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Fam Process ; 61(1): 278-293, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33928639


New parents experience significant disruption to their sexual relationships such as lower desire and sexual frequency relative to prepregnancy. Little is known about the sexual distress new parents feel related to these changes, how sexual distress evolves over time, or how coping with stress relates to this distress. New parent couples who engage in more adaptive, joint coping with mutual stressors-common dyadic coping (CDC)-may be better able to manage distress related to their sexuality and thus, experience less sexual distress at 3-months postpartum and experience more marked improvement over time. In 99 first-time parent couples, we examined the link between CDC measured at 3-months postpartum and trajectories of sexual distress across 3-, 6-, and 12-months postpartum. Analyses used dyadic latent growth curve modeling informed by the actor-partner interdependence model. Mothers' sexual distress at 3-months postpartum was clinically elevated and higher than their partner's. Mothers' sexual distress declined significantly over time, whereas partners' sexual distress remained low and stable. An individual's higher perceptions of CDC was significantly associated with their own (but not their partner's) lower sexual distress at 3-months postpartum. No significant associations were found between CDC and change in sexual distress over time. How new parents jointly cope with stressors early in the postpartum period may lessen the distress they have about their sexuality at a time when most couples have just resumed sexual activity. Results identify CDC as a possible novel target for interventions aimed at helping couples manage sexual distress during the transition to parenthood.

Los padres recientes sufren una alteración significativa de sus relaciones sexuales, como menos deseo y frecuencia sexual, en comparación con el periodo anterior al embarazo. Se sabe muy poco acerca del distrés sexual que sienten los padres recientes en relación con estos cambios, cómo evoluciona el distrés sexual con el tiempo o cómo el afrontamiento del estrés se relaciona con este distrés. Las parejas de padres recientes que participan en un afrontamiento conjunto más adaptativo de los factores desencadenantes de estrés mutuos -afrontamiento diádico común - pueden ser más capaces de manejar el distrés relacionado con su sexualidad y, por lo tanto, sufrir menos distrés sexual tres meses después del parto, así como tener mejoras más marcadas con el tiempo. En 99 parejas de padres primerizos, analizamos la conexión entre el afrontamiento diádico común medido tres meses después del parto y las trayectorias de distrés sexual a lo largo de los 3, los 6 y los 12 meses después del parto. En los análisis se utilizó el modelo de curva de crecimiento latente diádico orientado por el modelo de interdependencia actor-pareja. El distrés sexual de las madres tres meses después del parto fue clínicamente elevado y mayor que el de sus parejas. El distrés sexual de las madres disminuyó considerablemente con el tiempo, mientras que el distrés sexual de sus parejas se mantuvo bajo y estable. Las percepciones más elevadas de una persona con respecto al afrontamiento diádico común estuvieron asociadas considerablemente con su propio distrés sexual más bajo (pero no con el de sus parejas) tres meses después del parto. No se hallaron asociaciones significativas entre el afrontamiento diádico común y el cambio en el distrés sexual con el tiempo. La manera en la que los padres recientes afrontan conjuntamente los factores desencadenantes de estrés a principios del periodo de posparto puede disminuir el distrés que tienen por su sexualidad en un momento cuando la mayoría de las parejas acaban de reanudar su actividad sexual. Los resultados reconocen el afrontamiento diádico común como posible objetivo nuevo para las intervenciones orientadas a ayudar a las parejas a manejar el distrés sexual durante la transición a la paternidad.

Adaptação Psicológica , Comportamento Sexual , Feminino , Humanos , Pais , Período Pós-Parto
Fam Process ; 61(1): 259-277, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33904162


A large and diverse literature has shown that parent-child relationship quality shapes development to affect later romantic relationship functioning. Guided by the developmental psychopathology framework, the current systematic review aimed to characterize the links between two major subtypes of parent-child relationship quality (parent-child attachment security and interaction quality) and several romantic relationship outcomes (i.e., adjustment, attachment security, aggression, and observed interaction quality), as well as to identify mechanisms accounting for these associations. We focused on studies that included both members of a couple/partnership for dyadic assessment of romantic relationship functioning, to more accurately and fully capture both partners' perspectives. A total of 40 articles met inclusion criteria, most of which sampled early/emerging adult couples between the ages of 18 and 26 years. Findings suggest that parent-child attachment security and interaction quality have similar associations with dyadic romantic relationship functioning, with the strongest evidence of effects on romantic relationship adjustment and observed interactions between romantic partners. Many studies found gender differences in effects, as well as cascading effects across development and over the course of a relationship. We argue that it is important for future studies to explore effects of one partner's parent-child relationship quality history on the other partner's romantic relationship adjustment and behavior, and to evaluate the extent to which parent-child attachment security mediates associations between parent-child interaction quality and romantic relationship functioning.

Se ha demostrado en publicaciones completas y variadas que la calidad de la relación entre padres e hijos determina el desarrollo de una manera que influye en el funcionamiento posterior de las relaciones amorosas. Guiado por el marco de la psicopatología evolutiva, el presente análisis sistemático tuvo como finalidad caracterizar los vínculos entre dos grandes subtipos de calidad de la relación entre padres e hijos (seguridad en el apego entre padres e hijos y calidad de la interacción) y varias consecuencias en las relaciones amorosas (p. ej.: adaptación, seguridad en el apego, agresión y calidad de la interacción observada), así como identificar los mecanismos que dan cuenta de estas asociaciones. Nos centramos en estudios que incluyeron tanto a integrantes de una pareja/asociación para la evaluación diádica del funcionamiento de las relaciones amorosas con el fin de captar más precisa y completamente las perspectivas de ambos integrantes de la pareja. Cuarenta artículos en total cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, la mayoría de los cuales usaron como muestras a parejas de adultos emergentes de entre 18 y 26 años. Los resultados indican que la seguridad en el apego entre padres e hijos y la calidad de la interacción tienen asociaciones similares con el funcionamiento diádico de las relaciones amorosas, y que los indicios más claros de los efectos están en la adaptación de las relaciones amorosas y las interacciones observadas entre los integrantes de la relación amorosa. En muchos estudios se hallaron diferencias de género en los efectos, así como efectos dominó a lo largo del desarrollo y durante el transcurso de una relación. Sostenemos que es importante para estudios futuros analizar los efectos del historial de la calidad de la relación entre padres e hijos de uno de los integrantes de la pareja en la adaptación a la relación amorosa y la conducta del otro integrante de la pareja, y evaluar hasta qué punto la seguridad en el apego entre padres e hijos actúa como mediadora de las asociaciones entre la calidad de la interacción entre padres e hijos y el funcionamiento de la relación amorosa.

