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Ecol Appl ; 34(6): e3006, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39030911


Enhancing resilience in formerly degraded ecosystems is an important goal of restoration ecology. However, evidence for the recovery of resilience and its underlying mechanisms require long-term experiments and comparison with reference ecosystems. We used data from an experimental prairie restoration that featured long-term soil heterogeneity manipulations and data from two long-term experiments located in a comparable remnant (reference) prairie to (1) quantify the recovery of ecosystem functioning (i.e., productivity) relative to remnant prairie, (2) compare the resilience of restored and remnant prairies to a natural drought, and (3) test whether soil heterogeneity enhances resilience of restored prairie. We compared sensitivity and legacy effects between prairie types (remnant and restored) and among four prairie sites that included two remnant prairie sites and prairie restored under homogeneous and heterogeneous soil conditions. We measured sensitivity and resilience as the proportional change in aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) during and following drought (sensitivity and legacy effects, respectively) relative to average ANPP based on 4 pre-drought years (2014-2017). In nondrought years, total ANPP was similar between remnant and restored prairie, but remnant prairie had higher grass productivity and lower forb productivity compared with restored prairie. These ANPP patterns generally persisted during drought. The sensitivity of total ANPP to drought was similar between restored and remnant prairie, but grasses in the restored prairie were more sensitive to drought. Post-drought legacy effects were more positive in the restored prairie, and we attributed this to the more positive and less variable legacy response of forb ANPP in the restored prairie, especially in the heterogeneous soil treatment. Our results suggest that productivity recovers in restored prairie and exhibits similar sensitivity to drought as in remnant prairie. Furthermore, creating heterogeneity promotes forb productivity and enhances restored prairie resilience to drought.

Pradaria , Secas , Solo/química , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais
Ecol Appl ; : e3037, 2024 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39354746


Invasive non-native species are one of the main causes of degradation of ecosystems worldwide. The control of invasive species is key to reducing threats to ecosystem viability in the long term. Observations of structural changes in ecological interaction networks following invasive species suppression can be useful to monitor the success of ecological restoration initiatives. We evaluated the structure of plant-bird frugivory interaction networks in a plant community invaded by the guava tree (Psidium guajava L.) by comparing network metrics before and after control actions. Psidium guajava was relevant in all metrics for the unmanaged network in this study, with high degree centrality and high nestedness contribution. Based on the asymmetry of species interactions, we found that birds were highly dependent on the invasive plant before suppression. Once P. guajava trees were eliminated, bird and plant species richness, total number of interactions, and modularity increased, whereas nestedness and interaction strength asymmetry decreased. The diet of the bird community became more diversified once P. guajava was no longer available and relevant species roles in community structure emerged. Our results corroborate the fact that ecological restoration interventions should include the control of non-native plant species that attract frugivorous animals in order to diversify plant-frugivore interactions and thus maintain biodiversity in natural ecosystems.

Ecol Appl ; 34(5): e2981, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38738945


Predicting how biological communities assemble in restored ecosystems can assist in conservation efforts, but most research has focused on plants, with relatively little attention paid to soil microbial organisms that plants interact with. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are an ecologically significant functional group of soil microbes that form mutualistic symbioses with plants and could therefore respond positively to plant community restoration. To evaluate the effects of plant community restoration on AM fungi, we compared AM fungal abundance, species richness, and community composition of five annually cultivated, conventionally managed agricultural fields with paired adjacent retired agricultural fields that had undergone prairie restoration 5-9 years prior to sampling. We hypothesized that restoration stimulates AM fungal abundance and species richness, particularly for disturbance-sensitive taxa, and that gains of new taxa would not displace AM fungal species present prior to restoration due to legacy effects. AM fungal abundance was quantified by measuring soil spore density and root colonization. AM fungal species richness and community composition were determined in soils and plant roots using DNA high-throughput sequencing. Soil spore density was 2.3 times higher in restored prairies compared to agricultural fields, but AM fungal root colonization did not differ between land use types. AM fungal species richness was 2.7 and 1.4 times higher in restored prairies versus agricultural fields for soil and roots, respectively. The abundance of Glomeraceae, a disturbance-tolerant family, decreased by 25% from agricultural to restored prairie soils but did not differ in plant roots. The abundance of Claroideoglomeraceae and Diversisporaceae, both disturbance-sensitive families, was 4.6 and 3.2 times higher in restored prairie versus agricultural soils, respectively. Species turnover was higher than expected relative to a null model, indicating that AM fungal species were gained by replacement. Our findings demonstrate that restoration can promote a relatively rapid increase in the abundance and diversity of soil microbial communities that had been degraded by decades of intensive land use, and community compositional change can be predicted by the disturbance tolerance of soil microbial taxonomic and functional groups.

