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Mol Syst Biol ; 19(8): e11686, 2023 08 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37325891


The ongoing degradation of natural systems and other environmental changes has put our society at a crossroad with respect to our future relationship with our planet. While the concept of One Health describes how human health is inextricably linked with environmental health, many of these complex interdependencies are still not well-understood. Here, we describe how the advent of real-time genomic analyses can benefit One Health and how it can enable timely, in-depth ecosystem health assessments. We introduce nanopore sequencing as the only disruptive technology that currently allows for real-time genomic analyses and that is already being used worldwide to improve the accessibility and versatility of genomic sequencing. We showcase real-time genomic studies on zoonotic disease, food security, environmental microbiome, emerging pathogens, and their antimicrobial resistances, and on environmental health itself - from genomic resource creation for wildlife conservation to the monitoring of biodiversity, invasive species, and wildlife trafficking. We stress why equitable access to real-time genomics in the context of One Health will be paramount and discuss related practical, legal, and ethical limitations.

Ecossistema , Saúde Única , Humanos , Genômica , Biodiversidade , Genoma
Glob Chang Biol ; 30(1): e17056, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38273542


Ecosystem functions and services are severely threatened by unprecedented global loss in biodiversity. To counteract these trends, it is essential to develop systems to monitor changes in biodiversity for planning, evaluating, and implementing conservation and mitigation actions. However, the implementation of monitoring systems suffers from a trade-off between grain (i.e., the level of detail), extent (i.e., the number of study sites), and temporal repetition. Here, we present an applied and realized networked sensor system for integrated biodiversity monitoring in the Nature 4.0 project as a solution to these challenges, which considers plants and animals not only as targets of investigation, but also as parts of the modular sensor network by carrying sensors. Our networked sensor system consists of three main closely interlinked components with a modular structure: sensors, data transmission, and data storage, which are integrated into pipelines for automated biodiversity monitoring. We present our own real-world examples of applications, share our experiences in operating them, and provide our collected open data. Our flexible, low-cost, and open-source solutions can be applied for monitoring individual and multiple terrestrial plants and animals as well as their interactions. Ultimately, our system can also be applied to area-wide ecosystem mapping tasks, thereby providing an exemplary cost-efficient and powerful solution for biodiversity monitoring. Building upon our experiences in the Nature 4.0 project, we identified ten key challenges that need to be addressed to better understand and counteract the ongoing loss of biodiversity using networked sensor systems. To tackle these challenges, interdisciplinary collaboration, additional research, and practical solutions are necessary to enhance the capability and applicability of networked sensor systems for researchers and practitioners, ultimately further helping to ensure the sustainable management of ecosystems and the provision of ecosystem services.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Animais , Biodiversidade , Plantas
Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14198, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37811729


Biodiversity compensation policies have emerged around the world to address the ecological harms of infrastructure expansion, but historically compliance is weak. The Westminster government is introducing a requirement that new infrastructure developments in England demonstrate they achieve a biodiversity net gain (BNG). We sought to determine the magnitude of the effects of governance gaps and regulator capacity constraints on the policy's potential biodiversity impacts. We collated BNG information from all new major developments across six early-adopter councils from 2020 to 2022. We quantified the proportion of the biodiversity outcomes promised under BNG at risk of noncompliance, explored the variation in strategies used to meet developers' biodiversity liabilities, and quantified the occurrence of simple errors in the biodiversity metric calculations. For large developments and energy infrastructure, biodiversity liabilities frequently met within the projects' development footprint. For small developments, the purchase of offsets was most common. We estimated that 27% of all biodiversity units fell into governance gaps that exposed them to a high risk of noncompliance because they were associated with better-condition habitats delivered on-site that were unlikely to be monitored or enforced. More robust governance mechanisms (e.g., practical mechanisms for monitoring and enforcement) would help ensure the delivery of this biodiversity on-site. Alternatively, more biodiversity gains could be delivered through off-site biodiversity offsetting. For the latter case, we estimated that the demand for offsets could rise by a factor of 4; this would substantially increase the financial contributions from developers for conservation activities on private land. Twenty-one percent of development applications contained a simple recurring error in their BNG calculations. One-half of these applications were approved by councils, which may indicate under-resourcing in council development assessments. Our findings demonstrate that resourcing and governance shortfalls risk undermining the policy's effectiveness.

