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Inorg Chem ; 63(8): 3781-3794, 2024 Feb 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38346445


Materials with an extreme lattice thermal conductivity (κl) are indispensable for thermal energy management applications. Layered materials provide an avenue for designing such functional materials due to their intrinsic bonding heterogeneity. Therefore, a microscopic understanding of the crystal structure, bonding, anharmonic lattice dynamics, and phonon transport properties is critically important for layered materials. Alkaline-earth halofluorides exhibit anisotropy from their layered crystal structure, which is strongly determined by axial bond(s), and it is attributed to the large axial ratio (c/a > 2) for CaBrF, CaIF, and SrIF, in which Br/I acts as a rattler, as evidenced from potential energy curves and phonon density of states. The low axial (c/a) ratio leads to relatively isotropic κl values in the BaXF (X = Cl, Br, I) series. MXF (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) compounds exhibit highly anisotropic (a large phonon transport anisotropy ratio of 10.95 for CaIF) to isotropic (a small phonon transport anisotropy ratio of 1.49 for BaBrF) κl values despite their iso-structure. Moreover, ultralow κl (<1 W/m K) values have been predicted for CaBrF, CaIF, and SrIF in the out-of-plane direction due to weak van der Waals (vdWs) bonding. Overall, this comprehensive study on MXF compounds provides insights into designing low κl layered materials with a large axial ratio by fine-tuning out-of-plane bonding from ionic to vdWs bonding.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(23): 14640-14650, 2022 Jun 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35670366


To achieve polymer-graphene nanocomposites with high thermal conductivity (k), it is critically important to achieve efficient thermal coupling between graphene and the surrounding polymer matrix through effective functionalization schemes. In this work, we demonstrate that edge-functionalization of graphene nanoplatelets (GnPs) can enable a larger enhancement of effective thermal conductivity in polymer-graphene nanocomposites relative to basal plane functionalization. Effective thermal conductivity for the edge case is predicted, through molecular dynamics simulations, to be up to 48% higher relative to basal plane bonding for 35 wt% graphene loading with 10 layer thick nanoplatelets. The beneficial effect of edge bonding is related to the anisotropy of thermal transport in graphene, involving very high in-plane thermal conductivity (∼2000 W m-1 K-1) compared to the low out-of-plane thermal conductivity (∼10 W m-1 K-1). Likewise, in multilayer graphene nanoplatelets (GnPs), the thermal conductivity across the layers is even lower due to the weak van der Waals bonding between each pair of layers. Edge functionalization couples the polymer chains to the high in-plane thermal conduction pathway of graphene, thus leading to overall high thermal conductivity of the composite. Basal-plane functionalization, however, lowers the thermal resistance between the polymer and the surface graphene sheets of the nanoplatelet only, causing the heat conduction through inner layers to be less efficient, thus resulting in the basal plane scheme to be outperformed by the edge scheme. The present study enables fundamentally novel pathways for achieving high thermal conductivity polymer nanocomposites.

Inorg Chem ; 60(13): 9320-9331, 2021 Jul 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34152127


Analogous to 2D layered transition-metal dichalcogenides, the TlSe family of quasi-one dimensional chain materials with the Zintl-type structure exhibits novel phenomena under high pressure. In the present work, we have systematically investigated the high-pressure behavior of TlInTe2 using Raman spectroscopy, synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD), and transport measurements, in combination with first principles crystal structure prediction (CSP) based on evolutionary approach. We found that TlInTe2 undergoes a pressure-induced semiconductor-to-semimetal transition at 4 GPa, followed by a superconducting transition at 5.7 GPa (with Tc = 3.8 K). An unusual giant phonon mode (Ag) softening appears at ∼10-12 GPa as a result of the interaction of optical phonons with the conduction electrons. The high-pressure XRD and Raman spectroscopy studies reveal that there is no structural phase transitions observed up to the maximum pressure achieved (33.5 GPa), which is in agreement with our CSP calculations. In addition, our calculations predict two high-pressure phases above 35 GPa following the phase transition sequence as I4/mcm (B37) → Pbcm → Pm3̅m (B2). Electronic structure calculations suggest Lifshitz (L1 & L2-type) transitions near the superconducting transition pressure. Our findings on TlInTe2 open up a new avenue to study unexplored high-pressure novel phenomena in TlSe family induced by Lifshitz transition (electronic driven), giant phonon softening, and electron-phonon coupling.

