrolides), du typage des souches et du dépistage des sousespèces de T. pallidum.

Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol ; 26 Suppl A: 6A-12A, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25798165


Syphilis, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum, is an infection recognized since antiquity. It was first reported at the end of the 15th century in Europe. Infections may be sexually transmitted as well as spread from an infected mother to her fetus or through blood transfusions. The laboratory diagnosis of syphilis infection is complex. Because this organism cannot be cultured, serology is used as the principal diagnostic method. Some of the issues related to serological diagnoses are that antibodies take time to appear after infection, and serology screening tests require several secondary confirmatory tests that can produce complex results needing interpretation by experts in the field. Traditionally, syphilis screening was performed using either rapid plasma reagin or Venereal Disease Research Laboratory tests, and confirmed by treponemal tests such as MHA-TP, TPPA or FTA-Abs. Currently, that trend is reversed, ie, most of the laboratories in Canada now screen for syphilis using treponemal enzyme immunoassays and confirm the status of infection using rapid plasma reagin or Venereal Disease Research Laboratory tests; this approach is often referred to as the reverse algorithm. This chapter reviews guidelines for specimen types and sample collection, treponemal and non-treponemal tests utilized in Canada, the current status of serological tests for syphilis in Canada, the complexity of serological diagnosis of syphilis infection and serological testing algorithms. Both traditional and reverse sequence algorithms are recommended and the algorithm used should be based on a combination of local disease epidemiology, test volumes, performance of the proposed assays and available resources.

La syphilis, causée par la bactérie Treponema pallidum sous-espèce pallidum, est une infection connue depuis l'antiquité. Elle a été signalée pour la première fois en Europe, à la fin du XVe siècle. Les infections peuvent être transmises sexuellement, par une mère infectée à son fœtus ou par des transfusions sanguines. Il est difficile de diagnostiquer la syphilis en laboratoire. Puisque cet organisme ne peut pas être mis en culture, la sérologie est la principale méthode diagnostique. Parmi les problèmes liés aux diagnostics sérologiques, soulignons qu'il faut du temps pour que les anticorps fassent leur apparition après l'infection et que les tests de dépistage sérologique doivent s'associer à plusieurs tests de confirmation secondaires qui peuvent produire des résultats complexes devant être interprétés par des experts dans le domaine. Habituellement, la syphilis était dépistée au moyen du test rapide de la réagine plasmatique ou du test Veneral Disease Research Laboratory et était confirmée par les tests tréponémiques comme le MHA-TP, le TP-PA ou le FTA-Abs. Cette tendance s'inverse actuellement, car la plupart des laboratoires du Canada dépistent la syphilis au moyen d'épreuves immunoenzymatiques tréponémiques et confirment le statut de l'infection au moyen du test rapide de la réagine plasmatique ou du test Veneral Disease Reseach Laboratory. Cette approche est souvent désignée par le terme algorithme inversé. Ce chapitre analyse les directives sur les types de prélèvements et la collecte des échantillons, les tests tréponémiques et non tréponémiques utilisés au Canada, le statut actuel des tests sérologiques de la syphilis au Canada, la complexité du diagnostic sérologique d'infection par la syphilis et les algorithmes des tests sérologiques. Tant l'algorithme habituel que l'algorithme inversé sont recommandés, et l'algorithme utilisé devrait tenir compte à la fois de l'épidémiologie locale de la maladie, du volume de tests, de l'exécution des tests proposés et des ressources disponibles.

Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol ; 26(6): 299-304, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26744586


BACKGROUND: Serogroup B Neisseria meningitidis (MenB) has always been a major cause of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in Canada. With the successful implementation of a meningitis C conjugate vaccine, the majority of IMD in Canada is now caused by MenB. OBJECTIVE: To investigate IMD case isolates in Atlantic Canada from 2009 to 2013. Data were analyzed to determine the potential coverage of the newly licensed MenB vaccine. METHODS: Serogroup, serotype and serosubtype antigens were determined from IMD case isolates. Clonal analysis was performed using multilocus sequence typing. The protein-based vaccine antigen genes were sequenced and the predicted peptides were investigated. RESULTS: The majority of the IMD isolates were MenB (82.5%, 33 of 40) and, in particular, sequence type (ST)-154 B:4:P1.4 was responsible for 47.5% (19 of 40) of all IMD case isolates in Atlantic Canada. Isolates of this clone expressed the PorA antigen P1.4 and possessed the nhba genes encoding for Neisseria heparin-binding antigen peptide 2, which together matched exactly with two of the four components of the new four-component meningococcal B vaccine. Nineteen MenB isolates had two antigenic matches, another five MenB and one meningitis Y isolate had one antigenic match. This provided 75.8% (25 of 33) potential coverage for MenB, or a 62.5% (25 of 40) overall potential coverage for IMD. CONCLUSION: From 2009 to 2013, IMD in Atlantic Canada was mainly caused by MenB and, in particular, the B:4:P1.4 ST-154 clone, which accounted for 47.5% of all IMD case isolates. The new four-component meningococcal B vaccine appeared to offer adequate coverage against MenB in Atlantic Canada.