sObtención de la ganancia neta de biodiversidad mediante el abordaje de las lagunas en la gobernanza que apuntalan las políticas de compensación ecológica Resumen Las políticas de compensación por biodiversidad han surgido en todo el mundo para abordar los daños ecológicos de la expansión infraestructural, aunque su cumplimiento histórico es deficiente. El gobierno de Westminster está introduciendo un requerimiento para que las nuevas infraestructuras en Inglaterra demuestren que obtienen una ganancia neta de biodiversidad (GNB). Buscamos determinar la magnitud que tienen los efectos de las lagunas de gobernanza y las restricciones de la capacidad regulatoria sobre los impactos potenciales de la política en la biodiversidad. Recopilamos la información de GNB de todos los desarrollos principales en seis consejos pioneros entre 2020 y 2022. Cuantificamos la proporción de los resultados de biodiversidad prometidos bajo la GNB en riesgo de no ser cumplidos, exploramos la variación de estrategias usadas para cumplir las responsabilidades de biodiversidad de los desarrolladores y cuantificamos la incidencia de errores simples en el cálculo de las medidas de biodiversidad. En los grandes desarrollos y en la infraestructura energética, las responsabilidades de biodiversidad fueron cumplidas con frecuencia dentro de la huella de desarrollo del proyecto. En los pequeños desarrollos, la compra de compensaciones fue más común. Estimamos que el 27% de todas las unidades de biodiversidad caen dentro de las lagunas de gobernanza que las exponen a un riesgo elevado de no ser cumplidas porque se asociaban con hábitats en mejores condiciones entregados en sitios con mayor probabilidad de no ser monitoreados o implementados. Tener mecanismos de gobernanza más robustos (mecanismos prácticos para el monitoreo y la implementación) ayudaría a asegurar la entrega de esta biodiversidad en sitio. Como alternativa, una mayor ganancia de biodiversidad podría entregarse a través de las compensaciones de biodiversidad fuera de sitio. Para el último caso, estimamos que la demanda de compensaciones podría aumentar en un factor de 4; esto incrementaría sustancialmente las contribuciones económicas de los desarrolladores para las actividades de conservación en suelo privado. El 21% de las aplicaciones de desarrollo incluyeron un error simple recurrente en los cálculos de su GNB. La mitad de estas aplicaciones fueron aprobadas por consejos, lo que podría indicar una escasez de evaluaciones en los consejos. Nuestros resultados demuestran que la insuficiencia en la dotación de recursos y la de gobernanza arriesga la efectividad de las políticas.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Políticas , Inglaterra
Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14222, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37990833


Intensification in agriculture affects many insect species, including butterflies. Insect-resistant crops, such as Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) maize, which produces a toxin active against Lepidoptera, are an alternative to insecticide sprays. Genetically modified crops are regulated in most countries and require an environmental risk assessment. In the European Union, such assessments include the use of simulation models to predict the effects on nontarget Lepidoptera (NTL). To support the assessment of protected NTL, we extended an individual-based, stochastic, spatially explicit mathematical model (LepiX) to include a wider range of exposure scenarios, a species-sensitivity distribution, and an option for repeated exposure of individuals. We applied the model to transgenic maize DAS-1507, which expresses a high concentration of Bt toxin in pollen that may be consumed by NTL larvae on their host plants nearby. Even in the most conservative scenario without repeated exposure, mortality estimates for highly sensitive species ranged from 41% to 6% at distances of 10-1000 m from the nearest maize field. Repeated exposure can cause additional mortality and thus is relevant for the overall risk assessment. Uncertainties in both exposure and ecotoxicity estimates strongly influenced the predicted mortalities. Care should be taken to include these uncertainties in the model scenarios used for decision-making. In accordance with other modeling results, our simulations demonstrated that mean mortality may not be safe for protected species. With its high pollen expression, DAS-1507 maize may pose risks to sensitive and protected butterfly and moth species that may be difficult to manage. High expression of Bt toxin in pollen is unnecessary for controlling target pests. Consequently, we suggest that Bt maize with high pollen expression not be cultivated in regions where protected butterflies are to be conserved.

La intensificación en la agricultura afecta a muchas especies de insectos, incluyendo a las mariposas. Los cultivos resistentes a los insectos, como el maíz Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), el cual produce una toxina activa contra los lepidópteros, son una alternativa a los insecticidas. Los cultivos genéticamente modificados (GM) están regulados en la mayoría de los países y requieren de una evaluación de riesgo ambiental. En la Unión Europea (EU), dichas evaluaciones incluyen el uso de modelos de simulación para pronosticar los efectos sobre los lepidópteros no objetivo (LNO). Para apoyar a la evaluación de LNO protegidos, extendimos un modelo matemático espacialmente explícito, estocástico y basado en el individuo (LepiX) para incluir una mayor gama de escenarios de exposición, una distribución de la sensibilidad de las especies y una opción para la exposición repetida de los individuos. Aplicamos el modelo al maíz transgénico DAS­1507, el cual expresa una alta concentración de toxina Bt en el polen que puede ser consumido por las larvas de LNO en una planta hospedera cercana. Incluso en el escenario más conservador sin una exposición repetida, las estimaciones de mortalidad para las especies altamente sensibles variaron entre el 41% y el 6% en distancias de 10­1000 m a partir del campo de maíz más cercano. La exposición repetida puede causar mortalidad adicional y por lo tanto es relevante para la evaluación general del riesgo. La incertidumbre en las estimaciones de la exposición y la ecotoxicidad influyeron fuertemente sobre la mortalidad pronosticada. Se debe tener cuidado de incluir estas incertidumbres en los escenarios modelados usados para la toma de decisiones. De acuerdo con los resultados de otros modelos, nuestras simulaciones demostraron que la mortalidad media podría no ser segura para las especies protegidas. Con su alta producción de polen, el maíz DAS­1507 podría representar un riesgo difícil de manejar para las especies de mariposas y polillas sensibles y protegidas. No se necesita una expresión elevada de la toxina Bt en el polen para controlar a las plagas. En consecuencia, sugerimos que no se cultive el maíz Bt con una alta producción de polen en las regiones en donde se busca conservar a las mariposas protegidas. Presión del maíz resistente a insectos sobre mariposas y polillas protegidas.