Pradaria , Micorrizas , Microbiologia do Solo , Micorrizas/fisiologia , Biodiversidade , Simbiose , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Agricultura
Am J Bot ; 111(7): e16362, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38943238


PREMISE: Theory predicts and empirical studies have shown that ecologically manipulated communities with high species diversity are resistant to invasion, but do these predictions and results hold true when applied to highly competitive invaders in natural communities? Few studies of diversity-mediated invasion resistance have measured both invasion resistance and invader impact in the same study. METHODS: We used a two-year field experiment to test: (1) diversity-mediated competitive resistance to patch expansion by the grass, Microstegium vimineum; and (2) the competitive effect of M. vimineum on resident plant diversity. We examined responses of M. vimineum to two native plant density-reduction treatments that had opposite effects on species diversity: (1) reducing species richness via the removal of rare species; and (2) reducing dominance by reducing the density of the dominant resident species. We examined the effects of M. vimineum reduction by pre-emergent herbicide on resident diversity in the second year of the study. RESULTS: Neither rare species removal nor dominant species reduction significantly increased M. vimineum density (relative growth rate). The pre-emergent herbicide dramatically reduced M. vimineum in year 2 of the study, but not most resident plants, which were perennials and indirectly benefited from the herbicide at a more productive site, presumably due to reduced competition from M. vimineum. CONCLUSIONS: Diversity-mediated resistance did not effectively deter invasion by a highly competitive invader. In the case of M. vimineum and at more productive sites, it would appear that nearly complete removal of this invader is necessary to preserve plant species diversity.

Biodiversidade , Herbicidas , Espécies Introduzidas , Herbicidas/farmacologia , Poaceae/fisiologia , Poaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Conserv Biol ; : e14373, 2024 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39252543


The effectiveness of strategic psychology-based marketing techniques for increasing public support for conservation is poorly understood. We assessed how such techniques affect support for tropical rainforest restoration with a controlled online experiment with 1166 nationally representative residents of the United Kingdom. We tested whether support increased when adding ecosystem service (ES) framings to typical nongovernmental organizations' (NGOs) biodiversity-focused messages that emphasize benefits to UK residents or people living near the tropical restoration site and a dynamic social norm nudge that emphasized increasing popularity of environmental restoration. We considered how respondents' psychological traits (nature connection, self-efficacy, psychological benefits of supporting charities, awareness of environmental degradation in the Global South, and climate change skepticism) influenced responses. Outcomes included respondents' reported advertisement sufficiency, sympathetic attitudes, behavioral support, and financial support. The study population typically found advertisements sufficient and exhibited sympathetic attitudes and financial, but not behavioral, support. Younger people exhibited greater conservation support than older respondents. Messages framed solely on biodiversity conservation were as effective as those highlighting additional ES benefits received by UK residents and people near the tropical restoration site. This suggests that framing around ESs, rather than nature's intrinsic value, may not strengthen public support for conservation. The dynamic social norm nudge had perverse effects. It reduced perceived social norms and most outcome variables. Alternative dynamic norm nudges warrant testing, but our results support research suggesting dynamic norm nudges can be ineffective when associated with activism, challenging their use by conservation NGOs. Psychological benefits of supporting charities and perceived self-efficacy increased support for advertisements, highlighting the benefits of including impact statements relating respondents' support to specific outcomes. Climate change skepticism decreased support, whereas nature connection and perceived static social norms increased it, highlighting the need to increase nature connection and pro-environmental social norms to elevate public support for conservation.