Relações Interpessoais , Apego ao Objeto , Adolescente , Adulto , Humanos , Relações Pais-Filho , Adulto Jovem
Fam Process ; 60(1): 285-298, 2021 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32293718


Following a rise in the life expectancy of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, many adults with CF form couple relationships. Yet, dyadic coping has not been previously examined in people with CF. This study examined how adults with CF and their partners cope as a couple with the illness, and what meanings each partner and the couple as a unit attribute to the experience. Seventeen adult CF patients and their partners participated in separate semi-structured in-depth interviews. Two main patterns of dyadic coping with CF were identified as follows: cooperation and tension. For couples in cooperation, the marital relationship served as a resource for adaptive coping. These couples were characterized by similarities in their perception of the place of CF in their lives and of their roles in the marital relationship. Couples in tension described the couple relationship as strained by difficulty of accepting the disease, proliferation of negative emotions, and a sense of burden and loneliness in the process of coping. Findings point to the importance of mutual empathy, clear and accepted division of roles between the partners, and open communication for facilitating coping as a couple.

Después de un aumento de la expectativa de vida de los pacientes con fibrosis quística, muchos adultos con fibrosis quística forman relaciones de pareja. Sin embargo, no se ha analizado previamente el afrontamiento diádico en personas con esta enfermedad. Este estudio analizó cómo los adultos con fibrosis quística y sus parejas afrontan como pareja la enfermedad, y qué significados cada integrante de la pareja y la pareja como unidad atribuyen a la experiencia. Diecisiete pacientes adultos con fibrosis quística y sus parejas participaron en entrevistas individuales, detalladas y semiestructuradas. Se identificaron dos patrones principales de afrontamiento diádico de la fibrosis quística: la cooperación y la tensión. En las parejas del patrón de cooperación, la relación conyugal sirvió como recurso para el afrontamiento adaptativo. Estas parejas se caracterizaron por similitudes en su percepción del lugar que ocupa la fibrosis quística en sus vidas y de sus roles en la relación conyugal. Las parejas del patrón de tensión describieron la relación de pareja como deteriorada por la dificultad de aceptar la enfermedad, la proliferación de emociones negativas y una sensación de carga y soledad en el proceso de afrontamiento. Los resultados señalan la importancia de la empatía mutua, una división clara y aceptada de los roles entre los integrantes de la pareja y una comunicación abierta para facilitar el afrontamiento como pareja.

Fibrose Cística , Adaptação Psicológica , Adulto , Comunicação , Humanos , Relações Interpessoais , Casamento
Fam Process ; 60(2): 556-569, 2021 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32479660


This study examines within-person and cross-person relations between depressive symptoms, harsh parenting, and parental rejection in low-income Filipino mothers and fathers of adolescents using an actor-partner interdependence model (APIM). Mother and father dyads (N = 81, Mage  = 43.48, SD = 8.66) recruited from urban neighborhoods in the Philippines completed orally administered questionnaires on depressive symptoms, harsh parenting, and rejection. Results showed that mothers' scores and fathers' scores on depressive symptoms did not significantly differ and that mothers scored significantly higher than fathers on harsh parenting and rejection. Dyadic analyses using the APIM showed that the actor effect of depressive symptoms on harsh parenting was statistically significant for fathers only and that the actor effects of depressive symptoms on rejection were statistically significant for both mothers and fathers. No partner effects on harsh parenting and rejection were statistically significant. These findings contribute to the robust evidence linking parental depressive symptoms to negative parenting behaviors and highlight the need to attend to both fathers' psychological health and mothers' psychological health in efforts to reduce harsh and rejecting parenting behaviors among Filipino parents.

Este estudio analiza las relaciones intrapersonales e interpersonales entre los síntomas depresivos, la crianza hostil y el rechazo de los padres en madres y padres de adolescentes, filipinos y de bajos recursos utilizando un modelo de interdependencia actor-pareja (MIAP). Díadas de madres y padres (N = 81, Edad promedio = 43.48, Desviación típica = 8.66) convocados de barrios urbanos de las Filipinas contestaron cuestionarios administrados oralmente sobre síntomas depresivos, crianza hostil y rechazo. Los resultados no demostraron una diferencia significativa a nivel estadístico entre los puntajes de las madres y los padres en los síntomas depresivos, pero las madres tuvieron un puntaje considerablemente más alto que los padres en la crianza hostil y el rechazo. Los análisis diádicos que utilizaron el MIAP demostraron que el efecto del actor de los síntomas depresivos en la crianza hostil fue significativo a nivel estadístico para los padres solamente, y que los efectos del actor de los síntomas depresivos en el rechazo fueron significativos a nivel estadístico tanto para las madres como para los padres. Ningún efecto de la pareja en la crianza hostil y rechazadora fue significativo estadísticamente. Estos resultados aportan a las pruebas sólidas que vinculan los síntomas depresivos de los padres con los comportamientos de crianza negativos, y destacan la necesidad de atender la salud psicológica de los padres y las madres con el afán de reducir la crianza hostil y rechazadora entre los padres filipinos de bajos recursos.