Borboletas , Mariposas , Animais , Borboletas/genética , Mariposas/genética , Zea mays/genética , Zea mays/metabolismo , Toxinas de Bacillus thuringiensis/metabolismo , Produtos Agrícolas , Plantas Geneticamente Modificadas/genética , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Insetos , Larva/genética
Conserv Biol ; : e14373, 2024 Sep 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39252543


The effectiveness of strategic psychology-based marketing techniques for increasing public support for conservation is poorly understood. We assessed how such techniques affect support for tropical rainforest restoration with a controlled online experiment with 1166 nationally representative residents of the United Kingdom. We tested whether support increased when adding ecosystem service (ES) framings to typical nongovernmental organizations' (NGOs) biodiversity-focused messages that emphasize benefits to UK residents or people living near the tropical restoration site and a dynamic social norm nudge that emphasized increasing popularity of environmental restoration. We considered how respondents' psychological traits (nature connection, self-efficacy, psychological benefits of supporting charities, awareness of environmental degradation in the Global South, and climate change skepticism) influenced responses. Outcomes included respondents' reported advertisement sufficiency, sympathetic attitudes, behavioral support, and financial support. The study population typically found advertisements sufficient and exhibited sympathetic attitudes and financial, but not behavioral, support. Younger people exhibited greater conservation support than older respondents. Messages framed solely on biodiversity conservation were as effective as those highlighting additional ES benefits received by UK residents and people near the tropical restoration site. This suggests that framing around ESs, rather than nature's intrinsic value, may not strengthen public support for conservation. The dynamic social norm nudge had perverse effects. It reduced perceived social norms and most outcome variables. Alternative dynamic norm nudges warrant testing, but our results support research suggesting dynamic norm nudges can be ineffective when associated with activism, challenging their use by conservation NGOs. Psychological benefits of supporting charities and perceived self-efficacy increased support for advertisements, highlighting the benefits of including impact statements relating respondents' support to specific outcomes. Climate change skepticism decreased support, whereas nature connection and perceived static social norms increased it, highlighting the need to increase nature connection and pro-environmental social norms to elevate public support for conservation.

Impactos del encuadre de los mensajes sobre servicios ambientales y las normas sociales dinámicas sobre el apoyo público hacia la restauración de bosques tropicales Resumen Sabemos poco sobre la eficiencia de las técnicas de mercadotecnia basadas en la psicología estratégica para aumentar el apoyo público a la conservación. Evaluamos cómo afectan dichas técnicas al apoyo a la restauración de la selva tropical mediante un experimento controlado en línea con 1,166 residentes del Reino Unido representativos a nivel nacional. Comprobamos si el apoyo aumentaba al añadir marcos de servicios ambientales a los mensajes típicos de las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) centrados en la biodiversidad, que hacen hincapié en los beneficios para los residentes del Reino Unido o las personas que viven cerca del lugar de restauración tropical y un empuje dinámico de normas sociales que hacía hincapié en la creciente popularidad de la restauración ecológica. Analizamos la influencia de los rasgos psicológicos de los encuestados (conexión con la naturaleza, autoeficacia, beneficios psicológicos de apoyar a organizaciones benéficas, experiencia de degradación ambiental en el Sur Global y escepticismo ante el cambio climático) sobre las respuestas. Los resultados fueron la suficiencia de los anuncios, las actitudes de simpatía, el apoyo conductual y el apoyo económico. En general, la población del estudio consideró que los anuncios eran suficientes y mostró actitudes de simpatía y apoyo económico, pero no conductuales. La población más joven mostró un mayor apoyo a la conservación que los encuestados de más edad. Los mensajes centrados únicamente en la conservación de la biodiversidad fueron tan eficaces como los que destacaban los beneficios adicionales de los servicios ambientales recibidos por los residentes del Reino Unido y las personas cercanas al lugar de restauración tropical. Esto sugiere que el encuadre en torno a los servicios ambientales, en lugar del valor intrínseco de la naturaleza, puede no reforzar el apoyo público a la conservación. El empuje dinámico de la norma social tuvo efectos perversos ya que redujo las normas sociales percibidas y la mayoría de las variables de resultado. Es necesario probar otros incentivos dinámicos, pero nuestros resultados corroboran las investigaciones que sugieren que los incentivos dinámicos pueden ser ineficaces cuando se asocian con el activismo, lo que cuestiona su uso por parte de las ONG de la conservación. Los beneficios psicológicos por apoyar a organizaciones benéficas y la autoeficacia percibida aumentaron el apoyo a los anuncios, lo que resalta las ventajas de incluir declaraciones de impacto que relacionen el apoyo de los encuestados con resultados específicos. El escepticismo ante el cambio climático redujo el apoyo, mientras que la conexión con la naturaleza y las normas sociales estáticas percibidas lo aumentaron, lo que destaca la necesidad de aumentar la conexión con la naturaleza y las normas sociales proambientales para elevar el apoyo público a la conservación.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 382(2269): 20230053, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38342209


This work describes the achievements made towards geoconservation within the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) from the 1990s onwards. The key milestones in the recognition of geoconservation within the IUCN are presented. Initially, the IUCN's geoconservation efforts were focused on refining the criteria for World Heritage (WH) designation. Subsequently, the actions focused on spreading the geoconservation framework within the IUCN World Conservation Congresses (WCCs), the establishment of an expert group on geoconservation within the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN-WCPA) and the publication of guidelines for geoconservation. We describe how the inclusion within the IUCN membership of three organizations-two of them Spanish: The Geological Society of Spain (SGE) and the Society for the Defence of Geological and Mining Heritage (SEDPGYM); and one international, ProGEO-has been a key factor. These organizations have achieved the adoption of resolutions in which geoconservation, its vision, its principles and its definitions have been taken into account in the IUCN WCC (2008-2020 period), and have promoted the geoconservation conceptual framework among nature conservationists. We also analyse the progress made and offer a series of recommendations to improve geoconservation in the future adopting a more integrated approach to nature conservation within the IUCN. This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Geodiversity for science and society'.