HISTORIQUE: Le Neisseria meningitidis du sérogroupe B (MenB) a toujours été une cause importante de méningococcie invasive (MI) au Canada. Depuis l'adoption d'un vaccin conjugué contre le méningocoque du groupe C, la majorité des MI au Canada sont désormais attribuables au MenB. OBJECTIF: Examiner les isolats de cas de MI dans les Maritimes entre 2009 et 2013. Analyser les données pour déterminer la couverture potentielle du vaccin nouvellement homologué contre le MenB. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Les chercheurs ont déterminé le sérogroupe, le sérotype et les antigènes des sous-types sérologiques des isolats de cas de MI. Ils ont effectué l'analyse clonale au moyen du typage génomique multilocus. Ils ont séquencé les gènes des antigènes du vaccin à base de protéines et examiné les peptides prédits. RÉSULTATS: La majorité des isolats de MI étaient des MenB (82,5 %, 33 sur 40). Notamment, le type séquentiel (TS)-154 B:4:P1,4 était responsable de 47,5 % (19 sur 40) de tous les isolats de cas de MI dans les Maritimes. Les isolats de ce clone ont exprimé l'antigène porA P1.4 et étaient dotés des gènes nhba codant pour le peptide 2 de l'antigène de liaison à l'héparine de Neisseria. Ensemble, ces antigènes correspondaient exactement à deux des quatre composants du nouveau vaccin contre le méningocoque du groupe B à quatre composants. Dix-neuf isolats du MenB étaient dotés de deux correspondances antigéniques, tandis que cinq autres MenB et un isolat de la méningite Y étaient dotés d'une correspondance antigénique. Ces résultats assuraient une couverture potentielle du MenB de 72,7 % (24 sur 33) ou une couverture potentielle globale de la MI de 62,5 % (25 sur 40). CONCLUSION: De 2009 à 2013, dans les Maritimes, la MI était surtout causée par le MenB, en particulier le clone B:4:P1.4 ST-154, responsable de 47,5 % de tous les isolats de cas de MI. Le nouveau vaccin contre le méningocoque du groupe B à quatre composants semble offrir une couverture pertinente contre le MenB dans cette région.

Int J Circumpolar Health ; 83(1): 2371111, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38941555


Haemophilus influenzae serotype a (Hia) has recently emerged as an important cause of invasive disease in the North American Arctic and Sub-Arctic regions, mainly affecting young Indigenous children. In this study, we addressed the question of whether the prevalence of Hia and all H. influenzae in the nasopharynx differed between paediatric populations from regions with high versus low incidence of invasive Hia disease. Nasopharyngeal specimens from children with acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) collected for routine diagnostic detection of respiratory viruses were analysed with molecular-genetic methods to identify and serotype H. influenzae. In Nunavut, a region with a high incidence of invasive Hia disease, all H. influenzae and particularly Hia were found in the nasopharynx of 60.6% and 3.0% children. In Southern Ontario (Hamilton region), where Hia invasive disease is rare, the frequencies of all H. influenzae and Hia detection were 38.5% and 0.6%, respectively. In both cohorts, non-typeable H. influenzae was prevalent (57.0% and 37.9%, respectively). Considering that Hia is an important cause of severe invasive disease in Nunavut children, 3% prevalence of Hia among children with ARTI can reflect continuing circulation of the pathogen in the Northern communities that may result in invasive disease outbreaks.

Infecções por Haemophilus , Haemophilus influenzae , Nasofaringe , Humanos , Haemophilus influenzae/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Haemophilus/epidemiologia , Pré-Escolar , Nasofaringe/microbiologia , Prevalência , Lactente , Masculino , Feminino , Incidência , Ontário/epidemiologia , Criança , Regiões Árticas/epidemiologia , Nunavut/epidemiologia , Infecções Respiratórias/epidemiologia , Infecções Respiratórias/microbiologia , Canadá/epidemiologia , Sorogrupo
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38567364


