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Sensors (Basel) ; 20(24)2020 Dec 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33352876


High-precision positioning with low-cost global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) in urban environments remains a significant challenge due to the significant multipath effects, non-line-of-sight (NLOS) errors, as well as poor satellite visibility and geometry. A GNSS system is typically implemented with a least-square (LS) or a Kalman-filter (KF) estimator, and a proper weight scheme is vital for achieving reliable navigation solutions. The traditional weight schemes are based on the signal-in-space ranging errors (SISRE), elevation and C/N0 values, which would be less effective in urban environments since the observation quality cannot be fully manifested by those values. In this paper, we propose a new multi-feature support vector machine (SVM) signal classifier-based weight scheme for GNSS measurements to improve the kinematic GNSS positioning accuracy in urban environments. The proposed new weight scheme is based on the identification of important features in GNSS data in urban environments and intelligent classification of line-of-sight (LOS) and NLOS signals. To validate the performance of the newly proposed weight scheme, we have implemented it into a real-time single-frequency precise point positioning (SFPPP) system. The dynamic vehicle-based tests with a low-cost single-frequency u-blox M8T GNSS receiver demonstrate that the positioning accuracy using the new weight scheme outperforms the traditional C/N0 based weight model by 65.4% and 85.0% in the horizontal and up direction, and most position error spikes at overcrossing and short tunnels can be eliminated by the new weight scheme compared to the traditional method. It also surpasses the built-in satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) solutions of the u-blox M8T and is even better than the built-in real-time-kinematic (RTK) solutions of multi-frequency receivers like the u-blox F9P and Trimble BD982.

Sensors (Basel) ; 20(4)2020 Feb 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32085656


In urban canyon environments, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellites are heavily obstructed with frequent rise and fall and severe multi-path errors induced by signal reflection, making it difficult to acquire precise, continuous, and reliable positioning information. To meet imperative demands for high-precision positioning of public users in complex environments, like urban canyons, and to solve the problems for GNSS/pseudolite positioning under these circumstances, the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Precision Point Positioning (PPP) algorithm combined with a pseudolite (PLS) was introduced. The former problems with the pseudolite PPP technique with distributed pseudo-satellites, which relies heavily on known points for initiation and prerequisite for previous high-precision time synchronization, were solved by means of a real-time equivalent clock error estimation algorithm, ambiguity fixing, and validation method. Experiments based on a low-cost receiver were performed, and the results show that in a weak obstructed environment with low-density building where the number of GNSS satellites was greater than seven, the accuracy of pseudolite/GNSS PPP with fixed ambiguity was better than 0.15 m; when there were less than four GNSS satellites in severely obstructed circumstances, it was impossible to obtain position by GNSS alone, but with the support of a pseudolite, the accuracy of PPP was able to be better than 0.3 m. Even without GNSS, the accuracy of PPP could be better than 0.5 m with only four pseudolites. The pseudolite/GNSS PPP algorithm presented in this paper can effectively improve availability with less GNSS or even without GNSS in constrained environments, like urban canyons in cities.

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