Impactos del encuadre de los mensajes sobre servicios ambientales y las normas sociales dinámicas sobre el apoyo público hacia la restauración de bosques tropicales Resumen Sabemos poco sobre la eficiencia de las técnicas de mercadotecnia basadas en la psicología estratégica para aumentar el apoyo público a la conservación. Evaluamos cómo afectan dichas técnicas al apoyo a la restauración de la selva tropical mediante un experimento controlado en línea con 1,166 residentes del Reino Unido representativos a nivel nacional. Comprobamos si el apoyo aumentaba al añadir marcos de servicios ambientales a los mensajes típicos de las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) centrados en la biodiversidad, que hacen hincapié en los beneficios para los residentes del Reino Unido o las personas que viven cerca del lugar de restauración tropical y un empuje dinámico de normas sociales que hacía hincapié en la creciente popularidad de la restauración ecológica. Analizamos la influencia de los rasgos psicológicos de los encuestados (conexión con la naturaleza, autoeficacia, beneficios psicológicos de apoyar a organizaciones benéficas, experiencia de degradación ambiental en el Sur Global y escepticismo ante el cambio climático) sobre las respuestas. Los resultados fueron la suficiencia de los anuncios, las actitudes de simpatía, el apoyo conductual y el apoyo económico. En general, la población del estudio consideró que los anuncios eran suficientes y mostró actitudes de simpatía y apoyo económico, pero no conductuales. La población más joven mostró un mayor apoyo a la conservación que los encuestados de más edad. Los mensajes centrados únicamente en la conservación de la biodiversidad fueron tan eficaces como los que destacaban los beneficios adicionales de los servicios ambientales recibidos por los residentes del Reino Unido y las personas cercanas al lugar de restauración tropical. Esto sugiere que el encuadre en torno a los servicios ambientales, en lugar del valor intrínseco de la naturaleza, puede no reforzar el apoyo público a la conservación. El empuje dinámico de la norma social tuvo efectos perversos ya que redujo las normas sociales percibidas y la mayoría de las variables de resultado. Es necesario probar otros incentivos dinámicos, pero nuestros resultados corroboran las investigaciones que sugieren que los incentivos dinámicos pueden ser ineficaces cuando se asocian con el activismo, lo que cuestiona su uso por parte de las ONG de la conservación. Los beneficios psicológicos por apoyar a organizaciones benéficas y la autoeficacia percibida aumentaron el apoyo a los anuncios, lo que resalta las ventajas de incluir declaraciones de impacto que relacionen el apoyo de los encuestados con resultados específicos. El escepticismo ante el cambio climático redujo el apoyo, mientras que la conexión con la naturaleza y las normas sociales estáticas percibidas lo aumentaron, lo que destaca la necesidad de aumentar la conexión con la naturaleza y las normas sociales proambientales para elevar el apoyo público a la conservación.

J Phycol ; 2024 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39072751


The success and cost-effectiveness of kelp forest restoration hinges on understanding the colonization ecology of kelps, particularly with respect to dispersal potential, recruitment success, and subsequent establishment. To gain needed insight into these processes we examined spatial patterns and temporal trajectories of the colonization of a large artificial reef by the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera. The 151 ha artificial reef complex was constructed in three phases over 21 years, enabling dispersal, recruitment, and subsequent establishment to be examined for a wide range of environmental conditions, dispersal distances, and source population sizes. Natural colonization of all phases of the artificial reef by giant kelp was rapid (within 1 year) and extended across the entire 7-km-long reef complex. Colonization density declined with distance from the nearest source population, but only during the first phase when the distance from the nearest source population was ≤3.5 km. Despite this decline, recruitment on artificial reef modules farthest from the source population was sufficient to produce dense stands of kelp within a couple of years. Experimental outplanting of the artificial reef with laboratory-reared kelp embryos was largely successful but proved unnecessary, as the standing biomass of kelp resulting from natural recruitment exceeded that observed on nearby natural reefs within 2-3 years of artificial reef construction for all three phases. Such high potential for natural colonization following disturbance has important implications for kelp forest restoration efforts that employ costly and logistically difficult methods to mimic this process by active seeding and transplanting.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(4)2021 01 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33431649


Ecosystems with a mix of native and introduced species are increasing globally as extinction and introduction rates rise, resulting in novel species interactions. While species interactions are highly vulnerable to disturbance, little is known about the roles that introduced species play in novel interaction networks and what processes underlie such roles. Studying one of the most extreme cases of human-modified ecosystems, the island of O'ahu, Hawaii, we show that introduced species there shape the structure of seed dispersal networks to a greater extent than native species. Although both neutral and niche-based processes influenced network structure, niche-based processes played a larger role, despite theory predicting neutral processes to be predominantly important for islands. In fact, ecological correlates of species' roles (morphology, behavior, abundance) were largely similar to those in native-dominated networks. However, the most important ecological correlates varied with spatial scale and trophic level, highlighting the importance of examining these factors separately to unravel processes determining species contributions to network structure. Although introduced species integrate into interaction networks more deeply than previously thought, by examining the mechanistic basis of species' roles we can use traits to identify species that can be removed from (or added to) a system to improve crucial ecosystem functions, such as seed dispersal.