Background: Haemophilus influenzae serotype a (Hia) has recently emerged as an important cause of invasive disease, mainly affecting young Indigenous children. Carriage of H. influenzae is a pre-requisite for invasive disease and reservoir for transmission. To better understand the epidemiology of invasive Hia disease, we initiated a multicentre study of H. influenzae nasopharyngeal carriage among Canadian children. Methods: With prior parental consent, we collected nasotracheal tubes used during general anaesthesia in healthy children following routine dental surgery in a regional hospital of northwestern Ontario and a dental clinic in central Saskatchewan. In northwestern Ontario, all children were Indigenous (median age 48.0 months, 45.8% female); in Saskatchewan, children were from various ethnic groups (62% Indigenous, median age 56.3 months, 43.4% female). Detection of H. influenzae and serotyping were performed using molecular-genetic methods. Results: A total of 438 nasopharyngeal specimens, 286 in northwestern Ontario and 152 in Saskatchewan were analyzed. Hia was identified in 26 (9.1%) and 8 (5.3%) specimens, respectively. In Saskatchewan, seven out of eight children with Hia carriage were Indigenous. Conclusions: The carriage rates of Hia in healthy children in northwestern Ontario and Saskatchewan are comparable to H. influenzae serotype b (Hib) carriage among Alaska Indigenous children in the pre-Hib-vaccine era. To prevent invasive Hia disease, paediatric conjugate Hia vaccines under development have the potential to reduce carriage of Hia, and thus decrease the risk of transmission and disease among susceptible populations. Addressing the social determinants of health may further eliminate conditions favouring Hia transmission in Indigenous communities.

Historique: L'Haemophilus influenzae de sérotype a (Hia) a récemment émergé comme une cause importante de maladie invasive, particulièrement chez les jeunes enfants autochtones. Il faut être porteur de l'H. influenzae pour contracter une maladie invasive et devenir un réservoir de transmission. Pour mieux comprendre l'épidémiologie de l'infection invasive à Hia, les chercheurs ont lancé une étude multicentrique sur le portage nasopharyngé de l'H. influenzae chez les enfants canadiens. Méthodologie: Après avoir obtenu le consentement des parents, les chercheurs ont recueilli les sondes nasotrachéales utilisées pendant l'anesthésie générale chez des enfants en santé après une chirurgie dentaire courante dans un hôpital régional du nord-ouest de l'Ontario et une clinique dentaire du centre de la Saskatchewan. Dans le nord-ouest de l'Ontario, tous les enfants étaient autochtones (âge médian de 48,0 mois, 45,8 % de filles); en Saskatchewan, les enfants provenaient de divers groupes ethniques (62 % d'Autochtones, âge médian de 56,3 mois, 43,4 % de femmes). La détection de l'H. influenzae et le sérotypage ont été effectués au moyen de méthodes de génétique moléculaire. Résultats: Au total, les chercheurs ont analysé 438 échantillons nasopharyngés, soit 286 du nord-ouest de l'Ontario et 152 de la Saskatchewan. L'Hia a été décelé dans 26 (9,1 %) et huit (5,3 %) échantillons, respectivement. En Saskatchewan, sept des huit enfants porteurs de l'Hia étaient autochtones. Conclusions: Le taux de portage de l'Hia chez les enfants en santé du nord-ouest de l'Ontario et de la Saskatchewan était comparable à celui du portage de l'H. influenzae du sérotype b (Hib) chez les enfants autochtones de l'Alaska avant le déploiement des vaccins contre le Hib. Pour éviter l'infection invasive à Hia, les vaccins pédiatriques conjugués contre l'Hia en cours de développement peuvent réduire le portage de l'Hia, et donc le risque de transmission et de maladie dans les populations susceptibles. Le fait d'aborder les déterminants sociaux de la santé pourrait contribuer à éliminer les conditions favorables à la transmission à Hia dans les communautés autochtones.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24421786


Before the introduction of the conjugate vaccine, Haemophilus influenzae serotype b (Hib) was the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in children. Although successful in reducing Hib cases, the vaccine confers no protection against other serotypes of H influenzae, such as a (Hia), or f (Hif). The emergence of invasive disease caused by non-Hib in northwestern Ontario (38 cases between 2002 and 2008) with predominance of Hia was previously reported by the authors. At that time, no cases of pediatric meningitis caused by H influenzae were recorded in the region. Continued surveillance identified 12 new cases of invasive non-Hib between January 2009 and July 2011. Among these cases, three young children developed meningitis with severe complications caused by Hia or Hif. The present article describes these cases along with the characteristics of recent H influenzae isolates from the region, (ie, their genetic background and antibiotic sensitivity). The findings point to the clonal nature of circulating Hia strains as well as to an increase in frequency and severity of pediatric invasive H influenzae infections in northwestern Ontario.

