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J Phys Chem A ; 116(50): 12373-80, 2012 Dec 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23151258


To assess the nature of chemical bonds in uranyl(VI) complexes with Lewis base ligands, such as F(-), Cl(-), OH(-), CO(3)(2-), and O(2)(2-), we have used quantum chemical observables, such as the bond distances, the internal symmetric/asymmetric uranyl stretch frequencies, and the electron density with its topology analyzed using the quantum theory of atoms-in-molecules. This analysis confirms that complex formation induces a weakening of the uranium-axial oxygen bond, reflected by the longer U-O(yl) bond distance and reduced uranyl-stretching frequencies. The strength of the ligand-induced effect increases in the order H(2)O < Cl(-) < F(-) < OH(-) < CO(3)(2-) < O(2)(2-). In-depth analysis reveals that the trend across the series does not always reflect an increasing covalent character of the uranyl-ligand bond. By using a point-charge model for the uranyl tetra-fluoride and tetra-chloride complexes, we show that a significant part of the uranyl bond destabilization arises from purely electrostatic interactions, the remaining part corresponding either to charge-transfer from the negatively charged ligands to the uranyl unit or a covalent interaction. The charge-transfer and the covalent interaction are qualitatively different due to the absence of a charge build up in the uranyl-halide bond region in the latter case. In all the charged complexes, the uranyl-ligand bond is best described as an ionic interaction. However, there are covalent contributions in the very stable peroxide complex and, to some extent, also in the carbonate complex. This study demonstrates that it is possible to describe the nature of chemical bond by observables rather than by ad hoc quantities such as atomic populations or molecular orbitals.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 12(5): 1116-30, 2010 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20094676


The electronic spectra of the 5f(2) isoelectronic actinide compounds U(4+), NpO(2)(+), and PuO(2)(2+) have been investigated theoretically both in gas phase and in solution. In the latter case the solvent was modelled by a saturated first hydration sphere, five water molecules for NpO(2)(+), and PuO(2)(2+) and eight for U(4+), and a continuum model describing the remaining solvent. The transition energies and oscillator strengths were obtained at the spin-orbit level using the relativistic wave function based multi-configuration methods CASPT2 (complete active space with second-order perturbation theory) and MRCI + DC (Davidson corrected multi-reference configuration interaction), followed by a spin-orbit CI based on a dressed effective spin-orbit Hamiltonian. This study is an attempt to contribute to an enhanced understanding of the electronic structure of tetravalent actinide ions and actinyl(v) and (vi) ions. The spin-orbit MRCI and spin-orbit CASPT2 transitions energies have been compared for the bare ions, leading us to the conclusion that the spin-orbit CASPT2 approach is reasonably accurate and can be used with confidence for the calculation of the hydrated species. The first hydration sphere and the bulk solvent lift degeneracies, but the effect on the transition energies is fairly small for the two actinyl ions, while it is larger, up to several thousands of wave numbers for U(4+). The calculations allowed us to make assignments of the experimentally observed absorption spectra for all species. The computed transition energies and intensities compared favourably with experiment.

J Phys Chem A ; 114(10): 3615-21, 2010 Mar 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20166746


The electronic spectra of uranyl(VI) coordinated with four equatorial halide ligands, [UO2X4]2- (X = F, Cl, Br, and I), have been calculated at the all-electron level using the multiconfigurational CASPT2 method, with spin-orbit coupling included through the variational-perturbational method. The halide-to-uranyl charge-transfer states were taken into account in the calculation by including ligand orbitals in the active space. In order to do that, it is assumed that the charge transfer takes place from only one of the four ligands. Two models, which in principle can describe this, were investigated: the first one makes use of a localizing technique and the second one replaces three ligands by ab initio model potentials (AIMPs). The basis set dependence was investigated by using two different basis sets for the halides, of triple-zeta and quadruple-zeta quality. The localization procedure turned out to be strongly basis set dependent, and the most stable results were obtained with ab initio model potentials. The ground state is a closed shell singlet state, and the first excitation is from the bonding sigma(u) orbital on uranyl to the nonbonding delta(u) orbitals, except for the [UO2I4]2- complex, where the first excited state has a mixed character of charge transfer from the I- and the sigma(u)(1)phi(u)(1) configuration. In [UO2F4]2- there is no charge transfer excitation below 50,000 cm(-1) , while in [UO2Cl4]2- it appears around 33,000 cm(-1) and in [UO2Br4]2- around 23,000 cm(-1) . A blueshift of the spectra, from F- to I-, is observed. The calculations compare reasonably well with available experimental results.