Sensors (Basel) ; 24(12)2024 Jun 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38931724


With the expansion of green energy, more and more data show that wind turbines can pose a significant threat to some endangered bird species. The birds of prey are more frequently exposed to collision risk with the wind turbine blades due to their unique flight path patterns. This paper shows how data from a stereovision system can be used for an efficient classification of detected objects. A method for distinguishing endangered birds from common birds and other flying objects has been developed and tested. The research focused on the selection of a suitable feature extraction methodology. Both motion and visual features are extracted from the Bioseco BPS system and retested using a correlation-based and a wrapper-type approach with genetic algorithms (GAs). With optimal features and fine-tuned classifiers, birds can be distinguished from aeroplanes with a 98.6% recall and 97% accuracy, whereas endangered birds are delimited from common ones with 93.5% recall and 77.2% accuracy.

Int J Mol Sci ; 25(3)2024 Jan 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38338787


The release of novel genetically modified (GM) virus applications into the environment for agricultural, veterinary, and nature-conservation purposes poses a number of significant challenges for risk assessors and regulatory authorities. Continuous efforts to scan the horizon for emerging applications are needed to gain an overview of new GM virus applications. In addition, appropriate approaches for risk assessment and management have to be developed. These approaches need to address pertinent challenges, in particular with regard to the environmental release of GM virus applications with a high probability for transmission and spreading, including transboundary movements and a high potential to result in adverse environmental effects. However, the current preparedness at the EU and international level to assess such GM virus application is limited. This study addresses some of the challenges associated with the current situation, firstly, by conducting a horizon scan to identify emerging GM virus applications with relevance for the environment. Secondly, outstanding issues regarding the environmental risk assessment (ERA) of GM virus applications are identified based on an evaluation of case study examples. Specifically, the limited scientific information available for the ERA of some applications and the lack of detailed and appropriate guidance for ERA are discussed. Furthermore, considerations are provided for future work that is needed to establish adequate risk assessment and management approaches.

Agricultura , Vírus , Plantas Geneticamente Modificadas , Medição de Risco , Clima , Vírus/genética
J Environ Manage ; 325(Pt B): 116619, 2023 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36343397


Integrative forest management approaches, aiming to combine the provision of multiple forest ecosystem services in the same forest area, are popular forest management concepts in Europe. Their understanding and application varies, however, across the continent. This paper looks at one dimension of integrative forest management approaches in particular - the integration of nature conservation measures into forest management; focusing on its understanding and application, as well as current and future social, technological, ecological, economic and political factors enabling or hampering this integration. Drawing on 42 qualitative in-depth interviews with national experts and forest practitioners, our study provides insights into the integration of nature conservation measures into forest management systems aimed at wood production and the provision of other forest ecosystem services under various conditions. Across the investigated countries, the main factors perceived to facilitate this integration are the personal motivations and knowledge of forest managers and their long-term economic thinking related to the resilience of the forest in the face of climate and societal change. In turn, the main factors perceived as hampering the integration are current wood-market demands, and a lack of (public) financial incentives. Public pressure is also perceived as an important influencing factor, which can both impede or support integration. Other ambiguous factors include societal knowledge and related knowledge gaps, relationships between local stakeholders, and the legal framework in which forest management operates. The study concludes with suggestions of how to enhance the uptake of the integration of nature conservation measures into forest management in Europe.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Florestas , Madeira , Europa (Continente)
J Environ Manage ; 339: 117907, 2023 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37058932


The widespread decline of biodiversity due to increasing urban development raises the need to timely identify areas most relevant to the conservation of native species, particularly within cities where natural areas are extremely limited. Here, we assess the multiple role of local geomorphological features in shaping patterns and dynamics of plant diversity, with the aim of identifying conservation values and priorities in an urbanised area of Southern Italy. Based on recent and historical lists of vascular plants, we compared the floristic composition of different portions of the area by considering species' conservation value, ecological and biogeographical traits. We found that landscape remnants, accounting for 5% of the study area, harbour over 85% of the whole plant diversity and a considerable set of exclusive species. Results of Generalised Linear Mixed Models show an outstanding role of landscape remnants for the conservation of native, rare and specialised species. Based on the compositional similarities among sampled sites resulting from hierarchical clustering, these linear landscape elements also play a key role in maintaining the floristic continuity and potential connectivity throughout the urban landscape. By comparing current biodiversity patterns with data from the early XX century, we also show that the considered landscape elements are significantly more likely to host populations of declining native species, underlining their role as refugia against past and future extinctions. Taken together, our findings represent an effective framework to tackle the challenging conservation of nature in cities, namely providing a valuable approach for the identification of priority areas for the conservation of diversity within anthropogenic landscapes.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Biodiversidade , Plantas , Cidades
Conserv Biol ; 36(5): e13930, 2022 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35510330


Soil biodiversity and related ecosystem functions are neglected in most biodiversity assessments and nature conservation actions. We examined how society, and particularly policy makers, have addressed these factors worldwide with a focus on Europe and explored the role of soils in nature conservation in Germany as an example. We reviewed past and current global and European policies, compared soil ecosystem functioning in- and outside protected areas, and examined the role of soils in nature conservation management via text analyses. Protection and conservation of soil biodiversity and soil ecosystem functioning have been insufficient. Soil-related policies are unenforceable and lack soil biodiversity conservation goals, focusing instead on other environmental objectives. We found no evidence of positive effects of current nature conservation measures in multiple soil ecosystem functions in Europe. In German conservation management, soils are considered only from a limited perspective (e.g., as physicochemical part of the environment and as habitat for aboveground organisms). By exploring policy, evidence, and management as it relates to soil ecosystems, we suggest an integrative perspective to move nature conservation toward targeting soil ecosystems directly (e.g., by setting baselines, monitoring soil threats, and establishing a soil indicator system).