Avant l'adoption du vaccin conjugué, l'Haemophilus influenzae de sérotype b (Hib) était la principale cause de méningite bactérienne chez les enfants. Le vaccin a réussi à réduire les cas de Hib, mais il ne confère aucune protection contre les autres sérotypes du H influenzae, tels que le sérotype a (Hia) ou le sérotype f (Hif). Les auteurs ont déjà signalé l'émergence d'une maladie invasive de sérotype non-b au nord-ouest de l'Ontario (38 cas entre 2002 et 2008), à prédominance de Hia. À l'époque, aucun cas de méningite pédiatrique causée par le H influenzae n'avait été déclaré dans la région. La surveillance continue a permis de dépister 12 nouveaux cas de H influenzae invasif de sérotype non-b entre janvier 2009 et juillet 2011. Parmi ces cas, trois jeunes enfants ont contracté une méningite accompagnée de graves complications causées par le Hia ou le Hif. Le présent article décrit ces cas ainsi que les caractéristiques des récents isolats de H influenzae dans la région (c'est-à-dire leurs antécédents génétiques et leur sensibilité aux antibiotiques). Les observations font croire à la nature clonale des souches de Hia en circulation ainsi qu'à une augmentation de la fréquence et de la gravité des infections invasives à H influenzae en pédiatrie au nord-ouest de l'Ontario.

Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol ; 23(3): e55-9, 2012.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23997785


BACKGROUND: Serogroup C meningococcal disease has been endemic in Canada since the early 1990s, with periods of hyperendemic disease documented in the past two decades. The present study characterized invasive serogroup C meningococci in Canada during the period from 2002 to 2009. METHODS: Serogroup C meningococci were serotyped using monoclonal antibodies. Their clonal types were identified by either multilocus enzyme electrophoresis or multilocus sequence typing. RESULTS: The number of invasive serogroup C Neisseria meningitidis isolates received at the National Microbiology Laboratory (Winnipeg, Manitoba) for characterization has dropped from a high of 173 isolates in 2001 to just 17 in 2009, possibly related to the introduction of the serogroup C meningococcal conjugate vaccine. Before 2006, 80% to 95% of all invasive serogroup C meningococci belonged to the electrophoreic type (ET)-15 clonal type, and the ET-37 (but not ET-15) type only accounted for up to 5% of all isolates. However, beginning in 2006, the percentage of the ET-15 clonal type decreased while the ET-37 (but not ET-15) type increased from 27% in 2006 to 52% in 2009. The percentage of invasive serogroup C isolates not belonging to either ET-15 or ET-37 also increased. Most ET-15 isolates expressed the antigenic formula of C:2a:P1.7,1 or C:2a:P1.5. In contrast, the ET-37 (but not ET-15) isolates mostly expressed the antigens of C:2a:P1.5,2 or C:2a:P1.2. CONCLUSION: A shift in the antigenic and clonal type of invasive serogroup C meningococi was noted. This finding suggests vigilance in the surveillance of meningoccocal disease is warranted.

HISTORIQUE: La maladie à méningocoque du sérogroupe C est endémique au Canada depuis le début des années 1990, des périodes de maladie hyperendémique étant attestées depuis vingt ans. La présente étude caractérise des groupes de méningocoques invasifs du sérogroupe C au Canada entre 2002 et 2009. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Les chercheurs ont sérotypé les méningocoques du sérogroupe C au moyen d'anticorps monoclonaux. Ils ont déterminé leur groupe clonal par électrophorèse d'enzyme multilocus ou par typage séquentiel multilocus. RÉSULTATS: Le nombre d'isolats de Neisseria meningitidis invasifs du sérogroupe C envoyés au National Microbiology Laboratory de Winnipeg, au Manitoba, en vue de leur caractérisation a fléchi d'un pic de 173 isolats en 2001 à seulement 17 en 2009, peut-être en raison de l'adoption du vaccin conjugué contre le méningocoque du sérogroupe C. Avant 2006, de 80 % à 95 % de tous les méningocoques invasifs du sérogroupe C appartenaient au groupe clonal du type électrophorétique ET-15, et l'ET-37 (mais pas l'ET-15) ne représentait que jusqu'à 5 % de tous les isolats. Cependant, à compter de 2006, le pourcentage de groupe clonal ET-15 a diminué, tandis que l'ET-37 (mais pas l'ET-15) est passé de 27 % en 2006 à 52 % en 2009. Le pourcentage d'isolats invasifs du sérogroupe C n'appartenant ni à l'ET-15 ni à l'ET-37 a également augmenté. La plupart des isolats d'ET-15 exprimaient la formule antigénique C:2a:P1.7,1 ou C:2a:P1.5. Par contre, les isolats d'ET-37 (mais pas d'ET-15) exprimaient surtout les antigènes C:2a:P1.5,2 ou C:2a:P1.2. CONCLUSION: Les chercheurs ont remarqué une transition du groupe antigénique et clonal des méningocoques invasifs du sérogroupe C. En raison de cette observation, il serait judicieux d'être vigilant en matière de surveillance de la maladie à méningocoque.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36337357