Inorg Chem ; 48(23): 11310-3, 2009 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19877676


The water exchange mechanism of the uranyl(VI) aquo ion in the luminescent state, (3)Delta(g) in the spin-orbit free nomenclature, has been investigated using quantum chemical methods and compared to the corresponding reaction in the electronic ground state. The reaction mechanism was studied by calculation of the enthalpy of reaction of the A- and D- intermediates relative to the reactant, using a penta-aquo ion model with one additional water molecule in the second hydration sphere. The reaction barriers around the intermediates are low, and they are therefore a good approximation for the activation enthalpy. The energy of the D-intermediate is significantly larger than that of the A-intermediate both in the luminescent and in the ground states, suggesting that the water exchange is the same in both states. This suggestion is supported by the experimental rate constants for luminescence decay and water exchange in the electronic ground state that are 0.5 x 10(6) s(-1) and 1.3 x 10(6) s(-1), respectively.

J Phys Chem A ; 113(8): 1420-8, 2009 Feb 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19182969


The electronic spectra up to 50,000 cm(-1) of uranyl(V) both as a bare ion, UO2(+), and coordinated with three carbonate ligands, [UO2(CO3)3]5-, are presented. Solvent effects were treated by a nonequilibrium continuum solvent model. The transition energies were obtained at the spin-orbit level using relativistic wave function based multiconfigurational methods such as the complete active space self-consistent field method (CASSCF)and the complete active space with second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) followed by a calculation of the spin-orbit effects at the variation-perturbation level. Earlier relativistic intermediate Hamiltonian Fock space coupled-cluster calculations on the spectrum of the bare uranyl(V) ion were extended to investigate the influence of electron correlation effects on spacings between the electronic states. This study is an attempt to contribute to an enhanced understanding of the electronic structure of actinyl ions. Both spectra show transitions within nonbonding orbitals and between nonbonding and antibonding orbitals as well as charge transfers from the uranyl oxygens to uranium. The ground state in UO2(+) is found to be 2Φ(5/2u), corresponding to the σ(u)(2)φ(u)(1) configuration, while in [UO2(CO3)3]5-, it is 2Δ(3/2u), arising from the σ(u)(2)δ(u)(1) configuration. It is remarkable that the excited state corresponding to an excitation from the nonbonding δ(u) to the uranyl antibonding 3π(u)* molecular orbital is significantly lower in energy in the carbonate complex, 6623 cm(-1), than that in the bare ion, 17,908 cm(-1). The first ligand (carbonate) to metal charge-transfer excitation is estimated to occur above 50,000 cm(-1). The reported results compare favorably with experiment when available.

J Chem Phys ; 131(5): 054107, 2009 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19673551


In a previous paper [Fromager et al., J. Chem. Phys. 126, 074111 (2007)], some of the authors proposed a recipe for choosing the optimal value of the mu parameter that controls the long-range/short-range separation of the two-electron interaction in hybrid multiconfigurational self-consistent field short-range density-functional theory (MC-srDFT) methods. For general modeling with MC-srDFT methods, it is clearly desirable that the same universal value of mu can be used for any molecule. Their calculations on neutral light element compounds all yielded mu(opt)=0.4 a.u. In this work the authors investigate the universality of this value by considering "extreme" study cases, namely, neutral and charged isoelectronic f(0) actinide compounds (ThO(2), PaO(2)(+), UO(2)(2+), UN(2), CUO, and NpO(2)(3+)). We find for these compounds that mu(opt)=0.3 a.u. but show that 0.4 a.u. is still acceptable. This is a promising result in the investigation of a universal range separation. The accuracy of the currently best MC-srDFT (mu=0.3 a.u.) approach has also been tested for equilibrium geometries. Though it performs as well as wave function theory and DFT for static-correlation-free systems, it fails in describing the neptunyl (VII) ion NpO(2)(3+) where static correlation is significant; bending is preferred at the MC-srDFT (mu=0.3 a.u.) level, whereas the molecule is known to be linear. This clearly shows the need for better short-range functionals, especially for the description of the short-range exchange. It also suggests that the bending tendencies observed in DFT for NpO(2)(3+) cannot be fully explained by the bad description of static correlation effects by standard functionals. A better description of the exchange seems to be essential too.