La biodiversidad del suelo y las funciones ambientales relacionadas se dejan de lado en la mayoría de las evaluaciones de la biodiversidad y de las acciones de conservación de la naturaleza. Analizamos cómo la sociedad, y particularmente los formuladores de políticas, han abordado estos factores a nivel mundial con un enfoque en Europa y exploramos como ejemplo el papel de los suelos en la conservación de la naturaleza en Alemania. Revisamos las políticas mundiales y europeas en el pasado y en la actualidad, comparamos el funcionamiento ambiental del suelo dentro y fuera de las áreas protegidas y examinamos el papel de los suelos en la gestión de la conservación por medio del análisis de textos. La protección y la conservación de la biodiversidad y el funcionamiento ambiental del suelo han sido insuficientes. Las políticas relacionadas con el suelo son inaplicables y carecen de objetivos de conservación para su biodiversidad, pues se enfocan más bien en otros objetivos ambientales. No descubrimos evidencias de los efectos positivos de las medidas actuales de conservación en múltiples funciones ambientales del suelo en Europa. En la gestión alemana de la conservación, los suelos sólo se consideran desde una perspectiva limitada (p. ej.: como una parte físico química del ambiente y como hábitat para los organismos que habitan por encima de él). Mediante la exploración de la política, evidencias y gestión conforme se relaciona con los ecosistemas del suelo, sugerimos una perspectiva integrada para dirigir a la conservación hacia el enfoque directo sobre los ecosistemas del suelo (p. ej.: al establecer líneas base, monitorear las amenazas para el suelo y establecer un sistema indicador del suelo).

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Solo , Ecossistema , Europa (Continente)
Wiad Lek ; 75(3): 697-707, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35522881


OBJECTIVE: The aim of the research is to develop the educational recommendations for acquiring environmental knowledge of future specialists on the basis of the analysis of the educational state of ecology in the theory and practice of higher education. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: During the research, a group of methods was used. It consisted of the theoretical (specific search) methods i.e. analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific literature on the problem of research to systematize and summarize the facts, information, materials on the problem under study and determine the essence of basic concepts; structural and functional methods i.e. analysis of the content of curricula, textbooks, manuals, dictionaries, directories, etc.). RESULTS: Results: Future experts were interviewed to evaluate their environmental and professional orientation and level of environmental knowledge. The questionnaire was aimed at clarifying the following problems: determining the level of environmental knowledge of future specialists for sustainable development; attitude of students to environmental problems; determination of the level of ecological consciousness, environmental activity of students. The questionnaire was created on the Google Forms online resource and was used both online and in the standard standard face-up form in the test form filling at the classrooms. The respondents were students receiving engineering, biological and pedagogical education. The age of the participants in the experimental study reached 18-22 years. The ratio of men and women at this stage of the experiment varied within the following limits: 34.66% of male and 65.34% of male (150 persons in total). CONCLUSION: Conclusions: The great responsibility for the environment and the future gene pool of the nation rests not only on state structures but also on educators, the public, the church and other factors. We suggest, the path to the ecological culture lies through effective environmental education, through the greening of citizens' consciousness. Therefore, in time, the reorientation of the educational system content in the dimension of sustainable development, which envisages its greening in the first place i.e. the development of environmental thinking, the acquisition of environmental knowledge, the formation of environmental behaviors so that children and adolescents can nowadays and in the future be able to satisfy their needs in safety of nature, without harming it, took care of the environment, about their own health and safety, acted in the environment and made appropriate decisions not as consumers but as conscious citizens.

Currículo , Desenvolvimento Sustentável , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Estudantes , Adulto Jovem
Glob Chang Biol ; 27(8): 1587-1600, 2021 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33336522


Robinia pseudoacacia is one of the most frequent non-native species in Europe. It is a fast-growing tree of high economic and cultural importance. On the other hand, it is an invasive species, causing changes in soil chemistry and light regime, and consequently altering the plant communities. Previously published models developed for the potential distribution of R. pseudoacacia concerned 2070, and were based mainly on data from Western and Central Europe; here we extended these findings and included additional data from Eastern Europe. To fill the gap in current knowledge of R. pseudoacacia distribution and improve the reliability of forecasts, we aimed to (i) determine the extent to which the outcome of range modeling will be affected by complementing R. pseudoacacia occurrence data with sites from Central, Southeastern, and Eastern Europe, (ii) identify and quantify the changes in the availability of climate niches for 2050 and 2070, and discuss their impacts on forest management and nature conservation. We showed that the majority of the range changes expected in 2070 will occur as early as 2050. In comparison to previous studies, we demonstrated a greater eastward shift of potential niches of this species and a greater decline of potential niches in Southern Europe. Consequently, future climatic conditions will likely favor the occurrence of R. pseudoacacia in Central and Northeastern Europe where this species is still absent or relatively rare. There, controlling the spread of R. pseudoacacia will require monitoring sources of invasion in the landscape and reducing the occurrence of this species. The expected effects of climate change will likely be observed 20 years earlier than previously forecasted. Hence we highlighted the urgent need for acceleration of policies aimed at climate change mitigation in Europe. Also, our results showed the need for using more complete distribution data to analyze potential niche models.