Over the past few years, the increase in infectious syphilis outbreaks in major urban centres and remote or rural locations in Canada, often affecting hard-to-reach patient populations, has renewed an interest and urgency in studying the use of point-of-care tests (POCTs) that can provide test results at the time and place of primary health care delivery, obviating the repeat visit necessary with traditional syphilis serology or molecular diagnostic tests. In 2015, the Canadian Public Health Laboratory Network released its first laboratory guideline for the use of POCTs in the diagnosis of syphilis in Canada. Although Canada has no licensed POCT, two POCTs (Syphilis Health Check and the DPP® HIV Syphilis System) have received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval under premarket approval applications. Most syphilis POCTs detect antibodies to treponemal antigens, so their results cannot be used to differentiate between active and past infection. The only POCT that detects antibodies to both treponemal and non-treponemal antigens does not yet have Health Canada or FDA approval. In this updated guideline, the current landscape of POCTs for syphilis, with an emphasis on data from low-prevalence countries, is described. Individual operators should consider the questions of where, when, how, and why a POCT is used before its actual implementation. Training in the operation and interpretation, quality control, proficiency program, safety, and careful documentation of the process and results are especially important for the successful implementation of POCTs.

Depuis quelques années, la recrudescence des éclosions de syphilis infectieuses dans les grands centres urbains et dans les régions éloignées ou rurales du Canada, qui touchent souvent des populations de patients difficiles à atteindre, a renouvelé l'intérêt pour l'étude des tests au point de service (TPDS) et l'urgence de les réaliser, afin d'obtenir des résultats au moment et au lieu de prestation des soins de santé primaires et d'ainsi éviter le deuxième rendez-vous après le test diagnostique sérologique ou moléculaire habituel de la syphilis. En 2015, le Réseau des laboratoires de santé publique du Canada a publié son premier guide de laboratoire pour l'utilisation des TPDS afin de diagnostiquer la syphilis au Canada. Même si le Canada ne possède pas de TPDS homologué, deux TPDS (Syphilis Health Check et HIV Syphilis System de DPPMD) ont été homologués par la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) des États-Unis en vertu des demandes d'autorisation précommercialisation. La plupart des TPDS de la syphilis décèlent les anticorps contre les antigènes tréponémiques, si bien que les résultats ne peuvent pas servir à distinguer une infection active d'une infection passée. Le seul TPDS qui détecte des anticorps contre les antigènes tréponémiques et non tréponémiques n'est pas encore homologué par Santé Canada ni par la FDA. Dans la présente mise à jour des directives, les chercheurs décrivent le paysage actuel des TPDS de la syphilis et s'attardent sur les données des pays où la prévalence est faible. Chaque opérateur devrait se demander où, quand, pourquoi et comment le TPDS est utilisé avant d'en amorcer la mise en œuvre. La formation sur l'utilisation, l'interprétation, le contrôle de la qualité, le programme de vérification de la compétence, l'innocuité et la consignation attentive du processus et des résultats revêt une importance particulière pour assurer la mise en œuvre réussie des TPDS.

Can Commun Dis Rep ; 48(2-3): 82-88, 2022 Feb 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35342368


Background: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that can have atypical clinical presentations. Conventional laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis are not rapid enough to affect clinical decision on treatment and contact tracing. Rapid point-of-care tests (POCT) can be useful for control of infectious diseases; however, no POCT for syphilis detection is currently available in Canada. The aim of this study is to evaluate two POCTs (RevealTM Rapid TP (Treponema pallidum) Antibody test and DPP® Syphilis Screen and Confirm test) for detection of infectious syphilis. Methods: One hundred serum samples with known syphilis serological status, based on treponemal and non-treponemal test results, were analysed in the laboratory with two POCTs by two independent operators in a blind fashion. Results were analysed to evaluate their ability to detect infectious syphilis. Results: The Reveal Rapid TP Antibody POCT showed an overall sensitivity of 95.0% and a specificity of 83.3%, while the DPP Syphilis Screen and Confirm POCT showed a sensitivity of 87.5% and a specificity of 98.3%. Both POCTs gave a sensitivity of 100% on active syphilis samples with Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) titres of greater than 1:4, but their sensitivities decreased for samples with low VDRL titres. Both POCTs gave weakly or very weakly reactive results on 11.3%-25.0% of the treponemal antibody positive samples. Conclusion: This laboratory evaluation has shown promising results for both POCTs to detect infectious syphilis. Further evaluations in the field would be required to confirm this preliminary finding.