Inorg Chem ; 59(8): 5303-5312, 2020 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32223161


Crystal structure prediction (CSP) methods recently proposed a series of new rare-earth (RE) hydrides at high pressures with novel crystal structures, unusual stoichiometries, and intriguing features such as high-Tc superconductivity. RE trihydrides (REH3) generally undergo a phase transition from ambient P63/mmc or P3̅c1 to Fm3̅m at high pressure. This cubic REH3 (Fm3̅m) was considered to be a precursor to further synthesize RE polyhydrides such as YH4, YH6, YH9, and CeH9 with higher hydrogen contents at higher pressures. However, the structural stability and equation of state (EOS) of any of the REH3 have not been fully investigated at sufficiently high pressures. This work presents high-pressure X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell up to 100 GPa and ab initio evolutionary CSP of stable phases of DyH3 up to 220 GPa. Experiments observed the Fm3̅m phase of DyH3 to be stable at pressures from 17 to 100 GPa and temperatures up to ∼2000 K. After complete decompression, the P3̅c1 and Fm3̅m phases of DyH3 recovered under ambient conditions. Our calculations predicted a series of phases for DyH3 at high pressures with the structural phase transition sequence P3̅c1 → Imm2 → Fm3̅m → Pnma → P63/mmc at 11, 35, 135, and 194 GPa, respectively. The predicted P3̅c1 and Fm3̅m phases are consistent with experimental observations. Furthermore, electronic band structure calculations were carried out for the predicted phases of DyH3, including the 4f states, within the DFT+U approach. The inclusion of 4f states shows significant changes in electronic properties, as more Dy d states cross the Fermi level and overlap with H 1s states. The structural phase transition from P3̅c1 to Fm3̅m observed in DyH3 is systematically compared with other REH3 compounds at high pressures. The phase transition pressure in REH3 shows an inverse relation with the ionic radius of RE atoms.

Inorg Chem ; 58(9): 5886-5899, 2019 May 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30998009


We predict crystal structures of MClF (M = Ba and Pb) compounds by performing an ab initio evolutionary simulation at ambient as well as high pressure. We propose a structural transition sequence in MClF compounds as follows: P4/ nmm → Pmcn → P63/ mmc below 100 GPa. The predicted ambient and intermediate phases are consistent with X-ray and Raman spectroscopic measurements, while the newly proposed high pressure P63/ mmc phase is thermodynamically more favorable than the previously proposed monoclinic ( P21/ m) phase. It is found that the P4/ nmm → Pmcn transition is first order in nature, while the Pmcn → P63/ mmc transition is a martensitic phase transition, which is accompanied by a slight volume change and is of a displacive nature. The austenite and martensite phases coexist in a wide pressure range, especially for PbClF. The martensite phase transition is mainly driven by (1) tilting and transformation of distorted heptahedron to pentahedron environment of MCl6, which leads to negative area compressibility, and (2) cooperative displacive movement of F- ions to form a trigonal bypyramidal (MF5) structure around a metal cation. Overall, the metal cation coordination increases from 9 (MF4Cl5- P4/ nmm) to 10 (MF4Cl6- Pmcn) and, further, to 11 (MF5Cl6- P63/ mmc) under high pressure. The predicted ambient and high pressure phases are mechanically and dynamically stable under the studied pressure range. Electronic structure, bonding, and optical properties are calculated and discussed using new parametrization of Tran Blaha modified Becke Johnson potential. We find nearly isotropic optical properties (except for the ambient phase of PbClF), even though all the predicted ambient and high pressure phases are structurally anisotropic.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(43): 29210-25, 2015 Nov 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26465777