Ecossistema , Espécies Introduzidas , Dispersão de Sementes/fisiologia , Animais , Aves/fisiologia , Frutas/fisiologia , Havaí , Humanos , Ilhas , Estado Nutricional/fisiologia , Fenótipo
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(17)2021 04 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33875596


Ecological restoration is a global priority, with potential to reverse biodiversity declines and promote ecosystem functioning. Yet, successful restoration is challenged by lingering legacies of past land-use activities, which are pervasive on lands available for restoration. Although legacies can persist for centuries following cessation of human land uses such as agriculture, we currently lack understanding of how land-use legacies affect entire ecosystems, how they influence restoration outcomes, or whether restoration can mitigate legacy effects. Using a large-scale experiment, we evaluated how restoration by tree thinning and land-use legacies from prior cultivation and subsequent conversion to pine plantations affect fire-suppressed longleaf pine savannas. We evaluated 45 ecological properties across four categories: 1) abiotic attributes, 2) organism abundances, 3) species diversity, and 4) species interactions. The effects of restoration and land-use legacies were pervasive, shaping all categories of properties, with restoration effects roughly twice the magnitude of legacy effects. Restoration effects were of comparable magnitude in savannas with and without a history of intensive human land use; however, restoration did not mitigate numerous legacy effects present prior to restoration. As a result, savannas with a history of intensive human land use supported altered properties, especially related to soils, even after restoration. The signature of past human land-use activities can be remarkably persistent in the face of intensive restoration, influencing the outcome of restoration across diverse ecological properties. Understanding and mitigating land-use legacies will maximize the potential to restore degraded ecosystems.

Agricultura/tendências , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental/métodos , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Pradaria , Humanos , Pinus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dinâmica Populacional , Solo/química , Estresse Fisiológico , Árvores/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Ecotoxicol Environ Saf ; 271: 115964, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38232525


Corn is a crucial crop in China and is widely cultivated in the mercury (Hg) mining region of Guizhou. This study analyzed the Hg content in soil and corn plant samples from the Wuchuan Hg mining area (WCMA) and the surrounding non-Hg mining regions (SNMR). The findings suggest that ongoing ecological rehabilitation and environmental conservation measures in the WCMA have significantly decreased the Hg content in corn kernels. The Hg concentration in different parts of the corn plant varied, being higher in the roots, tassels, and leaves and lower in kernels and stalks. Hg stored in corn plant growing in the WCMA primarily originates from the soil (55.4%), while in the SNMR, it mainly comes from the atmosphere (74.9%). Despite counted only about 7% of the total plant mass, corn roots play a crucial role in soil Hg pollution remediation when corn is used for remediation. Household corn residues burning release about 58.5% and 66.9% of the stored Hg in corn plants growing in the WCMA and the SNMR, respectively, into the atmosphere. Our findings indicate that corn cultivation acts as a reservoir for both soil and atmospheric Hg in the SNMR, while in the WCMA, it serves as a source of atmospheric Hg.

Mercúrio , Poluentes do Solo , Mercúrio/análise , Zea mays , Poluentes do Solo/análise , Monitoramento Ambiental , Solo/química , China , Mineração
Int J Phytoremediation ; : 1-10, 2024 Jul 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39049592