Mães , Poder Familiar , Adolescente , Adulto , Depressão , Feminino , Humanos , Pais , Filipinas
Fam Process ; 60(4): 1331-1346, 2021 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33247443


Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are at increased risk for unsatisfying and conflict-ridden couple relationships (i.e., marital or romantic partner relationships). There is a critical need to identify the couple-level processes that contribute to this risk. The current study examined the use of dyadic coping, defined as the appraisals and behaviors that partners in relationships use and receive to manage stressors, and to examine whether dyadic coping mediated the association between parenting stress and couple relationship satisfaction in parents who have a child with ASD and in parents who do not have a child with ASD. In total, 184 couples that had a child with ASD (aged 5-12 years) and comparison group of 183 couples who have a child without a neurodevelopmental condition participated in the study. A multivariate analysis of covariance indicated that parents of children with ASD reported less positive and more negative dyadic coping than did parents in the comparison group. Hierarchical linear modeling indicated that dyadic coping mediated the association between parenting stress and couple relationship satisfaction. Findings have important implications for programs aimed at enhancing parent couple relationship in families of children with ASD.

Los padres de niños con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) corren mayor riesgo de tener relaciones de pareja insatisfactorias y conflictivas (p. ej.: relaciones de pareja o conyugales). Existe una necesidad imperiosa de reconocer los procesos a nivel de la pareja que contribuyen a este riesgo. El presente estudio analizó el uso del afrontamiento diádico, definido como las evaluaciones y las conductas que los integrantes de la pareja usan y reciben para manejar los factores desencadenantes de estrés, y si este afrontamiento sirvió como mediador de la asociación entre el estrés por la crianza y la satisfacción con la relación de pareja en los padres que tienen un niño con TEA y en los padres que no tienen un niño con TEA. Participaron en el estudio un total de 184 parejas que tenían un hijo con TEA (de entre 5 y 12 años) y un grupo comparativo de 183 parejas que tenían un hijo sin un trastorno del desarrollo neurológico. Un análisis multifactorial de la covarianza indicó que los padres de los niños con TEA informaron un afrontamiento diádico menos positivo y más negativo que los padres en el grupo de comparación. Los modelos lineales jerárquicos indicaron que el afrontamiento diádico sirvió como mediador de la asociación entre el estrés por la crianza y la satisfacción con la relación de pareja. Los resultados tienen consecuencias importantes para los programas orientados a mejorar la relación de los padres como pareja en las familias de niños con TEA.

Transtorno do Espectro Autista , Transtorno Autístico , Adaptação Psicológica , Criança , Humanos , Poder Familiar , Pais , Satisfação Pessoal
Fam Process ; 59(4): 1755-1772, 2020 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31647575


Three-generation households that include parents and grandparents raising children together have become increasingly common in China. This study examined the relations among depressive symptoms, parenting stress, and caregiver-child relationships in the mother-grandmother dyadic context. Participants were mothers and grandmothers from 136 three-generation households. Results from Actor-Partner Interdependence Mediation Modeling indicated that mothers' depressive symptoms were indirectly related to mother-child conflict/closeness through own parenting stress; grandmothers' depressive symptoms were indirectly related to grandmother-child conflict through own parenting stress. Mothers' depressive symptoms were indirectly related to grandmothers' conflict with children through grandmothers' parenting stress, and grandmothers' depressive symptoms were indirectly related to mothers' conflict/closeness with children through mothers' parenting stress. The relation between mothers' parenting stress and mother-child closeness was stronger than the relation between grandmothers' parenting stress and grandmother-child closeness. Findings highlight the implications of using a family system perspective and the dyadic approach in understanding and improving family functioning in Chinese three-generation households.

Los hogares de tres generaciones integrados por padres y abuelos que crían a niños juntos son cada vez más comunes en China. Este estudio examinó las relaciones entre los síntomas depresivos, el estrés por la crianza y las relaciones entre cuidadores y niños en el contexto diádico madre-abuela. Las participantes fueron madres y abuelas de 136 hogares de tres generaciones. Los resultados del modelo de mediación de la interdependencia actor-pareja indicaron que los síntomas depresivos de las madres estuvieron relacionados indirectamente con el conflicto/la cercanía entre madre e hijo mediante el propio estrés por la crianza; los síntomas depresivos de las abuelas estuvieron indirectamente relacionados con el conflicto entre la abuela y el niño mediante el propio estrés por la crianza. Los síntomas depresivos de las madres estuvieron indirectamente relacionados con el conflicto de las abuelas con los niños mediante el estrés por la crianza de las abuelas, y los síntomas depresivos de las abuelas estuvieron indirectamente relacionados con el conflicto/la cercanía de las madres con los niños mediante el estrés por la crianza de las madres. La relación entre el estrés por la crianza de las madres y la cercanía entre madre e hijo fue más fuerte que la relación entre el estrés por la crianza de las abuelas y la cercanía entre abuela y niño. Los resultados destacan las implicancias de usar una perspectiva de sistema familiar y el enfoque diádico a la hora de comprender y mejorar el funcionamiento familiar en los hogares chinos de tres generaciones.