We have investigated the effect of hydrostatic pressure and temperature on phase stability of hydro-nitrogen solids using dispersion corrected density functional theory calculations. From our total energy calculations, ammonium azide (AA) is found to be the thermodynamic ground state of N4H4 compounds in preference to trans-tetrazene (TTZ), hydro-nitrogen solid-1 (HNS-1) and HNS-2 phases. We have carried out a detailed study on structure and lattice dynamics of the equilibrium phase (AA). AA undergoes a phase transition to TTZ at around ∼39-43 GPa followed by TTZ to HNS-1 at around 80-90 GPa under the studied temperature range 0-650 K. The accelerated and decelerated compression of a and c lattice constants suggest that the ambient phase of AA transforms to a tetragonal phase and then to a low symmetry structure with less anisotropy upon further compression. We have noticed that the angle made by type-II azides with the c-axis shows a rapid decrease and reaches a minimum value at 12 GPa, and thereafter increases up to 50 GPa. Softening of the shear elastic moduli is suggestive of a mechanical instability of AA under high pressure. In addition, we have also performed density functional perturbation theory calculations to obtain the vibrational spectrum of AA at ambient as well as at high pressures. Furthermore, we have made a complete assignment of all the vibrational modes which is in good agreement with the experimental observations at ambient pressure. Moreover, the calculated pressure dependent IR spectra show that the N-H stretching frequencies undergo red and blue-shifts corresponding to strengthening and weakening of hydrogen bonding, respectively, below and above 4 GPa. The intensity of the N-H asymmetric stretching mode B2u is found to diminish gradually and the weak coupling between NH4 and N3 ions makes B1u and B3u modes to degenerate with progression of pressure up to 4 GPa which causes weakening of hydrogen bonding and these effects may lead to a structural phase transition in AA around 4 GPa. Furthermore, we have also calculated the phonon dispersion curves at 0 and 6 GPa and no soft phonon mode is observed under high pressure.

J Chem Phys ; 143(20): 204704, 2015 Nov 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26627968


Mercury Fulminate (MF) is one of the well-known primary explosives since 17th century and it has rendered invaluable service over many years. However, the correct molecular and crystal structures are determined recently after 300 years of its discovery. In the present study, we report pressure dependent structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of MF. Non-local correction methods have been employed to capture the weak van der Waals interactions in layered and molecular energetic MF. Among the non-local correction methods tested, optB88-vdW method works well for the investigated compound. The obtained equilibrium bulk modulus reveals that MF is softer than the well known primary explosives Silver Fulminate (SF), silver azide and lead azide. MF exhibits anisotropic compressibility (b > a > c) under pressure, consequently the corresponding elastic moduli decrease in the following order: C22 > C11 > C33. The structural and mechanical properties suggest that MF is more sensitive to detonate along c-axis (similar to RDX) due to high compressibility of Hg⋯O non-bonded interactions along that axis. Electronic structure and optical properties were calculated including spin-orbit (SO) interactions using full potential linearized augmented plane wave method within recently developed Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson (TB-mBJ) potential. The calculated TB-mBJ electronic structures of SF and MF show that these compounds are indirect bandgap insulators. Also, SO coupling is found to be more pronounced for 4d and 5d-states of Ag and Hg atoms of SF and MF, respectively. Partial density of states and electron charge density maps were used to describe the nature of chemical bonding. Ag-C bond is more directional than Hg-C bond which makes SF to be more unstable than MF. The effect of SO coupling on optical properties has also been studied and found to be significant for both (SF and MF) of the compounds.

J Chem Phys ; 143(6): 064508, 2015 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26277146


Potassium 1,1'-dinitroamino-5,5'-bistetrazolate (K2DNABT) is a nitrogen rich (50.3% by weight, K2C2N12O4) green primary explosive with high performance characteristics, namely, velocity of detonation (D = 8.33 km/s), detonation pressure (P = 31.7 GPa), and fast initiating power to replace existing toxic primaries. In the present work, we report density functional theory (DFT) calculations on structural, equation of state, vibrational spectra, electronic structure, and absorption spectra of K2DNABT. We have discussed the influence of weak dispersive interactions on structural and vibrational properties through the DFT-D2 method. We find anisotropic compressibility behavior (b