Electrolytic manganese slag (EMR) is a solid waste generated in the manganese hydrometallurgy process. It not only takes up significant land space but also contains Mn2+, which can lead to environmental contamination. There is a need for research on the treatment and utilization of EMR. Improved EMR substrate for Pennisetum sinese Roxb growth was determined in pot planting experiments. The study tested the effects of leaching solution, microorganisms, leaf cell structures, and growth data. Results indicated a substrate of 45% EMR, 40% phosphogypsum, 5% Hericium erinaceus fungi residue, 5% quicklime, and 5% dolomite sand significantly increased the available phosphorus content (135.54 ± 2.88 µg·g-1) by 17.95 times, compared to pure soil, and enhanced the relative abundance of dominant bacteria. After 240 days, the plant height (147.00 ± 0.52 cm), number of tillers (6), and aerial dry weight (144.00 ± 15.99g) of Pennisetum sinese Roxb increased by 5.81%, 200%, and 32.58%, respectively. Analyses of leaves and leaching solution revealed that the highest leaf Mn content (46.84 ± 2.91 µg·g-1) being 3.38 times higher than in pure soil, and the leaching solution Mn content (0.66 ± 0.13 µg·g-1) was lowest. Our study suggested P. sinese Roxb grown in an improved EMR substrate could be a feasible option for solidification treatment and resource utilization of EMR.

The waste solid resource utilization was achieved.The growth and ecological restoration value of Pennisetum sinese Roxb in an improved EMR substrate was found.An optimal ratio of improved EMR substrate was proposed.

J Environ Manage ; 356: 120701, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38531134


In the context of the "United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration", optimizing spatiotemporal arrangements for ecological restoration is an important approach to enhancing overall socioecological benefits for sustainable development. However, against the background of ecological degradation caused by the human use of most natural resources at levels that have approached or exceeded the safe and sustainable boundaries of ecosystems, it is key to explain how to optimize ecological restoration by classified management and optimal total benefits. In response to these issues, we combined spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics at the national scale in China to construct five ecological performance regimes defined by indicators that use planetary boundaries and ecological pressures which served as the basis for prioritizing ecological restoration areas and implementing zoning control. By integrating habitat conservation, biodiversity, water supply, and restoration cost constraints, seven ecological restoration scenarios were simulated to optimize the spatial layout of ecological restoration projects (ERPs). The results indicated that the provinces with unsustainable freshwater use, climate change, and land use accounted for more than 25%, 66.7%, and 25%, respectively, of the total area. Only 30% of the provinces experienced a decrease in environmental pressure. Based on the ecological performance regimes, ERP sites spanning the past 20 years were identified, and more than 50% of the priority areas were clustered in regime areas with increased ecological stress. As the restoration area targets doubled (40%) from the baseline (20%), a multi-objective scenario presents a trade-off between expanded ERPs in areas with highly beneficial effects and minimal restoration costs. In conclusion, a reasonable classification and management regime is the basis for targeted restoration. Coordinating multiple objectives and costs in ecological restoration is the key to maximizing socio-ecological benefits. Our study offered new perspectives on systematic and sustainable planning for ecological restoration.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Humanos , Biodiversidade , China , Abastecimento de Água
J Environ Manage ; 351: 119963, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38169261


Ecological restoration projects in the Tibetan Plateau aimed to reverse ecosystem degradation and safeguard the fragile alpine ecological environment. However, it is still being determined if the vegetation restoration is successful on a large scale or reaches the expected magnitude, restricting our ability to adapt practices to maximise the benefit. With multiple vegetation indices (VIs: NDVI, LAI, and GPP) from satellite observations and random forest machine-learning models, we performed an attribution study on vegetation growth trends caused by climate change and human activities. Then, we further explored the relationship between vegetation growth and ecological projects and human footprint without the influence of climate. The results showed that climatic change was a relatively strong driver of vegetation growth. The positive contributions of ecological restoration occurred only in half of the plateau due to the increased human footprint. Vegetation enhancement resulting from ecological restoration occurred in 13.1%-23.1% of the plateau. Among these values, ecological restoration counteracted the negative climate effects in 4.7%-8.3% of the plateau (about half of the negative climate effect area). In forest and grassland protection areas, the ecological restoration was more successful. The study provides a better understanding of the role of ecological projects in vegetation restoration and potential threats to its effectiveness. This is essential to improve future restoration projects.