Depressão/psicologia , Avós/psicologia , Mães/psicologia , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Adulto , Criança , China , Feminino , Humanos , Relação entre Gerações , Masculino , Análise de Mediação , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Modelos Psicológicos , Relações Mãe-Filho/psicologia
Fam Process ; 59(2): 571-585, 2020 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30968407


Although the association between maternal gatekeeping and relationship functioning has been explored by a few studies, none of these have focused on fathers' perceptions of these constructs. Given that today's new fathers are challenged by elevated expectations for active parenting and coparenting even as most new mothers remain primary caregivers of infant children, this is a critical omission. This study examined the associations between new fathers' perceptions of maternal gatekeeping and change in dyadic adjustment as mediated through coparenting closeness. Maternal gatekeeping was reported by 182 fathers at 3 months postpartum, coparenting closeness was reported at 3 and 6 months postpartum, and dyadic adjustment was reported during the third trimester of pregnancy and at 9 months postpartum. Fathers' perceptions of relative change in coparenting closeness from 3 to 6 months mediated associations between fathers' perceptions of maternal gatekeeping at 3 months and relative change in dyadic adjustment from the third trimester to 9 months postpartum. In particular, findings indicate that greater perceived maternal gate opening was associated with higher levels of dyadic adjustment through higher levels of coparenting closeness, whereas greater perceived maternal gate closing was associated with lower levels of dyadic adjustment through lower levels of coparenting closeness. This study highlights the importance of studying fathers in the context of the family system and the role of the coparenting relationship at the transition to parenthood in couple relationship functioning.

Aunque la asociación entre el control materno y el funcionamiento de la relación ha sido analizado por algunos estudios, ninguno de estos se ha centrado en las percepciones de los padres de estos constructos. Teniendo en cuenta que los padres recientes de hoy se enfrentan al desafío de expectativas elevadas de crianza y cocrianza activas, incluso cuando la mayoría de las madres recientes siguen siendo las cuidadoras principales de los bebés, esta es una omisión crucial. Este estudio examinó las asociaciones entre las percepciones de los padres recientes con respecto al control materno y el cambio en el ajuste diádico a través de la proximidad en la cocrianza. Ciento ochenta y dos padres informaron el control materno tres meses después del parto, la proximidad en la cocrianza se informó a los tres y a los seis meses después del parto y el ajuste diádico se informó durante el tercer trimestre de embarazo y a los nueve meses después del parto. Las percepciones de los padres del cambio relativo en la proximidad de la cocrianza desde los tres a los seis meses mediaron las asociaciones entre las percepciones de los padres del control materno a los tres meses y del cambio relativo en el ajuste diádico desde el tercer trimestre hasta los nueve meses después del parto. En particular, los resultados indican que una mayor percepción de soltura del control de la madre estuvo asociado con niveles más altos de ajuste diádico mediante niveles más altos de proximidad en la cocrianza, mientras que una mayor percepción de rigurosidad del control de la madre estuvo asociado con niveles más bajos de ajuste diádico mediante niveles más bajos de proximidad en la cocrianza. Este estudio destaca la importancia de estudiar a los padres en el contexto del sistema familiar y el papel que desempeña la relación de cocrianza durante la transición a la paternidad en el funcionamiento de la relación de pareja.

Relações Familiares/psicologia , Pai/psicologia , Cuidado do Lactente/psicologia , Poder Familiar/psicologia , Período Pós-Parto/psicologia , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Mães/psicologia , Percepção
Fam Process ; 59(2): 681-694, 2020 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31237687


In the last decade, an increasing number of qualitative studies sought to investigate the dynamics of various dyads by conducting in-depth, multiple family member interviews. The emphasis in the methodological literature dealing with this type of research is primarily on the data collection process, and much less on the development of methods suitable for the analysis of the data thus derived, especially with regard to dyads consisting of family members belonging to different systems: families of origin or nuclear families. The purpose of this paper is to propose a model for dyadic analysis based on examining the dynamics of the evolving relationships between key caregivers of a family member with brain injury. The model includes inductive and abductive phases of analysis, and it is based on an ecological-systemic perspective. The benefits of this model are highlighted, and its potential contribution is further discussed.

En la última década, un número cada vez mayor de estudios cualitativos tuvo como finalidad investigar la dinámica de varias díadas realizando entrevistas detalladas a numerosas familias. El énfasis en la bibliografía metodológica que trata de este tipo de investigación se pone principalmente en el proceso de recopilación de datos, pero mucho menos en el desarrollo de métodos adecuados para el análisis de datos así derivados, especialmente con respecto a las díadas que consisten en familiares pertenecientes a diferentes sistemas: familias de origen o familias nucleares. El propósito de este artículo es proponer un modelo para el análisis diádico sobre la base de la dinámica de las relaciones que surgen entre los principales cuidadores de un miembro de la familia con daño cerebral. El modelo incluye fases inductivas y abductivas de análisis y está basado en una perspectiva ecológico-sistémica. Se destacan los beneficios de este modelo y se debate además su posible aporte.

Cuidadores/psicologia , Análise de Dados , Relações Familiares/psicologia , Família/psicologia , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Lesões Encefálicas , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino
Fam Process ; 59(3): 1225-1242, 2020 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31408204


This study investigated the association of individual and dyadic coping strategies with fear of progression (FoP) in mothers and fathers of children with hematologic cancer. Parental couples (N = 44) whose children had been diagnosed with hematologic cancer were recruited at a university hospital and a rehabilitation clinic in Germany between 03/2017 and 08/2017. Data included parents' self-report on FoP (Fear of Progression Questionnaire-parent version, FoP-Q-SF/PR), individual coping (Coping Health Inventory for Parents, CHIP-D), and dyadic coping (Dyadic Coping Inventory, DCI). Statistical analyses were carried out for mothers and fathers individually as well as for parental couples using dyadic data analyses (e.g., actor-partner interdependence model, APIM). Individual and dyadic coping strategies were significantly correlated with FoP in mothers, but not in fathers. Fathers' evaluation of the couple's dyadic coping significantly predicted mothers' FoP. The more frequent use of familial integration (CHIP-D FAM) and maintaining social support (CHIP-D SUP) as well as a better evaluation of their partners' dyadic coping was significantly associated with lower FoP in mothers. Differences in individual and dyadic coping in parental couples were not associated with FoP. Individual and dyadic coping strategies should be addressed in the psychosocial care of mothers and fathers of children with hematologic cancer. Study results support the benefits of involving fathers in psychosocial interventions, for example, in couple-based interventions that acknowledge interpersonal effects of coping on FoP. Future research should further explore coping strategies applied by fathers of children with hematologic cancer for the regulation of FoP.