J Am Chem Soc ; 130(35): 11742-51, 2008 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18686948


The mechanism for the photochemically induced isotope-exchange reaction U(17/18)O2(2+)(aq) + H2(16)O <==> U(16)O2(2+)(aq) + H2(17/18)O has been studied using quantum-chemical methods. There is a dense manifold of states between 22,000 and 54,000 cm(-1) that results from excitations from the sigma(u) and pi(u) bonding orbitals in the (1)Sigma(g)(+) ground state to the nonbonding f(delta) and f(phi) orbitals localized on uranium. On the basis of investigations of the reaction profile in the (1)Sigma(g)(+) ground state and the excited states (3)Delta(g) (the lowest triplet state) and (3)Gamma(g) (one of the several higher triplet states), the latter two of which have the electron configurations sigma(u)f(delta) and pi(u)f(phi), respectively, we suggest that the isotope exchange takes place in one of the higher triplet states, of which the (3)Gamma(g) state was used as a representative. The geometries of the luminescent (3)Delta(g) state, the lowest in the sigma(u)f(delta,phi) manifold (the "sigma" states), and the (1)Sigma(g)(+) ground state are very similar, except that the bond distances are slightly longer in the former. This is presumably a result of transfer of a bonding electron to a nonbonding f orbital, which makes the excited state in some respects similar to uranyl(V). As is the case for all of the states of the pi(u)f(delta,phi) manifold (the "pi" states), the geometry of the (3)Gamma(g) state is very different from that of the (3)Delta(g) "sigma" state and has nonequivalent U-O(yl) distances of 1.982 and 1.763 A; in the (3)Gamma(g) state, the yl-exchange takes place by transfer of a proton or hydrogen from water to the more distant yl-oxygen. The activation barriers for proton/hydrogen transfer in the ground state and the (3)Delta(g) and (3)Gamma(g) states are 186, 219, and 84 kJ/mol, respectively. The relaxation energy for the (3)Gamma(g) state in the solvent after photoexcitation is -86 kJ/mol, indicating that the energy barrier can be overcome; the "pi" states are therefore the most probable route for proton/hydrogen transfer. They can be populated after UV irradiation but are too high in energy (approximately 36,000-40,000 cm(-1)) to be reached by a single-photon absorption at 436 nm (22,900 cm(-1)), where experimental data have demonstrated that exchange can take place. Okuyama et al. [Bull. Res. Lab. Nucl. React. (Tokyo Inst. Technol.) 1978, 3, 39-50] have demonstrated that an intermediate is formed when an acidic solution of UO2(2+)(aq) is flash-photolyzed in the UV range. The absorption spectrum of this short-lived intermediate (which has a maximum at 560 nm) indicates that this species arises from 436 nm excitation of the luminescent (3)Delta(g) state (which has a lifetime of approximately 2 x 10(-6) s); this is sufficient to reach the reactive "pi" states. It has been speculated that the primary reaction in acidic solutions of UO2(2+)(aq) is the formation of a uranyl(V) species; our results indicate that the structure in the luminescent state has some similarity to that of UO2(+) but that the reactive species in the "pi" states is a cation radical with a distinctly different structure.