Can Commun Dis Rep ; 48(5): 228-236, 2022 May 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37325257


Background: A variety of routine childhood and adolescent meningococcal vaccination programs using monovalent (serogroup C) and quadrivalent (A, C, Y, W) conjugate vaccines have been implemented in Canada since 2002, resulting in a decrease in invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) incidence, particularly in serogroup C. Meningococcal vaccines have also been used for outbreak response, including the multicomponent vaccine serogroup B vaccine. This report describes the epidemiology of IMD in Canada from 2012 to 2019. Methods: Case data were obtained from the National Enhanced IMD Surveillance System between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2019. Isolates were sent to the National Microbiology Laboratory for confirmation of serogroup and further studies including phenotype and clonal complex identification. Results: A total of 983 cases of IMD were reported between 2012 and 2019. Overall, the age-adjusted incidence of IMD from 2012 to 2019 was 0.34 cases per 100,000 population per year when standardized to the Canadian 2011 population age distribution (95% CI: 0.32-0.36). Infants younger than one year of age had the highest average age-specific incidence rate (3.6 cases per 100,000 population per year, 95% CI: 2.8-4.3). The highest age-adjusted incidence rate was associated with serogroup B (0.17 cases per 100, 000 population per year, 95% CI: 0.16-0.19). Prior to 2015, most invasive serogroup W isolates were identified as clonal complex 22 (ST-22 CC) and the increase in serogroup W in Canada in recent years has been associated with the replacement of the endemic ST-22 CC with the hyper-virulent ST-11 CC. Conclusion: Invasive meningococcal disease is a rare but severe infection in Canada that mostly affects the very young. Serogroup B continues to account for the greatest proportion of disease. Serogroup W associated with ST-11 CC is becoming a growing contributor of disease in all age groups not protected by serogroup W-containing vaccines.

J Assoc Med Microbiol Infect Dis Can ; 7(3): 170-180, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36337605


BACKGROUND: A resurgence of syphilis infections has been described in a number of countries including Canada in the last decade. METHODS: This study identified polymerase chain reaction (PCR) positive syphilis cases based on detection of Treponema pallidum genes (polA, tpp47, and bmp) in 3,350 clinical specimens obtained from patients in the province of Manitoba, Canada between 2017 and 2020. Patient demographics were obtained from specimen requisition forms. RESULTS: PCR identified 740 syphilis cases: 718 were adolescents and adults, while 22 were congenital syphilis cases. For non-congenital syphilis investigation, the clinical specimens with the highest yield of positive PCR results were genital (632), oral (73), and anal (55), while for congenital syphilis, they were nasal or nasopharyngeal secretions (20), followed by blood (5) and umbilical cord (4). Female syphilis cases appeared younger (61.7% between 14 and 29 years), while male syphilis cases appeared older (58.4% between 30 and 65 years). Although, overall more syphilis cases (62.7%) occurred in the urban cities; the proportion of urban cases showed a significant decline from 87.0% in 2017 to 55.6% in 2020, while in rural regions it increased from 13.0% in 2017 to 44.4% in 2020. Most (98.8%) PCR- positive specimens were found to contain all three T. pallidum genes and 99.8% also displayed the macrolide resistance genotype. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified the clinical specimen types and T. pallidum genes most suitable for PCR diagnosis of syphilis. Changing demographics of cases were noted over time.