Este estudio investigó la asociación de estrategias de afrontamiento individual y diádico con el miedo a la progresión (FoP por sus siglas en inglés) en madres y padres de niños con cáncer hematológico. Se reclutaron parejas de padres (N = 44) cuyos niños recibieron una diagnosis de cáncer hematológico en un hospital universitario y una clínica de rehabilitación en Alemania entre marzo de 2017 y agosto de 2017. Los datos incluyeron autoinformes de los padres sobre FoP (Cuestionario de miedo a la progresión, versión para padres, FoP-Q-SF/PR), afrontamiento individual (Inventario de salud de afrontamiento para padres, CHIP-D) y afrontamiento diádico (Inventario de afrontamiento diádico, DCI). Se realizaron análisis estadísticos para madres y padres de manera individual, así como para parejas de padres usando análisis de datos diádicos, (p.ej., Modelo de interdependencia actor-pareja, APIM). Las estrategias de afrontamiento individual y diádico tuvieron una correlación significativa con el FoP en las madres, pero no en los padres. La evaluación por los padres del afrontamiento diádico de la pareja predijo significativamente el FoP de las madres. El uso más frecuente de integración familiar (CHIP-D FAM) y mantenimiento de apoyo social (CHIP-D SUP), así como una mejor evaluación del afrontamiento diádico de sus parejas se asoció significativamente con un FoP más bajo en las madres. Las diferencias en el afrontamiento individual y diádico en parejas de padres no se asociaron al FoP. Las estrategias de afrontamiento individual y diádico deben ser enfrentadas durante el cuidado psicosocial de madres y padres de niños con cáncer hematológico. Los resultados del estudio respaldan los beneficios de involucrar a los padres en intervenciones psicosociales, es decir, en intervenciones basadas en parejas que reconocen los efectos interpersonales del afrontamiento en FoP. Investigaciones futuras deberán explorar más las estrategias de afrontamiento empleadas por los padres de niños con cáncer hematológico para regular el FoP.

Adaptação Psicológica , Relações Familiares/psicologia , Medo/psicologia , Neoplasias Hematológicas/psicologia , Pais/psicologia , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Parceiros Sexuais/psicologia , Cônjuges/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários
Fam Process ; 59(3): 1080-1093, 2020 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31531860


Previous investigations have found specific communication patterns in couples dealing with depression, specifically when depression concurs with conjugal conflicts. The presence of these patterns can reflect couples' difficulties in engaging in collaborative communication during their sessions, posing a real challenge for therapists. This exploratory study uses a dialogical approach to examine issues of dominance and type of dialogue in two couples who differed in terms of their levels of dyadic adjustment. The therapists' reactions were explored in order to detect the kinds of responses that were most effective at engendering a collaborative attitude in therapy sessions. The method used to analyze the dialogue was Dialogical Investigations of Happenings of Change (DIHC). Results on dominance indicated that the degree of quantitative and semantic dominance displayed by a different member of the couple in each case was illustrative of their relational dynamics, while in both cases interactional dominance was exercised by the therapists. Results on dialogue revealed that dialogic dialogue might help to coconstruct new shared meanings of depression. The findings indicated that certain responses by therapists as part of the dialogue could be useful in bringing about a reduction in hostility between the members of a couple, provided that the responses are maintained over the course of the session. Some research and clinical implications that emerge from the results are discussed.

En investigaciones previas se han descubierto patrones de comunicación específicos en parejas que afrontan la depresión, particularmente cuando la depresión coincide con conflictos conyugales. La presencia de estos patrones puede reflejar las dificultades de las parejas para entablar una comunicación colaborativa durante sus sesiones, lo cual plantea un verdadero desafío para los terapeutas. Este estudio exploratorio utiliza un enfoque dialógico para analizar las cuestiones de dominación y el tipo de diálogo en dos parejas que diferían en cuanto a sus niveles de ajuste diádico. Se analizaron las reacciones de los terapeutas a fin de detectar los tipos de respuestas que fueron más eficaces para generar una actitud colaborativa en las sesiones de terapia. El método utilizado para analizar el diálogo fue "Investigaciones Dialógicas de Sucesos de Cambio" (Dialogical Investigations of Happenings of Change, DIHC). Los resultados sobre la dominación indicaron que el grado de dominación cuantitativa y semántica demostrado por un integrante diferente de la pareja en cada caso fue ilustrativo de su dinámica relacional, mientras que en ambos casos los terapeutas ejercieron dominación interaccional. Los resultados sobre el diálogo revelaron que el diálogo dialógico podría contribuir a coconstruir nuevos significados comunes de la depresión. Los resultados indicaron que ciertas respuestas de los terapeutas como parte del diálogo podrían ser útiles para producir una reducción de la hostilidad entre los integrantes de una pareja, siempre y cuando se mantengan las respuestas durante el transcurso de la sesión. Se debaten algunas implicancias científicas y clínicas que surgen de los resultados.

Comunicação , Terapia de Casal/métodos , Depressão/psicologia , Relações Profissional-Paciente , Cônjuges/psicologia , Feminino , Humanos , Relações Interpessoais , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Infant Ment Health J ; 41(6): 836-849, 2020 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32573015


Premature birth has a well-documented impact on infants, mothers and their dyadic interactions. First time motherhood in the context of low risk premature birth-relatively unexplored in the literature-is a specific experience that sits at the nexus of premature infancy, motherhood and the processes that underpin dyadic connection. This qualitative study analyzed semistructured interviews with first time mothers of low risk premature babies. Findings were generated in response to research questions concerning mothers' meaning-making, bonding and identity. Findings demonstrated that maternal meaning-making emerged from a dyadic framework. When mothers or their infants were considered outside of a dyadic context, surplus suffering inadvertently occurred. Findings have important implications for infant mental health practice in medical settings, for postnatal support in the aftermath of premature birth, and for understanding the meaning of risk.