J Chem Phys ; 128(15): 154310, 2008 Apr 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18433212


The energy levels of the 5f configuration of U(5+) and 5f(2) configuration of U(4+) have been calculated in a dressed effective Hamiltonian relativistic spin-orbit configuration interaction framework. Electron correlation is treated in the scalar relativistic scheme with either the multistate multireference second-order multiconfigurational perturbation theory (MS-CASPT2) or with the multireference single and double configuration interaction (MRCI) and its size-extensive Davidson corrected variant. The CASPT2 method yields relative energies which are lower than those obtained with the MRCI method, the differences being the largest for the highest state (1)S(0) of the 5f(2) manifold. Both valence correlation effects and spin-orbit polarization of the outer-core orbitals are shown to be important. The satisfactory agreement of the results with experiments and four-component correlated calculations illustrates the relevance of dressed spin-orbit configuration interaction methods for spectroscopy studies of heavy elements.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 4(4): 569-77, 2008 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26620931


We discuss the accuracy of density functional theory (DFT) in the gas phase for the water-exchange reactions in the uranyl(VI) aqua ion taking place both in the electronic ground state and in the first excited state (the luminescent (3)Δg state). The geometries of the reactant and intermediates have been optimized using DFT and the B3LYP functional, with a restricted closed-shell formalism for the electronic ground state and either an unrestricted open-shell formalism or the time-dependent DFT method for the (3)Δg state. The relative energies have been computed with wave-function-based methods such as Møller-Plesset second-order perturbation theory, or a minimal multireference perturbative calculation (minimal CASPT2); coupled-cluster method (CCSD(T)); DFT with B3LYP, BLYP, and BHLYP correlation and exchange functionals; and the hybrid DFT-multireference configuration interaction method. The results obtained with second-order perturbative methods are in excellent agreement with those obtained with the CCSD(T) method. However, DFT methods overestimate the energies of low coordination numbers, yielding to too high and too low reaction energies for the associative and dissociative reactions, respectively. Part of the errors appears to be associated with the amount of Hartree-Fock exchange used in the functional; for the dissociative intermediate in the ground state, the pure DFT functionals underestimate the reaction energy by 20 kJ/mol relative to wave-function-based methods, and when the amount of HF exchange is increased to 20% (B3LYP) and to 50% (BHLYP), the error is decreased to 13 and 4 kJ/mol, respectively.

J Chem Phys ; 127(21): 214302, 2007 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18067352


In order to assess the accuracy of wave-function and density functional theory (DFT) based methods for excited states of the uranyl(VI) UO2(2+) molecule excitation energies and geometries of states originating from excitation from the sigma(u), sigma(g), pi(u), and pi(g) orbitals to the nonbonding 5f(delta) and 5f(phi) have been calculated with different methods. The investigation included linear-response CCSD (LR-CCSD), multiconfigurational perturbation theory (CASSCFCASPT2), size-extensivity corrected multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) and AQCC, and the DFT based methods time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) with different functionals and the hybrid DFTMRCI method. Excellent agreement between all nonperturbative wave-function based methods was obtained. CASPT2 does not give energies in agreement with the nonperturbative wave-function based methods, and neither does TD-DFT, in particular, for the higher excitations. The CAM-B3LYP functional, which has a corrected asymptotic behavior, improves the accuracy especially in the higher region of the electronic spectrum. The hybrid DFTMRCI method performs better than TD-DFT, again compared to the nonperturbative wave-function based results. However, TD-DFT, with common functionals such as B3LYP, yields acceptable geometries and relaxation energies for all excited states compared to LR-CCSD. The structure of excited states corresponding to excitation out of the highest occupied sigma(u) orbital are symmetric while that arising from excitations out of the pi(u) orbitals have asymmetric structures. The distant oxygen atom acquires a radical character and likely becomes a strong proton acceptor. These electronic states may play an important role in photoinduced proton exchange with a water molecule of the aqueous environment.

J Phys Chem A ; 110(29): 9025-7, 2006 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16854011


The activation energy and rate constant of U(V)-Fe(III) to U(VI)-Fe(II) outer-sphere electron-transfer reaction was studied using Marcus model. Experimental values were used for Gibbs energy change of the reaction, and energy surfaces were calculated by quantum chemical methods. The calculated rate constant was in reasonable accord with experimental value.