J Chem Phys ; 140(22): 224705, 2014 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24929412


Silver fulminate (AgCNO) is a primary explosive, which exists in two polymorphic phases, namely, orthorhombic (Cmcm) and trigonal (R3) forms at ambient conditions. In the present study, we have investigated the effect of pressure and temperature on relative phase stability of the polymorphs using planewave pseudopotential approaches based on Density Functional Theory (DFT). van der Waals interactions play a significant role in predicting the phase stability and they can be effectively captured by semi-empirical dispersion correction methods in contrast to standard DFT functionals. Based on our total energy calculations using DFT-D2 method, the Cmcm structure is found to be the preferred thermodynamic equilibrium phase under studied pressure and temperature range. Hitherto Cmcm and R3 phases denoted as α- and ß-forms of AgCNO, respectively. Also a pressure induced polymorphic phase transition is seen using DFT functionals and the same was not observed with DFT-D2 method. The equation of state and compressibility of both polymorphic phases were investigated. Electronic structure and optical properties were calculated using full potential linearized augmented plane wave method within the Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson potential. The calculated electronic structure shows that α, ß phases are indirect bandgap insulators with a bandgap values of 3.51 and 4.43 eV, respectively. The nature of chemical bonding is analyzed through the charge density plots and partial density of states. Optical anisotropy, electric-dipole transitions, and photo sensitivity to light of the polymorphs are analyzed from the calculated optical spectra. Overall, the present study provides an early indication to experimentalists to avoid the formation of unstable ß-form of AgCNO.

J Chem Phys ; 138(17): 174701, 2013 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23656146


High pressure behavior of potassium chlorate (KClO3) has been investigated from 0 to 10 GPa by means of first principles density functional theory calculations. The calculated ground state parameters, transition pressure, and phonon frequencies using semiempirical dispersion correction scheme are in excellent agreement with experiment. It is found that KClO3 undergoes a pressure induced first order phase transition with an associated volume collapse of 6.4% from monoclinic (P2(1)/m) → rhombohedral (R3m) structure at 2.26 GPa, which is in good accord with experimental observation. However, the transition pressure was found to underestimate (0.11 GPa) and overestimate (3.57 GPa) using local density approximation and generalized gradient approximation functionals, respectively. Mechanical stability of both the phases is explained from the calculated single crystal elastic constants. In addition, the zone center phonon frequencies have been calculated using density functional perturbation theory at ambient as well as at high pressure and the lattice modes are found to soften under pressure between 0.6 and 1.2 GPa. The present study reveals that the observed structural phase transition leads to changes in the decomposition mechanism of KClO3 which corroborates with the experimental results.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 14(36): 40738-40748, 2022 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36053500


Understanding the interplay between various design strategies (for instance, bonding heterogeneity and lone pair induced anharmonicity) to achieve ultralow lattice thermal conductivity (κl) is indispensable for discovering novel functional materials for thermal energy applications. In the present study, we investigate layered PbXF (X = Cl, Br, I), which offers bonding heterogeneity through the layered crystal structure, anharmonicity through the Pb2+ 6s2 lone pair, and phonon softening through the mass difference between F and Pb/X. The weak interlayer van der Waals bonding and the strong intralayer ionic bonding with partial covalent bonding result in a significant bonding heterogeneity and a poor phonon transport in the out-of-plane direction. Large average Grüneisen parameters (≥2.5) demonstrate strong anharmonicity. The computed phonon dispersions show flat bands, which suggest short phonon lifetimes, especially for PbIF. Enhanced Born effective charges are due to cross-band-gap hybridization. PbIF shows lattice instability at a small volume expansion of 0.1%. The κl values obtained by the two channel transport model are 20-50% higher than those obtained by solving the Boltzmann transport equation. Overall, ultralow κl values are found at 300 K, especially for PbIF. We propose that the interplay of bonding heterogeneity, lone pair induced anharmonicity, and constituent elements with high mass difference aids the design of low κl materials for thermal energy applications.

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