El nacimiento prematuro tiene un impacto bien documentado en los infantes, madres y sus interacciones diádicas. La maternidad primeriza dentro del contexto de nacimiento prematuro de bajo riesgo -relativamente no explorado en la literatura- es una experiencia específica que se asienta en la coyuntura entre infancia prematura, maternidad y los procesos que respaldan la conexión diádica. Este estudio cualitativo analizó entrevistas semiestructuradas con madres primerizas de bebés prematuros de bajo riesgo. Los resultados fueron generados como respuesta a las preguntas de la investigación relativas a los procesos de dar sentido, establecer conexión de afectividad, así como de identidad de las madres. Los resultados demostraron que el proceso materno de dar sentido surgió de un marco diádico. Cuando las madres o sus infantes fueron considerados fuera de un contexto diádico, ocurrió por inadvertencia un sufrimiento en exceso. Los resultados tienen implicaciones importantes para la práctica de salud mental infantil en escenarios médicos, para el apoyo en el período que sigue al nacimiento prematuro, así como para la comprensión del significado de riesgo.

La naissance prématurée a un impact bien documenté sur les nourrissons, les mères et leurs interactions dyadiques. Le fait d'être mère pour la première fois dans le contexte d'une naissance prématurée à faible risque - relativement peu exploré dans les recherches - est une expérience spécifique qui se situe au coeur de la petite enfance prématurée, de la maternité et des processus qui soutiennent la connexion dyadique. Cette analyse qualitative a analysé des entretiens semi-structurés avec des mères étant mères pour la première fois et ayant eu des bébés prématurés à faible risque. Les résultats ont été générés en réponse à des questions de recherches concernant la quête de signification des mères, leur lien et leur identité. Les résultats démontrent que la quête de signification maternelle émergeait d'une structure dyadique. Lorsque les mères ou leurs bébés étaient considérés au dehors de ce contexte dyadique une souffrance excédentaire s'est produite par inadvertance. Les résultats ont des implications importantes pour la pratique de santé mentale du nourrisson dans des contextes médicaux, à la fois pour le soutien postnatal après une naissance prématurée et pour la compréhension de la signification du risque.

Recém-Nascido Prematuro/psicologia , Saúde Mental , Relações Mãe-Filho/psicologia , Mães/psicologia , Nascimento Prematuro , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Gravidez , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Fam Process ; 58(2): 509-523, 2019 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29709057


Infertility is a challenging experience, affecting individual and couples' adjustment. However, the way the members of the couple support each other may affect the experience of infertility and their adjustment. This study aimed to investigate the role of dyadic coping by oneself and by the partner in the association between the impact of infertility and dyadic and emotional adjustment (anxiety and depression) to infertility. In this cross-sectional study, a total of 134 participants (67 couples with infertility) completed self-report questionnaires assessing infertility-related stress, dyadic coping, dyadic adjustment, and depression and anxiety symptoms. A path analysis examined the direct and indirect effects between the impact of infertility in one's life and dyadic and emotional adjustment. There is an indirect effect of the impact of infertility in one's life on dyadic adjustment through men's perceived dyadic coping efforts employed by the self (dyadic coping by oneself) and women's perceived dyadic coping efforts of the partner (dyadic coping by the partner). Regarding the emotional adjustment of infertile couples, infertility stress impact had an indirect effect only on depressive symptoms through men's dyadic coping by oneself. The results highlight the importance of men's dyadic coping strategies for the marital adjustment of couples as well as for men's emotional adjustment. Findings emphasize the importance of involving men in the fertility treatment process, reinforcing the dyadic nature of infertility processes.

La infertilidad es una experiencia difícil que afecta la adaptación de los individuos y de las parejas. Sin embargo, la manera en la que los miembros de la pareja se apoyan entre sí puede afectar la experiencia de infertilidad y su adaptación. Este estudio tuvo como finalidad investigar el papel que desempeña el afrontamiento diádico por parte de uno mismo y de la pareja en la asociación entre el efecto de la infertilidad y la adaptación diádica y emocional (ansiedad y depresión) a la infertilidad. En este estudio transversal, un total de 134 participantes (67 parejas con infertilidad) contestaron cuestionarios de autoinforme que evaluaron el estrés relacionado con la infertilidad, el afrontamiento diádico, la adaptación diádica y los síntomas de depresión y ansiedad. Un análisis de ruta analizó los efectos directos e indirectos entre la influencia de la infertilidad en la vida de uno y su adaptación diádica y emocional. Hay un efecto indirecto de la influencia de la infertilidad en la vida de uno sobre la adaptación diádica a través de los esfuerzos de afrontamiento diádico percibidos por los hombres empleados por el yo (afrontamineto diádico por uno mismo) y los esfuerzos de afrontamiento diádico percibidos por las mujeres empleados por la pareja (afrontamiento diádico por la pareja). Con respecto a la adaptación emocional de las parejas infértiles, la influencia del estrés por la infertilidad tuvo un efecto indirecto solo en los síntomas depresivos a través del afrontamiento diádico de los hombres por uno mismo. Los resultados destacan la importancia de las estrategias de enfrentamiento diádico de los hombres para la adaptación conyugal de las parejas así como para la adaptación emocional de los hombres. Además, los resultados enfatizan la importancia de hacer participar a los hombres en el proceso de tratamiento de la fertilidad, lo cual refuerza la índole diádica de los procesos de infertilidad.