Ecossistema , Meio Ambiente , Humanos , Tibet , Temperatura , Mudança Climática , China
J Environ Manage ; 354: 120153, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38394868


Aggravated metal pollution in wetland and riparian zones has become a global environmental issue, necessitating the identification of sustainable remediation approaches. Salix exhibits great potential as a viable candidate for metal(loid) remediation. However, the underlying mechanisms for its effectiveness in different flooding regimes with Pb pollution have not been extensively studied. In this study, fast-growing Salix×jiangsuensis 'J172' was selected and planted in different Pb polluted soils (control, 400 and 800 mg ∙ kg-1) under non-flooded and flooded (CF: continuous flooding and IF: intermittent flooding) conditions for 60 days. This study aimed to explore the effects of flooding on Salix growth performance, physiological traits, and the relationship between Pb uptake/translocation and root Fe plaques. Salix×jiangsuensis 'J172' exhibited excellent tolerance and adaptation to Pb pollution with a tolerance index (TI) exceeding 0.6, even at the highest Pb levels. Moreover, the TIs under flooded conditions were higher than that under non-flooded conditions, suggesting that flooding could alleviate Pb toxicity under co-exposure to Pb and flooding. Leaf malondialdehyde (MDA) exhibited a dose-dependent response to Pb exposure; however, CF or IF mitigated the oxidative damage induced by Pb toxicity with decreased MDA content (2.2-11.9%). The superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities were generally enhanced by flooding, but combined stress (flooding and Pb) significantly decreased catalase activity. Pb was predominantly accumulated in Salix roots, and flooding markedly increased root Pb accumulation by 19.2-173.0% compared to non-flooded condition. Additionally, a significant positive correlation was observed between the iron (Fe) content of the root plaque and root Pb accumulation, indicating that the formation of Fe plaque on the root surface could enhance the phytostabilization of Pb in Salix. The current findings highlight that fast-growing woody plants are suitable for phyto-management of metal-polluted wetlands and can potentially minimize the risk of metal mobility in soils.

Salix , Poluentes do Solo , Ferro , Chumbo/toxicidade , Biodegradação Ambiental , Antioxidantes/farmacologia , Plantas , Solo , Poluentes do Solo/análise , Raízes de Plantas/química
J Environ Manage ; 353: 120120, 2024 Feb 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38278117


Traditional industries and industrialization have led to widespread environmental pollution and ecosystem degradation in major river basins globally. Strategies centered on ecological restoration and ecological economy are emerging as essential tools for effective environmental governance. This study aims to investigate how a multifaceted framework for land ecological consolidation, with various developmental goals, can effectively support ecological restoration and sustainability. Through quantitative analysis and in-depth interviews, we investigated the case of Yangtze riverside chemical industrial park in Changzhou. This park pursues ecological and economic sustainability through chemical industry transformation, ecological restoration and protection, ecological management, and ecological industry development. The results show that this practice established a multi-objective action framework rooted in urban renewal, land consolidation, ecological restoration, industrial transformation, and rural revitalization. Through multiplanning integration, integrated implementation and full-cycle profit distribution, the aim of ecological protection has been initially achieved, offering a crucial guarantee for sustainable development. A total of 96.47 ha ecological space expanded, which can generate ecological product worth CNY 7.283 billion, alongside a net economic benefit of CNY 978 million over three decades. The top-down ecological responsibilities, coupled with local developmental demands, have stimulated collaborations within a bottom-up endogenous network comprising government, enterprises, and residents.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Política Ambiental , China , Poluição Ambiental , Rios
J Environ Manage ; 352: 120139, 2024 Feb 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38262287


Ecological restoration project is the premise to realize the value of ecological products. The current ecological product value accounting and ecological restoration project benefit evaluation methods are interlinked. The benefit evaluation of ecological restoration projects can not only analyze the completion of ecological restoration projects, but also quantify the impact of externalities on regional development. This study proposes a hypothesis that the benefit evaluation results of ecological restoration projects can affect the realization of urban ecological product value. In order to verify the above hypothesis, this study designed a benefit evaluation framework to evaluate the economic benefits, ecological benefits and project costs of ecological restoration projects. In this study, the benefit evaluation results are divided into three cases to calculate the benefit-cost ratio under different conditions. The three cases are only considering the direct economic benefits (DEB), considering the indirect economic benefits (TEB) and considering the comprehensive benefits (AEB). Taking Jiangyin City of Jiangsu Province as an example, the benefit evaluation of water source protection project in Jiangyin City is carried out. The results show that the benefit-cost ratios in the three cases are 6.68,7.60 and 9.36, respectively. The results show that the benefit-cost ratio is different in different benefit situations. Therefore, when discussing the realization path of ecological product value in ecological restoration areas, it is also necessary to discuss the situation. The evaluation system can provide reference for the benefit evaluation of ecological restoration projects, and also provide data and theoretical support for the realization of regional ecological product value.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Análise Custo-Benefício , Cidades , China , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos
J Environ Manage ; 364: 121421, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38875982