Robinia , Mudança Climática , Europa (Continente) , Europa Oriental , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Conserv Biol ; 35(2): 578-586, 2021 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32757221


Biodiversity offsetting is an increasingly applied tool aiming to compensate for environmental damage caused by exploitation projects. Critics, however, raise concerns over the purported effectiveness of offsetting and question the ethical underpinnings and implications of offsetting. These ethical dimensions have largely been overlooked in research, which may lead to offsetting systems that fail to respect the values intended to be safeguarded. To address these dimensions, 5 ethical objections in the scientific literature were identified: offsetting violates nature's intrinsic value; losses of nature cannot be compensated for by human interventions; too little is known to make adequate trades; offsetting impedes virtuous dispositions toward nature; and offsetting has negative justice implications. We examined these objections and arguments against them based on the ethical concepts of intrinsic and instrumental values, anthropocentrism, nonanthropocentrism, and deontological, consequentialist, and virtue-ethical paradigms. Both nonanthropocentric and anthropocentric concerns were expressed in deontological, consequential, and virtue-ethical framings. Objections mostly had a deontological or virtue-ethical basis, whereas counterarguments were based on consequential reasoning, but common ground in practice is often conceivable. Based on our findings, we formulated 10 recommendations for policy makers and 5 questions for practitioners to consider. We propose, for example, that policy makers clarify aims, legislate on no-go areas, and govern the use of multipliers. We suggest that practitioners consider, for instance, how to improve case-specific knowledge and promote learning and stakeholder engagement. We hope these recommendations and questions will encourage further discussion of the ethics of biodiversity offsets and ultimately strengthen the respect for biodiversity and human-welfare values at stake in offsetting projects.

Ética y Compensación de Biodiversidad Resumen La compensación de la biodiversidad es una herramienta que cada vez se aplica más a la búsqueda de la remuneración por el daño ambiental causado por proyectos de explotación. Sin embargo, hay quienes la critican basándose en la presunta efectividad de las compensaciones y cuestionan los sustentos éticos y las implicaciones de las compensaciones. Estas dimensiones éticas han sido ignoradas en la investigación, lo cual puede resultar en sistemas que no respetan los valores que se pretende salvaguardar. Para resolver estas dimensiones identificamos cinco objeciones éticas en la literatura: las compensaciones violan el valor intrínseco de la naturaleza; las pérdidas de la naturaleza no pueden compensarse mediante intervenciones humanas; se conoce muy poco para realizar intercambios adecuados; las compensaciones impiden las disposiciones virtuosas hacia la naturaleza; y las compensaciones tienen implicaciones de justicia negativa. Analizamos estas objeciones y los argumentos en su contra basados en los conceptos éticos de los valores intrínsecos e instrumentales, el antropocentrismo, el no antropocentrismo y los paradigmas deontológico, consecuencialista y de virtud ética. Tanto las preocupaciones antropocéntricas como las no antropocéntricas se expresaron mediante encuadres deontológicos, consecuencialistas y de virtud ética. Las objeciones principalmente tuvieron una base deontológica o de virtud ética, mientras que los contraargumentos estuvieron basados en el razonamiento consecuencial pero los puntos de coincidencia en la práctica con frecuencia son concebibles. Con base en nuestros hallazgos formulamos diez recomendaciones para los formuladores de políticas y cinco preguntas para los practicantes de la conservación para que las tomen a consideración. Por ejemplo, proponemos que los formuladores de políticas clarifiquen los objetivos, legislen las áreas prohibidas y determinen el uso de multiplicadores. Sugerimos que los practicantes consideren cómo mejorar el conocimiento específico por caso y promover el aprendizaje y la participación de los actores sociales. Esperamos que estas recomendaciones y preguntas fomenten una mayor discusión sobre la ética de las compensaciones de biodiversidad y, finalmente, fortalezcan el respeto por la biodiversidad y los valores de bienestar humano en juego en los proyectos de compensaciones.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Humanos , Princípios Morais , Justiça Social
J Environ Manage ; 292: 112745, 2021 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33991825


Despite growing interest in promoting urban biodiversity conservation, there are few concrete examples of how nature stewardship initiatives can be rapidly scaled, in number and across landscapes. This paper explores the factors that promote or inhibit the proliferation and impact of collaborations between citizens and their local governments that involve residents in municipal biodiversity conservation efforts in their gardens (wildlife gardening). We studied the Gardens for Wildlife Victoria network in Australia, which supports citizen-agency co-development of municipal wildlife gardening programs. In three years the network has expanded from one program to 39 initiatives in various developmental stages in 49% of the local government areas in the state of Victoria. Data are drawn from 21 semi-structured interviews of network participants running or developing programs in 12 municipalities, complemented by a survey of 33 network participants, and participants' evaluation of network workshops. We find that scaling occurs in four different domains of policy, values, locales and participants. Scaling is influenced by six interlinked factors: empowerment of actors; a civil-agency co-design and delivery model; conservation framing; links to and between landscapes and communities; resources - particularly time; and the network's role in promoting innovation and shared learning. Key barriers include short-term, top-down, and monetary agency foci; conservation framed as the principal domain of specialists and professionals; and prioritisation of listed species rather than local species more broadly. We present a framework for considering scaling of biodiversity stewardship and related factors.