Adaptação Psicológica , Infertilidade/psicologia , Relações Interpessoais , Casamento/psicologia , Cônjuges/psicologia , Adulto , Comunicação , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fatores Socioeconômicos
Fam Process ; 57(2): 324-341, 2018 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28691198


This study aimed at moving beyond previous research on couple therapy efficacy by examining moment-by-moment proximal couple and therapist interactions as well as final treatment outcomes and their reciprocal association. Seven hundred four episodes of dyadic coping within 56 early therapy sessions, taken from 28 married couples in treatment, were intensively analyzed and processed using a mixed-methods software (T-LAB). Results showed that negative dyadic coping was self-perpetuating, and therapists tended to passively observe the negative couple interaction; on the contrary, positive dyadic coping appeared to require a therapist's intervention to be maintained, and successful interventions mainly included information gathering as well as interpreting. Couples who dropped out of treatment were not actively engaged from the outset of therapy, and they used more negative dyadic coping, whereas couples who successfully completed treatment showed more positive dyadic coping very early in therapy. Results highlight the role of therapist action and control as critical to establishing rapport and credibility in couple therapy and suggest that dyadic coping patterns early in therapy may contribute to variable treatment response.

Adaptação Psicológica , Terapia de Casal/métodos , Características da Família , Estresse Psicológico/terapia , Feminino , Humanos , Relações Interpessoais , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Resultado do Tratamento
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2358682, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38836379


Background: Past research has primarily focused on negative associations between PTSD and relationships. Therefore, this investigation delves into the potential positive role of these relational aspects in aiding PTSD recovery during treatment.Objective: This study aimed to examine the impact of dyadic coping and perceived partner responsiveness on treatment trajectories of PTSD patients.Method: The study included 90 participants, who were requested to complete online questionnaires twice, with a six-month gap between the measures.Results: The results from linear regression analyses indicated that perceived partner responsiveness had a positive effect on PTSD recovery, whereas dyadic coping had the opposite effect: higher levels of dyadic coping were associated with an increase in posttraumatic stress symptoms over time. Additional examination of the subscales indicated that heightened communication between clients and partners regarding stress was related with increased posttraumatic stress symptoms.Conclusions: These findings underscore the importance and complexity of effective and supportive communication between patients with PTSD and their partners. While existing literature supports both perceived partner responsiveness and dyadic coping as beneficial, this study indicates that only perceived partner responsiveness positively impacted PTSD recovery.

Perceived Partner Responsiveness and PTSD Recovery: the study reveals a significant positive impact of perceived partner responsiveness on PTSD recovery. Patients perceiving higher levels of understanding from their romantic partners experience enhanced recovery, possibly through increased social support and the development of new self-narratives.Dyadic Coping and PTSD Recovery: contrary to expectations, aspects of dyadic coping, particularly stress communication, were found to hinder PTSD recovery. Unhelpful disclosure and problematic interpersonal dynamics in discussing trauma within the relationship seemed to limit recovery, indicating the nuanced nature of communication's role in PTSD recovery.

Adaptação Psicológica , Relações Interpessoais , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Humanos , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/psicologia , Masculino , Feminino , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Longitudinais , Cônjuges/psicologia
An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 97(3): 179-189, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34544666


INTRODUCTION: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is one of the most frequent congenital diseases. When expectant fathers and mothers are informed of a CHD during pregnancy, they have to confront a series of individual and interpersonal psychological changes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychological impact of a prenatal diagnosis of CHD on expectant parents. The sample included 214 participants, mothers and their partners (case group, 57 pregnant women carrying a foetus with CHD and their partners and control group, 50 pregnant women and their partners). METHOD: Administration of the BSI-18, the DAS and FACES-III following prenatal diagnosis. RESULTS: Many parents (approximately 83.6%) went through stages of shock and denial in response to the diagnosis of disease that they had to confront and accept. At the individual level, 35.1% of fathers and 47.4% mothers had clinically significant scores of psychological distress. At the couple level, both fathers (77%) and mothers (82.4%) had expressed an idealized dyadic adjustment. Lastly, the perception of the family dynamic by 43.9% of fathers and 42.2% of mothers was in the mid range. CONCLUSION: The results highlight the complexity of the initial stage that these couples were going through.

Cardiopatias Congênitas , Angústia Psicológica , Relações Familiares , Pai/psicologia , Feminino , Cardiopatias Congênitas/diagnóstico , Humanos , Masculino , Gravidez , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 13(2): 2151097, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36867741


Background: A burn event can elicit symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in survivors and their partners and may impact the way these couple members interact with each other. They may try to protect each other from further emotional distress by avoiding talking about the burn event, but they may also show concern towards each other.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate bidirectional relationships between survivor's and partner's PTSD symptoms and two interpersonal processes: partner-oriented 'self-regulation', which is avoidance-oriented, and 'expressed concern', which is approach-oriented.Method: In this longitudinal multi-centre study, 119 burn survivors and their partners participated. Measures of PTSD symptoms, self-regulation, and expressed concern were administered in the acute phase following the burns, and follow-ups took place up to 18 months postburn. Intra- and interpersonal effects were examined in a random intercept cross-lagged panel model. Exploratory effects of burn severity were also investigated.Results: Within individuals, survivor's expressed concern predicted later higher levels of survivor's PTSD symptoms. In their partners, self-regulation and PTSD symptoms reinforced each other in the early phase postburn. Between the two couple members, partner's expressed concern predicted later lower levels of survivor's PTSD symptoms. Exploratory regression analyses showed that burn severity moderated the effect of survivor's self-regulation on survivor's PTSD symptoms, indicating that self-regulation was continuously related to higher levels of PTSD symptoms over time within more severely burned survivors, but not in less severely burned survivors.Conclusion: PTSD symptoms and self-regulation reinforced each other in partners and possibly also in more severely burned survivors. Partner's expressed concern was related to lower levels of survivor's PTSD symptoms, whereas survivor's expressed concern was related to higher levels of survivor's PTSD symptoms. These findings emphasize the importance of screening for and monitoring PTSD symptoms in burn survivors and their partner and of encouraging couple's self-disclosure.