Submerged plants play a significant role in the remediation and purification of polluted water bodies. Reconstruction of submerged plants has been considered as an important ecological method to restore aquatic ecosystems. However, large-scale and efficient plantation of submerged plants in water restoration is a huge challenge. This paper proposes a novel mechanized planting method for submerged plants utilizing nutrition pots as planting units. Firstly, the details of the mechanized planting method were introduced. The mechanized planting method involves pre-planting the reproductive bodies of submerged plants in degradable nutrition pots, and then implanting them into the underwater soil through a planting device. Secondly, the interaction force between the nutrition pot and the soil was measured. It was found that the implantation force of nutrition pots increases with planting velocity. The planting force shows a significant increase trend when the water content in the soil decreases. Thirdly, the deformation of the nutrition pot was studied through simulations. It was discovered that the deformation of the nutrition pot mainly occurs at the bottom and the side walls near the bottom, and the limited deformation ensures the integrity of the nutrition pot. Finally, a planting device with a linear motion mechanism was designed, and a typical submerged plant, Vallisneria natans was tested, using agricultural paper seedling containers as the nutrition pots. It was demonstrated that the mechanized device successfully planted submerged plant nutrition pots into the soil, and the submerged plants survived and showed a clear growth trend. The mechanized planting method of submerged plants proposed in this article is expected to provide a new and friendly technology for ecological restoration of water source.

Ecossistema , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental/métodos , Solo , Biodegradação Ambiental
J Environ Manage ; 364: 121371, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38879965


Rapid urbanization and high-intensity socio-economic activities in China have caused severe ecological problems. Implementing ecological restoration in China has become an inevitable way to restore the ecosystem. Ecosystem health is crucial for evaluating ecological conditions and trends, but comprehensive national studies that use quantitative ecosystem health assessments to guide specific ecological restoration are lacking. This study constructs the Vigor-Organization-Resilience-Services (VORS) model to evaluate the ecosystem health level of China during 2000-2020. Then, through the natural breakpoint and intelligent clustering correction, we carried out the ecological restoration zoning and proposed corresponding measures. The results show that China's overall ecosystem health declined from 2000 to 2020, and ecological restoration is imminent. The spatial pattern of ecosystem health is generally favorable in the south and usually poor in the north. China protects poor ecosystems' health well but needs more for better ones. To combat this degradation, we propose a zoning strategy that classifies the landscape into five categories: Ecosystem Conservation Areas (3.47%), focusing on biodiversity preservation; Ecosystem Enhancement Areas (10.53%), aiming at increasing ecological resilience; Ecosystem Buffer Zones (23.04%), intending to mitigate human impacts; Ecosystem Correction Zones (33.79%), targeting at restoring degraded ecosystems; and Ecosystem Reshaping Zones (29.17%), designing to revitalize ecological functions. The ecological restoration zoning in China proposed in this study, combined with appropriate and practical restoration tools, will help mitigate ecological problems and improve stability and ecosystem health.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , China , Biodiversidade , Urbanização , Ecologia , Humanos
J Environ Manage ; 364: 121461, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38889649


Invasibility, or an ecosystem's susceptibility to invasion, plays a critical role in managing biological invasions but is challenging to quantify due to its dependence on specific ecosystem variables. This limitation restricts the practical application of this concept in the control of alien species. This study aims to simplify invasibility into measurable components and develop an applicable framework to predict early colonization of alien plants within the coastal mangrove ecosystem. We used the unchanneled path length (UPL), a widely applied hydrological connectivity-related indicator, to assess the accessibility of the mangrove. The enhanced vegetation index (EVI), positively correlated with above-ground biomass, was used to evaluate the potential competitive intensity. Firstly, building on existing studies, we developed a four-quadrant concept model integrating the effects of EVI and UPL on the early colonization of the alien species Sonneratia apetala. Our results revealed significant differences in EVI and UPL values between colonized and uncolonized areas, with colonized regions displaying markedly lower values (P < 0.001). Additionally, logistic regression showed a significant negative association between the probability of successful colonization by S. apetala and both indicators (P < 0.001). These results validate the effectiveness of our conceptual model. Furtherly, we identified four key niche opportunities for exotic species in mangrove: mudflats outside the mangrove forest, tidal creeks, canopy gaps, and unmanaged abandoned aquaculture ponds. Overall, this study provides important insight into the ecological processes of alien S. apetala colonization and practical information for management of coastal areas susceptible to invasion. Additionally, it presents a case study on the practical application of the concept of invasibility in the management of alien species.