J Phys Chem A ; 110(29): 9175-82, 2006 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16854031


The reduction potentials of the AnO(2)(H(2)O)(5)(2+)/AnO(2)(H(2)O)(5)(+) couple (An = U, Np, Pu, and Am) and Fe(H(2)O)(6)(3+) to Fe(H(2)O)(6)(2+) in aqueous solution were calculated at MP2, CASPT2, and CCSD(T) levels of theory. Spin-orbit effects for all species were estimated at the CASSCF level. Solvation of the hydrated metal cations was modeled both by polarizable conductor model (PCM) calculation and by solvating the solutes with over one thousand TIP3P water molecules in the QM/MM framework. The redox reaction energy calculated by QM/MM method agreed well with the PCM method after corrections using the classical Born formula for the contribution from the rest of the solvation sphere and correction for dynamic response of solvent polarization in the MM region. Calculated reduction potentials inclusive of spin-orbit effect, zero-point energy, thermal corrections, entropy effect, and PCM solvation energy were found to be comparable with experimental data. The difference between CASPT2 calculated and experimental reduction energies were less than 35 kJ/mol in all cases, which ensures that CASPT2 (and CCSD(T)) calculations provide reasonable estimates of the thermochemistry of these reactions.

Dalton Trans ; (30): 3638-46, 2006 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16865175


Experimental data on the thermodynamics and reaction mechanism of the inner-sphere fluoride exchange reaction U17O2(2+) + UO2F+ <==> U17O2F+ + UO2(2+) have been compared with different intimate reaction mechanisms using quantum chemical methods. Two models have been tested that start from the outer sphere complexes, (H2O)[U(A)O2F(OH2)4+]...[U(B)O2(OH2)5(2+)] and [U(A)O2F(OH2)4+]...[U(B)O2(OH2)5(2+)]; the geometry and energies of the intermediates and transition states along possible reaction pathways have been calculated using different ab initio methods, SCF, B3LYP and MP2. Both the experimental data and the theoretical results suggest that the fluoride exchange takes place via the formation and breaking of a U-F-U bridge that is the rate determining step. The calculated activation enthalpy DeltaH( not equal) = 30.9 kJ mol(-1) is virtually identical to the experimental value 31 kJ mol(-1); however this agreement may be a coincidence as we do not expect a larger accuracy than 10 kJ mol(-1) with the methods used. The calculations show that the fluoride bridge is formed as an insertion of U(A)O2)F(OH2)4+ into U(B)O2(OH2)5(2+) followed by a subsequent transfer of water from the first to the second coordination sphere of U(B).

J Phys Chem A ; 109(22): 4950-6, 2005 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16833842


The rates and mechanisms of the electron self-exchange between Np(V) and Np(VI) in solution have been studied with quantum chemical methods and compared with previous results for the U(V)-U(VI) pair. Both outer-sphere and inner-sphere mechanisms have been investigated, the former for the aqua ions, the latter for binuclear complexes containing hydroxide, fluoride, and carbonate as bridging ligand. Solvent effects were calculated using the Marcus equation for the outer-sphere reactions and using a nonequilibrium PCM method for the inner-sphere reactions. The nonequilibrium PCM appeared to overestimate the solvent effect for the outer-sphere reactions. The calculated rate constant for the self-exchange reaction NpO2(+)(aq) + NpO2(2+)(aq) right harpoon over left harpoon NpO2(2+)(aq) + NpO2(+)(aq), at 25 degrees C is k = 67 M(-1) s(-1), in fair agreement with the observed rates 0.0063-15 M(-1) s(-1). The differences between the Np(V)-Np(VI) and the U(V)-U(VI) pairs are minor.

J Phys Chem A ; 109(22): 4957-60, 2005 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16833843


The spin-orbit effects were investigated on the complexes involved in the electron self-exchange between Np(V) and Np(VI) in both the outer-sphere and inner-sphere mechanisms, the latter for binuclear complexes containing hydroxide, fluoride, and carbonate as bridging ligands. Results obtained with the variation-perturbation and the multireference single excitation spin-orbit CI calculations are compared. Both effects due to different relaxations of spinors within a multiplet (spin-orbit relaxation) and scalar (electrostatic) relaxation effects in the excited states are accounted for in the latter scheme. The results show that the scalar (electrostatic) relaxation is well described by the single-excitation spin-orbit CI, and that spin-orbit relaxation effects are small in the Np complexes, as in the lighter d-transition elements but in contrast to the main group elements.