PTSD symptoms in burn survivors and their partners are related to both avoidance- and approach-oriented interpersonal processes.In partners, higher levels of self-regulation were bidirectionally related to higher levels of posttraumatic stress symptoms.Concern expressed by partners may mitigate posttraumatic stress symptoms in burn survivors.

Queimaduras , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Humanos , Emoções , Nonoxinol , Sobreviventes
An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 2021 Aug 02.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34353747


INTRODUCTION: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is one of the most frequent congenital diseases. When expectant fathers and mothers are informed of a CHD during pregnancy, they have to confront a series of individual and interpersonal psychological changes. The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychological impact of a prenatal diagnosis of CHD on expectant parents. The sample included 214 participants, mothers and their partners (case group, 57 pregnant women carrying a foetus with CHD and their partners; and control group, 50 pregnant women and their partners). METHOD: Administration of BSI-18, DAS and FACES-III following prenatal diagnosis. RESULTS: Many parents (approximately 83.6%) went through stages of shock and denial in response to the diagnosis of disease that they had to confront and accept. At the individual level, 35.1% of fathers and 47.4% mothers had clinically significant scores of psychological distress. At the couple level, both fathers (77%) and mothers (82.4%) had expressed an idealized dyadic adjustment. Lastly, the perception of the family dynamic by 43.9% of fathers and 42.2% of mothers was in the mid-range. CONCLUSION: The results highlight the complexity of the initial stage that these couples were going through.

Enferm Clin (Engl Ed) ; 31(3): 156-165, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33839021


AIM: To identify a relationship between social support, family life cycle, family transition and stressful events; and the dyadic adjustment among couples from Seville with children of pediatric age. METHOD: Descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study. Ninety-five Sevillian couples were recruited following a consecutive stratified sampling by quotas. They filled in a questionnaire with the study variables and the Dyadic Adjustment and Social Support scales. Data collection was carried out in 2015. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Seville. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskall-Wallis non-parametric tests were used for statistical analysis, and Spearman test for correlation between variables. Significance was stated for P<.05. RESULTS: The couples were mostly marriages with good dyadic adjustment and social support. A percentage of 26.3 had infant and 73.7% children of school age. No relationship between the life cycle nor the family transition and the dyadic adjustment were identified. The beginning-end of schooling was related to spousal cohesion and there were positive correlations between dyadic adjustment and social support; and negative correlations between the number of children and social support, consensus and satisfaction of the couple. CONCLUSIONS: Social support and the number of children are identified as the main conditioning factors of dyadic adjustment. In this sense, it is essential to know the resources available to each couple to face the difficulties where social support and the union between the spouses can help them face the challenges.

Adaptação Psicológica , Relações Interpessoais , Criança , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Casamento , Cônjuges
Ter. psicol ; 42(1)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565916


The present study analyzes the psychometric properties of the Inventory of Family Integration (IFI) by means of a dyadic analysis based on the responses of fathers and mothers in families from the city of Arequipa, southern Peru. For this purpose, 264 married couples living with their families were non-probabilistically selected and administered the 52-item IFI. An analysis of dimensionality and reliability was carried out, and a factorial invariance analysis was applied under a dyadic approach and, finally, a comparative analysis using Cohen's d was performed. The results reported moderate correlations between the values of fathers and mothers in each family holon: personal, spousal, parental, sibling and familial. Likewise, the dimensionality fit of each holon in fathers and mothers was adequate with acceptable magnitudes, and the reliability indices calculated with Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's Omega tests were high. The five-factor internal structure and internal consistency in both fathers and mothers were corroborated.

El presente estudio analiza las propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Integración Familiar (IIF) mediante un análisis diádico en función de las respuestas de padres y madres de conforman una familia procedente de la ciudad de Arequipa, al sur de Perú. Para ello, se seleccionó de manera no probabilística a 264 parejas casadas que viven con sus familias, a quienes se les aplicó el IIF que consta de 52 ítems. Se realizó un análisis de la dimensionalidad y la confiabilidad, y se aplicó un análisis de invarianza factorial bajo un enfoque diádico y finalmente un análisis comparativo mediante la d de Cohen. Los resultados reportaron correlaciones moderadas entre los valores de los padres y madres en cada holón familiar: personal, conyugal, parental, fraternal y familiar. Asimismo, el ajuste de dimensionalidad de cada holón en padres y en madres fue adecuado con magnitudes aceptables, y los índices de confiabilidad calculados con las pruebas alfa de Cronbach y Omega de McDonald fueron elevados. Se corrobora la estructura interna de cinco factores y la consistencia interna tanto en padres como en madres.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 39: e39510, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psi (psicologia) | ID: biblio-1521373


Abstract This study sought evidence of construct validity for the Brazilian versions of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale. A total of 448 individuals participated in the research, 253 women and 195 men from several regions of Brazil who had been cohabiting with their marital partners for an average of 14.7 years. Several proposed models for the measure were tested in Structural Equation Modeling. In the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the four-factor and hierarchical models of the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale showed good overall adjustments. Evidence of factor, convergent, and discriminant validity were also found. Composite reliability revealed adequate levels of internal consistency. The Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis demonstrated a strong measurement invariance model for men and women.

Resumo Este estudo verificou evidências de validade de construto para as versões brasileiras da Dyadic Adjustment Scale e da Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale. Participaram da pesquisa 448 indivíduos, 253 mulheres e 195 homens de diversas regiões nacionais que coabitavam com seus parceiros conjugais há 14,7 anos, em média. Na Análise Fatorial Confirmatória, foram testados seis modelos anteriormente propostos para a medida. Entre eles, quatro fatores correlacionados e hierárquico multidimensional da Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale apresentaram os melhores ajustes gerais. Foram encontradas evidências de validades fatorial, convergente e discriminante e níveis adequados de consistência interna por meio da confiabilidade composta. Também foi demonstrada a invariância de medida forte do modelo da RDAS entre homens e mulheres.

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