Biodiversidade , Jardins , Cidades , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Jardinagem , Vitória
Environ Monit Assess ; 193(2): 90, 2021 Jan 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33501565


Plant species that negatively affect their environment by encroachment require constant management and monitoring through field surveys. Drones have been suggested to support field surveyors allowing more accurate mapping with just-in-time aerial imagery. Furthermore, object-based image analysis tools could increase the accuracy of species maps. However, only few studies compare species distribution maps resulting from traditional field surveys and object-based image analysis using drone imagery. We acquired drone imagery for a saltmarsh area (18 ha) on the Hallig Nordstrandischmoor (Germany) with patches of Elymus athericus, a tall grass which encroaches higher parts of saltmarshes. A field survey was conducted afterwards using the drone orthoimagery as a baseline. We used object-based image analysis (OBIA) to segment CIR imagery into polygons which were classified into eight land cover classes. Finally, we compared polygons of the field-based and OBIA-based maps visually and for location, area, and overlap before and after post-processing. OBIA-based classification yielded good results (kappa = 0.937) and agreed in general with the field-based maps (field = 6.29 ha, drone = 6.22 ha with E. athericus dominance). Post-processing revealed 0.31 ha of misclassified polygons, which were often related to water runnels or shadows, leaving 5.91 ha of E. athericus cover. Overlap of both polygon maps was only 70% resulting from many small patches identified where E. athericus was absent. In sum, drones can greatly support field surveys in monitoring of plant species by allowing for accurate species maps and just-in-time captured very-high-resolution imagery.

Monitoramento Ambiental , Poaceae , Alemanha , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador
Conserv Biol ; 34(4): 795-802, 2020 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32406544


Conservation conflicts are gaining importance in contemporary conservation scholarship such that conservation may have entered a conflict hype. We attempted to uncover and deconstruct the normative assumptions behind such studies by raising several questions: what are conservation conflicts, what justifies the attention they receive, do conservation-conflict studies limit wildlife conservation, is scientific knowledge stacked against wildlife in conservation conflicts, do conservation-conflict studies adopt a specific view of democracy, can laws be used to force conservation outcomes, why is flexibility needed in managing conservation conflicts, can conservation conflicts be managed by promoting tolerance, and who needs to compromise in conservation conflicts? We suggest that many of the intellectual premises in the field may defang conservation and prevent it from truly addressing the current conservation crisis as it accelerates. By framing conservation conflicts as conflicts between people about wildlife or nature, the field insidiously transfers guilt, whereby human activities are no longer blamed for causing species decline and extinctions but conservation is instead blamed for causing social conflicts. When the focus is on mitigating social conflicts without limiting in any powerful way human activities damaging to nature, conservation-conflict studies risk keeping conservation within the limits of human activities, instead of keeping human activities within the limits of nature. For conservation to successfully stop the biodiversity crisis, we suggest the alternative goal of recognizing nature's right to existence to maintenance of ecological functions and evolutionary processes. Nature being a rights bearer or legal person would imply its needs must be explicitly taken into account in conflict adjudication. If, even in conservation, nature's interests come second to human interests, it may be no surprise that conservation cannot succeed.

El Lugar de la Naturaleza en los Conflictos de Conservación Resumen Los conflictos de conservación están ganando importancia en los últimos años en la disciplina de la biología de la conservación de tal manera que puede ser que la conservación haya entrado en una exageración de conflictos. En este ensayo, hemos llevado a cabo un ejercicio de deconstrucción de las asunciones detrás de dichos estudios al formular varias preguntas: qué son los conflictos de conservación, qué justifica la atención que reciben, si los estudios sobre los conflictos de conservación pueden llegar a limitar la conservación de la fauna, si el conocimiento científico puede llegar a afectar la conservación cuando se involucra en los conflictos de conservación, si los estudios sobre los conflictos de conservación adoptan una visión específica de la democracia, si las leyes ambientales pueden usarse para forzar resultados positivos en conservación, por qué se requiere flexibilidad para gestionar los conflictos de conservación, si los conflictos de conservación pueden gestionarse con el objetivo de aumentar la tolerancia hacia las especies, y quién necesita ceder en los conflictos de conservación. Sugerimos que muchas de las premisas intelectuales detrás de este tipo de estudios pueden debilitar el objetivo de conservar la naturaleza de forma efectiva. Al enmarcar a los conflictos de conservación como conflictos entre personas en relación a la conservación de la naturaleza, se transfiere la culpa de manera más insidiosa, mientras que las actividades humanas dejan de ser culpables por originar el declive y extinción de las especies y, al mismo tiempo, la conservación de la naturaleza pasa a ser culpable de ocasionar conflictos sociales. Cuando el enfoque de los conflictos de conservación se centra en mitigar el conflicto social sin limitar de ninguna manera las actividades humanas que son dañinas para la naturaleza, los estudios sobre los conflictos de conservación corren el riesgo de enmarcar a la conservación de la naturaleza dentro de los límites de las actividades humanas, en lugar de mantener a las actividades humanas dentro de los límites de la naturaleza. Para que la conservación de la naturaleza se efectiva ante la actual crisis de la biodiversidad sugerimos el objetivo alternativo de reconocer el derecho de la naturaleza a su existencia, el mantenimiento de sus funciones ecológicas y los procesos evolutivos. Que la naturaleza tenga derechos o sea considerada como una persona legal implicaría que se deben considerar explícitamente sus necesidades durante la gestión de conflictos de conservación. Si por el contrario, dentro de la conservación los intereses de la naturaleza son subordinados por defecto a los intereses humanos, no debería sorprendernos que la conservación frecuentemente no sea exitosa.

Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais , Animais Selvagens , Evolução Biológica , Humanos , Motivação
Conserv Biol ; 34(6): 1444-1451, 2020 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32281122


The protection and sustainable management of habitat trees is an integral part of modern forest nature conservation concepts such as retention forestry. Bats, cavity-nesting birds, arboreal marsupials, and many different saproxylic species depend on habitat trees and their great variety of microhabitats and old-growth characteristics. With a focus on insights from temperate forests, we traced the development of habitat-tree protection over 200 years. The idea was first conceptualized by foresters and natural scientists in the early 19th century. At that time, utilitarian conservation aimed to protect cavity trees that provided roosts and nesting holes for insectivorous bats and birds. By the second half of the 19th century, habitat-tree protection was well known to foresters and was occasionally implemented. Knowledge of the protection of large old trees, a special kind of habitat tree, for sociocultural and aesthetic reasons developed similarly. But, many foresters of that time and in the following decades fundamentally rejected protection of habitat trees for economic reasons. Beginning in the 1970s, forest conservation and integrative forest management became increasingly important issues worldwide. Since then, the protection of habitat trees has been implemented on a large scale. Long-term views on the development of conservation concepts are important to inform the implementation of conservation today. In particular, historical analyses of conservation concepts allow the testing of long-term conservation outcomes and make it possible to study the resilience of conservation approaches to changing social or ecological conditions. We encourage all conservation ecologists to assess the practical and conceptual impact of the initial ideas that led to modern conservation concepts in terms of long-term biodiversity conservation.

Conceptos de Protección de Árboles Hábitat en los Últimos 200 Años Resumen La protección y el manejo sustentable de los árboles hábitat son una parte integral de los conceptos modernos de conservación de la naturaleza del bosque, conceptos como la silvicultura de retención. Los murciélagos, las aves que anidan en cavidades, los marsupiales arbóreos y muchas especies saproxílicas diferentes dependen de los árboles hábitat y su gran variedad de microhábitats y características de bosque maduro. Rastreamos el desarrollo de la protección de árboles hábitat en los últimos 200 años con un enfoque de conocimiento a partir de los bosques templados. La idea primero la conceptualizaron silvicultores y científicos naturales en el siglo XIX. En aquel tiempo, la conservación utilitarista buscaba proteger los árboles con cavidades que proporcionaban perchas y agujeros para anidar a los murciélagos y las aves insectívoras. Para la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, la protección de los árboles hábitat era muy conocida por los silvicultores y ocasionalmente la implementaban. El conocimiento de la protección de los grandes árboles maduros, un tipo especial de árbol hábitat, por razones socioculturales y estéticas tuvieron un desarrollo similar a la protección. Aún así, muchos de los silvicultores de esa época y de las décadas subsecuentes fundamentalmente rechazaron la protección de los árboles hábitat por razones económicas. A principios de la década de 1970, la conservación de los bosques y el manejo integrativo de los bosques se convirtieron en temas cada vez más importantes en todo el mundo. Desde entonces, la protección de los árboles hábitat se ha implementado a gran escala. Las perspectivas a largo plazo sobre el desarrollo de los conceptos de conservación son de importancia para informar la implementación de la conservación hoy en día. Particularmente, los análisis históricos sobre los conceptos de conservación permiten el ensayo de resultados de conservación a largo plazo y posibilitan el estudio de la resiliencia de las estrategias de conservación ante las cambiantes condiciones ecológicas y sociales. Alentamos a todos los ecologistas de la conservación a evaluar el impacto práctico y conceptual de las ideas iniciales que derivaron en los conceptos modernos de conservación en términos de la conservación a largo plazo de la biodiversidad.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Árvores , Animais , Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Agricultura Florestal , Florestas
J Environ Manage ; 268: 110670, 2020 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32510432


Integrated forest management (IFM) can help reconcile critical trade-offs between goals in forest management, such as nature conservation and biomass production. The challenge of IFM is dealing with these trade-offs at the level of practical forest management, such as striving for compromises between biomass extraction and habitat retention. This paper reviews some of the driving factors that influence the integration of nature conservation into forest management. The review was conducted in three steps - a literature review, an expert workshop and an expert-based cooperative analysis. Of 38 driving factors identified, three were prioritised by more of the participants than any of the others: two are socio-cultural factors, identity (how people identify with forest) as well as outreach and education, and one is economic - competitiveness in forest value chains. These driving factors correspond to what are considered in the literature as enablers for IFM. The results reveal that targeted, group-oriented, adaptive and innovative policy designs are needed to integrate nature conservation into forest management. Further, the results reveal that a "one-size-fits-all" governance approach would be ineffective, implying that policy instruments need to consider contextually specific driving factors. Understanding the main driving factors and their overall directions can help to better manage trade-offs between biodiversity conservation and biomass production in European forests.

Agricultura Florestal , Madeira , Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Europa (Continente) , Florestas , Árvores
Hist Philos Life Sci ; 42(2): 18, 2020 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32356016


The concept of nature in Western thought has been informed by the assumption of a categorical distinction between natural and artificial entities, which goes back to John Stuart Mill or even Aristotle. Such a way of articulating the natural/artificial distinction has proven unfit for conservation purposes mainly because of the extent and the pervasiveness of human activities that would leave no nature left to be conserved, and alternative views have been advanced. In this contribution, after arguing for the importance of the concept of naturalness as a guide for conservation, I will try to provide an account of the natural/artificial distinction suited to contemporary conservation framing. Focusing on a particular kind of objects that I suggest to name "environmental objects", I propose and defend the view of "naturalness as independence" according to which the more or less an environmental object's identity conditions and survival depend on human intervention, the more or less that object is artificial or natural, respectively. According to this view, conserving environmental objects will equate to maintaining or improving their naturalness (vis-à-vis their artefactualness) or even originating artificial objects that may become new natural objects. This view has the advantage, on the one hand, of providing a rationale for a distinction which is not only part of how people think, but also pervasive in conservation practices and policies and, on the other hand, of accounting for the global pervasiveness of human intervention in the so-called natural world.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Natureza , Filosofia
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