HISTORIQUE: Depuis dix ans, les infections par la syphilis sont en recrudescence dans plusieurs pays, y compris le Canada. MÉTHODOLOGIE: La présente étude relève les cas positifs à l'amplification en chaîne par polymérase (PCR) d'après la détection des gènes du Treponema pallidum (polA, tpp47 et bmp) dans 3 350 échantillons cliniques prélevés auprès de patients de la province du Manitoba, au Canada, entre 2017 et 2020. Les caractéristiques démographiques des patients sont tirées des formulaires de réquisition des prélèvements. RÉSULTATS: Le test PCR a permis de détecter 740 cas de syphilis, soit 718 chez des adolescents et des adultes et 22 cas de syphilis congénitale. Pour ce qui est des examens de la syphilis non congénitale, les échantillons cliniques donnant le plus fort taux de résultats positifs au test PCR ont été prélevés dans la région génitale (632), orale (73) et anale (55), tandis qu'à l'égard des cas de syphilis congénitale, ils provenaient des sécrétions nasales ou nasopharyngées (20), suivis du sang (5) et du cordon ombilical (4). La syphilis se manifestait chez des femmes plus jeunes (61,7 % entre 14 et 29 ans) et plus tard chez les hommes (58,4 % entre 30 et 65 ans). Même si, dans l'ensemble, plus de cas de syphilis (62,7 %) se déclaraient en région urbaine, cette proportion a connu un recul important, passant de 87,0 % en 2017 à 55,6 % en 2020, tandis que la proportion des cas en région rurale a progressé de 13,0 % en 2017 à 44,4 % en 2020. La plupart des échantillons ayant obtenu un résultat positif au test PCR (98,8 %) contenaient les trois gènes du T. pallidum, et 99,8 % possédaient également le génotype de résistance aux macrolides. CONCLUSIONS: La présente étude a relevé les types d'échantillons cliniques et les gènes de T. pallidum les plus appropriés pour le diagnostic de syphilis par test PCR. On constate une évolution de la démographie des cas au fil du temps.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36339016


Background: Introduction of the Haemophilus influenzae serotype b (Hib) conjugate vaccine has changed the epidemiology of invasive H. influenzae disease, with most infections now caused by non-typeable (non-encapsulated) and non-Hib encapsulated strains. Methods: We describe nine invasive serotype e H. influenzae (Hie) from British Columbia that were determined to have complete deletion of their fucose operon genes. These nine isolates were recovered from blood cultures of three female and six male patients during 2011-2018, with eight recovered in the past 4 years. Results: All nine isolates were biotype IV, with eight showing identical pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles, whereas the ninth showed 95% similarity. PFGE analysis also showed these fucose operon-negative Hie to be most (94%) similar to the multi-locus sequence type (ST)-18, the most common ST among Hie in British Columbia. These nine fucose operon-negative Hie represented 27.3% of the 33 invasive Hie isolated in British Columbia from 2010 to 2018. Conclusion: Deletion of the fucose operon did not appear to impact the transmission ability of these strains or their ability to cause invasive disease.

Historique:  L'adoption du vaccin conjugué contre l'Haemophilus influenzae de sérotype b (Hib) a modifié l'épidémiologie de la maladie à H. influenzae invasive, car la plupart des infections sont désormais causées par des souches non typables (non encapsulées) plutôt que par des souches encapsulées non Hib. Méthodologie: Les auteurs décrivent neuf cas d'H. influenzae de sérotype e (Hie) invasif de la Colombie-Britannique, dont la délétion des gènes de l'opéron fucose était considérée comme complète. Ces neuf isolats ont été prélevés dans les hémocultures de trois patientes et de six patients entre 2011 et 2018, dont huit récupérés dans les quatre années précédentes. Résultats: Les neuf isolats étaient de biotype IV, et huit possédaient un profil d'électrophorèse sur gel à champ pulsé (PFGE) identique, alors que le neuvième était similaire à 95 %. L'analyse PFGE a également révélé que les Hie négatifs à cet opéron fucose sont les plus (94 %) semblables au typage génomique multilocus (ST)-18, qui sont les ST les plus fréquents dans les souches de Hie en Colombie-Britannique. Ces neuf Hie négatifs à l'opéron fucose représentaient 27,3 % des 33 Hie invasifs isolés en Colombie-Britannique entre 2010 et 2018. Conclusion: La délétion de l'opéron fucose ne semblait pas avoir d'effet sur la capacité de transmission de ces souches ni sur la capacité de provoquer d'autres maladies invasives.

Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol ; 24(4): 239-40, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24489566
Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol ; 19(3): 227-32, 2008 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19412379


INTRODUCTION: Serogroup A Neisseria meningitidis has repeatedly caused epidemics of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in developing nations since the 1960s. The present study is the first detailed study of serogroup A bacteria isolated in Canada. METHODS: Thirty-four serogroup A meningococcal isolates collected from individuals with IMD in Canada between 1979 and 2006 were characterized by serology and multilocus sequence typing of seven housekeeping enzyme genes and genes encoding three outer membrane protein antigens. RESULTS: Isolates were assigned to either the sequence type (ST)-1 or the ST-5 clonal complex. Clones within the ST-1 complex were recovered between 1979 and 1992, while clones of the ST-5 complex were isolated between 1987 and 2006; respectively, they accounted for 70.6% and 29.4% of all isolates studied. Isolates of the ST-1 complex were characterized by serosubtype antigen P1.3 or P1.3,6 with PorB allele 60 (serotype 4) and FetA sequence F5-1, while isolates of the ST-5 complex were characterized by serosubtype antigen P1.9 with PorB allele 47 (also serotype 4) and FetA sequence F3-1. CONCLUSIONS: The Canadian serogroup A IMD isolates likely originated in travellers returning from hyperendemic or epidemic areas of the globe where serogroup A bacteria circulate. Although the Canadian cases of serogroup A IMD were caused by clones known to have caused epidemics in developing countries, disease incidence remained low in Canada.

Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol ; 16(3): 171-4, 2005 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18159539


Three group B Neisseria meningitidis isolates, recovered from meningococcal disease cases in Canada and typed as B:2c:P1.5, were characterized. Multilocus sequence typing showed that all three isolates were related because of an identical sequence type (ST) 573. Isolates typed as 2c:P1.5 are common in serogroup Y meningococci but rare in isolates from serogroups B or C. Although no serogroup Y isolates have been typed as ST-573, eight isolates showed five to six housekeeping gene alleles that were identical to that of ST-573. This suggested that the B:2c:P1.5 isolates may have originated from serogroup Y organisms, possibly by capsule switching.

Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther ; 1(4): 597-608, 2003 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15482157


Guillain-Barre syndrome is a postinfectious disorder caused by an aberrant immune response to an infectious pathogen, resulting in an autoimmune disease. As with other autoimmune diseases of infectious nature, the intricate balance of the numerous factors involved in the immune response may determine the outcome of the interaction between the microbe and host. Recent studies focusing on the role of cytokines and its network of related mediators and receptors suggest that any imbalance may make a significant contribution to the outcome of the infectious disease process. Better understanding of the pathogenesis of Guillain-Barre syndrome may lead to the discovery of newer therapeutics and may also serve as a model for studying other autoimmune diseases.

Síndrome de Guillain-Barré/etiologia , Autoimunidade , Linfócitos B/imunologia , Quimiocinas/fisiologia , Citocinas/fisiologia , Gangliosídeos/imunologia , Glicolipídeos/imunologia , Síndrome de Guillain-Barré/imunologia , Síndrome de Guillain-Barré/terapia , Antígenos HLA-DQ/genética , Cadeias beta de HLA-DQ , Humanos , Linfócitos T/imunologia
Can J Infect Dis ; 13(6): 391-6, 2002 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18159416


The relative frequency of serogroups of Neisseria meningitidis associated with meningococcal disease in Canada during the period January 1, 1999 to June 30, 2001 was examined. Of the 552 strains of N meningitidis collected from clinical specimens of normally sterile sites, 191 (34.6%), 276 (50.0%), 61 (11.1%) and 23 (4.2%) were identified by serological and molecular methods as serogroups B, C, Y and W135, respectively. About half (50.8%) of the serogroup Y isolates were isolated in the province of Ontario. The two most common serotypes found were 2c and 14. Most of the serogroup Y strains isolated from patients in Ontario were serotype 2c, while serotype 14 was the most common serotype associated with disease in the province of Quebec. The two most common serosubtypes found among the serogroup Y meningococci were P1.5 and P1.2,5. Laboratory findings, based on antigenic analysis, did not suggest that these serogroup Y strains arise by capsule switching from serogroups B and C strains. This study documented a higher incidence of finding serogroup Y meningococci in clinical specimens from patients in Ontario compared to the rest of Canada, and parallels the increase in serogroup Y meningococcal disease reported in some parts of the United States.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22942884


Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis has undergone major changes in the past decade with the introduction of immunoassays and recombinant Treponema pallidum antigens as screening tools for syphilis infection. To address this change in laboratory practice, a national syphilis laboratory working group was established with members from the Public Health Agency of Canada, provincial public health laboratories across the country as well as sexually transmitted infection researchers, clinicians and epidemiologists. This working group aims to examine how the use of newer immunoassays will affect syphilis diagnosis, surveillance and disease management. To provide a baseline for this work, an e-mail survey was conducted in the fall of 2009 to determine current laboratory practices for syphilis diagnosis in Canada. The most commonly used tests were rapid plasma reagin, enzyme immunoassay, T pallidum passive particle agglutination, venereal disease research laboratory, fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption, line immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction with 92%, 36%, 32%, 20%, 12%, 12% and 12% of the responding laboratories reporting using these tests, respectively. The ultimate goal of this working group will be to update laboratory guidelines for the diagnosis of syphilis, and to identify syphilis surveillance and research priorities in Canada.

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