Ecossistema , Espécies Introduzidas , Áreas Alagadas , Biomassa , Rhizophoraceae
J Environ Manage ; 356: 120535, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38479287


Ecological restoration projects (ERPs) are implemented worldwide to restore degraded ecosystems and promote ecosystem sustainability. In recent years, a series of ERPs have been implemented to enhance vegetation cover in the unique alpine ecosystems of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). However, the current assessment of the ecological benefits of ERPs is relatively single, and the scale and extent of future ecological restoration project implementation cannot be determined. We quantified trends in normalized vegetation index (NDVI) since the implementation of ERPs. Changes in four major ecosystem services were assessed before and after ERPs implementation, including wind erosion protection, soil retention, water yield, and net primary productivity (NPP). The relationship between NDVI and ecosystem services was further explored using a constraint line approach to identify NDVI as a threshold reference for ERPs implementation. The results showed that: (1) since the implementation of ERPs, 21.80% of the regional NDVI of the QTP has increased significantly. (2) After the implementation of ERPs, the average total ecosystem services index (TES) increased from 0.269 in 2000 to 0.285 in 2020. The average soil retention and water yield increased but the NPP and sandstorm prevention decreased slightly. (3) NDVI had no significant constraint effect on soil retention and NPP, but there was a significant constraint effect on wind erosion prevention and water yield. (4) The constraint line of NDVI on TES was S-shaped. After the implementation of ERPs, the TES gradually reached a threshold value when NDVI was 0.65-0.75. Our findings identify significant contributions of ERPs and thresholds for the constraining effects of vegetation cover on ecosystem services, which can inform sustainable ERPs for governments.

Mudança Climática , Ecossistema , Tibet , Solo , Água , China
J Environ Manage ; 358: 120921, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38652992


Ecological vulnerability and poverty are interrelated and must be addressed together. The resolution of this issue will help us to meet the challenges during the process of implementing concrete actions for realizing the 2030 UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). Ecological restoration projects (ERPs) can enhance ecosystem services (ESs) while providing policy support for improving people's livelihoods. However, processes and mechanisms of ERPs on the ecological environment and socioeconomic development in poverty-stricken and ecologically fragile areas have rarely been studied. To address these issues, we conducted a comparative analysis on the changes of land use and land cover (LULC), ecosystem services (ESs), and socioeconomic development in Bijie City, a karst rocky desertification area in southwest China, before and after the implementation of ERPs in 2000, as well as the complex relationship between these factors. ERPs have affected LULCs, ESs, socioeconomics, and poverty reduction significantly since 2000. Specifically, the total ecosystem service value (ESV) in the study area has increased by more than 3 times in the past 30 years, with the ESV of tourism services and carbon storage increasing the most, from CNY 0.001 and 337.07 billion in 1990 to CNY 11.07 and 108.97 billion in 2019, respectively. The correlation between ESs is mainly synergistic, while the tradeoff between carbon storage and water yield is in a fluctuating upward trend. LULC conversion of cropland to green, and cropland to water, wetland and shrubs has positive effects on carbon storage and water yield, respectively. During study period, GDP, urbanization increased by over 70 times, 5 times, respectively, whereas poverty population, poverty incidence, and employment rate of various sectors (i.e., agriculture, forest, animal, and fishery, or AFAF) decreased by 96.4%, 97.7%, and 18.24%, respectively. Our findings emphasized that ERPs can effectively help poor and ecologically fragile areas to get out of the poverty trap and achieve the "win-win" goals of ecological and socio-economic sustainable development. These results have profound environmental management references to China and other developing countries around the world in realizing ecological restoration, poverty reduction, and the SDGs.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Pobreza , China , Desenvolvimento Sustentável , Ecologia , Humanos
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