J Am Chem Soc ; 125(48): 14941-50, 2003 Dec 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14640672


The accuracy of quantum chemical predictions of structures and thermodynamic data for metal complexes depends both on the quantum chemical methods and the chemical models used. A thermodynamic analogue of the Eigen-Wilkins mechanism for ligand substitution reactions (Model A) turns out to be sufficiently simple to catch the essential chemistry of complex formation reactions and allows quantum chemical calculations at the ab initio level of thermodynamic quantities both in gas phase and solution; the latter by using the conductor-like polarizable continuum (CPCM) model. Model A describes the complex formation as a two-step reaction: 1. [M(H2O)x](aq) + L(aq) <==>[M(H2O)x], L(aq); 2. [M(H2O)x], L(aq) <==>[M(H2O)(x-1)L],(H2O)(aq). The first step, the formation of an outer-sphere complex is described using the Fuoss equation and the second, the intramolecular exchange between an entering ligand from the second and water in the first coordination shell, using quantum chemical methods. The thermodynamic quantities for this model were compared to those for the reaction: [M(H2O)x](aq) + L(aq) <==>[M(H2O)(x-1)L](aq) + (H2O)(aq) (Model B), as calculated for each reactant and product separately. The models were tested using complex formation between Zn(2+) and ammonia, methylamine, and ethylenediamine, and complex formation and chelate ring closure reactions in binary and ternary UO(2)(2+)-oxalate systems. The results show that the Gibbs energy of reaction for Model A are not strongly dependent on the number of water ligands and the structure of the second coordination sphere; it provides a much more precise estimate of the thermodynamics of complex formation reactions in solution than that obtained from Model B. The agreement between the experimental and calculated data for the formation of Zn(NH(3))(2+)(aq) and Zn(NH(3))(2)(2+)(aq) is better than 8 kJ/mol for the former, as compared to 30 kJ/mol or larger, for the latter. The Gibbs energy of reaction obtained for the UO(2)(2+) oxalate systems using model B differs between 80 and 130 kJ/mol from the experimental results, whereas the agreement with Model A is better. The errors in the quantum chemical estimates of the entropy and enthalpy of reaction are somewhat larger than those for the Gibbs energy, but still in fair agreement with experiments; adding water molecules in the second coordination sphere improves the agreement significantly. Reasons for the different performance of the two models are discussed. The quantum chemical data were used to discuss the microscopic basis of experimental enthalpy and entropy data, to determine the enthalpy and entropy contributions in chelate ring closure reactions and to discuss the origin of the so-called "chelate effect". Contrary to many earlier suggestions, this is not even in the gas phase, a result of changes in translation entropy contributions. There is no simple explanation of the high stability of chelate complexes; it is a result of both enthalpy and entropy contributions that vary from one system to the other.

Inorg Chem ; 41(21): 5626-33, 2002 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12377063


The reaction mechanism for the exchange of fluoride in UO(2)F(5)(3-) and UO(2)F(4)(H(2)O)(2-) has been investigated experimentally using (19)F NMR spectroscopy at -5 degrees C, by studying the line broadening of the free fluoride, UO(2)F(4)(2-)(aq) and UO(2)F(5)(3-), and theoretically using quantum chemical methods to calculate the activation energy for different pathways. The new experimental data allowed us to make a more detailed study of chemical equilibria and exchange mechanisms than in previous studies. From the integrals of the different individual peaks in the new NMR spectra, we obtained the stepwise stability constant K(5) = 0.60 +/- 0.05 M(-1) for UO(2)F(5)(3-). The theoretical results indicate that the fluoride exchange pathway of lowest activation energy, 71 kJ/mol, in UO(2)F(5)(3-) is water assisted. The pure dissociative pathway has an activation energy of 75 kJ/mol, while the associative mechanism can be excluded as there is no stable UO(2)F(6)(4-) intermediate. The quantum chemical calculations have been made at the SCF/MP2 levels, using a conductor-like polarizable continuum model (CPCM) to describe the solvent. The effects of different model assumptions on the activation energy have been studied. The activation energy is not strongly dependent on the cavity size or on interactions between the complex and Na(+) counterions. However, the solvation of the complex and the leaving fluoride results in substantial changes in the activation energy. The mechanism for water exchange in UO(2)F(4)(H(2)O)(2-) has also been studied. We could eliminate the associative mechanism, the dissociative mechanism had the lowest activation energy, 39 kJ/mol, while the interchange mechanism has an activation energy that is approximately 50 kJ/mol higher.

J Am Chem Soc ; 126(25): 7766-7, 2004 Jun 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15212510


The water exchange mechanism for AmO2(H2O)52+ and the isoelectronic UO2(H2O)5+ and NpO2(H2O)52+ ions has been investigated using quantum chemical methods and compared to previous findings in the uranyl(VI) system (Vallet, V. et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 11999). There are substantial and predictable changes in the geometry and preferred exchange pathways between uranyl(V) and the different actinyl(VI) complexes. The smaller charge on the uranyl(V) center makes the dissociative pathway more favorable than the associative/interchange pathways in the actinyl(VI) systems.

Inorg Chem ; 42(6): 1982-93, 2003 Mar 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12639133


Structural isomers of [UO(2)(oxalate)(3)](4-), [UO(2)(oxalate)F(3)](3-), [UO(2)(oxalate)(2)F](3-), and [UO(2)(oxalate)(2)(H(2)O)](2-) have been studied by using EXAFS and quantum chemical ab initio methods. Theoretical structures and their relative energies were determined in the gas phase and in water using the CPCM model. The most stable isomers according to the quantum chemical calculations have geometries consistent with the EXAFS data, and the difference between measured and calculated bond distances is generally less than 0.05 A. The complex [UO(2)(oxalate)(3)](4-) contains two oxalate ligands forming five-membered chelate rings, while the third is bonded end-on to a single carboxylate oxygen. The most stable isomer of the other two complexes also contains the same type of chelate-bonded oxalate ligands. The activation energy for ring opening in [UO(2)(oxalate)F(3)](3-), deltaU++ = 63 kJ/mol, is in fair agreement with the experimental activation enthalpy, deltaH++ = 45 +/- 5 kJ/mol, for different [UO(2)(picolinate)F(3)](2-) complexes, indicating similar ring-opening mechanisms. No direct experimental information is available on intramolecular exchange in [UO(3)(oxalate)(3)](4-). The theoretical results indicate that it takes place via the tris-chelated intermediate with an activation energy of deltaU++ = 38 kJ/mol; the other pathways involve multiple steps and have much higher activation energies. The geometries and energies of dioxouranium(VI) complexes in the gas phase and solvent models differ slightly, with differences in bond distance and energy of typically less than 0.06 A and 10 kJ/mol, respectively. However, there might be a significant difference in the distance between uranium and the leaving/entering group in the transition state, resulting in a systematic error when the gas-phase geometry is used to estimate the activation energy in solution. This systematic error is about 10 kJ/mol and tends to cancel when comparing different pathways.

J Am Chem Soc ; 126(31): 9801-8, 2004 Aug 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15291584


The rates and mechanisms of the electron self-exchange between U(V) and U(VI) in solution have been studied with quantum chemical methods. Both outer-sphere and inner-sphere mechanisms have been investigated; the former for the aqua ions, the latter for binuclear complexes containing hydroxide, fluoride, and carbonate as bridging ligand. The calculated rate constant for the self-exchange reaction UO(2)(+)(aq) + UO(2)(2+)(aq) <=>UO(2)(2+)(aq) + UO(2)(+)(aq), at 25 degrees C, is k = 26 M(-1) s(-1). The lower limit of the rate of electron transfer in the inner-sphere complexes is estimated to be in the range 2 x 10(4) to 4 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1), indicating that the rate for the overall exchange reaction may be determined by the rate of formation and dissociation of the binuclear complex. The activation energy for the outer-sphere model calculated from the Marcus model is nearly the same as that obtained by a direct calculation of the precursor- and transition-state energy. A simple model with one water ligand is shown to recover 60% of the reorganization energy. This finding is important because it indicates the possibility to carry out theoretical studies of electron-transfer reactions involving M(3+) and M(4+) actinide species that have eight or nine water ligands in the first coordination sphere.

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